Preparation 09-27-2022

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Name: Marjie D.

Bay-asen BSED-E3-(2-3pm) 09-28-2022



Discuss the principles of SLA relevant to the development of materials. This would seem, at the same time, a
process of course book evaluation.
1. Materials should achieve impact.
2. Materials should help learners to feel at ease.
3. Materials should help learners to develop confidence.
4. What is being taught should perceived by learners as relevant and useful?
5. Materials should require and facilitate learner’s self-investment.
6. Learners must be ready to acquire the points being taught.
7. Materials should expose learners to language in authentic use.
8. The learner’s attention should be drawn to linguistic features of the input.
9. Materials should provide learners with opportunities to use target language to achieve communication
10. Materials should take in account that learners differ in learning style.
11. Materials should take in account that learners differ in affective attitudes.
12. Materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of the instruction.
13. Materials should maximize learning potential by encouraging intellectual, aesthetic and emotional
involvement which stimulates both right and left brain activities.
14. Materials should not reply too much on control practice.
15. Materials should not provide opportunities for outcome feedback, especially feedback on the
effectiveness of use of language rather than accuracy of language.

2-3. Group the principles of SLA relevant to material development in three groups. Range them in order that
you think is the most important principles of good materials.


Learners must be ready to What is being taught should
Materials should achieve acquire the points being perceived by learners as relevant
impact. taught. and useful.
Materials should take in Materials should maximize
Materials should help learners account that learners differ in learning potential by
to feel at ease. learning style. encouraging intellectual,
aesthetic and emotional
involvement which stimulates
both right and left brain
Materials should take in Materials should not provide
Materials should help learners account that learners differ in opportunities for outcome
to develop confidence. affective attitudes. feedback, especially feedback on
the effectiveness of use of
language rather than accuracy of
Materials should permit a Materials should require and Materials should provide
silent period at the beginning facilitate learner’s self- learners with opportunities to
of the instruction. investment. use target language to achieve
communication process.
Materials should require and The learner’s attention should
facilitate learner’s self- be drawn to linguistic features
investment. of the input.
Materials should not reply too
much on control practice.

Exercise 2.2
1. Give at least two specific examples of language learning materials used by teachers
in you locality where the principles of SLA are present. Identify the principles
present and briefly explain how they are reflected in the materials.

Materials play a central role in language teaching. Accordingly, they are

considered as the heart of teaching and learning process. Generally, it is believed
that materials which are chosen selectively, and used effectively, will improve the
quality of teaching and learning process. In my locality, I have noticed that video
presentation and course book is normally being used.

Video presentation is an audiovisual material which assists students to learn

at their own pace and consequently make learning process meaningful. Video is most
widely used to introduce and stimulate interest in a topic. In addition, there are some
reasons to use video in language teaching, video contains context; it usually includes
body language, facial expressions and artifacts, which serve as genuine audiences
with whom the learners interact, video gives emotional impacts; it establishes a
connection with the unconscious mind and the emotions, and video creates
redundancy; it repeats same messages in two modes, visual and verbal. In video
presentation as a language learning material some of the principles of SLA is present
like; (1) achieve impact and also help learners to feel at ease. (2) Materials should
maximize learning potential by encouraging intellectual, aesthetic and emotional
involvement which stimulates both right and left brain activities. (3) Materials should
require and facilitate learner’s self-investment. These principles are being reflected
onto video presentation.

Some of the principles of SLA are present in course book, which are (1)
Materials should achieve impact. (2) Materials should help learners to feel at ease. (3)
What is being taught should perceived by learners as relevant and useful.
(4)Materials should expose learners to language in authentic use. (5)The learner’s
attention should be drawn to linguistic features of the input. (6) Materials should
take in account that learners differ in learning style. (7) Materials should permit a
silent period at the beginning of the instruction. (8) Materials should not reply too
much on control practice. Course book is everywhere and plays a fundamental role in
language teaching. This belongs to printed materials. Accordingly, course books are
among the main elements of foreign or second language classrooms. By its popularity
and function, course book is considered as the heart of teaching materials in
language teaching. 1) They provide structure and a syllabus for a program. Without
textbooks a program may have no central role and learners may not receive a
syllabus that has been systematically planned and developed; 2) They help
standardize instruction. The use of a textbook in a program can ensure that the
students in different classes receive similar content and therefore can be tested in the
same way; 3) They provide variety of learning resources. Course books are often. 4)
They can provide effective language models and input.
2. Write a short reflection of what you have discovered from your group discussion
and from other groups. Your reflection should focus on this question: What did you
find out from your different experiences in different contexts using learning

I have learned that materials are crucial in language teaching. They contain
meaningful contents by which students can learn language effectively. Evidently,
learning tools are vital. They improve the quality of language teaching; facilitate
teachers in doing their duties, and lead students to a higher level of
understanding in learning. Materials have multiple uses in teaching and learning
process. And language learning materials are the primary sources of information
that help second language learners in the path of second/foreign language

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