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Environ mente Law B Polite syllabis (ED nL LEnvivonmentel Law ome! policy &. Overview of Environmental 3. Nature ema eco-system: 46 Comcept of law cme! polictes 5. Origin of Environmental lew b- Introduction to Law eel Policy. rant Emvyigonmentel end croyetnane®: ot 8. euctainable. clovelopmemnt ame Erviza7 en tel. % Unclerstanding eltmate chomge- 0, Carbon Crecliting+ I. carbon foot print ect. Td poctution #0 evade and emul 7? nment- 13. Internationeds environment laws 14. Right to environment os humen Right 1S. Inter national Humanitarian low and Envivo Ib. Environment amd € es mb iets, menage” i f1. Farnous imternational protocals like kyotd- tem laud : smpor tee Tee ) IO. 14 4, National Aaxveen sr iburned net. EOI. 1935 ionJate 198t ) g. Air Cpreve rion ard Contre! of \pollut oe J Comtval of pollution) Ret, fo7# ) 3. water (PF: evemtton an | aah ene EPA Pcirommmentel protection act) 1986.19 Mow cavtiaat 253) Se Factory fet, 1948 ‘ : be Public Liability Insurance Ret, 1954 2 Forest Consey vation Ret, 1989 i t Act, 1527 8. The [ndlion Fores 3. wild life protec Hom fet, 1992 ( Rule 197% ome Amend: 10. water flets end) lawi= «The Easement Ret 1882 athe Tnclion fisheries Reb 1R9T ithe River Boar fet 1940 The Merchont Shipping Ret 1990 y The water (Preven sion ane Control of pollattorJeess flex 197% / # The Coastal Requlation zone Netification 199 he mment, ment 1991) 12. AIR Aets and Laws: * fir 1948--the foctovies Act ane! fmendonent In 1987. ©1084- The pirl(prevention amd control of pallution) act. © 1982--the pir (Prevention ome cominvlof pallutien ) Rules *©1982- The atomic Ene7gd fet: © 1982- The air (prevention and Lo eloys- The motor vehicles Act = penalities Section -3» ; store &- amd Tmport ef Harzor oust ol tin Rale- 19g Y ane! Tran shot fet, tool of pollution amendment 13. The Manufacture» 1. Hazardous westes (management » Han davg) Rule 2008 1S. Biomedical was 16- Muncipal Soliel W fules - 2000 14. The Envizonmental (siting for Lmolustrial Po Rules ~ 1999 18. The ozone Depleting Cabs tances ke gulation amd. Control) Rule- 2000 15» The. Batteries (Menagement and banding) Rule.209 nt amd pemdling) Rules -<@07l}, 20/2 © fion Lmag drmey Regula ON ome! Control) 2002. te Crema gement and tend ling) eo. i estes (management ane! Hemel ling J ojec ts) 20. E- waste (Manageme 91, The Noise pollution C Cl0ioapm™ to 06/00) 24. Environmental Profec tion Inclex 2020 (EPI) (188 out of the 780 Cont 7 ie Environmental law eyo 2021 emd policy eae wee Of. List the provision in the inclianco netitution vegarcling environmental protection . -— The Incelian Constitutian has several provisions rego rcling environmental Pootectlon. li) Articde 48-0: This avticle cligects. the state 10 protect and improve the environmental and cate guard the forests and wildlife of she county « (i) Article s¥- AC4):- : this articel makes it the fundamental oluty of every citizen te protect ane! 1mp70Vve the natural environment Inéluoling forests. lakes givers, ame! wildlife, ; for wl UViPA Creature. (HD Aaticle 21: This artical guaran Personal iberty - an in teyppetec! it te ime healthy omvigonment - (WW Artical 49% his artical meniela tes the state to jmprove the stanolare of Itvi'ng Brel Piblicshealth oval fo prohibit the Consumption oF Intareleating and to have Compassion tees the right to lite ome co the Supreme Court has lucle the right to a drinks and clrugs which are jnjuriens to health. . W) The wildlife Protection Act, 1/972: This act wos enarted! to provide: for the Protection of wile! animal. hives end planks amd to regulate their hunting. Poaching, omd trace. Wi) The forest (conservation) Act. 1980: This act was enacted to provicle Conserve forests anc! to regulate Aiversion of forest land for non- forest purposes. | ' c WID The waterl prevension anc Contvol of Pollution ):¢ Act, 19742 c This act wos enacted to prevent. ane Contro/ water pollution, and to maintain oY restora the wholesomeness of water, This act was enactecl bo prevent anc/ Lontyo) © air pollution, and to maintain or improve ¥ the quality of ir. (ix) The National trveen Tribunal act,2010% - This. act wos enacted te provide for the establishment of & specialized! tribuxa/ foy the effective and expeditious M/s posal @ of cases qelated to environmen taf Poo tectlo. ecautionary principles: | (pes fs & Comeept | peuatle re S2.State the Pe The precau 4ONaATY PINE! thet gaicles clecision - making 17 s where Sscientifre knowledge I's yncerta! 7. but the potential visks of a7 ctlon, ATE signi ti- cart. | There ave covered oli fherent Versions Of the Precautlonary principe but they all shave the iclea that it is batter to be Cautirous in the face of ancestainty tham to teke sang wisks, unneces erted Versions of the ple: Environment ovr! Following Commonly Precautionarg princi Rio Declaration on C1992) 6 tatesen nyihere there are threats of Serious OF ersible clamege dhe of fill seientific at be usec! as a pete U) the Development inrev Certainty shall 7 for post pen tog C pre yent enviTen ost = {fective measures to gnentat olegzacletion,” Ui) The wingsprece! staterment em the precaution- $s, ary principle (1998) Tee "when a7 activity yotses threats of haym™ to humam. hélth ex the environ Ment, Precadtl- mary measures shoulel be taken even if one effect gelationships ave not Some Cause fally established Scientifically,” a ee Unies precautionary principle,’ in the Treaty on European Union (1992), statess— ‘In Case Where scientific eviclence is Insuffictent, & member state May, 2% 4 Precautionary measure take provisional yes fo -avetcl harm te human health | measu or the environment.” 63. what ave the responsibil ties of occuPle? Urdle watery act? js @ ptece of legislation that e menagemen The water act establishes 2 framework for th ond protection of watery FESOUTCES IN & Particular jurisdiction: ties of occupiers under the clepending on the specifi Provisions of the lagisletron ina particular upiscliction but Seme of the general pespo-§ 41S of CCEUPIETS undey the water . The yesponsibili water cet mag very anes ibili act mney pnclades (obtain the NELESSaTY permits? occupiers may. be neguizec! to obtain a perm or authorization uncler the water act before’ they Can undertake Certain activitre: 4 S that @e ma impact weter resources, Buch 2X olive ting water, Constructing a olam oy brid. 3d or using water.for industri ae Aierasel wkriel or igricuttuorel Gi) Comply with requlations + eceuplers may be geyulre! to Comply tolth Vax pegudatlons tex ach Sach as Festypietle Ws "OR wo oltscharge ef antaminants 17 Impact on aguatle OcoSystEMrs: uncer the VF ter USAGE, fo water, or litt) Report imetdents: c/ to yeport omy Occapiers may be vegnlre imerclents that ™m4y pove on” Such 2 spills, Contamin- the gualty or guentity impact ov water yesources, ation. or change to of water v) Maintain yetotas i- Oceupiers may be vequired to maintain velated to theiy water Usage yecords activity that may Impact watery VTeSOUTCES. (VY) Take measures to protect watery guckity vey t Occeupires meg be reguiredt to 4 take mec ure to protect watery quality, Such 2% jmpleme ”- best management practices for ting agricultural or inclustrial actiurties or ensy ving that westewater Is properly treatecl pefore olischarge : Wi Cooperate with authori ties « 60ccu authorities desponsible for ensering enf 07 ae piers may be Teguirec/ to Cooperate with O4. the watery act, Such 2& provicling ACE CLS of of records of allowing inspections facilities oF opera tions, what is the signification of public. Interest Ittga tion? Pablte L[nrevest Iti gatle? legat action thet ts Ynitiated (7 Ind yiclued or G7 OP the gy verter gene off The main ebjec Hive a i CpPIL) is a *tIPe of a Court J law by cae of ind ty{clud/s who seek to promote the Seciaty as a Whole. of PIL 1s to proviclé a lege forte fo 7 Public - Spirited crtizens to Tarse issues that ave of large” public Interest ome! whieh affect the fumelanen tat aigats ef people. | personel gain or pat vather fs seeking eo c o amental gights of the Citizens e7 to promo the public interest. ples of fesues thet com be raised through luclé environmental pollution, Prote~ heritage Sites. public hélth concerns, Exa™ pre ime ction of ond humen rights violations. o pifeareton jmportant tool for promoting eis ate Justice omd Protecting the rights | 95. what obo gor izecl Communities, Tt "ss & wag fo hole! the government ane other ounteble ome to ensure thet yn line with the principles le of Law. of marginal Citizens to ef pnstitution ace thejy actions are of clemocreeg ome the 7H unclerstenad by the polle tex Pays principles? the polluter Pays Prime pted environmental fo those responsible for pollutt phe envizyon- (ple rs @ widely acce-. “cy principle that on te { requires Pay for the ment er 74 ! clamiage Caused te tugal 7ESOUFEES. | ' | The principal suggests that the polluting Party should bear the Costs of borne by as whole fuye Generators, Society or fu sence, the polluter pags PTITCIPle arms onmenta accountability | the Costs of pelluHlonN ome! s Jn es to promote envir by internalizsng encouraging polluters t to gecluce ‘theiy pollution level o take Pre vemthyve Me AsUTES Jt is based! on the jolea that~ Inoh'vicluats form economic activities that generate Pollution Should be held respongipie 10F th re environmental Consequences of these acti y/'t/ ties, : organizations, or Companies that bene frt U6. £ . peplain Le . a arrying Capaerty evelopment t- Yin Sustainable Cav ayia. ' ‘ 4 a. Ga pacity iS @ concept usedh in. Ua nl Us, develo om. pment to describe the maximum popula 1077 or / level or yesaurce Ube thot a , Fee. environ ament Cor? Su t wi ; pp? without Causing signitt negative jompacts. Tt refers 45 fi 2 a the nature cesourees abaileble jin an ecouyste ane t4é lemanrd paced on those gesouTees by the humen popelatien oy other Living ong anisTms. Ui) Ca Trying Capacity geters to the ability of 17 ecosystem +e provide the pesou7ees meecled § to supper a lertai” populatian 2% level of ce use over & cide Fee period ot @ t deg ral! 77 phe ecos gysten oon lity of lature generat ceeds. yesouUT©® time: wirhen campromisi a7 the ab to meet their own 7 WD to ensure custecine (2 ov important $0 amemeg E qesouree wsed ina that poe not euceed the camry lg caper! of the ecosystem Tings TOE O47 < oe neler stand the mature limits of the ervironment os well oF implemen 45°79 Le and protec t atures > eS the Conse e . Such 2 qgeducing waste, Syne reas es ticie’y- oy arcloptlig wenewab/e & : mergy e Baw c eS: lopment , tes, OF. spy eee on Sabine available agarnst air pales 7 low eund polictes tn place lobally | to addlyess aiy pollution a é Some of them avet | W Ciean Airy fet (VSA)* | This law tegulates ary emissions feam ctakiomry and mobile Sources and sets National Ambient AIT Cuatity stanclarce (NAAIY) for Bir Common air pollations, It also requires the eonvinori7n ene al protection Agency (EPA) to clovelop and enforce regulations to vecluce and prevent | air pollu t1o7. UD the air ( prevention ame Cont7ol of pollution) act, 1591 (Inclia}? | This act provieles for the prevention, Contra amd abatement ef a7 pollution 17 pndia. rh establishes the Centra! pollution Comirel Board Ccpcb) ond state follutron Control Board naceties) te pare fons of the es lit) The Europe” union eee : These directive Set é ; a quality stanolarols 17 the Europe? Ynior 22 el mer ber states te establish arr syters ond, glevelop activ pollution. yee the previs pir guality DF himits for am require uahieg monitor! my plains ster’ tage a National Emission Ceiling Directive (EU): this clivective Sets hrenits for the emissions of pollu tenrts from Vario sources In the Europeen Union anc the pequires member states to take measures te pecluce their emissions to meet these Lemmits: e. WW) Nattonal Clean Airy Program (India): : “This progaaon War launched! by the Indian govt. th phe aim of geolucing air pollationgs the country, The | sacludes measures Such + cleclucing rndusivi& and Vehieles, P7070" creasing peblire C im 2049 wi levels in 108 etre across Rare gira? emissions f7am bing electric Vehicles,amd tn Awareness Wi) Paris Agreement CuNFCCL)* This agreement is a gqlebel treaty aimed at ackl-§ Tessing elimate chonge and yeducing green house gas emitsions, t& Sarclucle provis'ons ror yecucing air pollution, which i's a mafor Conm- & Eributor to celrmate change. Vit) The Clean flr Strategy (UK)? This strategy was launched by th in 2019 and sets out measures to gecduce ain pollution fom a renge of sources, tanclucling. transport, industry, and agriculture, e@ UK gout. (vill) The natione! Ambient Air Ouality S pamolarclst Langs) Cehaine) i These stenctorro’s set Nanits for Sim commen air pollu tiants in chatra and require the devel- opment of. air quality plans to vecluce polly- bion Jevek 11 majey Cities. y ; 7 93.Explain the Concepts of envigonmentally ee ) ) J > , ) ) ) ) > ) ) ) 5 ) ) 5 > > S ) ) > ) } : y ) , ) y ¥ able are tivity. Envirommental sustaimebility vefers to the respon of Ma gu pel ge saUrets Sible use and menage ment vivenmentd and the protection of phe yjaturel en Ve! gemeratlon's, an enviyo~ nmemtally gustarnable acttuity is ead activity the needs of the pres img the ability of future for present amd feitu oy practice that meets ent without comp 7om'ss eet their own Eee generations tom mentally guste noble Some key Concepts of enviro? activity include? li) Comservation of natura yesources; “This involves using matuyed gesources in 4 7 Spor nsible manner, minimizing waste, ane ensurig) that these yesources are aballable fox future | gengaatign’: | | y ! | lil) Recluetion of Qyreem house gas emissions % This involves .vecluci ny fhe amount of grecmhouse ases that ave emitted into the atmosphere, using penewable energy SOUTCES, sp. either by atficiencg » 07 adopting (aw, Car yoving emerag bon lifestyles. (ii) Protection of biodiversity This involves preserving the amd ecosystems, preventing the loss of habitats, oAiversity of Species ! amd yeclucing the Jompact of human act utes on wildtife. z (iY) Recycling ome! woste reolue tion + This involves using Sustoipeble fase practices reduc’ adit gee ng the amount of w ie eet ken ia by FEUSIMA » TEC yeling _and composing matet*us, and minimizing the amount of nan- yecyclable waste that goes to lant ills - (Y) Sustainable agriculture: This tmvolves using Sustarn that protect Soi} quality. min Pesticioles ond other chemicals, ands promote brocltver sity ‘ Fa aa si able fox! 29 prac ymi2ze the ust ot ¢ O9. Discuss the Major achievements of 710 comtere nce 4992. The. Unitec! Nations Development comnn0r Eagth Summit or Kio C de qanerre Brazil, foam gune® to je tanded by more Conference an Enviro” on ental ard ed to as the, Kio aly refer? fol 1 ROG oe i fETENCE» wes he ne (4-19 ga. fhan 170 The Con be TENE wes at gavern ments » N@O, one wre presen tati Cas of civil cond was phe jargest gather! 77 of Society: world leaders in history ates me: was a Critical moment 197 This Rie Conference fal movement and led the global envitonmenr vera! significant achievements, (ntlad-@ to GE mgi- _ (i) Adoption of the United Nations Fraqriwore ¢ 4 kion on Climate change (unreec): es The Rio Conference lec! to the aclop tian of the UNFCCC, @ treaty that Commit ted Con tries to stabilizing greenhouse Yas Concentra Eions im the atmosphere ata level that wo 2 oud Prevent olangexour anth7opog enic Inter ference — With the Climate systen?: (li) Acloption of the Cemvention on Broleg ical Diversity | (CB0)i- | The Rio Comference aloo led to the acloptiom of he CBD, Which aimed €° Comseyved biodiversity Ube FFF LPELASS SS fin a Sustainable manne7, and shea& the | ' b/y, The CBD hes Since global @ Ffe7rts to | biodiversity , bemefits fairly and eqguite become @ key instrament in Protect and Susta imable monage liti) Acloption of Agenele git ive plow of action Agenda Bl ts .@ Compre hens! for Susta imable ovelopment thet wer aclopted | Rio Conference. The ens| iA) verld leaders at Proviled a blue print fot and civil society € werk gogether to prover Sustainable ole velopment. protect the anilvan, ment, and Improve Soclol equity: (uv) Launch of the Lrlobal Envigorment Fa el lit glee) nee led to the establishment of | fir 0 J mechamisnr that that acldTes s such as climate | govermments, business Sse ge ee a The Rio confere the GEF.a maultilatere! Supports projects ome programs lobal environmental problems jocliversity 106%, ane! lome! oleg yeaclation, cChomgé, b Ww Recognition of the importance of Irie genous Peoples cmd local Commumitics $ The Rio @nterence recognized: the: importance at indigenous peoples amd local Commaniives In enityon, O mental ‘ Conserv vation and Sustainable Love lopm e- Nits . a ye emphasizec! the nee to protect their | ghtis amd to involve them in adectsion -makin Processes. 4 | 10. What ave the Salient features of coastal zone regulations? Cog tal 202€ regulations typreally ai and memage the naturel TES OUTED: habitate ame! cultural Values of the coastal Zone while promoting custaineble ole following Salient Features of Coastal zone 7TEZu fation include: li) Zoning: Coastal zene pegulatiorms etten imvolve the 20n ynto cli bbe vent Ca begories’ ing ot Coastel aveds ticl. commer eres fy olustrial, Ze ane reercatt ol ac IYL TIES: m to protect ecolagicHl ( i ( q « ; « ‘ : « ye lopment. < € Such oe veside Conservator - monage lane) use an Uli) Stbacks; Sat hadks are, regulations that yeguire @ Certain distance blw structures amd the shoreline Z fom ome! maintain beach acces very alepending o StyuctuTes (ii) Environmental Impact Assessment (ETA): fe ations often peguire am environmental sessment CEFF) for any olovelepment § , ©. the ELA Assess Yo] TONES , Prevent eros Satback reguizements com the location amd type of yonipact % propose?! in the coastal zon the petemtiol environmental, social ond econo amie: impacts ef the proposed dovelopment evra economic impacts of the prepoesed! cLevelopment | omad proyiees me commenela Hons for mitigation measures. fugeal yegources ! Gv) Protection of ne ften aim to py? Coastal zone regulation o tect natural yesourch $ womd Cot yeets , These Prohibitions ox TEST TiC tions o vegulations lan jntlude mn atin ties that lations afte include provisrans bh cr the constructiert Regu tg feasted exQgio7 SF 4 GF ‘eek ~ wells OT the techniques. Wi) public aeeess: Re qulations offer peqguire beach and “o they coastal aver plished through the es jablishrnent of P ers easements, beach obFC8 paths, fie ameniti€s* public aecess to the bho ace provision of Sub lil) Watet quatity mama yement | Regulations often include provisions fox mromag ing water quality in the Coastal cone- This cam include measures t° yecluce Pollution fyom othey sources. ach as wetloncds man groves This can be acloy~ o? the gtorm wetey qumotf. sewage olischarge . amel ! 2 Could damage ox olestooy these pe sour eS, Such | os dredging’ filling, 0% mining. (Y) Coastal erosion memagement = fox ypien ag - use ef beach mour ishment ec for the natione! green triby closer bes HS JUTigdictionm ane po mal fet, 2010 wes enacted to ment of a 5 pecretized for Oi. Explaining the ne act 9010 Caitically The Nectioned Gree” Ta bu Poovicle far the estabiish mental ofisputes ane! rssuck tn In¢elia~ to hendle envive? a arose clue to the Incre The need for Such @ tribun asing number of environ mente! 15S5u rns that where not: being effectively e National 617¢E% e3 amd Co mtc— a dalyecsec! by the existing legal Syste» Th Tribunal (nat) wes erected bo provide an inclep- encent and expert forum te cleal with such 1sgues, with the aim ef ensuving a clkaney cmd healthier envjizon ment fox all: | lithe furiselietHon of Nat ts quite wide, and It hos ¥ | the power to hear and olis poe of cases yelating € | bs “envivonmentel olis putes ane fssues, imelucting « | 2 enforcement? ef any those velatecl to 14 f to the environment, danas c legal aight velatina to. public health er ecologg. end compen sation amertal clamage Case bf inclustriese fey ervire py other activities “Jt eo has the power to jsue orders for the closure oF ‘veyulation of jnclastr- TeS or activittes that ave causing envigonment c _ glamage or posing a phyeot to public health. pe Nort alo hes the power 0 hear & ppeots against O75 passed by verzious au fhoritics Under : ine lucling the Central~Pol tuts mmental (2s, Board amd state fllation Control baagds. it ’ te ; an also take cognizance of Cases om its own-in meme emergency or Atsastex NS Case of any emviton tii . en es GD However it is Important’ to note that the NWT is the regular Courts, are its toemyizonmental issues only. nota replacament for qurisdiction js linniteo Tis powers ave aleo Subject fe certain limitations and it conmet take over the functions of other authorities ov tribunals that heve bee? established’ under other law: 5 iv) Critics ef the NaT have axvqued thot ft has been given toe much power: arroltthestadts ecns ers (Cen i J hove & sigmificam lust ries ae businesses: They have tho aise the potemlial for misuse of the tribunal's powers Interests. Howeveh su ppoaters of the Neat argue that itis mecesso7y to have am imclepen- dent forum +t hemele ervirorrmen tel clisputes, juen the imere tal. 'osues in Imola. ¢ jam pact onmin d concerns about by ves ted asing rm per tomes of enulsonmen 5 Why the environmental protection act piipenecies 2 Do yeu Thank that environmen wn det ettective piece t CEPR) 1986 wos oy the protection ot. The eet Gla. Discus 1566 We tal protectie The Lovivon mental protection Ae enacted in India to provice "nd improvement of the environme Woe jmtrocluced jx vesponse to imeveaséng end onmentel deqyaclation amdaconcerny over tha of legislation fwhy rT verluvrerlUvrelvrelUve UY we ee So PDE EPP PEF PLL ISLS EOS establishes vegula tory mechanisms tu Contre! eS health amo! well- being of the pepattion. as , & the environmen mee Pollution anol protect empowers the qove snment to take measures fo prevent emvironmental damage ame! entore environmental 709 wlatlane, ° The EPA 1986 js a effective piece of leg iaetion becouse it provicles a comprehensive framework for add Te ssing environmental fesues im Inolle. The act osfablishes a pequatorg TE prevention and comtyol of pollution, rnelucding r watery pollution, ane gt. provides tor grame for fhe ain om | the menagenent ef herarclous waste. the at abo JES the prohibitien ef Ce mental herr, empowers the government to take meus & to protect the enuiromment, fncluclinn g station Qetlys ts that my Cause enviyon ¢ Moreover, the EPA 199% has been amended $ everal Limes ovey the years to strengthen its p rovbjo BS and expand [ts scope: Fox example. the 739) amendment te the &cf inarecduced the concept at -envire nmenial impact assessment (ETA) which Tegui7es project olo velo pers to assess ip : tential environmental impacts oF thety ‘s re uoncler teckinng them, This has helped a ve nvigonmentally clamagin eB fond g Balne aehnecee and nae hetpec! te prevent environ. ne oat public participation in the elect— 7 PROCESS: ies stpengths: the elec ueness of the EPA.j986 has beer limited by factors guch wd Imac/- equate enforcement: ingutticient 7esources, and Political and burveaucratle yesistonce. There shave been cases where jnclust ries heve Continue’ to Pallute. eyen oftey being issued! notices anc! Fines. pave heen cated. This Indicates “that there 15 o need for greatey enforcement amd mare string- ent penalties tor Viola jvornmental How ever, desprte to7S of env qequia Froms. ‘ aimciple of na fawl lrability Noles nguyemce act 1994. under the Public mante Act, 199) 15 4 legal comcept that Hom of victims of accidents | lg. Explain the P the public fiability i The prime ipal of mo--fawt liabilrty | Liability Imsu | governs the compensé | or incidents that yesult in damage » im jury or | pleath: Lt ise form of imsuyavee Phat is taken | out by on inciiviolued or entity (such as a business) that mea Cause hasm to pthe | activit tes, opevations or Pp yoduats. | | ys clue to bhelr Under the principle ef no. fawt ability, te: victim cloes not hove to prove the negligence of fawt of the perse?? 0% entity that causeel the harm. Instead, the Liability of the person er enti ig established Solely beseclon the occurrence of the event that caused the harm. This copra a ete eet en ee ON Ie rn In ie Ie ee PP FSF FPS G means. that even if the person oF entity was not negligent or at fault, they ave still Jfable to compensate the victim for the harm Caused. etn the cose of the public Liability Insurance Ret, 1951, the principle of no- feult Io bil'ty applies to Cases where a person ex entity Causes hav te thir! parties due to aeciclents that occu7y on ‘there “prernises ariclue. to, thelr, opeTations The es. and Incltvicduals te tate the “ability for sach accice- anus? Cover the tinait on the amour Act regu ives business out insurance to Cover mts. anc! the insurenee poliey entire ability - wrtheut any : Grol be bsurence—P ef Compensation payable: The principle ef We- fault liability is basecso” the tole that these, whoe engage In activities * thet have the potential to cause heron should bear the vespons ibility for any have Pied results, regarelless of whether they were as ¢ faull. This help? to ensuve that VictIMS ave | led for their losses, ame that fa ivly Compensé tom does not fall the buydlen ot Compengat unfairly ev” the victimor their Pron ilies. ox Con cepts ef BIA Methods! ‘ thods— 7 sty pe? et ae a @D Networks iG. Ac! - neg @ Overlays (ars) checklists @ Cost/ benefit Rnolysi's pe tS Se Mocleling CAEAI7)

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