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Kettlebell Exercise Library www.FatLossAccelerators.


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Kettlebell Exercise Library


(In Alphabetical Order)
BONUS TIP: To quickly find an exercise, press “command F” or “CTRL F” and
use the search box. Boom!
You must have a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) or Exercise Physiologist
provide you with correct form on all the exercises and give you feedback on your

Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand shoulder width apart, with your arms down by your side
-­‐ Bend down, putting your hands on the ground
-­‐ Kick your legs back so they are extended in push up position
-­‐ Do a single push up
-­‐ Jump back so your feet are at your hands again
-­‐ Jump straight up into the air
-­‐ Repeat for prescribed repetitions
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise
-­‐ Do not allow your back to round from it’s natural arch


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Kettlebell Exercise Library

Jump rope
If you don’t have a jump rope – just pretend!!
Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand with your feet shoulder width apart
-­‐ Jump rope! Stay on your toes.
-­‐ Vary your jumps; two feet, one foot at a time, high knees
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Landing with heavy feet
-­‐ Keep your knees soft and shoulders down


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Kettlebell Exercise Library

KB Swings
Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand with feet in a wide stance squat, holding KB with both hands
-­‐ Let the weight hang down between your legs
-­‐ Use your legs and hips – not your arms and back – to get momentum
going to swing the weight
-­‐ Keep your body weight back on your heels. Take the weight back between
your legs by hinging from your hips and sitting back to switch on your
-­‐ As you come up, think about popping your hips forward and squeezing
your glutes to swing the weight up
-­‐ Swing the weight to chest height
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Try to avoid bending your knees too much. It’s NOT a squat movement.
This will increase the stress on your lower back
-­‐ Keep your core engaged throughout
-­‐ Use power from your hips, not your arms


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Kettlebell Exercise Library

KB One Arm Swings

Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand with feet in a wide stance squat, holding kettlebell with both hands
-­‐ Let the weight hang down between your legs
-­‐ Use your legs and hips – not your arms and back – to get momentum
going to swing the weight
-­‐ Keep your bodyweight back on your heels. Take the kettlebell back
between your legs by hinging from your hips and sitting back to switch on
your glutes
-­‐ As you come up, think about popping your hips forward and squeezing
your glutes to swing the weight up
-­‐ Swing the weight to chest height
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Try to avoid bending your knees too much. It’s not a squat movement.
This will increase the stress on your lower back
-­‐ Keep your core engaged throughout
-­‐ Use power from your hips, not your arms

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Kettlebell Exercise Library

KB Hand-to-Hand Swings
Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand with feet in a wide stance squat, holding kettlebell with both hands
-­‐ Let the weight hang down between your legs
-­‐ Use your legs and hips – not your arms and back – to get momentum
going to swing the weight
-­‐ Keep your bodyweight back on your heels. Take the weight back between
your legs by hinging from your hips and sitting back to switch on your
-­‐ As you come up, think about popping your hips forward and squeezing
your glutes to swing the weight up
-­‐ Swing the weight to chest height and switch hands at the top of the swing
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Try to avoid bending your knees too much. It’s not a squat movement.
-­‐ Switch hands at the top of the movement
-­‐ Keep your core engaged throughout
-­‐ Use power from your hips, not your arms

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KB Loaded Lunge
Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand shoulder width apart, holding the kettlebell in your right arm, racked
at shoulder height
-­‐ Lunge backwards with your left foot, lowering down until your right thigh is
parallel to the floor
-­‐ Press the weight through the heel of your left leg and return to starting
-­‐ That's one repetition. Finish the set and repeat with your right leg.
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise
-­‐ Do not allow your back to round from it’s natural arch


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Kettlebell Exercise Library

Goblet Squat
Movement Prep:
-­‐ Get a dumbbell or weight plate and hold it at chest height, with your hands
just underneath your chin
-­‐ Stand with your feet shoulder width apart
-­‐ Push your hips back and squat like described above
-­‐ Remember to keep your torso upright; do not let your back round
-­‐ Keep your knees tracking over your toes, instead of collapsing inward
Common mistakes:
-­‐ Remember to keep your chest up and push your hips back
-­‐ Do not round your back

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Kettlebell Exercise Library

Inverted Row
Movement Prep:
-­‐ Hold the TRX or bar and grip it neutral and overhand, with your hands
shoulder width apart.
-­‐ You must set your body in a plank position, straight line from neck to
ankles with only your heels on the floor.
-­‐ Extend your arms straight, shoulder blades retracted.
-­‐ Squeeze your shoulder blades together, pull your chest to the bar, return
to the starting position and repeat.
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Keep your body in a straight line throughout the movement.
-­‐ Don’t let your back arch, or hips drop
-­‐ As you extend your arms, don’t let your shoulders round.


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Kettlebell Exercise Library

One Arm KB Cleans

Warning: This is a difficult exercise. If you’re new to this move, please ask
a Certified Personal Trainer to check your form.

Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand with feet in a wide stance squat, with a single kettlebell between
your feet
-­‐ Bend down and lightly grab the kettlebell, so your thumb is pointing behind
you. Push your butt back and keep your eyes looking forward.
-­‐ Lift the kettlebell from the floor and swing the kettlebell back through your
legs to gain momentum for the exercise.
-­‐ Immediately reverse the direction and forcefully drive the kettlebell swing
forwards, bringing the bell up to your shoulder into rack position.
-­‐ As the kettlebell rises to your shoulder, stand-up straight whilst opening
your hand to revolve the bell and move your hand round the handle,
without letting the kettlebell thud into your wrist.
-­‐ Return to the starting position. Thatʼs one repetition. Complete the set and
switch arms. Hold the kettlebell at all times.
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Try not to let your back round, or use your torso to initiate the movement
-­‐ Keep your left arm out for stability
-­‐ Avoid the KB banging your wrist. If this happens, loosen your grip.
-­‐ Do not round your back


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Kettlebell Exercise Library

One Arm KB Bent Over Row

Movement Prep:
-­‐ Hold the Kettlebell standing with feet shoulder width apart
-­‐ Bend your knees, push your hips back and hinge forward from your hip,
keeping the natural arch in your back
-­‐ Hold the weight straight down from your shoulders in one arm
-­‐ Engage your abdominals
-­‐ Pull the KB straight up to your torso, by squeezing your shoulder blade
together, keeping the rest of your body in the same positions
-­‐ Lower the weight to the starting position, without letting your torso twist
-­‐ Continue for required repetitions and switch arms
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Rounding your back will increase lower back strain


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Kettlebell Exercise Library

Pull Up
Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand on a bench or step beneath the chin-up bar.
-­‐ Hold the chin-up bar tight with a shoulder width, underhand grip.
-­‐ Form a straight line with your body from head to knees.
-­‐ Pulling yourself up so your chin is over the bar and hold that position.
Concentrate on moving your elbows down and back.
-­‐ If your body is swaying, engage your core and get it to stop before you
continue. Bend your knees with ankles crossed.
-­‐ Lower your body as slowly as possible, until your arms are straight.
-­‐ Keep your core engaged at all times.
-­‐ Try to descend in a straight line without swaying.
-­‐ Straighten your legs and stand on the box/floor again.
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Swaying too much means your core is not active. Keep it locked tight.
-­‐ Focus on descending as slowly as possible.


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Kettlebell Exercise Library

Push Ups
Movement Prep:
-­‐ Get down on the floor in push-up position
-­‐ Arms straight down from your shoulders, perpendicular to the floor, feet
together and body in a straight line from ears to ankles
-­‐ Bend your elbows and lower yourself to within one inch of the floor or until
your upper arms are even with your shoulder blades
-­‐ Keep your body in a straight line during the entire movement, abdominals
-­‐ Push yourself back up and repeat
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Try not to let your hips drop or stick your butt in the air
-­‐ Keep your elbows in
-­‐ Avoid head dropping towards the floor


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Kettlebell Exercise Library

Rack Squat
Movement Prep:
-­‐ Get a dumbbell or weight plate and hold it at chest height, with your hands
just underneath your chin
-­‐ Stand with your feet shoulder width apart
-­‐ Push your hips back and squat like described above
-­‐ Remember to keep your torso upright; do not let your back round
-­‐ Keep your knees tracking over your toes, instead of collapsing inward
Common mistakes:
-­‐ Remember to keep your chest up and push your hips back
-­‐ Do not round your back

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Kettlebell Exercise Library

Warning: This is a difficult exercise so please start at level one if you’re
new to this move and get a Certified Personal Trainer to check your form.

Level One: Weightless Windmills

Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand with the kettlebell on the instep of your left foot
-­‐ Both feet should be pointing to the left at approximately 45 degrees.
-­‐ Hinge at your hip at poke it out to the right. Initiate the movement from
your hip, not your torso
-­‐ Lock your torso/lumbar spine into a neutral position. Push into the hip, and
think about lifting it up as well.
-­‐ Slide your left hand down your left leg while keeping your eyes on your
right hand (imagine you’re holding a KB)
-­‐ The leg on the side your holding the kettlebell should be kept straight.
-­‐ Tap the kettlebell and the stand back upright
-­‐ Repeat and switch sides
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Try not to let your back round, or use your torso to initiate the movement
-­‐ Keep your eyes on you hand
-­‐ If you start to lose your back position, immediately stop and return to the
starting position.

Note: DO NOT progress to the next level until you can move through a full range
of motion.

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Kettlebell Exercise Library

Level Two: Bottom-Hand Windmills

Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand with the kettlebell on the instep of your left foot
-­‐ Both feet should be pointing to the left at approximately 45 degrees.
-­‐ Hinge at your hip at poke it out to the right. Initiate the movement from
your hip, not your torso
-­‐ Lock your torso/lumbar spine into a neutral position. Push into the hip, and
think about lifting it up as well.
-­‐ Hold the kettlebell with your left hand and slide down your left leg while
keeping your eyes on your right hand (imagine you’re holding a KB)
-­‐ The leg on the side your holding the kettlebell should be kept straight.
-­‐ Stand back upright
-­‐ Repeat for desired reps and switch sides
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Try not to let your back round, or use your torso to initiate the movement
-­‐ Keep your eyes on you hand
-­‐ If you start to lose your back position, immediately stop and return to the
starting position.


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Level Three: Standard Windmills

Movement Prep:
-­‐ Stand with the kettlebell on the ground in front of you
-­‐ Clean and press the KB to starting position overhead
-­‐ Both feet should be pointing to the left at approximately 45 degrees.
-­‐ Hinge at your hip at poke it out to the right. Initiate the movement from
your hip, not your torso
-­‐ Lock your torso/lumbar spine into a neutral position. Push into the hip, and
think about lifting it up as well.
-­‐ Slide your left hand down your leg while keeping your eyes on the KB in
your right hand
-­‐ The leg on the side your holding the kettlebell should be kept straight.
-­‐ Stand back upright
-­‐ Repeat for desired reps and switch sides
Common Mistakes:
-­‐ Try not to let your back round, or use your torso to initiate the movement
-­‐ Keep your eyes on you hand
-­‐ If you start to lose your back position, immediately stop and return to the
starting position.

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