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Pathophysiology for: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Possible Complications
(Hypertrophy) - Urinary retention (acute and chronic) Student Name: Fran Baitlon Nunez
- Hematuria
- Urinary tract infection Nursing Interventions
Brief description of diagnosis, in your own words
- Bladder stones
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) is the enlargement
- Bladder wall damage Assess:
of the prostate gland among older men.
- Renal dysfunction - Presence of urinary discomfort, bleeding,
- Incontinence frequency, retention, or difficulty initiating
With age, the prostate gland gets bigger, which
- Erectile dysfunction flow
commonly is the reason for the obstruction of urine
- Intake and output; color of urine, presence
flow as the prostate gland is located just below the
of clots, quality of urine (clear versus
Related Medications cloudy)
Do: (Interventions)
As the urethra is obstructed, the muscle inside the
Alpha blockers - Encourage fluid intake
bladder hypertrophies (increases/bulks up) in attempt
5-alpha reductase inhibitors - Remind patient to take medication
to help the bladder force out the urine. Furthermore,
Combination therapy Teach:
BPH can also cause the formation of a bladder
Tadalafil (Cialis) - Instruct patient the need to maintain fluid
diverticulum – a small bulge stuck out of the side of the
intake (at least 2 L/day)
large intestine – that remains full of urine when pt
- Teach pt to monitor urinary output for 4 to
empties the bladder.
Which medications is your patient on? 6 weeks after surgery – ensure adequate
volume elimination
Overflow incontinence may occur due to bladder
- Report any difficulties with urination to the
distention, known as a ballooning effect, when intra- Causes related to Health History physician immediately
abdominal pressure is applied, such as coughing and Changes in hormones – androgens
sneezing. (testosterone) and estrogen.

Diet, heredity, race, history of chronic How is this Diagnosed?

Clinical Manifestations / Signs and Symptoms inflammation, have been associated but with
- Frequent urination – eight or more times a day Digital rectal exam.
no definitive links to BPH as contributing
- Urinary urgency – inability to hold urination factors. Urine test
- Trouble starting a urine stream
- Weak or interrupted urine stream Tabacco and alcohol are also implicated. Blood test
- Dribbling at the end of urination
- Nocturia – frequent urination during sleep How is it treated?
- Urinary incontinence Medicines, surgery, and procedures depending on
- Urinary retention the size of prostate, age, overall health, and how
- Pain after ejaculation or during urination serious your symptoms are.
- Urine has unusual color or smell
Pathophysiology Study Map

In order to better understand the resident you have been assigned, consider both the normal changes of aging and individual medical diagnoses. You
will need to research each medical condition in order to gain an understanding of your resident's health challenges.

Record all diagnoses including sensory deficits such as blindness, deafness, current health issues and related medical history [Hx]. Examples of
current health issues with related medical history would be:

• COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) - 40 year history of smoking 2 packs per day
• Acquired brain injury from MVA 20 years ago.
• Hypertension

Provide research into a minimum of 4 of your resident’s medical diagnoses. Choose the ones you believe are most significantly affecting the
resident. You may need to consult with your facilitator to decide which 3 are most significantly affecting this person. You will present at least one of
your pathophysiology’s during a pre-assigned post-conference.

Use your texts for research. If unable to find information there, go to Taber’s Medical Dictionary or Diseases and Disorders in Nursing Central. If
you resort to browsing the internet for information ensure that your source of information is credible. A few suggestions for credible sources of medical
knowledge on the internet are: Medline, Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO). Do not use information from
sites intended for laypeople.

TRY TO PUT THE INFORMATION YOU FIND INTO YOUR OWN WORDS but include appropriate medical terminology. Be sure to cite your work
using APA style.

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