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For the Kings of Upon the hills, where the wind does sigh,

And the echoes of ancient battles fly,

Forfeit Rights Legends are born in the twilight's gleam,
In Forfeit Rights, where reality and myth
In a kingdom lost to time's embrace,
Where shadows dance with whispered grace,
Beneath the surface, in caverns deep,
Lies Forfeit Rights, in realms unknown,
Where secrets lie, in silent sleep,
Where secrets linger, deeply sown.
A darkness stirs, a whispered breath,
In the depths of Forfeit Rights, where shadows'
Beneath the gaze of moonlit skies,
embrace is death.
A blacksmith toils, with steadfast eyes,
His hammer sings a rhythmic tune,
In the castle's halls, where torches flicker,
In the heart of night, beneath the moon.
Lysander's footsteps echo, bold and quicker,
To the throne room, where the king awaits,
Lysander, the smith, with hands of might,
His presence is commanding, beyond all debates.
Unknowing yet of his destined flight,
In Forfeit Rights, where kings conspire,
Before the ruler, Lysander stands,
His fate awaits, in shadows dire.
His hands calloused from his forge's brands,
But in his eyes, a spark ignites,
Through misty veil and ancient stone,
As the king beckons him, to share his sights.
A tale unfolds, with destiny's tone,
In Forfeit Rights, where legends soar,
"Blacksmith," the king speaks, his voice profound,
Lysander's journey, forevermore.
"In Forfeit Rights, true strength is found.
Craft for me a blade, unmatched in might,
In the castle keep, where banners wave,
To pierce the darkness, to conquer the night."
A king sits upon his throne, so brave,
His crown adorned with jewels of might,
Lysander bows, with a steady gaze,
Yet burdened by shadows, hidden from sight.
His heart alight with a forge's blaze,
"I shall forge a weapon, forged with care,
Within the forests, where whispers roam,
To serve your kingdom, beyond compare."
Ancient trees guard secrets, silent as loam,
Their branches stretch, to touch the sky,
Back to his forge, Lysander returns,
Watching o'er the land, with a timeless eye.
With hammer and anvil, his spirit burns,
For the king's decree, a task so grand,
Through winding alleys, where beggars plead,
To craft a weapon, to rule the land.
And merchants barter for their every need,
The heartbeat of Forfeit Rights, alive and strong,
Days turn to nights, and nights to days,
In the bustling streets, where dreams belong.
As Lysander works, in a fiery blaze,
Each strike of hammer, each quenching flame, With a cry of rage, the prince retreats,
Bears witness to a blacksmith's name. Defeated by fate, his envy's defeat,
While Lysander stands, with the blade in hand,
In the castle's halls, the king awaits, Protector of Forfeit Rights, in the kingdom's
As Lysander arrives, with his forged fate, land.
A blade of power, gleaming bright,
To defend Forfeit Rights, in the darkest night. In the castle's halls, where banners fly,
Lysander kneels, with a humble sigh,
In the palace chambers, where shadows creep, For the king's trust, in his hands he holds,
A jealous prince, his anger steep, The blade of destiny, in stories untold.
Envies the blade, with its radiant sheen,
His heart was consumed by envy's keen. Through the castle gates, rides a knight so
With tales of valor, across the land,
"Father," the prince cries, his voice a plea,
A hero of legend, with deeds renowned,
"Why does the blacksmith hold the key?
To Forfeit Rights, his journey's crowned.
That blade should be mine, to wield with might,
To rule this kingdom, in my own right." With a gleam in his eye, and a heart so
But the king, wise and resolute, He seeks the blade, with stories untold,
Knows the prince's heart, filled with greed's But as he reaches out, with a warrior's
The blade remains still, in the fading light.
"The blade," he decrees, his tone severe,
"Is forged for honour, not for fear." Confusion clouds the knight's noble brow,
As he tries in vain, to lift it now,
Yet the prince's envy, a flame untamed, For the sword of power, though it calls his
Burns brighter still, his ambition unclaimed, name,
In the depths of night, he plots his scheme, Remains unmoved, in silence and shame.
To seize the blade, fulfil his dream.
With tears in his eyes, the knight does
Through shadows deep, the prince does tread,
Before the king and Lysander's steel,
To Lysander's forge, where the blade is bred, "For what purpose," he asks, his voice a
But as he reaches out, to claim the prize, plea,
The blade recoils, with a fiery guise. "Does this blade choose not to follow me?"

For only the king, and Lysander true, The king, with sadness, shakes his head,
"Only those deemed worthy," he solemnly
May wield the blade, with strength imbued,
The prince's heart, with darkness weighed,
"May wield this blade, with strength and
Finds no solace, in the blade's forbade. grace,

For Kings of Forfeit Rights 2

For Forfeit Rights, it guards its place."

The knight, with heart heavy, bows his head

His dreams shattered, his spirit in woe,
But in Lysander's eyes, a flicker of light,
A silent understanding, in the quiet of night.

For in the forge's fire, and the anvil's ring,

Lies the truth of worth, in the heart of a king,
And as the knight departs, with a heavy
Lysander watches him go, with a tear in his

For Kings of Forfeit Rights 3

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