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Dear Sir

You have owed us £567.00 since February, which means you haven't paid us for three months. We have
written to you twice and you haven’t bothered to answer us, yet you've been a customer for years.
Anyway, we re not going to put up with this, so if you don't tell us why you haven't paid, or send the
money you owe us in ten days, we'll sue you. After all, we've got bills to pay too, and besides we
explained our rules for giving credit, i.e. payment on due dates, some time ago.

Yours, etc. R. Lancaster (Mr)

Dear Sir

We are writing this email to request you pay off your debt immediately.

To be more specific, you have owned us £567.00 since February. You have been in debt to us for three
months. Though we have written to you twice, you have not given us any replies. We would
acknowledge your loyal for years to us. However, we could not accept your delay to pay the debt and
your refusal to reply our emails. Therefore, we would like to request that you must tell us the reason for
this delay or better pay off the debt in ten days, if not, we are afraid that you shall be sued. We hope
you understand that we have got bills to pay as well. In addition, we explained our rules for giving credit,
i.e. payment on due dates, some time ago so I hope that you would understand.

We look forward for your reply.

Yours faithfully


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