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UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023-24

Month- April
Date: From: 5.04.23 to 13.04.23
Subject: English
Std: III Div: L, P, W, J Unit: L 1 – The Attic

Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 12

Important Points to be Recognise the importance of friends

covered Importance of Playing Physical game rather than playing with Gadgets
Talk about their friends and friendship.

Objectives Knowledge: Recall the enjoyment children have with their friends in different seasons.
Understanding: Associate why it is important to spend time with friends.
Explain the importance of playing physical games.
Application: State different games which can be played with friends.
List the reasons why one must have friends in life
Skill: Write a short paragraph on Fun with friends
Learning Outcomes Student will be able to
-Recall the enjoyment children have with their friends in different seasons.
-Associate importance to spend time with friends.
- Explain the importance of playing physical games.
-State the different games which can be played with friends
- Write a short paragraph on fun with friends
- List the reasons why one must have friends in life.
Additional Inputs Video on traditionally played games.

Previous preparation and Teacher’s note , Students’ notes and Teach Next module youtube video
instruction material
Period Wise Allocation in
Brief P-1
Teacher initiates a discussion in the class with following questions:
1. Who is your best friend?
2. List some qualities of your best friend.
3. What are the games that you enjoy with your best friend?
4. Why do you think it is important to play physical games?
5. What is your experience related to your best friend?
Teacher shows the video on traditional games played physically and explains the
importance of working in team and bond between the friends. Then the teacher asks the
students to complete the exercise pg no. 96 of My best friend.
Teacher reads the story , and while reading she asks the students to imagine how the three
children in the story might have felt :
1. When they couldn’t go out to play because of the rain.
2. When Mohan suggested playing in the attic.
3. When children were making space to play.
4. When they were playing with old dresses.
5. When they looked at the scrap book full of pictures.
Then the teacher discusses the value of friendship with the students.
Teacher shows teachnext module.

Teacher asks the students to read the story, underline the difficult words and explains the
Teacher asks them to complete the textual exercises pg no. 99. Term 1 Book A.
P-4, 5, 6
Teacher discusses and writes the notes of the story and asks the students to copy in their

P -7 – Activity – Making Mind Map of Indoor and outdoor games

P-8, 9 – Subject Enrichment Activity( Reading Skills ) Reading of the Lesson from text –
The Attic

P-10 - Vocabulary – Suffix ( -en, able, er)

Teacher explains the concept of Suffix and solves textual exercises.

P-11 – Practise Book Exercises. Teacher helps the students to solve the textual Practise
book exercises on Page no. 1, 4,6 and 7

P-12 – Dictation Test and Revision of Lesson.

Practice Work / Complete the Practise Book Exercises on pg no. 2,3 and 5.
Difficult Words/formula Noisy feet, sweeten, galoshes, arrived, wrapped, marched and extremely.
Class Tests Dictation test.
Worksheet -
Suggestion and Comments
UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023-24
Month- April
Date: From: 17.04.23 to 20.04.23
Subject: English
Std: III Div: L, P, W, J Unit: : Nouns: Singular and Plurals
Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 7

Important Points to be  Rules of regular and irregular plurals

covered  To frame sentences using regular and irregular plural words.
Objectives Knowledge –
Recall the definition of Singular and Plural
Understanding –
Explain various rules used in Framing Regular and Irregular Plurals
Application –
Identify Regular and Irregular Plurals in sentences.
Conversion of Regular and Irregular Plurals
Skills –
Create a list of regular and irregular plurals.
Learning Outcomes Students will be able to
 Recall the definition of Singular and Plural
 Explain various rules used in Framing Regular and Irregular Plurals
 Locate the Regular and Irregular Plurals in a sentence
 Conversion of Regular and Irregular Plurals.
 Create a list of regular and irregular plurals.
Additional Inputs Video on Singular and plural

Previous preparation and Quiz through word wall -

instruction material Extra marks , You tube video and PPT and worksheet

Period Wise Allocation in Teachers sends a video prior to students to watch on Singular and Plural nouns

P1- On the bases of the video sent teacher asks the students to solve the quiz using the
digital tool ( Word wall Quiz- or work sheet) and
Teacher briefs the students about the meaning of Regular and Irregular Plurals with help
of PPT and explains the rules of regular and irregular plurals.

P2- Teacher keeps the flash cards ready on the table and asks a pair of students to come
forward and bifurcate into regular and irregular plurals within the allotted time in the
basket of regular or irregular respectively.

P3 – Teacher guides the students to solve the textual exercise of term 1 bk A Pg.
No.105,106, 112 and 113 Term 1 B Book

P4 – Teachers recapitulate the topic of Regular and Irregular Plurals by showing extra
marks and you tube video. and asks the
students to solve the wprksheet.

P5 – Teacher writes Notes of regular and irregular plurals and ask the students to copy it in
Grammar C.W.
P-6 – Game of Singular and plural.
P7 – Test in the form of worksheet.
Teacher keeps the flash cards ready on the table and asks a pair of students to come
Activity forward and bifurcate into regular and irregular plurals within the allotted time in the
basket of regular or irregular respectively

Practice Work / Complete the Textual exercises on pg. no. 5


Project -
Difficult Words/formula -

Class Tests In the form of worksheet

Worksheet Worksheet on Regular and Irregular Plurals

Suggestion and Comments

UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023- 2024
Month- June
Date: 05.06.23 to 06.06.23
Subject: English
Std: III Div: L, P, W, J Unit: L 2 – My Little Ted ( Poem )

Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 4

Important Points to be Understanding the importance of having pet at home

covered How they are a helping hand to the family

Objectives Knowledge – Differentiate between pet animals and wild animals

Understanding – Relate the poem with your personal experience.
Application – Illustrate their emotions and feelings and sensitivity towards pet animals.
Skill- Place a shallow bowl and place it in the balcony or garden with fresh water for
birds to drink.
Learning Outcomes Students will be able to
Differentiate between pet animals and wild animals
Relate the poem with your personal experience.
Illustrate their emotions and feelings and sensitivity towards pet animals.

Additional Inputs Talk about their pet animals, taking care of animals, showing kindness care and love
towards animals.
Previous preparation and Teacher’s note, Students’ notes and Teach Next module, You tube Videos.
instruction material
Period Wise Allocation in
Brief P1 – Teacher shows a small puppet of and interact with the students.
Teacher initiates the discussion the following
Do you have pets?
Name some animals that are kept as pets.
How do you take care of your pets?
Would you like to keep an unusual pet? ( tortoise, squirrel, rabbit)
Teacher introduces the poem by telling about the poet’s pet and the fun the poet has with
its pet and also the way its cares for its pet. Then explains the meanings of the new words.
Teacher shows a story on sharing and caring and discuss with children on How can we
take care of animals .
-Teacher guides the students to solve the Textual exercise in term 1 Book

P2 –
Teacher recited the poem in rhythm and asks the students to recite along with her.

P3 and P4
Teacher writes the notes and asks the students to copy in their notebook.

Place a shallow bowl and place it in the balcony or garden with fresh water for birds to
Activity drink.
Practice Work / 1.To complete the text book exercise of pg. no 114
Assignments 2. To complete the note in C. W. Book.
3. Solving Textual Exercise in Term 1 Practise Book.

Difficult Words/formula Brindle, folks, Theodore, pyjamas, dearly.
Class Tests Dictation Test, meanings and make sentences( will be conducted with another lesson)

Worksheet -

Suggestion and Comments


UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023-24
Month- June
Date: From: 08.06.23 to 13.06.23
Subject: English
Std: III Div: L, P, W, J Unit: Homophones
Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods 3
Important  To identify the words with homophones, their meanings and the exact spellings.
Points to be
Objectives Knowledge – Recall words which has same pronunciation

Understanding –
Identify words that have same sound but different spellings and meanings.
Define homophones, and give examples of different words that are considered homophones.

Application –Demonstrate the correct usage of spellings and meanings of different homophones.
To classify that a particular pair of homophone has a same pronunciation, but different spelling and

Skill- Create the word list of homophones.

Learning Students will be able to:

Outcomes  Recall words which has same pronunciation

 Identify the meanings and the correct spelling.

 Identify words that have same sound but different spellings and meanings.
 Define homophones, and give examples of different words that are considered homophones.
 Demonstrate the correct usage of spellings and meanings of different homophones.
 To classify that a particular pair of homophone has a same pronunciation, but different spelling
and meanings.
 Create the word list of homophones
Additional Share the list of homophones , show the video of homophones, Quizizz

Previous Teachers Notes.

and instruction Teacher’s note, Students’ notes, Teach Next modules, You tube videos related to the topic.

Period Wise P1 - Teacher initiates the topic by asking students to share different words which sound same.
Allocation in
Brief Teacher writes few sentences on the board and asks the students to help by pointing out the correct
word in the sentence.

Ex: The sun/son is shining very brightly today.

I write /right a letter to my friend.

I saw a bee/be on the flower.

Teacher then explains that homophones are the words that have same pronunciation but different set
of spellings and meanings. Teacher discusses various homophones and asks the students to give the
list of such words.

Teacher guides the students to solve the textual exercises in term 1 book.

P 2- Teacher recapitulates the homophones by showing the video

Practice Work / Pg no .61 term 1 book B

Project -
Difficult -

Class Tests In Worksheet

Worksheet Worksheet on Homophones

Suggestion and


UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023-24
Month- June
Date: From:
Subject: English Grammar
Std: III Div: L, P, W, J Unit: Degrees of Comparison
Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 8

Important Points to be  Students will be able to use the positive, comparative, and superlative degrees of the
covered regular and irregular adjectives and adverbs.

Objectives Knowledge – Recalls Adjectives as describing words

Understanding - Understands the degree of comparisons and its rules of changing the form
of adjectives
Application –Write sentences using degree of comparisons.
Skill – Frame 10- 12 sentences with each degree ( positive, comparative and Superlative)

Learning Outcomes To Identify Different degree of comparison

 Students will write sentences using the ideas from class discussions

based questions Difficult in understanding when adding -er / -est

 silent ‘e’ is dropped

Example: late-later-latest
 final ‘y’ after a consonant becomes i

Example: easy-easier-easiest

 final consonant after short, stressed vowel is doubled

Example: hot-hotter-hottest

Comparative Form and Superlative Form (more/most)

 adjectives of three or more syllables (and two-syllable adjectives not ending in -y/-

positive form comparative form superlative form

difficult more difficult most difficult

Additional Inputs The Positive Degree of an adjective in comparison is the adjective in its simple form. It is
used to denote the mere existence of some quality of what we speak about. It is used when
no comparison is made

 It is a tall building.
 Apple is sweet to taste

The Comparative Degree denotes the existence of a higher degree of the quality than the
positive. It is used when two things (or two sets of things) are compared.

 This building is taller than any other building.

 Apple is sweeter than pea

The Superlative Degree denotes the existence of the highest degree of the quality. It is
used when more than two things are compared.

 This is the tallest building.

 Apple is the sweetest fruit

Previous preparation and Teachers Notes.

instruction material Teach Next module
You tube Video periwinkle

Period Wise Allocation in P1- To discuss about adjectives and write few examples in book as per the knowledge
Brief acquired in std 2 .

P2 - Teacher writes few examples on board and ask the students to write it in book.

P3 – Teacher conducts an activity by asking one of the tallest students to stand in front of
the class. Describe the height of the student using the degree of comparison of regular
Positive - Pushpa is a tall girl.
Comparative - Pushpa is taller than you.
Superlative - Pushpa is the tallest amongst all.

Teacher Then brief the students about the meaning Comparison with help of PPT and
Videos from You tube

The three degrees of comparison of adjectives:

a. positive degree describes only one person, place, or thing

b. comparative degree is used to compare two persons, places, or things

c. superlative degree is used to compare three or more persons, places ,or thing

P-4 – Teacher Explains the rules of Comparison of degree with various examples.
And Solving textual Exercise pg. No. 24

P5 – Write few example of degrees in note book ( Grammar C.W )

P 6 – Activity on Comparison of Degree – Students draw some object and write few
sentences related to Degree of Comparison.
P7 – Worksheet on Degree of Comparison

P8- Test on Degree of Comparison

Practice Work / Complete pg no. 11 and 12 in Practise Book.
Difficult Words/formula -

Worksheet on Degree of Comparison

Class Tests
Suggestion and Comments
UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023- 2024
Month- June
Date: From:
Subject: English
Std: III Div: L, P, W, J Unit: L 3 – The White Rabbit

Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 9

Important Points to be Importance of dreams and expansion of imagination and fantasy.

covered Character sketch from the story

Objectives Knowledge – State what is a dreams

Understanding – Explain the fun and excitement about illogical dreams of Alice
Compare the character sketch of Alice and Rabbit
Application – Summarize the lesson

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to

 State what is a dreams
 Explain the fun and excitement about illogical dreams of Alice
 Compare the character sketch of Alice and Rabbit
 Summarize the lesson

Inclusion Showing a Movie of Alice in Wonderland .

Additional Inputs Dreams are very creative and good in imagination

Previous preparation and Teacher’s note , Students’ notes and Teach Next module
instruction material
Period Wise Allocation in P1 – Having discussion on the following
Brief Do you remember your dreams?
Have you ever met anyone in your dreams?
Who was it?
Can you describe it?
Teacher the shows the short story of Alice in Wonderland

P2 – Teacher introduces the lesson in a story forms. Also explains the meanings of the
new words and take group reading. (With the help of PPT)

P3 Textual exercise is done from pg. no. 135 to 140.

P4 – Teacher writes the notes and Students copy that in C.W Book

P5 – Continue writing Notes

P6 – Reading Skill – To read the lesson

P7 – Continue Reading Skill

P8 – Role Pay Activity

P-9 – Class Test MCQ and descriptive answers.

Activity Subject Enrichment Activity – Reading Skills

Practice Work / Read the Lesson and the New words


Difficult Words/formula Curious, rage, dodging, terrible.

Class Tests Dictation Test, meanings, make sentences and question and answers. ( MCQ )

Suggestion and Comments


UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2022-23
Month- July
Date: From:
Subject: English Grammar
Std: III Div: L, P ,W , J Unit: Conjunctions
Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 08

Important Points to be  Meaning of Conjunctions

covered  Use of Conjunctions in sentences.
 Introduction to types of conjunctions – Coordinating, Subordinating and Correlative

Objectives Knowledge – Assess their understanding about sentences and types of sentences.

Understand – Associate conjunctions in sentences.

Application - Complete sentences by using the proper coordinating, subordinating, and

correlative conjunction.

Skill - Reconstruct sentences by using the appropriate coordinating and subordinating


Learning Outcomes  Identify clauses and use conjunctions to combine them into more complex
 Repair run-on sentences using conjunctions.
 List conjunctions within each category.
 Explain the purpose of conjunctions.
Misconceptions/Enquiry Can You Begin a Sentence With a Coordinating Conjunction? ( It's incorrect to begin a
based questions sentence with a coordinating conjunction. While this is a good rule of thumb, it's not a hard
and fast rule of grammar as long as your sentence still connects to the sentence before it.)

 The grocery store was closed, so we went to the farmer’s market instead.
 The grocery store was closed. So, we went to the farmer’s market instead.

Additional Inputs
Previous preparation and Teachers Notes.
instruction material  To show You tube videos after the explanation of the lesson

 Teacher’s note , Students’ notes, Teach Next modules

Period Wise Allocation in

Brief P 1 – Teacher writes some sentences on the blackboard and ask students to think and tell
whether the sentence make sense or that it reads awkwardly as if something is missing.
then teacher gives few flash cards with conjunctions written on it and ask the students to
put it in between the sentences to complete it.
Teacher takes revision of Sentences and Types of sentences and explains them sentence
can be continued with the help of conjunctions, teacher tells few conjunctions and ask the
students to construct sentences with help of it. Teacher Plays a games with students by
dividing the students in group where in one group holds incomplete sentences and other
groups hold few conjunctions and the teacher ask to complete the sentences with the
correct word they feel they must use it.

P 2- Teacher explains the term Conjunction and its types (coordinating and subordinating
conjunctions) with the help of PPT.
A conjunction is a word that joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses. There are three
types of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and
correlating conjunctions.
Expound on each type of conjunction, give examples, and let students create their own
Coordinating Conjunctions- Used to join individual words, phrases, and independent
clauses that are grammatically equal or similar. For, and, not, but, or, yet, and so — are the
seven coordinating conjunctions; also known as FANBOYS -
Explains reason or purpose (just like “because”)
Example: I like watching K-Pop groups, for they dance beautifully.
AND – Adds one thing to another
Example: Kai is an amazing dancer and singer.
NOR – Used to present an alternative negative idea to an already stated negative idea
Example: I cannot sing nor can I dance.
BUT – Shows contrast
P-3 Explanation of Subordinating conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions: AS per given in Text book
Subordinating conjunctions signalling relationships of time or place

Subordinating conjunctions is to show a relationship between two clauses involving a

transition of time or place. Some examples of such subordinating conjunctions are once,
while, when, before, till and after.

Teacher explains its Usage in different sentences by giving various examples.

P4 – Teacher Discuss and help students to solve the textual Exercises on Pg. no. 37, 38 and
39. ( In term I book)
P5- Teacher ask the students to write few examples in grammar C.W book.
P6 - Teacher ask students to solve the Worksheet on Conjunctions
P7 – Activity – Paper clip your conjunctions – Teacher divides the students into the group of
four, then she distribute conjunction words and the incomplete sentences to the students.
Activity – Paper clip your conjunctions – Teacher divides the students into the group of
four, then she distribute conjunction words and the incomplete sentences to the students.
Each group make minimum four sentences by joining the sentences and conjunction with
the paper clip and then paste it on A4 size paper

Practice Work / Complete the textual exercise in Practice book pg no. 18 and 19.
Difficult Words/formula

Class Tests MCQ Test and Written Test on Conjunctions

Suggestion and Comments

UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023- 2024
Month- July
Subject: English
Std: III Div: L, P, W, J Unit: L 2 – My Magic Wand

Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 4

Important Points to be Understanding the word magician

covered Able to Imagine and explore creativity

Objectives Knowledge – Imagines the fun they experienced in Magic show

Understanding – Relate the poem with your personal experience.
Application – Quote their own magic words
Skill- Share their favourite magic trick they enjoyed at magic show
Learning Outcomes Students will be able to
Read and recite a poem
Quote their own magic words
Share their favourite magic trick they enjoyed at magic show
Additional Inputs Video of Magic show, How the earlier Magic show differ from the current Magic shows,
Importance of Animal freedom
Previous preparation and Teacher’s note, Students’ notes and Teach Next module, You tube Videos.
instruction material
Period Wise Allocation in
Brief P1 – Teacher initiates the discussion whether the students know the word ‘magician’
teacher then show a small video of Magic show to the students
later ask them about what was their favourite trick. Teacher then ask the students to
imagine that they have a magic wand and they can make things appear. Then ask them to
name two things that they would bring to their classroom with the help of magic wand.
After thinking teacher ask the students to write the two things on pg. no 43 in Term 1
Book. Teacher ask the students to share with their partners about their thoughts.

P2 - Teacher introduces the poem by telling about the poet’s magic the she wants the
things to appear with her magic wand. Teacher recites the poem and ask the students the
following questions
 Did you listen the poem?
 What came to your mind while listening to it?
 Did create animal
you think of shadow puppets with your hands. Capture their picture and upload
a fairyland?
Activity it on Teams in the assignment created.

Practice Work / 1. To complete the text book exercise of pg. no 51, 52 and 53.
Assignments 2. Solving Textual Exercise on pg. no. 23 and 26 in Practise Book.
Create Magic Ink with the help of the given instructions on Pg. no 50 in Term 1 Book.
Difficult Words/formula Magic, fearful, swollen, disappear.
Class Tests Dictation Test, meanings and make sentences

Worksheet -

Suggestion and Comments


UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023-24
Month- July
Date: From:
Subject: English
Std: III Div: L,P,W,J Unit: : Articles
Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 7P

Important Points to be  Defination of Articles

covered  Rules of articles in a sentence.
Objectives Knowledge – State about singular and Plural noun
Tell about Consonants and Vowels
Understanding – Recognize Articles (A, an and The) and rules to use articles in sentences.
Differentiate between definite and Indefinite articles

Application – Apply the rules of Articles while writing sentences and paragraph
Figure out the mistakes in sentence and paragraph related to wrongly used
Skill – Constructs Tongue Twister using articles.
Learning Outcomes Students will be able to-
State about singular and Plural noun
Tell about Consonants and Vowels
Recognize Articles (A, an and The) and rules to use articles in sentences.
Differentiate between definite and Indefinite articles
Apply the rules of Articles while writing sentences and paragraph
Figure out the mistakes in sentence and paragraph related to wrongly used Articles
Constructs Tongue Twister using articles.
Additional Inputs An article is a word used to modify a noun, which is a person, place, object, or idea.
Technically, an article is an adjective, which is any word that modifies a noun. Usually
adjectives modify nouns through description, but articles are used instead to point out or
refer to nouns. There are two different types of articles that we use in writing and
conversation to point out or refer to a noun or group of nouns: definite and indefinite

Definite article – We use “the “ when we refer to a particular person , place or thing

e.g – He lives in the city of Agra.

Indefinite article - We use “a” before a consonant sound and

“an” before a vowel sound

e.g. = A orange, A mobile.

Previous preparation and Teachers Notes.
instruction material  Google research and reference to wren and martin book to get various example for
practise work and class test.
 To show Teach Next comp and play joyful game after the explanation of the lesson
from the Youtube videos.

Teacher’s note , Students’ notes, Periwinkle video and Quizz word wall

Period Wise Allocation in P1 – Teacher Plays the game of Vowels and consonant and drills the sounds of Vowel and
Brief consonant. She explain difference between Vowel and Consonant with help of the video.

P2 - Teacher reads out the conversation using the right intonation and expressions.
Teacher allows time for the students to read out the dialogues themselves. Teacher initiates
a discussion on the articles used in the dialogue. Teacher writes a few example sentences
on the board. Teacher discusses the difference between each article. Teacher then explain
definite and indefinite terms to the students with various examples
P3 and P4- To brief the students about the meaning Articles with the help of PPT

We use “the “ when we refer to a particular person , place or thing and adjectives which
are used for comparison end in –er or –est.

e.g – He lives in the city of Agra.

Shreya is the best swimmer in our school

Sachin Tendulkar is the greatest batsman

Krishna is the smartest boy in our class

Pratibha is the most intelligent girl in the group.

Indefinite article - We use “a” before a consonant sound and

“an” before a vowel sound and silent letters ex. honest

e.g. = An orange , A mobile.

Teacher then explain definite and indefinite terms to the students with various examples
and drills the structure of Articles

Teacher then shows Video of Articles to students

P5 - Teacher give some sentences and ask the students to use the correct articles and takes
the game of tongue twister

P6 - Teacher writes the notes and ask the students to copy it in C.W book

P7 - Solving textual Exercise on pg. No. 156 to 170

Students enjoy the activity of Tongue twister
P8 - Teacher takes the word wall quiz and ask the students to solve it.
Betty bought a bit of butter,
But the bit of butter was bitter.
So Betty bought better butter,
To make the bitter butter better

Practice Work / Solve the worksheet on Articles .


Project -
Difficult Words/formula -

Class Tests Articles (Fill in the blanks with a, an, and the ) .
Worksheet Articles worksheet

Suggestion and Comments


UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023-24
Month- September

Date: From:

Subject: English
Std: III Div:L,P,W,J Unit: Preposition

Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 6

Important Points to be Concept of preposition

Objectives Knowledge – Recalls nouns and positions of nouns.
Understanding – Distinguish between preposition time, place and manner
Identify prepositions in a sentence
Application – Frame a sentence using prepositions.
Skill- Make a preposition Chart writing sentences with the help of preposition words

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to -

Recalls nouns and positions of nouns.
Explain how the preposition can be used in time, place and manner
Identify Prepositions in a sentence
Make use of prepositions while writing a sentence and paragraph .

Additional Inputs Various examples from reference textbook on Preposition.

Previous preparation and

instruction material Teacher’s note , Students’ notes, Educomp modules and Teach Next Module

Period Wise Allocation in

Brief P1 -Teacher arrange few things at different places and also ask few students to stand at
different places , then teacher ask few students to frame sentences by telling the exact
position of the things and the students.
E.g. Soham is standing between the two benches
Chalk is kept on the table
Notice board is placed beside the black board

Teacher then explains the student – A word that shows the relation of one thing to another
in a sentence is called a preposition Teachers show a video of preposition Song

P2- Teacher conducts a game of jumbled words and ask the students to frame the
sentences by using correct prepositions with the help of jumbled words

P 3,4 -Teacher explains the concept of Preposition of Time, Place and Manner. Teacher
Shows the Video of Preposition
Play a game of jumbled words.
Activity Write down the words of a sentence on bits of paper and jumble the bits of paper.
The sentence must use in, on and at as prepositions of place or of time. Each group gets a
time to rearrange the words in the right order to form a correct sentence.

Practice Work /
Assignments To solve the practice Exercise book

Project -
Difficult Words/formula -

Class Tests Quiz on Preposition

Worksheet Worksheet on Preposition

Suggestion and Comments

UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023-24
Month- September
Date: From:
Subject: English Grammar
Std: III Div: L, P ,W , J Unit: Paragraph Writing( Writing Skills )
Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 04
Important Points to be 1. Describe a topic and group related information together
covered 2. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.
3. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to connect ideas
within categories of information.
4. Provide a Topic sentence, describing lines and concluding statement or section.
Objectives Knowledge –
 Define the term of sentence

 State the parts of the paragraph – topic sentence, supporting sentence, concluding
 Understand rules to express their thought process.

Application –
 Analyse paragraph for the following elements – unity, coherence, completeness.
 Able to write sentences using vacabourly while writing a paragraph.

Skill –
 Learns to write and express their thought process effectively and develop their
 Use the principles of organisation when writing paragraph.

Learning Outcomes Students are able to

 Identify the three key parts of a paragraph: topic sentence, supporting details, and
 Write a paragraph containing a topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion
unified, coherent and complete. ( Linguistic Intelligence )
Additional Inputs Sample paragraph on Various topics.

Previous preparation and

instruction material  Teachers Notes

Period Wise Allocation in

P1 - Teacher revises the term sentence and ask students to describe their ideas in small
sentences on topics like e.g My pet, My family etc.

P2 - Explanation the Rules and Ideas of writing paragraph

P-3 –Showing various examples of paragraph writing to get an idea about how the
paragraphs are written

P -4 - To write paragraph on various topics like, “My favourite game, My Pet , A rainy
day etc.


Practice Work / To write the paragraph in H. W. book on My Best Friend


Difficult Words/formula -
Class Tests --

Suggestion and Comments


UNIT PLAN YEAR – 2023- 2024
Month- September
Subject: English
Std: III Div: L, P, W, J Unit: P6 – The Ant Explorer

Name of the teacher:

Heads Particulars
Periods Allocated 3
Important Points to be Understanding the meaning of the words used in the poem to describe the journey of Ant.
Objectives Knowledge –Aware of the word explore and have heard many stories of ants like Ant and
the grasshopper
Understanding –Gives opportunity to observe and explore the world of animals around
them , their habitats..
Application – Relate their personal experience with the
Skill- Share their favourite magic trick they enjoyed at magic show
Learning Outcomes Students will be able to
Read and recite a poem
Quote their own magic words
Share their favourite magic trick they enjoyed at magic show
Additional Inputs Video of Magic show, How the earlier Magic show differ from the current Magic shows,
Importance of Animal freedom
Previous preparation and Teacher’s note, Students’ notes and Teach Next module, You tube Videos.
instruction material
Period Wise Allocation in
Brief P1 – Teacher initiates the discussion whether the students know the word ‘magician’
teacher then show a small video of Magic show to the students
later ask them about what was their favourite trick. Teacher then ask the students to
imagine that they have a magic wand and they can make things appear. Then ask them to
name two things that they would bring to their classroom with the help of magic wand.
After thinking teacher ask the students to write the two things on pg. no 43 in Term 1
Book. Teacher ask the students to share with their partners about their thoughts.
P2 - Teacher introduces the poem by telling about the poet’s magic the she wants the
things to appear with her magic wand. Teacher recites the poem and ask the students the
following questions
 Did you listen the poem?
 What came to your mind while listening to it?
 Did you think of a fairyland?
Teacher then discuss the main idea of a poem
Students createthe
Then explains animal shadow
meanings puppets
of the with your
new words. hands.
Then Capture
students their
recites thepicture
poem and
Activity it on Teams in the assignment created.

Practice Work / 1. To complete the text book exercise of pg. no 51, 52 and 53.
Assignments 2. Solving Textual Exercise on pg. no. 23 and 26 in Practise Book.

Create Magic Ink with the help of the given instructions on Pg. no 50 in Term 1 Book.
Difficult Words/formula Magic, fearful, swollen, disappear.
Class Tests Dictation Test, meanings and make sentences

Worksheet -

Suggestion and Comments

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