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The Learning Goals:

Kd: 1. to comprehend the expession of asking

3.1. Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan for & giving opinion,
untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial dari ungkapan meminta 2. to make a dialog using the expression
perhatian, mengecek pemahaman, menghargai kinerja of asking for & giving opinion,
yang baik, dan meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat, 3. to talk using the expression of asking
serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. for & giving opinion.

Asking for & Giving Opinion

A. Complete the dialog by listening the audio! C. Complete the dialogue using thefollowing
expressions in the box!
Firda: Hi, Irma!
Irma: Firda, Is that you?
Firda: Yes, It's me. a. I agree with you
Irma: ....................... (1) about my new hair? b. What do you think
Firda: I ...... (2) you look so cute and pretty
with this hair. c. I don’t think so
Irma: Thank you. d. I think
Firda: What are you doing here?
Irma: I'm ................... (3) my brother's e. That is a good idea
birthday in a few days.
Firda: I don't know what gift to give him. 3. Erna: ____________________ about our
Irma: Do you have ............ (4)? English teacher?
Firda: .............. (5) you give a gift related to
his hobby. Rima: He is smart and teaches us clearly.
Irma: By the way, what's his hobby? Erna: That’sright.
Firda: Her hobby is playing volleyball. 4. Ari: What is your opinion of smoking?
Irma: What do you think I ................ (6). Adi: _____________________ Smoking isn't
Firda: I ...... (7) you should give him
volleyball shoes for gifts. good for our health.
Irma: wow, ................... (8). May I ask you Ari : I think so.
to ............... (9) me to buy that shoes? 5. Dina: What is your plan for the holiday?
Firda: Let me ............... (10) you to buy it. Wiwik: I have no idea.
Irma: Thank you very much, Firda.
Dina: What about having picnic to Toba
Firda: You're welcome.
Wiwik: _____________________.
B. Answer the question by choosing a, b, c, or d! 6. Aldo: Do you think it is wrong to hunt
1. Reni: We’ll have a long holiday next month animals for sport, Yok?
What are you going to do? Vino: __________________. Beside it is
Rina: .... cruel, it will make them vanished.
Reni: I hope you have a nice trip. Aldo: I think you are right, Don.
a. I am thinking of going to Bali 7. Ani: Do you think it will rain today?
b. Sorry, I can’t tell you Nia: I guess it is going to rain today because
c. It’s not your business the sky is cloudy.
d. I don’t know what to do Ani: _______________,The sun still shines.
2. "I think you are beautiful with it.”
The italic expression is the expression of… Score & Note Score & Note
a. Showing appreciation
b. Asking opinion
c. Giving opinion
d. Showing understanding

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