PPS Conclusion Assignment

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In conclusion, Kia Abdul Kek & Kafe, as a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME), has
navigated the dynamic landscape of the culinary industry with resilience and adaptability.
Founded by Lailawati Binti Abd Rahman, the bakery faced challenges, particularly during the
Movement Control Order (PKP), leading to a strategic shift from Tanjung Malim to Kuala
Lumpur and a transformation in business focus. The revenue cycle of the bakery, while
successful in delivering delightful products, revealed several weaknesses that need attention.

The centralization of tasks, reliance on manual record-keeping, limited payment

options, dependence on in-person orders, family-centric management, and the absence of
automation technology present challenges in the efficiency, adaptability, and growth potential
of Kia Abdul Kek & Kafe.

To address these weaknesses, the bakery can implement internal controls, such as
segregating duties, adopting automated record-keeping systems, introducing diverse payment
options, embracing online ordering systems, and encouraging a more inclusive management
structure. Furthermore, the proactive adoption of technology, such as cloud-based bakery
management systems, project management software, integrated bakery management
software, contemporary payment solutions, and bakery automation technologies, can
significantly enhance operational efficiency, reduce errors, improve customer satisfaction,
and drive growth.

The successful incorporation of technology, automation, and strategic internal

controls not only resolves existing challenges but positions Kia Abdul Kek & Kafe for future
success. By embracing innovation, the bakery can transform its revenue cycle into a
streamlined and efficient process, ensuring competitiveness, meeting market demands, and
satisfying customer expectations in the evolving business landscape. The sweetest rewards in
the harsh world of business come from efficiency, adaptability, and the strategic use of

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