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Hi, I am Liam Grey Villanueva and I will explain what is a good stewardship of God’s creation
and how can we show it. Let’s identify first the meaning of a steward. A steward is someone
who is responsible to manage or look after something. For example, a property or in this case,
God’s creations. Stewards, as caretakers for the things of God, are called to use wisely and
distribute justly the goods of God's earth to meet the needs of God's children. A responsible
steward Iof God means to see everything you’ve been given as a gift. We, h umans have been
given the special responsibility to care of God's creation. The destruction of creation not only
imperils life, including human life on this planet but, it is also a sin against God. And, as
beneficiaries of the divine Creation, what shall we do? We should care for the earth, be wise
stewards over it, and preserve it for future generations. Some examples of good stewardship
include using materials that are safely biodegradable, reducing waste through recycling and
considering the environmental effect in developing inventions and infrastructure. God holds
humanity accountable for our exercise of dominion over creation. Humans' stewardship of
creation means ensuring that it functions and prospers into the future. Like Jesus said, the most
important thing we can do is to love God. Caring for creation is a way we show love to our
creator and the masterpiece he has put here for us to enjoy.

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