2006 WAEC Geography Theory Write Notes On Flooding Under The Following (A) Definition (B) Causes (C) Effects (D) Solution.&n

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2006 WAEC Geography

Theory Write notes on
!ooding under the following:
(a) de"nition; (b) causes; (c)
e#ects; (d) solution. ...
Geography WAEC 2006

Write notes on !ooding under the following:

(a) de"nition;
(b) causes;
(c) e#ects;
(d) solution.

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(a) Write notes on "ooding under the following:

(a) De"nition of !ooding Flooding can be de"ned as a

situation of excessive volume of water in an area not usually
under water or could be referred to as excessive large
quantity of water which over!ows existing channels.

(b) Causes of "ooding

(i) Deforestation
(ii) Excessive rainfall in an area
(iii) Collapse of dams
(iv) Careless dumping of refuse which block culverts or river
(v) Inadequate urban planning
(vi) Poor drainage system or absence of channels / culverts
(vii) Strong tidal waves near coast e.g Bar Beach in Lagos
(viii) Establishment of settlement on rivers channels
(ix) High water table.

(c) E#ects
(1) Create health hazards
(2) Displacement of people / settlement
(3) Loss of lives and properties
(4) Makes human and vehicular movements di%cult
(5) Can spread water-borne diseases
(6) Lead to destruction of farmlands
(7) Wash away roads and railways

(d) Solution to "ooding

(a) Adequate urban planning
(b) Resettlement of displaced people
(c) construction of water channels
(d) A#orestation and re-a#orestation
(e) Legislation against indiscriminate dumping of refuse
(f) Environmental clean-up to clear blocked channels
(g) Proper channelization of !oods in urban centres

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