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Parental Care does not found in Cockroach

Cannibalism - if food is not available, then own species eaten as food.

Cockroach word - originated from Spainish word


Cockroach belong to tropical climate of Africa

Cockroach (Periplaneta) - on 25°C run 130 cm/sec.

Cockroach chromosome no. = 34

Classification :-
Phylum :- Arthropoda
(a) Joined appendages
(b) Blood containing cavity called "haemocoel"
(c) Exoskeleton made up of chitin
Largest phylum :- 90% animals out of total animals belong to this phylum
Class :- Insecta :- largest class
(a) 75% animals included in class Insecta
(b) body divided into head, thorax, abdomen
(c) Three pair of legs (hexapoda )
Subclass :- Pterigota
(a) two pairs of wings
order :- Orthropetra
Wings disimilar type.
Genus :- Periplaneta americana

"Common Cockroach"
or "American cockroach, or Ship cockroach or Bombay canaris.
Blatta (Stylopaga) orientalis
Blatta germanica - smallest cockroach
Male Blatta have wings - female vestigeal wings.
Blatta name - Linnaeus
Periplaneta - "Burmeister"
(a) "Nocturnal animal"
(b) Cursorial animals - fast runner and less capacity of flight.
(c) Body divided in to three parts called "tegmeta".

3  Tegmeta  Head Thorax Abdomen

Embryo stage  6 segment 3 segment 11 segment Total  20

some segment fuses in adult stage.

Head 1 (6 segments fused)

Thorax 3
 Total 14 segment
Abdomen 10 

(d) Exoskeleton of chitin plates occurred in each segment. Chitin plate called "sclerites".
(e) Sclerites joined each other by "membrane" called "articular or arthroidal membrane."
Sclerites of dorsal side - tergum or tergite
Sclerites ofventral side - Sternum or sternite
Sclerites oflateral side - pleurons or pleurites.
Head :-
(a) "Hypognathus Condition ":- Bent downwards at an
angle of 900 from the long axis of body. occiput
(b) sclerites of the head joined fully and form head capsule. Vertex

(c) Top part of Head is called "Vertex" and on the vertex a Antenna
chitin plate present called "Occiput".
Ocellar spot
(d) on the lateral side of head apex 1 pair of compound eye or fenestra

(e) each compound eye made up of 2000 units called

Frons Antennal socket
) A small light coloured spot called fenestra or ocellar sclerite
spot is located upon dorsal surface close to each eye. In Clypeus Gena
insect it function as a photoreceptor organ. Labrum
In Cockroach - Inactive and called "Vestigial simple
eye". Maxillary palp

(g) lateral side of head apex bear of 1 pair of antennae. Labial palp
Main receptor of touch, temperature vibration in cock- Labium
Antennae :- long filliform, unbranched.
each antenna extending forwards from an antennal socket located dorsally upon head capsule near the com-
pound eye of its side. These are free moving.
(h) A big chitin plate situated below the vertex called frons or forehead.
) two long flattened chitin plates situated on lateral side called "gena" or "cheeck"
) A big chitin plate present in Anterior part of frons called "Clypeus". a movable chitin plate joined with
Anterior part of clypeus known as "labrum" or "Upper lip".
(k) A big pore situated in the ventral part of head called "Occipetal foramen".
) Neck joined with head on the "Occipetal foramen.
(m) Occipetal foramen - surrounded by two pair of chitin plate.
Internal :- Post occiput External :- Post gena
(n) A mouth situated in the anterior side of head which is surrounded by many chitinous structure called "mouth

(o) mouth part :- According to food habits.

"Mouth Parts of Cockroach " :- "Bitting and chewing type"

A cavity formed due to mouth parts called "Preoral cavity" or "cibarium".

(1) Labrum or upper lip :- Broad and flattened terminal sclerite of the dorsal side of head capsule. It dorsally
overhangs the mouth and hence referred to as "upper lip".

(2) Mandibles :- Jaw

1-pair of mandibles.

They form the lateral wall of preoral cavity.

(3) First maxillae :-

One-pair and form lateral wall of preoral cavity.

With the help of maxillary palp part of first maxillae cockroach pickup its food and put it in preoral cavity for

Maxillary palps also used as brush to clean antenna and wing.

(4) IInd maxillae or "labium"or lower lip.:-

(1) Form floor of preoral cavity

(2) cover ventral side.

Hypopharynx :- or "lingua"

This is a small, cylindrical mouth part sandwiched between first maxillae on the sides and covered by labrum and
labium respectively on dorsal and ventral sides. It bears several sensory setae at its free end, and the opening of
common salivary duct upon its basal part.

II segment of head - antennae

III segment of head - labrum

IV segment of head - mandibles

V segment of head - I maxillae

VI segment of head - II maxillae (labium)

I segment do not from appendages.

"Neck" - "Soft Neck". or "Cervicum"

8 chitin plates form exo-skeleton of neck.

2- tergum


2 pairs - pleurons.




One-pair of legs present in each segment of thorax.

3-pairs of legs (6 legs)

legs - five main segment

(1) segment - "Coxa" :- broadest segment

(2) segment - trochanter :- small segment

(3) - long segment - femur

(4) - tibia - longest segment

(5) - tarsus- tarsus made up of five subsegments piece of chitin on end segment called "pretarsus"

two structure

(1) Arolium or Pulvilus :- These are adhesive pads

(2) One pair claws :- move on the smooth surface by the help of "arolium" and on rough surface with the
help of claws.

In Blatta - arolium is absent .

Small pads present in between of tarsus segment called "Plantuli"

Cockroach climb on the wall by the help of plantuli and Arolium.

Tactile setae present on each segment of legs.

"Wings" 2 - pair wing

(1) fore wings (2) Hind wing

 

on mesothorax on Metathorax

 

long, narrow, leathery strong small, broad, thin, soft

 

fore wings are so long so cover these wings help in flight

full abdomen. In male projecting

out ward form abdomen

These called Elytra or Tegmina.

A network of fine tubules called "nurvures" is present in inner side of wings.

(1) 10 segment

(2) 9 segment in male  obviously seen.

(3) 7 segment in female 

remaining segment :- "modified and reduced.

each segment of abdomen - 1- tergum

 1- sternum
7th tergum largest in male and female and covers 8th and 9th terga
Stink gland present in between 5th and 6th tergum
smell - repel the enemies.
10th tergum - bowl shaped and bifurcated. 10th tergam 1 pair - "anal cerci"
Each "anal cerci" - "15 segmented" :- These are main sound receptor.
Sternum - In male - 9 sternum
in female - 7 sternum
Projected one-pairs of spine like structure from 9th sternum of male called "analstyles".
these are nonsegmented and help in copulation.
7th sternum of female - special type of boat shaped.
Free end - divided in to two plates

Plates :- "Gynavalvular plates" or "apical lobs".

These plate surround a pore called "ootheca pore"
All characters of sexual dimorphism in cockroach present in abdomen
"Body Wall"
Made up of three layers :-
Outermost - thick cuticle. A waxy layer occurs on cuticle.
Cutide is made up of alternate layer of protein and chitin.
Opening of duct of
dermal gland
Pore canal


Basement membrane
Oenocyte Trichogen cell Dermal gland
(Seta forming cell) Tormogen cell
(Socket forming cell)


2 Hypodermis
(a) made up of columnar epithelium
(b) It contains some special cells.
(i) Dermal gland :- Secretion of chitinase and proteinase enzyme at the time of moulting. They separate
old cuticle from body and secrete new cuticle.
(ii) Trichogen cell:- elongated cell and reach up to the upper surface of the cuticle.
These secrete "sensory setae" on cuticle.
(iii) Tormogen cell :- long, cup like cell
These cell secrete flexible membrane on the base of setae.
(iv) Neuro - sensory cells :-
(a) These situated in the invagination of tormogen cell. One end of neurosensory cells join setae and other
end joined with nerves.
(b) Trichogen + tormogen + neurosensory cell :- All three form sensory unit called "sensilla".

(v) "Oenocytes" :- function - uncertain perhaps these secrete wax on epicuticle

(3) "Inner Most Layer"

"Basement Layer"
"simple squamous epithelium"

(a) called heamocoel (b)bloodfilledcavity
(c) blood of cockroach - "haemolymph" (d) "blood almost colourless
(e) Blood not related with respiration (f) Trehalose sugar in blood - disaccharide.


(a) Not true coelom
(b) It is a "large blood sinus"
(c) In embryo stage several small blood sinuses" fuse and form "Large Blood sinus".
(d) All arthropods - "True coelomate" But highly reduced and found only in the form of cavity of

Cavity of Gonads :- "True Coelom"

) large fat body present in haemocoel of cockroach.
(g) analogous to liver of higher animals
four types of cells present in fat body :-
) Trophocytes :- these store food in the form of glycogen + Protein + Fats.

) Mycetocytes :-
(a) Presence of "Symbiotic bacteria".
(b) These symbiotic bacteria synthesize amino acid and vitamine.
(c) These change glucose in to glycogen (glycogenesis)
(d) Possibly "Uric acid" is converted in protein. this reaction called" reverse-assimilation".
(iii) Oenocytes :- These cells related with metabolism of moulting.
(iv) Urate cell :- Absorption of extretory material from heamocoel and storage in the form of "Uric acid" so
called "storage excretion".

(1) Fore gut or stomodaeum :- Ectodermal" :- Formed by the in-
vagination of body wall. Cuticle present in inner side of foregut.
Mouth to - gizzard is foregut Brain

mouth open in the small buccal cavity Corpus allatum

Salivary gland
Buccal Cavity - opens in tubular pharynx.
Pharynx - open near occipetal foramen in "oesophagus". Visceral ganglion
In thorax oesophagus expand and called "crop". Crop
Hepatic caecae
Crop opens into thick walled gizzard.
(a) Wall of gizzard - "circular muscle layer" well developed. Gizzard

(b) cavity of gizzard called - "armarium"
(c) six cuticular teeth occur in cavity. these made up of longitudi- Colon
nal muscle layer and sharp cuticle.
(d) fine grinding of food
10th Tergum
(e) cuticular hairs present in the posterior part of gizzard these ILeum
Malpighian tubules
form "sieve".
) Gizzard - grinding in upper part - filteration in lower part.

(2) "Mesenteron" or " Mid gut" (endodermal epithelium)

(a) Anterior Part - Cardia

(b) Gizzard open in cardia by "stomodial valve".
(c) eight small and tubular, finger like blind processes called hepatic caeca, project freely into the heamocoel
form the front end of Cardia.
These secrete "digestive juice"
(d) Wall of mesenteron is muscular.

(3) "Hind gut or Proctodaeum"

(a) Thin tubules attached at the junction of hind gut and mid gut called "Malpighian tubules". these are
excretory organ.
(b) Hind gut - first part - Ileum Its wall is thin and internally folded. Its cuticle bears minute spines, which serve to
break the peritrophic membrane.
(c) colon - longest and broader part
(d) Rectum - last part, oval shaped and internally folded wall.
Its wall- 6 folds - called rectal papillae.
These absorb water
(e) Anus :- at the end of 10th abdominal segment.
Salivary gland :-
(a) 1-pair and attached to with oesophagus and occured in thorax.
(b) Two parts of each salivary gland.
(1) Reservoir part :- cylindrical and storage of saliva.
(2) glandular part :- leaf like, synthesis of saliva occurs in this part.
(c) Common efferent salivary duct arises from both salivary gland.
(d) This duct open in preoral cavity at base of hypopharynx.
(e) rings of cuticle occur in wall of duct of salivary gland.
which prevents these tubules from collapsing
Saliva :- "Carbohydrate - digestive enzymes".
ex. Amylase, chitinase cellulase.

(a) Bread, food grain, vegetable, wood , clothes, insects (dead), nymph, moulted exoskeleton.
(b) Identification of food by the help of antenna.
Digestion :-
(a) Start from preoral cavity
(b) saliva - Enzymes of saliva act upon the food till it reaches the crop. Digestion of carbohydrate takes place.
(c) In crop :- Hepatic caeca - Complete digestive juice reaches in crop through the gizzard.
(d) Gizzard :- Food throughly grinded in to a paste by the thick and sharp edged cuticle of internal folds and
(e) Grinded food enter in to the midgut through stomodial valve.
(f) Wall of Cardia :- A membrane secreted around the food called peritrophic membrane. It is made up of
Glycogen + Protein. It serves to protect the wall of midgut from friction with food particles.
This membrane is permeable to digestive enzyme and digestive food. Bacteria (Trichonympha) present in
midgut which are helpful in digestion of cellulase.
(g) Digestion completes in the anterior part of midgut.
(h) Absorpiton of digested food in the posterior part of mid gut.


Distribution of digested food :- by "heamocoelomic fluid"

Peritrophic membrane and undigested food enter into the Ileum.
Spine - break the peritrophic membrane, so undigested substane release in ileum,
Maximum absorption of H2O occured in rectum by rectal papilla.

(1) Respiratory organ - "respiratory tubules"
(2) Network of respiratory tubules in body.
(3) This network open out side the body by the "spiracles"
(4) 10- pair spiracles
2-pair on thorax
All spiracles :- on "Pleurone" (Lateral side of body)
(a) First pair of spiracle of abdomen situated on lateral side of Dorsal cephalic trunk

"tergum" Ventral cephalic

(b) each spiracles :- is guarded by a valve and bears cilia like bristles Dorsal commissures
for filtering the incoming air.
(c) Valve absent in 1-pair spiracles of thorax and abdomen both.
Thoracic spiracles
(d) each spiracles open into chamber called "atrium" or tracheal
chamber. Ventral
(e) The tracheal chambers are connected with several main tra-
cheal trunks which repeatedely branch in to a diffuse network Ventral longitudinal
tracheal trunk
of small trachea.
) last branches of trachea called "Tracheal Capillaries" or Dorsal tracheae
(g) Tracheal capillaries - "Intra - cellular" spiracles
Ventral tracheae
(h) Tracheal capillaries closed in a cell called "tracheal end cell."
Dorsal longitudinal
) Long process found in tracheal end cell. tracheal trunk
Lateral longitudinal
) These process deeply merge in tissues of body tracheal trunk

(k) Each cell of body is directly in contact with processes, blood does not
related with respiration in blood respiratory pigment absent.
Exchange of gases take place at the tracheoles by diffusion

Breathing :-
(a) Several tergo - sternal muscles extend between the tergites and sternites of all abdominal segments.
(b) When the abdomen expands, atmospheric air gets filled in the tracheal system through spiracles. This is
(c) When the abdomen contracts, the air is forced out. This is expiration.
expiration takes place through first pairs of spiracles of thorax and first pairs spiracles of abdomen.
(d) the spiracular valves control and regulate the in and out passages of the air and abdomen.

(a) "Open types" or "lacunar types" blood filled in blood sinuses.

(b) True blood vessel - absent
(c) largest blood sinus - "haemocoel"
colourless - plasma

(d) Blood of cockroach - "haemolymph". 

Blood corpuscles (haematocytes)
(e) "Haematocytes" -
(1) Phagocytosis of bacteria
(2) related with blood clotting.
) Blood -
(A) not related with respiration, because respiratory pigment absent.
(B) It works as "hydrolic skeleton ".
(C) Exchange of food, hormones and excretory materials.
two horizontal septa -
(1) Dorsal diaphragm
(2) Ventral diaphragm - these have pores called "fenestrae"

Chambers of heart muscles
Anterior aorta
Dorsal diaphragm Antenna

Perineural sinus Perivisceral sinus (Haemocoel)

Perineural sinus
Ventral diaphragm Neck
Nerve cord ampulla

Diaphragms divides the haemocoel in three chambers i.e.

(1) P.C.S. have heart in dorsal part (Peri cardial sinus)
(2) Middle sinus - P. Visceral sinus has alimentary canal and fat body.
(3) Ventral chamber - Perineural sinus has nerve cord.

Heart of Cockroach :-
(a) divided in to 13 chamber
(b) chamber - inverted funnel like
(c) each chamber connected with P.C.S. by 1-pair of pores, called "Ostia". These pores act as valve.
(d) Blood enters from P.C. Sinus to heart through Ostia.
(e) Each Posterior chamber of heart connected/related with anterior chamber by a valve like pore.
) These pore help in flow of blood from posterior to anterior part.

(g) special type of cells attached with heart wall called "nephrocytes". Functions of nephrocytes.
(i) these control heart beat.
Heart Beat - 49 heartbeat / mintue

(ii) "storage excretion" storage of excretory substance in the form of "Uric acid.:

(h) First chamber of heart in the form of long tubule called "anterior aorta" It opens into
head sinus.

) Beside anterior aorta:-

One blood vessel each arises from heart in mesothorax and 3-6 abdominal segments.

) These are not true blood vessels because (a) These are not divided into capillaries

(b) open ends.

(k) 13-pair fan like muscles present in P.C.S. called alary muscles. One end which, is pointed is attached to
tergum and other end is broad - connected to dorsal diaphragm. These also fused with heart wall these help in
"blood circulation".

) Tergosternal muscle also help in blood circulation mainly these concerned with respiration.

(m) "Pulsatile ampulla" present at base of each antennae and base of each wing. pulsatile ampulla helps
in blood circulation in antennae and wings.

(a) main excretory organ - Malpighian tubules

(b) These associated with Alimentary canal at the junction of midgut and hind gut.

(c) 100-150 tubules.

(d) These are "Ectodermal".

(e) Malpighi tubules collects excretory substance from heamocoel

) excretory substance mainly in the form of "potassium Urate"

(g) Potassium urate converted into "Uric Acid" and potassium Bicarbonate its enter in to alimentary canal by

(h) Water absorbed by alimentary canal and excretory maetrials along with undigested substances excreted out-

) Malpighian are enteronephric and help in osmoregulation
(i) Urate cell 

(ii) Nephrocytes  Storage excretion

(iii) Body wall - 

Absorbs excretory materials from Haemocoel and store in cuticle. Then at the time of moulting excretory
substances and cuticle separate out from body.

(iv) Uricose glands - These help in excretion in male cockroach.


Circum oesophageal Frontal

connective Optic nerve
Antennary nerve
Nerves to mouth parts Corpora
Sub oesophageal ganglion

Prothoracic ganglion Corpora

allata Hypocerebral
Mesothoracic ganglion ganglion

Metathroracic ganglion

First abdominal ganglion


Double nerve cord

6th abdominal ganglion
Stomogastric A.N.S.

Three types of nervous system

(1) Central Nervous system:-

(a) Brain ring - It is located in the head around the pharynx, just in front of tentorium.

Its dorsal part is a thick and bilobed supraoesophageal ganglion or "Cerebral ganglion" fusion of
three pairs of cephalic ganglia.

Sub-oesophageal ganglion on ventral side of alimentary canal.

Both ganglia connected to each other by circumoesophageal connective.

(2) Ventral Nerve Cord :- double solid and ladder like.

Nerve cord has nine segmental ganglia. i.e. Three large ganglia in thorax and six in abdomen. Last ganglion is
located in 7th abdominal segment.

All ganglia formed in embryo stage by the fusion of 2-ganglia. last segmental ganglion formed by fusion of many

"Peripheral Nervous System"

Sevral nerves arises from CNS (Brain ring & Nerve cosol) and innervate different part of body. Creats P.N.S. of
motor nerve

All nerves - mixed nerves 

Sensory nerve

(3) "Autonomous System"

It is divisible into three parts :-

(1) Stomogastric nervous system :- this includes the following five ganglia they all are inter connected with each
other by nerves and the nerves arising from these ganglion to innervate the anterior part of gut, as follows this
system regulates involuntary activities of foregut.
(a) Frontal ganglion - This is a small median ganglion located dorsally upon the pharynx just in front of brain.
(b) Hypocerebral ganglion - This is also a small median ganglion located dorsally upon oesophagous behind
the brain.
(c) Visceral ganglion:- This is located mid-dorsally upon the crop at about its middle.
(d) Proventricular ganglia" (last ganglia)
these are two small ganglia, one upon dorsal and the other upon ventral surface of gizzard. Each of these are
connected with visceral ganglion by nerve.
These regulate the activity of foregut as "peristalsis"
(2) Spiracular nervous system :-
This controls theactivities of spiracles.
(3) "Caudal nervous system"
(a) regulates the activity of hindgut, gonads and abdominal appendages
(b) This nervous system formed by the last segmental ganglion of nerve chord.(7th)
(c) This includes certain fine nerves that arise from the last abdominal ganglion and innervate various parts.
Compound Eyes.
(1) Compound eye made up of 2000 units called sp ommatidia.

Corneal lens

Corneagen cell

Cone cell

Irish pigment Crystalline cone



Retinular pigment
Retinular cell

Mechanism :- two types of vision
(1) Apposition or mosaic vision :-
(a) Apposition vision form in bright light
(b) Omatidia fully covered by pigmented mem-
brane. The light rays reflected from an ob-
ject enter in to a number of ommatidia.
(c) An oblique light ray, that enters into the fo-
cussing part of an ommatidium, strikes
against its pigment sheath and becomes ab-
(d) A straight light ray that enters into an om-
matidium on the other hand reaches into its
receptor region and forms the image of cor-
responding part of the object.
(e) Thus all the straight light rays entering into
an eye from an object form separate images
of different parts of the object in the differ-
ent ommatidia. Apposition or Mosaic Vision
) The totality of these small image is, however,
a compound image of the whole object such
an image is called apposition image, It is
clear and detailed

(2) "Superposition image" :-

(a) In dim light in nocturnal insects.

(b) In the night, the pigment sheath of omma-

tidia contracts and shrinks to their bases,
hence the light rays can easily cross over
from one ommatidium to adjacent omma-

(c) complete images are formed in all omma-

tidia. This results in the formation of blurred
superpostion of the objects.

In cockroach only apposition images are

formed (day and night)

No contraction power in pigmented sheath.

Super Position Vision


Cockroach - "Unisexual"

Male reproduction system:-

(a) 1-pair of testis in "3-6" abdominal segment.

each testis formed of "3 or 4 lobes". each lobe divided into many lobules

(b) Vasa deferentia - A vasadeferense arises from each testis these open in an ejaculatory duct.

(c) Ejaculatory duct opens outside by male genital pore.Seminal vesicle in form of vesicles located upon ejaculatory

(d) A gland associated with seminal vesicles called

mushroom gland or utricular gland having Testis
Utricular gland
two types of tubules, small tubules on inner Small tubules
side - utriculi brevivores.
Vas deferens
Large tubules outside - utriculi majores Phallic gland
Long tubules
Tips of long tubules called "Uricose gland" These
Seminal vesicles
absorb excretory material from haemocoel.
Duct of phallic gland
(e) A gland located on mushroom gland called phallic
Ejaculatory duct
gland or congloblate gland. It opens out side by a
Right phellomere
long duct "Phallic aperture.
Ventral phellomere

) Chitinous structures associated with phallic aper- Anal cercus

ture and male genital pore called "phellomeres"

Left phellomere Pseudopenis Anal style
or gonapophysis."
Titillator Male gonopore
(1) Left phellomeres

Phellomeres  (2) right phellomeres

 (3) Ventral phellomeres
(a) Phallic aperture present on left phellomeres
(b) Male genital pore situated on Ventral phellomeres.

(1) Left phellomeres :-

(1) made up of a flat chitinous plate
(2) four types of lobes attached with it/
- lower most lobe titilator, with a hooks on tips
- "Pseudopenis" - long with bulbow apex
- asperate lobe - lobe of spiny surface, phallic duct opens at the base of asperate lobe
innermost lobe - "Acutolobe - with a hook

(2) "Right phellomeres" It is a chitinous structure.

Two large hooks present at apex and a hook present on base of right phellomeres.

"Ventral - phellomeres"
(a) simplest and formed of a flat chitinous plate hooks absent. Hooks help in opening of oothecapore of female.
Phellomeres :- "External genital organ"
(a) "Spermatogenesis" "Completely in testis"
(b) Seminal vesicle :- Stored the sperms
(c) All sperms glue together's to form a ball called "sperm ball"
(d) long tubules secrete a membrane around sperm ball called spermatophore
(e) small tubules :- secrete a nutritive fluid in spermatophore.
) at the time of copulation spermatophore enters in to ejaculatory duct.
(g) Ejaculaotry duct secrete another coat on spermatophore.
spermatophore - "double layered."
(h) when they go out side from male genital pore then phallic gland secretes another layer, so spermatophore
becomes three layered.

Female reporductive system

(1) 1-pair of ovary situated in "2nd to 6th segment of abdomen".
(2) each ovary is made up of 8-long tubules called
"Ovarioles." Only one egg from in each Ovarioles Filaments
ovariole. It means 16 ova are matured at a time in
Both oviduct of ovaries fuse and form "vagina"
(3) Vagina - vagina opens inside body in a genital
Egg chamber
(4) Genital chamber - formation of genital chamber by
the fusion of 3 abdominal sternum, Oviduct

(5) 7th sternum - forms the floor of genital chamber. Common oviduct
(6) 8th and 9th sternum - become telescoped inwards Spermatheca
to form the roof and sides of this pouch, the pouch Right colleterial gland
itself is divisible into a genital chamber in front and Genital chamber
Left colleterial
gland Ovipositor processes
oothecal chamber behind.
(7) A pair of "Spermatheca" associated with
genital chamber.
Spermatheca unequal in size
(8) both spermatheca open by a pore in genital chamber.
(9) A plateform in genital chamber just beneath spermatheca pore called "spermatheca Papilla:
(10) 1-pair of collaterial glands associated with genital chamber. These are branched tubular gland"s.
left collaterial gland = more branched
(11) Both glands open in genital chamber by a common pore
(12) Three pairs of chitinous processes hanging from the roof of genital chamber into its cavity are the external
ganitalia of female cockroach . These are called ovipositor porcesses because these serve to arrange the ova in
a newly formed ootheca, and possible help in giving proper shape to the oothecae.


(1) "Breeding season:- from march to september

The females secrete a highly odousous and volatile "sex attracting scent from their scent glands called phero-
mones or ectohormones.

(2) male perceive the smell of this scent with the help of olfactory sensillae located upon their antennae.

(3) male cockroach opens the ootheca pore with the help of hooks.

(4) The male insert whole of its phallomeres into the females's gential pouch. then it inserts its pseudopenis into the
female gonopore for firm anchorage.

(5) In this positon male gential pore situated on spermathecal papilla

(6) discharge spermatophore by male gential pore upon the spermathecal papilla of female

(7) After that the secretion of its phallic gland upon the spermatophore

Copulation time r one hour

(1) The spermatophore remains plastered to the spermathecal papilla of female for about 20 hours. during this
period all its sperms escape out and fill in the two spermathecae of the female, then the female drops out the
case of empty spermatophore.

(2) Sixteen ova, one from each ovariole of the two ovaries, are dischagred at a time into the genital pouch where
these are arranged by the gonapophyses into two parallel row.

(3) Simultaneously, sperms stored in the spermathecae are also discharged into the genital pouch to fertilize the

(a) "Internal fertilization"

(b) After fertilization the left collaterial gland secretes a soluble "milky protein" while the right one secrete

Both secretions mix to form a brownish scleroprotein.

(c) Sclero protein forms a common egg. case, called ootheca.

(d) formation time - 24 hours

(e) one end of ootheca like a saw and these close the mouth of ootheca

) the female deposit it in some dark and dry places.

Development :-

(a) 1 - female form 15-40 ootheca in life time.

(b) Development of egg inside ootheca

(c) Ootheca are adaptation of terrestrial life to prevent the "Water lose"

(d) Development time - "4 to 8" weeks

(e) juvenile stage inside ootheca is called "nymph"

Nymph appear like adult except for wings and reproductive organs

) Nymph changes into an adult in - 1 year

(g) During metamorphosis - 7 to 12 times moulting (average - 10 times moulting)

(h) time interval between two moulting called "stadium. 6-11 stadium.

) In between moulting nymph called "instar"

Adult insect are called imego"

"Incomplete or paurometabolus"

In insect, those have larva stage have complete or holometabolous metamorphosis.

- "Cleavage" = "superficial meroblastic".

- Gastrulation - "Poly invagination" or "Ingression"

- egg - "megalecithal" and "centrolecithal"


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