(BA) Business Administration and Management - Stipendium Hungaricum

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BA Business
Administra!on and
Budapest Business University
 Hungary, Budapest
Faculty of Finance and Accountancy 

 How to apply

Study loca!on
Hungary, Budapest

Bachelor, full degree studies

Nominal dura!on
7 semesters

Study language


Course code
Economic Science

Entry qualifica!on
High school / secondary educa!on (or higher)

Entry requirements:

1. Secondary school leaving cer!ficate

2. B2 English language knowledge, proved by

interna!onally accepted language examina!on system
(e.g.: IELTS, TOEFL, WAEC, etc.) and interview

3. Transcript of secondary school studies

The entry qualifica!on documents are accepted in the

following languages: English.

O"en you can get a suitable transcript from your

school. If this is not the case, you will need official
transla!ons along with verified copies of the original.

You must take the original entry qualifica!on

documents along with you when you finally go to the

Territory requirements
Applica!ons are accepted from the following territories
(based on ci!zenship): Angola, Argen!na, Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia &
Herzegovina, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, Chile, China,
Colombia, Congo - Kinshasa, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,
Georgia, Ghana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel,
Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan,
Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Madagascar, Malaysia,
Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Moldova,
Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, North
Macedonia, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Russia,
Seychelles, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, St Lucia,
State of Pales!ne, Syria, São Tomé & Príncipe, Taiwan,
Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Türkiye,
Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Venezuela,
Vietnam, Yemen.

Language requirements

B2 (IELTS 5.5)

Please note that all applicants need to par!cipate in an

online admission interview. During this interview, you’ll
need to prove your language skills and the admission
commi$ee will make their admission decision based on
this. If you don’t reach the necessary language level,
you won’t be granted admission even if you have a
previously obtained language cer!ficate.

More informa!on
interna!onal.uni-bge.hu/..-and-management 


If you choose this programme…

In the business and management programme, we develop
business professionals who know the basic concepts and
main rela!onships of business management, as well as the
principles of management using resources and produc!on
factors. They are able to manage, organise and operate
business processes, establish organisa!ons and
ins!tu!ons, and design or change their structure and
organisa!onal conduct. With their knowledge in the field
of economics, social theory, applied economics and
methodology, they are able to:

Plan and analyse the processes of business

organisa!ons and ins!tu!ons.
Manage and organise business and entrepreneurial
ac!vi!es and processes.
Apply problem-solving techniques in the
prepara!on of corporate decisions.
Build their career independently and evaluate their
Work independently in various areas of corporate
Perform management du!es in posi!ons related to
the general management and coordina!on of
business organiza!ons.

The op!onal specializa!on of the programme is

Service Management.

Entrance exam:

The entrace exam consists of two parts. On one hand, the

applicants’ previous studies are evaluated (based on the
transcripts and the final secondary cer!ficate/high school
diploma), mo!va!on le$er and any addi!onal documents
are checked as well. On the other hand, applicants need to
par!cipate in an online admission interview. During this
interview applicants need to prove their English language
skills and also their suitability for their chosen program.
Applicants are invited to complete a Mathema!cs test.

Type of entrance exam:

oral with a wri$en Mathema!cs test if required by the
Admission Commi$ee

Entrance exam loca!on:




Programme structure

Economics, methodology and business basics

(e.g. mathema!cs, sta!s!cs, IT, micro and
macroeconomics, interna!onal economics, finance,
business law, marke!ng, accoun!ng, management,
business communica!on, specialised foreign language)

Social science basics

(e.g. general and business law, economic history, sociology,
psychology, philosophy)

Special core material of business and

(e.g. corporate finance, accoun!ng analysis, human
resource management, marke!ng, management, leadership
and organisa!on, decision theory and methodology,
business ethics, strategic planning)

Career opportuni!es
Graduates become suitable for posi!ons that cover
the performance of the following tasks, amongst

Par!cipa!on in the prepara!on of corporate decisions.

Independent work in sub-areas of the corporate system –
business planning, project administra!on and
management, sales and marke!ng tasks, customer
rela!onships, business analysis.
Management du!es related to the general management
and coordina!on of organiza!ons.

Apply now! Academic year 2024/25

 Applica!on deadline
15 Jan 2024, 14:00:00
Central European Time

 Studies commence
30 Sept 2024

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 Applica!on deadlines apply to ci!zens of: Indonesia

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