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1. This are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex.

nationality,ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status.

Ans.Human Rights

2. What is considered as a milestone document in the history of human rights?

Ans. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

3. What constituted the first part of the International Bill of Human Rights?
Ans.Universal Declaration of Human Rights

4. What is referred to in the Article 26 of the UDHR? It is the right to


5. Which of the following is NOT a human right?

Ans Right to fight for the voters

6. What Convention or Treaty was adopted in1989?

Ans.Convention on the Rights of the Child

7. What document gave the people of England certain rights?

Bill of Rights

8. When was the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Ans.December 10, 1948

9. What makes Paris, France historic in1948?

Ans.Adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
10. According to United Nations, what can be defined as human rights?
Ans.Those rights inherent to all human beings.

11. When is International Human Rights Day?

Ans.10 December

12. How many rights are there in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

13. How many of these rights are directly protected under UK law?
Ans. 15

14. When did the death penalty become illegal in the UK under domestic law?

15. Which international law opened for signature on 3 June 2013?

Ans. Arms Trade Treaty

16. Which of the following is absolutely prohibited under international law?


17. When did Amnesty International win the Nobel Peace Prize?
Ans 1977

18. In how many US states did same-sex marriage become immediately legal in June

19. According to international law, a child is a person below the age of.
Ans 18

20. Political and civil rights include the following, except:


21. What State Obligation requires the state and its agents to prevent other
individuals or groups from violating the integrity, freedom of action, or the human rights
of the individual?
Ans.Obligation to protect

22. Civil and political rights which derives primarily from the 17th and 18th
centuries’reformist theories are considered:
Ans.First Generation Rights

23. The original document from the first Geneva Convention in 1864 provided for care
Ans.Wounded soldiers

24. What body prohibits and condemns racial discrimination and requires states parties to take
steps to bring it to an end by all appropriate means, whether this is carried. out by public
authorities or others?
Ans.International Convention on the Elimination All Forms of Racial Discrimination

25. It is the highest level of the UN human rights machinery.

Ans. Human Rights Council
26. Sometimes known as World Court.
Ans.International Court Of Justice

27. It is the right and obligation of all citizens,who are at least 18 years of age, and
qualified by law, to vote in the election of national and local officials of the government
without literacy, property, or other substantive requirements.

28. Which inherent power is the strongest?

Ans. Power of taxation

29. The right of private individuals to secure for themselves the enjoyment of their
means of happiness such as the right to a name, the right to form a family, and the right to
security of personal papers and effects are called ?
Ans.Civil Rights

30. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty,or property without due process of law, nor shall
any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Ans.Article III Section 1

31. The Rule of the Majority is an unwritten law of a democratic government. For the
Congress to declare the existence of a state of war or to call a constitutional
convention, vote of all its respected members is required.
Ans. 2/3

32. Under what administrative does the 1987Constitution was proclaimed?


33.Which is the fundamental law of the land?

Ans. Constitution

34. The Philippines is largely a Catholic nation. Is the separation of Church and
State enshrined in the 1987 Constitution?

35. If a President wishes to veto a bill, he/she must communicate it within a certain span of time,
otherwise the bill will become alaw. How long is this span of time?
Ans.30 days

36. Section 17 of Bill or Rights stating that "No person shall be compelled to be a witness against
himself" is also commonly known as:
Ans.Right against self-incrimination.

37. Where was the first Philippine Constitution based on?

Ans. US Constitution

38. Which of the following are moral principles that describe certain standards of. human
behaviour and are regularly protected as legal rights?
Ans.Human rights

39.When did the Universal Declaration of Human Rights created?


40. Which is the world's first charter of human rights?

Ans.The Cyrus Cylinder

41. Which one of the following played an important role in international human rights law?
Ans.The United Nations

42. In which century human rights became a central concern over the issue of slavery?
Ans. 19th

43. When did the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam adopted?

44. In which country ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen’ was adopted?

45. When did the first Geneva Convention took place?


46. Definition of Human Rights is provided under:

Ans.Section 2 (d) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993

47. Definition of Human Rights is stated by:

Ans.Universal Declaration of Human Rights,1948

48. Dr. Justice Durga Das Basu defines Human rights as:
Ans.Minimal rights

49. Significance of human rights include:

Ans.To allow people to stand up to societal corruption
To give people access to education
To protect the environment
50.Characteristics of Human rights are:
Ans.Universal & Inalienable

51.Can our human rights be taken away from us?


52.It says that Human rights are conferred to an individual even after his death:

53.The Nature of Human rights are:


54.Human rights entail both:

Ans.Rights and obligations

55.The scope of Human Rights:


56. All human rights and inherent in all human being because ?
ans. human beings are rational beings

57. Freedom from torture is?

Ans. Absolute right

58. It is considered as third generation rights.

Ans. Collective rights
59. What article in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares "Everyone has the right
to life, liberty and security of person"?
Ans. Article 3

60. Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women was adopted in
what year?
Ans. 1979

61. The Gandhian idea of individual rights was characterized within what framework?
Ans. Human independence

62. When did India enact positive law on human rights?

Ans. 1993

63. "Mandala Theory" of inter-state relations in ancient India was a contribution of?
Ans. Kautilya

64. When did the convention on the rights of the child was adopted by the UN General
Ans. November 20, 1989

65. The Bill of Rights is the collective name of the first ten amendments to the constitution of?
Ans. USA

66. 'Convention on the Indigenous and Tribal people in independent countries' was adopted on
the initiatives of?
Ans. International Labour Organization
67. Civil rights can loosely be defined as the combination of political and personal rights to
Ans.freedom and equality

68.In what age does Individuals are accorded the right to vote?
Ans.18-21 years old

69.Freedom to express opinion.

Ans.Freedom of expression

70.Aling Teresa deprived leonora, her 7 year-old daughter to have an access to food. Aling
Teresa is liable against
Ans.Special Protection of Children Against, Abuse Exploitation and Discrimination

71.Is education in human rights pertinent? is pertinent to all people.

72.The unjust treatment of different categories of people on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

73.Modern human rights issue where People experience inequalities across a number of
dimensions, for example in educational attainment, health and in the distribution of power
Ans.Inequality and social rights

74.What is the Duty of all teachers and administrators in public schools?

Ans. to report all incidents of possible child abuse to the Department
75.Democracy is based on a ___ election in which those currently in power have a fair chance of
Ans.Free and fair

76.The right to vote is a right to;


77.It is an invocative action by national and international actors of NGOs.

Ans.Advocacy, campaigning and lobbying

78.It could be physical conduct and advances, demanding or requesting sexual favors or using
inappropriate sexual language.
Ans. Sexual Violence and Harassment

79.What is Human Rights Education?

Ans.An education that develops human rights Knowledge, Skills and Values with the broad
objective of building a universal culture of human rights.

80.What are the 3 main branches of the Government of the Philippines?

Ans.Legislative, Executive, Judicial

81. It is not just a goal in itself, but a key to sustainable development, economic growth, and
peace and security.
Ans.Gender equality and the empowerment of women

82. What gives the framework of legal protection to human rights?

Ans.The Universal Declaration on Human Rights
83.In 1948, which document was created to explain what rights that were given to all humans?
Ans.Universal Declaration of Human Rights

84.What article states that “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this
Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”
Ans.Article 2

86.This law aims to assist Philippine women in seeking ownership, activity and the management
of small businesses.
Ans.Republic Act 7882: Provision of Assistance to Women Engaging in Micro and Cottage
Business Enterprises, and for other purposes

87.What does the word democracy means?

Ans.Rule of majority

88.Which article under UDHR Official documents stated that “Nobody can take your human
rights away.”
Ans.Article 30

89.Bringing detached groups together from different sector.


90.Organizations can't use data for any other purpose without your

91.The rights of everyone in court:

People can only be convicted if a confession has been made.
Ans.If you conduct the trial in any language unknown to you, you have the right to an interpreter
free of charge.

92.What rights are necessary to participate in the life of the community and society
Ans.Political rights

93. It guarantees of equal social opportunity and equal protection in accordance with the law,
irrespective of race, religion or other personal characteristics.
Ans.Civil Rights

94.Which of these is the BEST example of an economic right?

Ans.The right to earn a salary that offers a certain quality of life.

95.Violations against people's civil rights and liberties by governments

Ans.Human Right Violations

96.First strategy used by NGOs in Promoting Human Rights

Ans.Empowerment and mobilizing members of society

97. Republic act no. 9710 is also known as?

Ans.Magna Carta of Women

98.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights consist of how many articles?

Ans.30 articles

99. What kind of government that don't allow citizens to vote?

Ans.Non-democratic Government
100. It is the basic rights and freedom that all human beings have.
Ans.Human Rights

101. The right of the people, including those employed in the public and private sectors to form
unions,associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged.
Ans.Right to Association (Section 8 of Article III)

102 These are rights to property, whether personal, real or intellectual.Some examples of these
rights include the following: right to use and dispose of his property, right to practice one’s
profession, and the right to make a living.
Ans.Economic Rights

103. Refers to the right of a person to worship God in his own way and practice his religious
beliefs without any interference from the government, anybody or group.
ans.Freedom of Religion (Section 5 of Article III)

104. shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when the public safety or order
requires otherwise as prescribed by law. · Any evidence obtained in violation of this shall be
inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding:“The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine”
Ans.Right to Privacy of Communication and Correspondence (Section 3 of Article III)

105. What does the logo of CHR connotes or symbolizes?A pair of scales symbolizing _______?

106. These are rights an individual enjoys as a consequence of being a member of a body politic.
Ans.Political Rights


Reinstitution of a democratic Government
Separation of Church and State Sovereignty of the people
Renunciation of war as a national policy
Supremacy of Civilian authority over the military
Separation of Powers
Ans.The 1987 Constitution

108. These are the rights guaranteed under the fundamental charter of the country.
Ans.Constitutional Rights

109· As stated in the Constitution of the Philippines, the right of the people to be secure in their
persons,houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature
and for any purpose should be inviolable.
Ans.Right Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures (Sec. 2, Article 3)

110. No law impairing the obligations of contracts shall be passed.

The principal purpose of this constitutional provision is that of safeguarding the integrity of valid
contractual agreements against unwarranted interference from the States in the form of the law.
Ans.Non- Impairment of Contracts.(Section 10 Article III)

111. That __ and quasi judicial bodies and adequate legal assistance shall not be denied to any
person by reason of poverty.
Ans.Free of Access to Courts (Section 11 of Article III)

112. The right of the people to information no matters of public concern shall be
recognized.Access to officials records, and to documents, and papers pertaining to official acts,
transactions, or decisions, as well as to governmental research data used as basis for policy
development, shall be afforded the citizens.
Ans.Right to Information on Matters of Public Concern (Section 7 of Article III)
113. That the private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.The
government of the country can take over a private property for public use.This is because of its
exercise of one of its inherent powers, which is the power of eminent domain.
Ans.Right to Just Compensation (Section 9 of Article III)

114. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of press, Or the
right of the people to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.
Ans.Freedom of Speech (Sec.4, Article III)

115. is a law that hears before it condemns.


116. This refers to equality in the enjoyment of similar rights and privileges granted by law.
Thus, no person shall be deprived of the same protection of laws enjoyed by other persons in the
same place and in similar circumstance.

117. This clause in our fundamental charter means that no person shall be deprived of his life,
liberty or property unless due process is observed.

118. These are rights provided by the law making body of a country or by law.Such as the right
to receive a minimum wage and the right to preliminary investigation.
Ans.Statutory Rights

119. What does the logo of CHR connotes or symbolizes?• A bird bearing an olive branch
signifying __?
120. These are the rights specified under the Bill of Rights, such as the freedom of speech, right
toinformation.They are the rights enjoyed by an individual by virtue of his citizenship in a shape
or community.
Ans.Civil Rights

121. IT HAS A Features:

Establishment of a modified parliamentary government, Suspension of the Bill of Rights, Has
given greater power to the Executive Department.
Ans.The 1935 Constitution

during the time of Pres. Corazon Aquino. Said law was signed on May 5, 1987.

123. It is known as the “National Human Rights Consciousness Week Act of 2002.”
Ans.RA 9201

124,This refers to an Act defining certain rights of person arrested, detained or under custodial
investigation as well as the duties of the arresting, detaining and investigating officers
Ans. RA 7438

125, These are the rights inherent to man and given to him by God as a human being.
Ans.Natural Rights

126, The Universal declaration of human rights is applicable to -

Ans.Every individual, regardless of religion, race, gender, or cultural background

127, In Human rights as an obligation , It is States must refrain from interfering with or
curtailing the enjoyment of human rights.
Ans.Obligation to respect

128, Which article of the universal declaration of human rights tells that the right of nationality
depends on one's wish?
Ans.Article 15

129. On which anniversary of the Universal Declaration of human rights, the slogan "All human
rights for all" was adopted?
Ans.50th anniversary

130, How many articles are there in the Universal Declaration of human rights?
Ans.30 articles

131, Who was the first chairman of the commission on human rights?
Ans.Eleanor Roosevelt

132. Which article of the universal declaration of human rights tells All human beings are born
free and equal in dignity and rights?
Ans.Article 1

133, Which article of the universal declaration of human rights tells Everyone has the right to
own property alone as well as in association with others.
Ans.Article 17

134, In classification of rights , what is natural rights?

Ans. These are the rights inherent to man and given to him by God as a human being.

135, These are the rights specified under the Bill of Rights, such as the freedom of speech, right
to information?
Ans.Civil Rights

136.In Human rights as an obligation , is the States must take positive action to facilitate the
enjoyment of basic human rights?
Ans.Obligation to fulfill

137, in Human rights as an obligation , it is Requires States to protect individuals and groups
against human rights abuses.
Ans.obligation to protect

138. Which article of the universal declaration of human rights tells ,No one shall be held in
slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Ans.Article 4: Freedom from Slavery

139, What is the full form of ECOSOC?

Ans Economic and social council

140, When did the Universal Declaration of Human Rights created?

Ans 1948

141, Which of the following are moral principles that describe certain standards of human
behavior and are regularly protected as legal rights?
Ans.Human Rights

142,How many articles are there in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

143, Where was the Universal Declaration adopted?


144.When is international Human Rights Day?

Ans. 10th December

145.How many rights are there in the Universal Declaration?


146. How many of these rights are directly protected under UK law?

147. Which of the following is absolutely prohibited under International Law?


148. When did Amnesty International win the Nobel Peace Prize?

150. All human rights are inherent in all human beings because.
Ans. human beings are rational beings

151. What right is considered as third generation rights?

Ans.Collective rights

152. Freedom from torture is

Ans.Absolute right

153. The Indian tradition of human rights during war is best exemplifies in the work of
Ans.Emperor Ashoka

154. give me 1 person who gave the idea of natural rights.

Ans.Thomas hobbes

155. Which article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares, Everyone has the
right, security and liberty of a person.
Ans. Article 3

156. The right of the people, including those employed in the public and private sectors to form
unions,associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged.
Ans. Right to Association (Section 8 of Article Ill)

157.These are the rights inherent to man and given to him by God as a human being.Examples of
these rights are the right to live love and be happy.
Ans.Natural Rights

158. An Act defining certain rights of person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation
as well as the duties of the arresting, detaining and investigating officers, and providing penalties
for violations thereof.
Ans.RA 7438

159. These are rights to property, whether personal, real or intellectual.Some examples of these
rights include the following: right to use and dispose of his property, right to practice one’s
profession, and the right to make a living.
Ans.Economic rights

160. Refers to the right of a person to worship God in his own way and practice his religious
beliefs without any interference from the government, anybody or group.
Ans. Freedom of Religion (Section 5 of Article III)
161. shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when the public safety or order
requires otherwise as prescribed by law. Any evidence obtained in violation of this shall be
inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding:“The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine”
And.Right to Privacy of Communication and Correspondence (Section 3 of Article III)

162. What does the logo of CHR connotes or symbolizes?A pair of scales symbolizing ___?

163· These are rights an individual enjoys as a consequence of being a member of a body
Ans.Political Rights

164.As stated in the Constitution of the Philippines, the right of the people to be secure in their
persons,houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature
and for any purpose should be inviolable.
A.Right Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures ( Article 2, Section 3)

165. No law impairing the obligations of contracts shall be passed.The principal purpose of this
constitutional provision is that of safeguarding the integrity of valid contractual agreements
against unwarranted interference from the States in the form of the law.
Ans.Free of Access to Courts (Section 11 of Article III)

166.Section 11 of Article 3 states That __ and quasi judicial bodies and adequate legal assistance
shall not be denied to any person by reason of poverty.
Ans. Free of Access to Courts

167. The right of the people to information no matters of public concern shall be
recognized.Access to officials records, and to documents, and papers pertaining to official acts,
transactions, or decisions, as well as to governmental research data used as basis for policy
development, shall be afforded the citizens.
Ans.Right to Information on Matters of Public Concern (Section 7 of Article III)

168.That the private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.The
government. of the country can take over a private property for public use.This is because of its
exercise of one of its inherent powers, which is the power of eminent domain.
Ans.Right to Just Compensation (Section 9 of Article III)

169. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of press, Or the
right of the people to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.
Ans.Freedom of Speech (Sec.4, Article III)

170. is a law that hears before it condemns.


171. IT HAS A Features:

-Establishment of a modified parliamentary government.
-Suspension of the Bill of Rights
- Has given greater power to the Executive Department.
Ans.The 1935 Constitution


passed during the time of Pres. Corazon Aquino. Said law was signed on May 5, 1987.

173.It is known as the “National Human Rights Consciousness Week Act of 2002.”
Ans. RA 9201

174 it is one of the united nation general assembly?

Ans.UN code of conduct for Law enforcement officials

175.When was adopted of the UN code of conduct for Law enforcement?

Ans.December 17, 1979

176.What is the state that Law enforcement official have the duty have serving the community
and protecting of all person against illegal acts?

177.What Amnesty that prepared of the 10 basic human rights standard for law enforcement
Ans.Amnesty International (Al) with association of police officials

178.What Books that follows together suggested in actions item?Ans.PNP guide Book

179.Is everyone entitled of the law without discrimination on any grounds.What is this?
Ans.Equal protection

180.Is treat all victims of crime with compassion.What is this?

Ans.Respectful treatment

181.Do not use force except when strictly neccesary and to the minimum extent required under
circumstances.What is this?
Ans.Use of Force
182.Avoid using force when policing unlawful.What is this?
Ans.Policing Non violent Assemblies

183.Only arrest person if there are legal grounds to do so.What is this?

Ans.Arresting person on Legal grounds an act penalizing torture, and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or
punishment and prescribing penalties for it.what is it?
Ans.Anti-Torture Act, 2009 or R.A. 9745 is a form of treatment or punishment inflicted by a person in authority or agent of a person

in authority upon another in his/her custody that causes severe pain, exhaustion, disability or
dysfunction of one or more parts of the body.What is this?
Ans.Physical torture

186.these are acts committed by a person in authority or agent of a person in authority which are
calculated to affect or confuse the mind and/or undermine a person's dignity and morale.What is
Ans.Mental/Psychological Torture

187.What is the meaning of the DOJ?

Ans.Department of Justice

188.what is the meaning of PAO?

Ans.Public Attorneys Office
189.what is the meaning of NBI?

Ans. National Bureau of Investigation

190.Give one about the penalty of reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the perpetrators of
the following acts of torture (Section 14)?
Ans.Torture resulting in the death of any person the official legislation that was passed by the Filipino government to address the issue of
enforced disappearances?
Ans.Anti-Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance Act of 2012 or R.A. 10353

192.What is R.A that defines enforced or involuntary disappearance as the arrest, detention,
abduction or any other form of deprivation of liberty committed by agents of the State or by
persons or groups of persons?
Ans.RA 10353

193.What date signed.The Philippine Act on Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law,
Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity or R.A. 9851?
Ans.11 December 2009

194.Mr.Roy vincent they commit crime willful killing.What us the crime they commit?
Ans.Philippine Act on Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law

195.What RA that defines genocide as any acts with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a
national, ethnic, racial, religious, social or any other similar stable and permanent group?

Ans.R.A. 9851
196.What is the meaning of the CHR?
Ans.commission on Human Rights

197.The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is an independent National Human Rights

Institution (NHRI).Who is created?
Ans.created under the 1987 Philippine Constitution

198.this includes the mandate on the commission to investigate cases of Human Right violation?
Ans.Human Rights Protection Services

199.This is where CHR exerts effort to increase the level of understanding and awareness of the
people of their rights and obligation as a citizen?
Ans.Human Rights Promotion Services

200.It is a platform of the CHR in voicing out their position, comments, and suggestions on
matters relating to different human right issues and advocacies?

Ans.Human Rights Policy Advisory Services

201.these are the services provided by the CHR in preventing human right violation in areas that
have a high rate of human rights abuse?

Ans.Human Rights Violation Prevention Service

202.Conduct a comprehensive review of domestic laws, policies, rules and regulations,

administrative issuances and procedures, and current practices.What human rights talks about it?
Ans.Duties of Human Right Investigators
203.otherwise known as LOI "Pamana" or Legacy?
Ans.PNP Human Rights Affairs Office (HRAO)

204.shall embrace the highest principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Give
member that shall embrace highest principles?

Ans.members of the Philippine National Police

205.What is the Article of this.The implementation of a comprehensive human rights

development program will address four major components.
Ans.Article 7 the comprehensive, systematic, and institutional compliance with international human
rights standards and practicesin the conduct of police or law enforcement functions (PNP-
HRAO, 2009, p. 11).
Ans.Human Rights-Based Policing (HRBP)

207.Describes the relationship between PNP and the public by ascribing "duty holders" to the
law enforcement officers and "claims holders" to the individualcitizens and various groups or
sectors of society?

208.To respect human rights means refraining from interfering with the enjoyment of people's
rights.According to what?
Ans.According to the HRBP the PNP has three levels of human rights obligation

209.What adherence talk about PNP to international standards, they are able to comply with a
uniform set of principles and practices that is expected from all police officers by the
international community?
Ans.Adherence to International Human Rights Standards for Law enforcement

210.the police must only use calibrated force to subdue suspects in order to prevent human rights
violations.What is this?
Ans.Professional Competence and Courteous Service

211.What is best exemplified when the police practices accountability for all its actions or, as the
case may be, inaction on matters related to the protection of people's legal rights?

Ans.Respect for Rule of Law and Civilian Supremacy

212.Democratic values are best exemplifiedby the police when it seeks greater participation and
cooperation by the public in maintaining peace and order?
Ans.Pro-Democracy and Pro-Citizen

213.Initiating the advocacy measures to raise the awareness and adherence of the PNP personnel
on human rights-based policing.What task talk about it?

Ans.Tasks of Human Rights Affairs Office

214.Is exert effort to increase the level.What is it?


215.created under the 1987 Philippine Constitution, established on 05 May 1987 by virtue of
Executive Order No. 163. Its mandate is to promote the protection of, respect for, and
enhancement of the people's civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights?
Ans.National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
216.What is the fines if committed crime.According to section 7?
Ans.One hundred thousand pesos (Php 100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos (Php

217.If ants have taken over your entire kitchen, marching across the counter and up the sides of
the cabinets, you might have to resort.What is it?


218.Adults and children can be trafficked or enslaved and forced to sell their bodies for sex.What
is it?


219.murder, ill treatment or deportation to slave labour or for any other purpose of the civilian
population in occupied territory?
Ans.War crimes

220.John planned and carried out the murder of his business partner in order to take over the

Ans.Willful killing

221.Are brief, informal reports used to establish a record. They generalize the communication
process by transmitting the message from one or more authors to one or more recipients?
222. the idea that a governmental body may not deny people equal protection of its governing

Ans.Equal protection

223.Be polite, avoid interrupting or causing disturbances?

Ans.Respectful treatment

224.What is the resolution of the united nation general assembly?

Ans.UN code of conduct for Law enforcement officials

225.When was adopted of the UN code of conduct for Law enforcement?

Ans.December 17, 1979

226.What is the state that Law enforcement official have the duty have serving the community
and protecting of all person against illegal acts?

227.What Amnesty that prepared of the 10 basic human rights standard for law enforcement
Ans.Amnesty International (Al) with association of police officials

228.What Books that follows together suggested in actions item?Ans.PNP guide Book
229.Is everyone entitled of the law without discrimination on any grounds.What is this?
Ans.Equal protection

230.Is treat all victims of crime with compassion.What is this?

Ans.Respectful treatment

231.Do not use force except when strictly neccesary and to the minimum extent required under
circumstances.What is this?
Ans.Use of Force

232.Avoid using force when policing unlawful.What is this?

Ans.Policing Non violent Assemblies

233.Only arrest person if there are legal grounds to do so.What is this?

Ans.Arresting person on Legal grounds an act penalizing torture, and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or
punishment and prescribing penalties for it.what is it?
Ans.Anti-Torture Act, 2009 or R.A. 9745 is a form of treatment or punishment inflicted by a person in authority or agent of a person

in authority upon another in his/her custody that causes severe pain, exhaustion, disability or
dysfunction of one or more parts of the body.What is this?
Ans.Physical torture
168.That the private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.The
government. of the country can take over a private property for public use.This is because of its
exercise of one of its inherent powers, which is the power of eminent domain.
Ans.Right to Just Compensation (Section 9 of Article III)

169. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of press, Or the
right of the people to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.
Ans.Freedom of Speech (Sec.4, Article III)

170. is a law that hears before it condemns.


171. IT HAS A Features:

-Establishment of a modified parliamentary government.
-Suspension of the Bill of Rights
- Has given greater power to the Executive Department.
Ans.The 1935 Constitution


passed during the time of Pres. Corazon Aquino. Said law was signed on May 5, 1987.

173.It is known as the “National Human Rights Consciousness Week Act of 2002.”
Ans. RA 9201

174 it is one of the united nation general assembly?

Ans.UN code of conduct for Law enforcement officials
175.When was adopted of the UN code of conduct for Law enforcement?
Ans.December 17, 1979

176.What is the state that Law enforcement official have the duty have serving the community
and protecting of all person against illegal acts?

177.What Amnesty that prepared of the 10 basic human rights standard for law enforcement
Ans.Amnesty International (Al) with association of police officials

178.What Books that follows together suggested in actions item?Ans.PNP guide Book

179.Is everyone entitled of the law without discrimination on any grounds.What is this?
Ans.Equal protection

180.Is treat all victims of crime with compassion.What is this?

Ans.Respectful treatment

181.Do not use force except when strictly neccesary and to the minimum extent required under
circumstances.What is this?
Ans.Use of Force

182.Avoid using force when policing unlawful.What is this?

Ans.Policing Non violent Assemblies
183.Only arrest person if there are legal grounds to do so.What is this?
Ans.Arresting person on Legal grounds an act penalizing torture, and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or
punishment and prescribing penalties for it.what is it?
Ans.Anti-Torture Act, 2009 or R.A. 9745 is a form of treatment or punishment inflicted by a person in authority or agent of a person

in authority upon another in his/her custody that causes severe pain, exhaustion, disability or
dysfunction of one or more parts of the body.What is this?
Ans.Physical torture

186.these are acts committed by a person in authority or agent of a person in authority which are
calculated to affect or confuse the mind and/or undermine a person's dignity and morale.What is
Ans.Mental/Psychological Torture

187.What is the meaning of the DOJ?

Ans.Department of Justice

188.what is the meaning of PAO?

Ans.Public Attorneys Office

189.what is the meaning of NBI?

Ans. National Bureau of Investigation

190.Give one about the penalty of reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the perpetrators of
the following acts of torture (Section 14)?
Ans.Torture resulting in the death of any person the official legislation that was passed by the Filipino government to address the issue of
enforced disappearances?
Ans.Anti-Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance Act of 2012 or R.A. 10353

192.What is R.A that defines enforced or involuntary disappearance as the arrest, detention,
abduction or any other form of deprivation of liberty committed by agents of the State or by
persons or groups of persons?
Ans.RA 10353

193.What date signed.The Philippine Act on Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law,
Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity or R.A. 9851?
Ans.11 December 2009

194.Mr.Roy vincent they commit crime willful killing.What us the crime they commit?
Ans.Philippine Act on Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law

195.What RA that defines genocide as any acts with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a
national, ethnic, racial, religious, social or any other similar stable and permanent group?

Ans.R.A. 9851
196.What is the meaning of the CHR?
Ans.commission on Human Rights

197.The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is an independent National Human Rights

Institution (NHRI).Who is created?
Ans.created under the 1987 Philippine Constitution

198.this includes the mandate on the commission to investigate cases of Human Right violation?
Ans.Human Rights Protection Services

199.This is where CHR exerts effort to increase the level of understanding and awareness of the
people of their rights and obligation as a citizen?
Ans.Human Rights Promotion Services

200.It is a platform of the CHR in voicing out their position, comments, and suggestions on
matters relating to different human right issues and advocacies?

Ans.Human Rights Policy Advisory Services

201.these are the services provided by the CHR in preventing human right violation in areas that
have a high rate of human rights abuse?

Ans.Human Rights Violation Prevention Service

202.Conduct a comprehensive review of domestic laws, policies, rules and regulations,

administrative issuances and procedures, and current practices.What human rights talks about it?
Ans.Duties of Human Right Investigators

203.otherwise known as LOI "Pamana" or Legacy?

Ans.PNP Human Rights Affairs Office (HRAO)

204.shall embrace the highest principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Give
member that shall embrace highest principles?

Ans.members of the Philippine National Police

205.What is the Article of this.The implementation of a comprehensive human rights

development program will address four major components.
Ans.Article 7 the comprehensive, systematic, and institutional compliance with international human
rights standards and practicesin the conduct of police or law enforcement functions (PNP-
HRAO, 2009, p. 11).
Ans.Human Rights-Based Policing (HRBP)

207.Describes the relationship between PNP and the public by ascribing "duty holders" to the
law enforcement officers and "claims holders" to the individualcitizens and various groups or
sectors of society?

208.To respect human rights means refraining from interfering with the enjoyment of people's
rights.According to what?
Ans.According to the HRBP the PNP has three levels of human rights obligation

209.What adherence talk about PNP to international standards, they are able to comply with a
uniform set of principles and practices that is expected from all police officers by the
international community?
Ans.Adherence to International Human Rights Standards for Law enforcement
210.the police must only use calibrated force to subdue suspects in order to prevent human rights
violations.What is this?
Ans.Professional Competence and Courteous Service

211.What is best exemplified when the police practices accountability for all its actions or, as the
case may be, inaction on matters related to the protection of people's legal rights?

Ans.Respect for Rule of Law and Civilian Supremacy

212.Democratic values are best exemplifiedby the police when it seeks greater participation and
cooperation by the public in maintaining peace and order?
Ans.Pro-Democracy and Pro-Citizen

213.Initiating the advocacy measures to raise the awareness and adherence of the PNP personnel
on human rights-based policing.What task talk about it?

Ans.Tasks of Human Rights Affairs Office

214.Is exert effort to increase the level.What is it?


215.created under the 1987 Philippine Constitution, established on 05 May 1987 by virtue of
Executive Order No. 163. Its mandate is to promote the protection of, respect for, and
enhancement of the people's civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights?
Ans.National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)

216.What is the fines if committed crime.According to section 7?

Ans.One hundred thousand pesos (Php 100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos (Php
217.If ants have taken over your entire kitchen, marching across the counter and up the sides of
the cabinets, you might have to resort.What is it?


218.Adults and children can be trafficked or enslaved and forced to sell their bodies for sex.What
is it?


219.murder, ill treatment or deportation to slave labour or for any other purpose of the civilian
population in occupied territory?
Ans.War crimes

220.John planned and carried out the murder of his business partner in order to take over the

Ans.Willful killing

221.Are brief, informal reports used to establish a record. They generalize the communication
process by transmitting the message from one or more authors to one or more recipients?

222. the idea that a governmental body may not deny people equal protection of its governing
Ans.Equal protection

223.Be polite, avoid interrupting or causing disturbances?

Ans.Respectful treatment

224.What is the resolution of the united nation general assembly?

Ans.UN code of conduct for Law enforcement officials

225.When was adopted of the UN code of conduct for Law enforcement?

Ans.December 17, 1979

226.What is the state that Law enforcement official have the duty have serving the community
and protecting of all person against illegal acts?

227.What Amnesty that prepared of the 10 basic human rights standard for law enforcement
Ans.Amnesty International (Al) with association of police officials

228.What Books that follows together suggested in actions item?Ans.PNP guide Book

229.Is everyone entitled of the law without discrimination on any grounds.What is this?
Ans.Equal protection
230.Is treat all victims of crime with compassion.What is this?
Ans.Respectful treatment

231.Do not use force except when strictly neccesary and to the minimum extent required under
circumstances.What is this?
Ans.Use of Force

232.Avoid using force when policing unlawful.What is this?

Ans.Policing Non violent Assemblies

233.Only arrest person if there are legal grounds to do so.What is this?

Ans.Arresting person on Legal grounds an act penalizing torture, and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or
punishment and prescribing penalties for it.what is it?
Ans.Anti-Torture Act, 2009 or R.A. 9745 is a form of treatment or punishment inflicted by a person in authority or agent of a person

in authority upon another in his/her custody that causes severe pain, exhaustion, disability or
dysfunction of one or more parts of the body.What is this?
Ans.Physical torture

236.these are acts committed by a person in authority or agent of a person in authority which are
calculated to affect or confuse the mind and/or undermine a person's dignity and morale.What is
Ans.Mental/Psychological Torture
237.What is the meaning of the DOJ?
Ans.Department of Justice

238.what is the meaning of PAO?

Ans.Public Attorneys Office

239.what is the meaning of NBI?

Ans. National Bureau of Investigation

240.Give one about the penalty of reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the perpetrators of
the following acts of torture (Section 14)?
Ans.Torture resulting in the death of any person the official legislation that was passed by the Filipino government to address the issue of
enforced disappearances?

Ans. RA 10353

242.What is RA that defines enforced or involuntary disappearance as the arrest, detention,

abduction or any other form of deprivation of liberty committed by agents of the State or by
persons or groups of persons?
Ans.RA 10353

243.What date signed.The Philippine Act on Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law,
Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity or R.A. 9851?
Ans.11 December 2009
244.Mr.Roy vincent they commit crime willful killing.What us the crime they commit?
Ans.Philippine Act on Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law

245.What RA that defines genocide as any acts with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a
national, ethnic, racial, religious, social or any other similar stable and permanent group?

Ans.R.A. 9851

246.What is the meaning of the CHR?

Ans.commission on Human Rights

247.The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is an independent National Human Rights

Institution (NHRI).Who is created?
Ans.created under the 1987 Philippine Constitution

248.this includes the mandate on the commission to investigate cases of Human Right violation?
Ans.Human Rights Protection Services

249.This is where CHR exerts effort to increase the level of understanding and awareness of the
people of their rights and obligation as a citizen?
Ans.Human Rights Promotion Services

250.It is a platform of the CHR in voicing out their position, comments, and suggestions on
matters relating to different human right issues and advocacies?

Ans.Human Rights Policy Advisory Services

251. It refers to the declaration and enumeration of individual rights and privileges,which the
Constitution guarantees and protects.
Ans. Bill of rights

252.Generally defined as those rights, which are inherent in our nature, and without which, we
cannot live as human beings.
Ans. human rights

253.These are the rights which are conferred and protected by the constitution.
Ans.constitutional rights

254. Article III section 6 guarantees the right of a person to choose his residence and to leave it
whenever he pleases. This right is known as a.
Ans.Liberty of abode

255. Daniel Webster calls this law as one which hears before it condemns, proceeds upon
inquiry and renders judgement only after trial. This is a guarantee of the person accused of
committing a crime that will not be sentenced without being heard.
Ans. Due process of law

256.This right is stipulated in Article III Section 1 of the constitution which requires that all
persons or things similarly situated should be treated alike in terms of rights and responsibilities.
Ans. Right to life

257.It is a writ issued by a court of competent of jurisdiction ordering the arrest of a person
accused of committing a crime.
Ans.Warrant of arrest

258. This constitutional right guarantees the freedom of the person to worship or not to worship
any Divine powers and is provided by Article III Section 5 of the Constitution.
Ans.Freedom of religion
259. It is a guarantee against arbitrary detention of any person. It is a writ issued by a court
directed to a person detaining another commanding him to produce the body of the prisoner at a
designated time and place giving the reason for his detention.
Ans. Writ of habeas corpus

260.The Bill of rights provides that no person shall be punished twice for the same
offense. This is a guarantee against
Ans.Double jeopardy

261. The right to life, liberty and property as well as the pursuit of happiness are basic human
rights which are embodied in an international document signed by different countries on
December 10, 1948. What is this document?
Ans. Universal Declaration of Human Rights Independence

262. Capital punishment or death is no longer imposed under the 1987 Constitution, but with the
enactment of Republic Act No. 7659, death is the punishment for heinous crimes. Which of the
following is an example of heinous crime?
Ans. Murder

263. A person, his house, property, papers and effects may not be validly searched without an
order from a court of competent jurisdiction contained in a document called
Ans. Subpoena

264. It is the power of the State to expropriate private property for public use after paying just
compensation to the owner.
Ans.Eminent domain

265. He believed that the most important agent of history was the state, which is the creator &
protector of values, including rights of individuals.
Ans. Thomas hobbes

266. It is enables the people to participate in running or influencing the administration

Ans. Political Rights

267. Its pertain de access to resources- such as land, labor, physical, and financial that essential
for the creation, legal appropriation, and market exchange of goods and services.
Ans. Economic Rights

268. It is neither positive nor negative. It depends on how we approach it.

Ans. Conflict

269. He argued that if there was much evil in the world it could not be blamed on man's natural
inclinations but on social injustice and inequality w/c drove man to commit every conceivable
depraved act.
Ans. Jean Jacques Rosseau

270. It is a power vested in the state to take private property for public use upon payment of just
Ans. expropriation

271.An articles of the Convention may be absolute, qualified or limited. Which of the following
is absolute?
Ans.Article 3: Prohibition against torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

272. Which of the following describes "human rights"?

Ans. The freedoms that all people should have
273. How many different articles are included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
Ans. 30

274. What is the meaning of collective rights?

Ans. Collective rights entail a right of the group as well as individual rights of the group's

275. The freedom of religion:

Ans.Obliges nations to recognize and subsidize religions.

276. Freedom of expression:

Ans. May be restricted in order to protect against defamation

277. According to the right to education:

Ans.States have to give all students equal opportunities in education

278. The right to life is violated if:

Ans.Someone dies due to unnecessary force by the police

279. Which of the following best describe the concept of human rights?
Ans. Basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled

280. The United Nations (UN) defines discrimination as behaviour that includes any distinction,
exclusion, restriction or preference based on what?
Ans. race, colour, national or ethnic origin

281. A person who leaves his or her country because of a well-founded fear of persecution due to
race, religion, nationality, political opinion or social group is legally called what?
Ans. a refugee

282. What is the key international statement of human rights today?

Ans. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 d. International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

283. When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights established?


284. Article 1 of the document ensuring human rights grants the right to

285. Human Rights are inherent that all persons are equally entitled to
Ans. Without Discrimination

286. All Human beings upon birth are automatically belong to

Ans. Community

287. History has shown that as a man started to live, his inherent rights began to be violated by?
Ans. Immigrant

288. As Human society became more developed, more men and women became deprived of their
full opportunity and suffered
Ans. Impression

289. Doctrines of major religious of the world that all men are created equal and free individuals
but men suffered from emotional
Ans. Depression
290. Once quotes by a religion believes: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your
Ans. Confucianism

291. The entire law of such religion teaches: "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would
find it hurtful"......
Ans. Communism

292. An old religion admonishes the principle which ought to be acted upon through outs one's
Ans. Confucianism

293. A passage of religion that encompasses the love and respect of humanity; "Give to the
hungry some of your bread, and to the naked, some of your clothing"......
a. Born Again

294.Human rights are as old as human society itself; it's originally known as 25.
Ans.Rights of Mankind

295. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a landmark document was adopted by?

296.What are Human Rights?

Ans. Special privileges awarded to criminals and prisoners

297. In classification of human rights, what is constitutional rights?

Ans. These are rights provided by the lawmaking body of a country or by law
298.This power is the plenary power vested in the legislature to make, ordain and establish
wholesome and reasonable laws, statutes and ordinances, not repugnant to the constitution, for
the good and welfare of the people.
Ans.Power of Police

299. This goes to show that a person cannot be forced to be a witness against himself or talk
against himself, as this constitutes breach of his right to privacy.
Ans.Non-Passage of Ex Post Facto and Bill of Attainder


Ans.a registered voter in the district in which he shall be elected

301.UN representatives from all regions of the world formally adopted the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights on what date?
Ans.Dec. 10, 1948

302.In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which article states that everyone has the
right to life, liberty and security of person.
Ans.article 3

303.It is a body of rules and principles in accordance with which the powers and sovereignty is
regularly exercised.

304.Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines features reinstitution of a democratic

Government, Separation of Church and State, Sovereignty of the people, Renunciation of war as
a national policy.1. Supremacy of Civilian authority over the military and Separation of Powers.
Ans.The 1987 Constitution
305.It is a statement and listing of an individual's rights and privileges, which an individual or
group of individuals designs the fundamental law of the land to safeguard against violations of
the government or. It is the charter embodying the liberties of a person and the limitations upon
the power of the state
Ans.Bill of Rights

306. According to this rule, the state can punish a person for speech encouraging people to
engage in illegal action or become disloyal to the State even if the danger is quite remote.
Ans.Dangerous Tendency Rule

307. All person shall have the right to speedy disposition of cases before all judicial, quasi
judicial or administrative bodies.
Ans. Right to Speedy Trial

308.Once an accused is convicted, he has the right to appeal his case to higher court
Ans. Right to Appeal in Criminal Case

309.Also known as“Domestic Administrative Adoption and Alternative Child Care Act”
Ans. RA 11642

310.This law amends the 2003 Anti Trafficking in Persons Act bolstering government
mechanisms to combat human trafficking, especially children and other vulnerable groups. It
covers illegal adoption, child laundering, and online sexual abuse and exploitation of children. It
also makes internet intermediaries accountable if they allow knowingly or by gross negligence
the use of their infrastructure for trafficking purposes.
Ans. RA 11862

311.An “Act providing for stronger protection against rape and sexual exploitation and abuse,
increasing the age for determining the commission of statutory rape”.
Ans. RA 11648

312.An “Act prohibiting the practice of child marriage and imposing penalties for violations
Ans. RA 11596

313. This Executive Order (EO) declares the prevention of adolescent pregnancies a national
priority and prescribes a whole-of-government approach to address its root causes. It
acknowledges that teenage pregnancies are a result of “engendered patterns of discrimination,
deep-seated norms and attitudes that normalize and justify violence against women and children,
lack of information, and the vulnerability and exclusion of women and children in remote and
rural areas”.
A. Executive order 141

314.The Magna Carta of Women (MCW) is a comprehensive women's human rights law that
seeks to eliminate discrimination through the recognition, protection, fulfillment, and promotion
of the rights of Filipino women, especially those belonging to the marginalized sectors of society.
Ans. RA 9710

315. It is also known as the "Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995".

Ans. RA 7877

316.An Act Expanding the Definition of the Crime of Rape and Reclassifying the same as Crime
Against Persons.
Ans.RA 8353

317. It is otherwise known as, "Rape victim assistance and protection act".
Ans. RA 8505
318. "Anti-Violence against Women and Their Children Act of 2004".
Ans. RA 9262

319. Known as the “Safe Spaces Act” with the aim of ensuring the equality, security, and safety
of every individual, in both private and public spaces, including online and in workplaces.
Ans. RA 11313

320.This law simplifies domestic adoption and makes it less expensive. It also provides for a
more efficient process under an attached agency of the Department of Social Welfare and
Development, to be known as the National Authority for Child Care (NACC) with quasi-judicial
Ans. RA 11642

321. When was the RA 11642 or the "Domestic Administrative Adoption and Alternative Child
Care Act”enacted?
Ans. January 6, 2022

322. When was the "Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995" enacted?

Ans. February 14, 1995

323. This law covers all forms of gender-based sexual harassment (GBSH) committed in public
spaces, educational or training institutions, workplaces, as well as online.
Ans. RA 11313

324. When did the RA 9262 "Anti-Violence against Women and Their Children Act of 2004" was
Ans. March 8,2004

325. What is RA 10353?

Ans.Anti-Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance Act of 2012

326. On what date, the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine Commission on
Women signed a partnership agreement to enhance the implementation of gender sensitivity and
gender-responsive programs and policies in the security sector.
Ans. 14 September 2021

327."Institutionalizing Access to Protection Services for Refugees, Stateless Persons, and

Asylum Seekers".
Ans. Executive order 163, s.2022

328.The EO guarantees the rights of refugees, stateless persons, and asylum seekers to liberty,
security and freedom of movement, providing them easy access to socio-economic services,
social security benefits, gainful employment and humane working conditions, education,
participation in judicial and administrative citizenship proceedings, legal assistance and access to
courts, and freedom of religion.
Ans. Executive order 163, s. 2022

329."An Act Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and Services for Learners with Disabilities in
Support of Inclusive Education Act”
Ans. RA 11650

330. This law mandates the establishment of a Learning Resource Center for Learners with
Disabilities that will provide free support and related services, such as alternative education,
early intervention, and transition programs.
Ans. RA 11650

331.This operationalizes in the Executive Branch the people’s constitutional right to information
by allowing full public disclosure and transparency in the public service.
Ans. Executive order No. 1(2016)
332. which expanded the scope of the Philippine Shield law that now includes internet-based
mass media.
Ans. RA No. 11458 (2016)

333. declaring August 30 as the National Press Freedom Day seeks to raise the consciousness of
Filipinos on the importance of the press, their rights and social responsibilities, and the
elimination of all forms of violence against the press.
A. RA 11699

334. The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 is replete with human rights safeguards. Various human
rights groups were involved and consulted in its crafting.
Ans.Rights-affirming counter-terrorism measures

335.Generally regarded as the father of human rights advocacy in the Philippines.

Ans. Jose W. Diokno

336."The National Task Force on Ending the Local Communist Armed Conflict which was
created in December 2018 pursuant to Executive Order no. 70 espouses a holistic and socio-
economic-oriented approach to addressing the root causes of insurgency. From July 2016 to June
2022, the government implemented a highly successful amnesty and reintegration program that
saw 26,414 surrenderers.This discusses the:
Ans. Rights-affirming counter-terrorism measures

337.What nationality give the highest value to the dignity and fullness of life of the human
person and share a common aspiration for human rights?
Answer: Filipinos

338.It is a regional grouping that promotes economic, political, and security cooperation among
its ten members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Answer:Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
339.When was ASEAN created and established?
Answer: August 8, 1967

340.What are the five Founding Fathers of ASEAN?

Answer: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand

341.What is the purpose of ASEAN?

Answer: The purpose ASEAN is to promote
economic and cultural exchange among its member countries, maintain peace and
stability in Southeast Asia, and establish relationships with foreign powers with
similar aims.

342.When was the ASEAN entered into force?

Answer: December 15, 2008

343.What article is the promotion of ASEAN in human rights?

Answer: Article 1

344.When was the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) was
inaugurated by the ASEAN Leaders?
Answer: October 23, 2009

345.When was the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) was
inaugurated by the ASEAN Leaders?
Answer: October 23, 2009
346.Where was the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) was
inaugurated by the ASEAN Leaders?
Answer: Cha-Am Hua In, Thailand

347.It is an informal coalition of individuals and groups from the Southeast Asian region,
working in the field of human rights.
Answer: Working group

348.When the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) adopted the ASEAN Human
Rights Declaration (AHRD)?
Answer: November 18, 2012

349.It was adopted in 2001 and is being used as the contribution of the Working Group for
an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism to the drafting of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration.
Answer: The Human and Peoples' Rights

350.Declaration of the Philippines Plays an essential role in the realization of human rights.
Answer: Philippine government

351.It is a written instrument by which the fundamental powers of

the government are established, limited, and defined and by which these powers
are distributed among the several departments or branches for their safe and useful exercise for
the benefit of the people.
Answer: 1987 Philippine Constitution

352.When the Constitution of the Philippines was approved by the 1986 Constitutional
Answer: October 12, 1986
353.Who is the President presented the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines?
Answer: President Corazon C. Aquino

354.Refers to a political and philosophical theory that focuses on the concept of fairness in
relations between individuals in society and equal access to wealth, opportunities, and social
Answer: Social justice

355.Refers to the extent to which different socioeconomic groups receive equal access to give
everyone an equal start in life.
Answer: Access to resources

356.Refers to how individuals are given tools specific to their needs and socioeconomic status in
order to move towards similar outcomes.
Answer: Equity

357.Refers to how everyone in society is given a voice and opportunity to verbalize the opinions
and concerns and have a role in any decision-making that affects their livelihood and standard of
Answer: Participation

358.Refers to the basic differences of each. individual in a society,

like cultural differences, social status, race, gender preferences, etc.
Answer: Diversity

359.It is the most important principle of social justice and forms a foundational part of the
Answer: Human rights
360.It is mandated to afford "full protection" to labor and encompasses in its protection workers
both "local and overseas" as well as "organized and unorganized".
Answer: Labor

361.It is tasked to undertake a program founded on the rights of farmers and regular landless
farm workers to own the lands that they till or to receive a just share of the fruits of their labors
(Section 4).
Answer: Agrarian and Natural Resources Reform

362. It is directed to undertake a continuous program of urban land reform and housing while
also promoting sufficient employment opportunities to the underprivileged and homeless citizens
in the urban centers as well as the resettlement areas.
Answer: Urban Land Reform and Housing

363.This calls for the priority of the needs of the underprivileged, sick, elderly, disabled, women,
and children.
Answer: Health

364.It is given the task to protect working women by providing safe and healthful working
conditions, with full consideration of their maternal functions, with an aim of enhancing their
welfare and enabling them to realize their full potential in the service of the nation.
Answer: Women

365.Sections 15 and 16 talks of the role of independent (and voluntary) people's organizations
within the democratic framework as well as the right of the people to participate in an effective
and reasonable manner at all levels of social, political, and economic decision-making
Answer: People's Organization

366.This calls for the creation of an independent office that will protect and promote human
rights, and it will be referred to as the Commission on Human Rights.
Answer: Human rights
367.According to this person, human rights are more than a legal concept, they are the essence of
man, deny them and you deny man's humanity.
Answer: Jose Diokno

368.It serves as our protection against violations from the government and any individuals
Ans: Bill of Rights

369.No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall
any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Ans: Section 1

370.the legal requirement that requires the state to respect all the legal rights owed to a person.
Ans: Due Process

371.This refers to the laws itself. It requires that the law made by the government must be
reasonable, for it to be reasonable it must have the interest of the public.
Ans: Substantive Due Process

372.this refers to the method or manner by which the law is enforced. Its basic elements are
notice, opportunity to be heard, and jurisdiction.
Ans: Procedural Due Process

373.Decision is made as a result of the careful consideration of the evidence presented by both
parties and must be made known to the parties involved.
Ans: Administrative Due Process

374.It is something more than mere animal existence. The prohibition against its deprivation
without due process extends to all the limbs and faculties by which life is enjoyed.
Ans: Meaning of Life

375.Denotes not only freedom from physical restraint. It also embraces the right of man to use
the faculties with which he has been endowed by his creator subject only to the limitation that he
does not violate the law or the rights of others.
Ans: Meaning of Liberty

376.refer to the thing itself or to the right over the thing.

Ans: Meaning of Property

377.all persons or things similarly situated should be treated alike both as to

rights conferred and responsibilities imposed.
Ans: Meaning of Equal Protection of the Laws

378.the purpose is to protect the privacy and the sanctity of the person and of
his house and other possessions found therein against arbitrary intrusions by
agents of the state.
Ans: Right against Unreasonable Search and Seizure

379.It is a written order, issued in the name of the people of the Philippines, signed by a judge,
and directed to a peace officer, commanding him to search for certain personal property and
bring it before the court.
Ans: Search warrant

380.Is a written order of the court, issued in the name of the Philippines, authorizing a peace
officer to arrest a person, and put him under the custody of the court.
Ans: Warrant of Arrest

381.applies to everybody as well as aliens in the Philippines whether accused of a crime or not.
Ans: Persons

382.Not limited to dwelling houses but also garages, warehouses, shops, stores, offices, and even
a safety deposit vault.
Ans: Houses

383.Include sealed letters and packages in the mail which may be opened and examined only in
the pursuance of a valid search warrant.
Ans: Papers and Effects

384.such facts and circumstances antecedent to the issuance of a warrant sufficient in themselves
to induce a cautious man to rely upon them and act in Pursuance
Ans: Probable Cause

385.When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually committing, or is
attempting to commit an offense.
Ans: In Flagrante Delicto

386.When an offense, has in fact just been committed, and he has personal
knowledge of facts indicating that the person to be arrested has committed it
Ans: Hot Pursuit

387.When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal establishment or
place where he is serving final judgment or temporarily confined while his case is pending, or
has escaped while being transferred from one confinement to another.
Ans: Arrest of Escaped Prisoner must be noted that a lawful warrant less arrest may be performed not just
by a peace officer but also by a civilian. This is permitted under the rules under
limited circumstances.
Ans: Citizens Arrest

389.provides that any evidence obtained in violation of the rights to privacy of communication or
right to due process of law shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding.
Ans: Exclusionary rule

390.The name of the doctrine metaphorically describes what happens to an evidence taken
through unlawful means.
Ans: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine

391.Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall
include the freedom to have a religion or whatever belief of his/her choice
Ans: Freedom to Religion the right of a person to have his home in whatever place chosen by him
and thereafter to change it as well, and to go where he pleases, except in the
interest of national security, public safety, and public health.
Ans: Liberty of Abode and Travel

393.the liberty of abode may be impaired only upon lawful order of the court and
within the limits prescribed by law.
Ans: Limitations

394..This covers information on matters of public concern. It pertains to access to official

records, documents and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to
government research data used as a basis for policy development.
Ans: Scope of the Right
395.Freedom of association includes the freedom not to associate, or, if one is already a member,
to disaffiliate from the association.
Ans: Freedom to associate and Unionize

396.right or power of the State or of those to whom the power has been lawfully delegated to
take or expropriate private property for public use upon paying to the owner a just compensation.
Ans: Eminent Domain

397.These are the rights to which a person under custodial investigation is entitled.
Ans: Miranda Rights

398.It is the security given for the release of a person in custody of the law, furnished by him or a
bondsman, conditioned upon his appearance before any court as required.
Ans: Bail

399.All persons in custody shall be admitted to bail as a matter of right, with

sufficient sureties, or be released on recognizance as prescribed by law or the
Rules of Court.
Ans: Rights to Bail

400.Upon conviction by the RTC of an offense not punishable by death, reclusion

perpetua, or life imprisonment, bail becomes discretionary.
Ans: Discretion of Bail

401.If the penalty imposed by the trial court is imprisonment exceeding six (6) years, the accused
shall be denied bail, or his bail shall be canceled upon a showing by the prosecution, with notice
to the accused.
Ans: Bail Denied
402.Is the legal principle that one is considered “innocent until proven guilty”.
Ans: Presumption of Innocence

403.It means that the accused is amply accorded legal assistance extended by a counsel who
commits himself to the cause of the defense and acts accordingly; an efficient and truly decisive
legal assistance, and not simply a perfunctory representation.
Ans: Right to be heard by himself and counsel

404.Entitles the defendant to insist that the indictment apprise him of the crime charged with
such reasonable certainty that he can make his defense and protect himself after judgment against
another prosecution on the same charge.
Ans: Rights to be informed of the nature and causes of accusation

405.means free from vexatious, capricious, and oppressive delays.

Ans: Speedy Trial

406.The accused is entitled to the cold neutrality of an impartial judge, free from
interest or bias.
Ans: Impartial Trial

407.It is an order to prevent possible abuses which may be committed against

the accused. Attendance at the trial is open to all, irrespective of their relationship
to the accused.
Ans: Public Trial

408.To afford the accused an opportunity to test the testimony of a witness by cross-examination,
and to allow the judge to observe the deportment of the witness.Right to Compulsory Process to
Secure Attendance of Witness and Production of Evidence
Ans: Right of Confrontation
409.It is the right of the accused to have a subpoena and/or a subpoena duces
tecum issued on his behalf in order to compel the attendance of witnesses and the
production of evidence.
Ans: Compulsory Process

410.It is the essence of these rights that make a man human.

Ans. Inherent

411.Human right are not capable of being divided.


412.The fulfillment or exercise of one cannot be had without realization of the other.

413.Are those rights that enable us to participate in running the affairs of the government either
directly or indirectly
Ans.Politacal rights

414.Are those rights that the law confers upon the people to enable them to achieve social and
economic development,thereby ensuring them their well being,happiness,and financial security.
Ans.Econimic rights and social rights

415.Are God-given rights, acknowledged by everybody to be morally good.

Ans.Natural rights

416.Sometimes called "blue"rights,deal essentially with liberty and participation in political life.
Ans.Political rights
417.Also known as Shoah,was the genocide of European Jews during world war ll.

418.After being brought to American colonies,Africans were stripped of human

rights,enslaved,brutally treated,and considered lesser than their fellow human beings for

419.Refers to an ability of individuals to make choices,express opinion,and engage in actions

without undue constraints or coercion.

420.Balancing individual freedoms with the collective rights of the community can be
challenging. For example, during a public health crisis, individual freedom to move about
might be restricted to protect the right to health of the broader population.
Ans.Balancing individual and collective rights

421.Individuals that are not affiliated with, directed by, or funded through the government.
Ans.Non state actors

422.Are inherent entitlements that every individual possesses

simply by virtue of being human.
Ans.Human rights

423.The UN Commission on Human rights composed of how many members.

424.It investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of
concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the
crime of aggression.
Ans.International Criminal Court

425.Is the Court's management oversight and legislative body and is composed of representatives
of the States which have ratified or acceded to the Rome Statute.
Ans.International Criminal Court

426.Sometimes known as the World Court, The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the
principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN) and has a twofold role.
Ans.International Court of Justice

427.How many judge are their in the International Court of Justice?


428.It is a set of rules which seek, for humanitarian reasons, to limit the effects of
armed conflict. It protects persons who are not or are no longer participating
in the hostilities and restricts the means and methods of warfare.
Ans.International Human Rights Law

429.It provides a wide range of protection for prisoners of war. It

defines their rights and sets down detailed rules for their treatment and eventual release.
Ans.Geneva Convention

430.An independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for
victims of armed conflict and other situation of violence.
Ans.International Committee of Red Cross
431.Are those violations of international humanitarian law (treaty or
customary law) that incur during the conduct of war.
Ans.War crime

432.An act defining and penalizing crimes against international

humanitarian law, genocide and other crimes against humanity, organizing
jurisdiction, designating special courts, and for related purposes.

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