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Answer & Explanation

Solved by verified expert

Answered by Ppauguilles

1. Edge kontribusi per karton lilin untuk yang dijual ke outlet biasa
Edge kontribusi adalah selisih antara harga jual dan biaya variabel. Untuk lilin yang dijual ke
outlet biasa, edge kontribusi per karton adalah:
$25 - $15 = $10

2. Biaya variabel per karton lilin untuk pesanan khusus dari sekolah dasar setempat
Biaya variabel per karton lilin untuk pesanan khusus adalah biaya variabel untuk membuat
lilin, dikurangi biaya distribusi rata-rata. Biaya variabel untuk membuat lilin adalah $15 per
karton. Karena pesanan khusus ini tidak akan menimbulkan biaya distribusi, biaya variabel
per karton adalah:
$15 - $3 = $12

3. Keputusan untuk menerima pesanan

Jika prinsipal dapat membayar tidak lebih dari $12 per karton, Perkebunan Lavender harus
menerima pesanan tersebut. Dengan menerima pesanan, Perkebunan Lavender akan
menghasilkan edge kontribusi sebesar $0 per karton, tetapi akan menghindari kehilangan
penjualan ke outlet lain.

4. Keputusan jika beroperasi dengan kapasitas penuh

Jika Perkebunan Lavender beroperasi dengan kapasitas penuh dan harus menghentikan
penjualan typical lilin untuk menerima pesanan prinsipal, maka keputusan untuk menerima
pesanan akan lebih sulit. Dalam hal ini, Perkebunan Lavender harus mempertimbangkan
kehilangan edge kontribusi dari penjualan typical.
Jika edge kontribusi dari penjualan typical lebih besar dari $0, maka Perkebunan Lavender
harus menolak pesanan prinsipal. Dalam hal ini, Perkebunan Lavender akan lebih baik untuk
memenuhi permintaan dari outlet typical, yang akan menghasilkan edge kontribusi positif.
Namun, jika edge kontribusi dari penjualan ordinary sama dengan $0, maka Perkebunan
Lavender harus mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor lain, seperti hubungan dengan sekolah
dasar dan potensi penjualan di masa depan. Dalam hal ini, Perkebunan Lavender mungkin
memutuskan untuk menerima pesanan untuk membangun hubungan dengan sekolah dasar
dan untuk mendapatkan eksposur ke pelanggan baru.

Keputusan untuk menerima pesanan dari sekolah dasar setempat adalah keputusan yang
kompleks. Perkebunan Lavender harus mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti edge
kontribusi, kapasitas, dan hubungan dengan pelanggan.

Step-by-step explanation

Point by point clarification of the choice to acknowledge the arrange from the nearby
rudimentary school
The choice to acknowledge the arrange from the nearby basic school may be a complex one.
Lavender Ranches Pty Ltd must consider a number of components, counting:

Edge commitment: The edge commitment per carton of candles sold to normal outlets is $10.
This implies that for each carton of candles sold, Lavender Ranches Pty Ltd gains $10 in
benefit after covering its variable costs.
Variable costs: The variable fetched per carton of candles for the uncommon arrange from the
neighborhood basic school is $12. Typically lower than the variable fetched for standard
deals since the uncommon arrange will not bring about the normal conveyance taken a toll of
$3 per carton.

Capacity: Lavender Manors Pty Ltd has adequate capacity to meet the extraordinary arrange.
This implies that tolerating the arrange will not require the company to give up any other
Client connections: Lavender Ranches Pty Ltd may need to consider its relationship with the
neighborhood basic school and the potential for future deals when making its choice.
In case Lavender Ranches Pty Ltd can charge the principal no less than $12 per carton, at that
point it ought to acknowledge the arrange. This can be since the company will produce a edge
commitment of $0 per carton, which is way better than losing the deal inside and out.

Be that as it may, in the event that the central can as it were pay $12 or less per carton, at that
point the choice gets to be more troublesome. In this case, Lavender Manors Pty Ltd must
consider the misfortune of edge commitment from customary deals.
In the event that the edge commitment from normal deals is more noteworthy than $0, at that
point Lavender Plantations Pty Ltd ought to dismiss the principal's arrange. In this case, the
company is way better off satisfying request from normal outlets, which is able create a
positive edge commitment.

In any case, in the event that the edge commitment from customary deals is break even with
to $0, at that point Lavender Manors Pty Ltd ought to consider other components, such as its
relationship with the nearby rudimentary school and the potential for future deals. In this
case, the company may choose to acknowledge the arrange to construct goodwill with the
school and to pick up introduction to unused clients.

Eventually, the choice of whether or not to acknowledge the special arrange from the
neighborhood rudimentary school could be a judgment call. Lavender Ranches Pty Ltd must
weigh all of the pertinent components and make the choice that's best for the company.
Extra contemplations
In expansion to the components recorded over, Lavender Ranches Pty Ltd may also want to
consider the taking after when making its choice:

Competitive scene: Lavender Ranches Pty Ltd ought to consider whether there are any other
companies that are competing for the school's trade. In the event that so, the company may
ought to offer a lower cost to win the arrange.

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