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ISSN: 2992-4693 (ONLINE); 2992-2704 (PRINT); VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

Dividend Policy and Financial Performance: Evidence from

Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
Fatima Gana Mustapha1*
Sadiq Rabiu Abdullahi2
1Department of Accounting, Federal University Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria

2Department of Accounting, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria

*E-mail : fatima.gana@fud.edu.ng

https://doi.org/10.33003/ fujafr-2023.v1i1.12.129-135

This paper examines the effect of dividend policy on financial performance of listed deposit
money banks in Nigeria. The data were collected from seven listed money deposit banks for a
period of seven years from 2015 to 2021. The result indicates that dividend per share significantly
and positively influenced the financial performance of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. it
also showed that firm size is negative and significantly related with firm financial performances.
This result implies that larger firms are so reluctant about improving performance. On the other
hand, the result of leverage reveals a positive significant relationship with financial performance.
Thus, this finding is important to shareholders and potentials investors.

Keywords: Dividend policy, Financial performance, Banking industry, Nigeria.

1.0 Introduction
Financial performance is the and objectives in economic terms.
achievement of the company’s operation Managers have the responsibility of
over a period (Fatihudin et al., 2018). making optimum investment decisions
Financial Performance can be viewed as on behalf of the firm and ensuring the
how well a company enhances its maximization of shareholders’ wealth.
shareholders wealth and the capability of Corporate dividend policy is an
the firm to generate earnings from the important factor that determine the
capital invested by shareholders financial performance of corporations
(Osiegbu et al., 2014). The Financial because it significantly deflates the
performance of an organization has a amount of money to be invested and this
critical implication to the growth of the will in turn affect the subsequent
organization and the economy. performance of companies. Therefore,
Evaluating the financial performance of dividend payout is very vital to the
a company allows management to corporate stakeholders (Idris et al., 2020).
review the results of business strategies

https://doi.org/10.33003/ fujafr-2023.v1i1.12.129-135
Mustapha & Abdullahi (2023). Dividend Policy and Financial Performance: Evidence
from Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria.

According to Sri Kumar (2022) dividend the life cycle of various entities.
policy consist of basically two important According to Kanakriyah (2020) selecting
issues. One of which is how much firms' an appropriate dividend policy is among
can offer to their shareholders and how the key issue while assessing corporate
much is to be retained for future projects. performance. Amidu (2007) using a
Therefore, investigating the effect of sample of firms listed on the GSE over a
firms’ dividend policy on its eight year period from1997 to 2004 tested
performance is an important issue. the influence of dividend policy and firm
performance in Ghana. The study
Prior studies in this area have provided a reported negative relationship between
mixed finding. For example, Sondakh dividend payout and return on assets.
(2019) and Ofori-Sasu et al. (2017) From the same market, Ofori-Sasu et al.
showed a negative relationship between (2017) found a negative relationship
dividend policy and firm value in the between dividend yield and shareholder
Indonesian and Ghanian markets wealth. These results are also line with
respectively. Contrary to the findings of the findings of Sondakh (2019) that a
Indonesian market, Dang et al. (2021) negative association between dividend
and Hauser and Thornton Jr (2017) policy and firm value prevails.
reported positive association between Contrarily, Usman and Olorunnisola
dividend policy and firm value. Despite (2019), examine the effect of dividend
the extant evidence on dividend policy, policy on corporate performance of
findings may not be generalized due to deposit money banks from the Nigerian
one reason or the other (Idris et al., 2019). market. The study revealed that
Consequently, Ali and Shboul (2023) dividend policy has a positive and
argued that one of the likely areas of significant impact on the performance of
addressing the dividend puzzle is the banks. the finding is consistent with
linking dividend policy and performance the result of Nurudeen and Yusuf (2020)
of firms. Hence, this study examines the who investigated the determinants of
influence of dividend policy and dividend policy of listed Deposit money
financial performance of listed money banks. Kanakriyah (2020) using a data set
deposit banks in Nigeria. The remainder 92 companies from ASE in the Jodanian
of this paper is structured such that market from 2015 to 2019 revealed that
section presents empirical review and dividend proxied by dividend yield has
hypothesis development; section 3 positive and statistically significant effect
provides the methodology. The results on financial performance. Consistent
and findings are reported in section 4 with prior evidence, Bhuiyan and
and section 5 concludes. Ahmad (2022) in their studies found a
positive and statistically significant
2.0 Literature Review
impact of dividend policy on
Dividend policy and financial
performance of firms from. Additionally,
Porterfieldahi et al., (2021) on Dividend
As pointed out earlier, corporate
Policy and Shareholders Wealth, showed
dividend policy is an important issue in

ISSN: 2992-4693 (Online);2992-2704 (Print) 130

ISSN: 2992-4693 (ONLINE); 2992-2704 (PRINT); VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

there is positive relationship between Nigeria. An ex post facto research design

dividend per share and market value was used for this study. The ex post facto
added. Allen and Michaely (1995) design was used because the data
studied the relationship between required for the study is a historical data.
corporation’s financial performance in Thus, the data was extracted from annual
emerging countries. The study revealed financial statements of 7 selected listed
that there is significant impact of money deposit banks in Nigeria for the
dividend policy on firms’ financial period of 7 years (2015-2021).
performance, the study showed that
dividend policy has a significant role in Regression Model
predicting firm performance. In line with This study proposed the following
previous evidence, we hypothesize that: econometric model to analyses the
relationship between dividend policy
H1: Dividend policy has no significant and financial performance of listed
effect on financial performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. The
listed deposit money banks in measurement and definition of the
Nigeria. variables is stated in Table 1 below.

3.0 Methodology ROA = 1DPSit + 2firmsizeit +

This paper examined the relationship 3Leverageit + eit...…………………… (1)
between Dividend policy and financial
performance of deposit money banks in
Table 1: Definition and Measurement of Studied Variables
Variable Measurement Sources
Firm Size Natural logarithm of Total Asset Abdullatif et.al. (2020)
DPS Dividend paid divided by No of Shares Ibrahim et al. (2017)
Leverage Total Debt to Total Equity Garba et.al. (2020)
Return on Asset Net profit before tax divided by Total Asset Sani et al. (2017)

4.0 Results and Discussion

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics
Variable OBS Mean SD Minimum Maximum
ROA 42 0.321 0.396 0.002 1.929
DPS 42 2.668 3.333 0.019 17.359
FIRM SIZE 42 8.292 1.284 6.029 9.746
Leverage 42 0.165 0.184 0.028 1.132

From the descriptive results as presented generated .32 Naira as return on asset for
in Table 2, the mean, minimum and the period of 2015-2021.
maximum coefficients of ROA are 0.3212,
0.0021 and 1.9287. This implies that on Table 2 also shows the mean score of 2.66
average Nigerian deposit money banks for dividend per share. This means that

https://doi.org/10.33003/ fujafr-2023.v1i1.12.129-135
Mustapha & Abdullahi (2023). Dividend Policy and Financial Performance: Evidence
from Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria.

on average deposit money banks in mean, minimum and a maximum value

Nigeria (DMB’s) pays dividend of N2.66 of 8.29, 6.02 and 9.746 respectively.
to their shareholders, which signify that LVRG had a coefficient of 0.165, 0.028
DMB’s has a relatively higher dividend and 1.1324 respectively. This is an
payout ratio. The minimum DPS is 0.01 indication that 57% of firms total capital
and maximum is N17.3. Firm size had a was financed by external sources (DEBT)

Table 3: Correlation Matrix

DPS 1.000
FIRM SIZE 0.1230 1.000
LEVERAGE -0.0738 -0.0082 1.000
ROA 0.9846 0.0079 -0.0716 1.000

Table 3 presents the result of the multicollinearity problems since the

correlation matrix; the correlation highest coefficient is 0.785 between ROA
coefficient shows the extent and the and DPS. A correlation of less than 0.9
direction of the relationship between the could not pose severe multicollinearity
studied variables. Table 4 shows that the problems (Hair et al., 2014).
inference did not suffer from

Table 4 Regression Result

Variable Coefficient Std Error T-statistic Prob
DPS 0.119 0.003 39.66 0.000
FIRM SIZE -0.354 0.007 -50.57 0.000
Leverage 0.003 0.046 0.065 0.956
Con 0.298 0.056 5.32 0.000

Table 4 presents the results on the and Khan (2022) suggest that FGLS
relationship between dividend policy corrects the model error complication by
and financial performance of listed specifying a model of heteroscedasticity
deposit money banks in Nigeria. and model of serial correlation. The
However, the presence of outcome of the regression indicated that
heteroscedasticity and serial correlation divided per share (DPS) is positive and
in data contained will bias the inferences significantly related with financial
in conventional least square is used. It performance (β0.119, P < 0.00). This
has been reported that estimating a linear implies that dividend payment
panel-data model without correcting the influences the financial performance of
serial correlation could bias the standard listed deposit money banks in Nigeria.
error and leads to less efficient results This result is consistent with prior
(Drukker, 2003). Hence, Feasible evidence (Usman and Olorunnisola 2019:
generalized least squares (FGLS). Azim Nurudeen and Yusuf 2020: Kanakriyah

ISSN: 2992-4693 (Online);2992-2704 (Print) 132

ISSN: 2992-4693 (ONLINE); 2992-2704 (PRINT); VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

2020: Bhuiyan and Ahmad (2022); 5.0 Conclusion and

Porterfieldahi et al., 2021 Allen and Recommendations
Michaely (1995) that dividend policy is Based on the panel data of 7 listed
positively related to performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria for the
company. period 2015-2021, this study examined
the effect of dividend policy on a firm’s
For the control variables, evidence as financial performance. The result
shown in Table 4 indicates that firm size indicates that DPS significantly and
is negative and significantly related with positively influence the financial
firm financial performances (β -0.354, P < performance of listed DBM’s in Nigeria.
0.00). This result implies that larger firms Thus, this finding is important to
are so reluctant about improving shareholders and potentials investors.
performance. This is consistent with Lin The research is limited to listed deposit
et al. (2019) who found a negative money banks and thus generalization
relationship between the size and could not be made on all the listed
performance. On the other hand, the companies in Nigeria. The study
result of leverage reveals a positive but therefore recommends that deposit
insignificant relationship with financial money bank in Nigeria should endeavor
performance (β -0.003, P < 0.956), which to increase the level dividend payout
suggests that high leverage is not likely ratio as that will increase the confidence
to improve financial performance of of shareholders.
deposit money banks firms in Nigeria.
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Idris et al. (2020) and Akhtar et al. (2014).

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