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Question Bank

1. What are the different types of transmission technology?

2. Distinguish between TCP/IP and OSI reference models. Which model is more popular
and why?

3. Define topology and explain the advantages and disadvantages of Bus, Star and Ring

4. Discuss DQDB standard in context to MAN.

5. Write short note on : Topology

6. Write short note on : Connection oriented and Connection less.

7. Explain the working of transport, session, presentation and physical layer of OSI model
given by IEEE.

8. Describe the various technologies (each in brief) that can be used to form a LAN.

9. Discuss the TCP/IP protocol suit on the basis of protocol layering principle.

10. Draw the layer diagram of TCP/IP protocol suit and explain it briefly.

11. List the various layers of OSI model. Briefly explain the working of each of them.

12. Explain the different uses of computer network.

13. Which OSI layer handles each of the following?

i. Framing : Data Link Layer

ii. Routing : Network Layer

14. What are the two reasons for using layered protocols?

15. An aloha network user 19.2 kbps channel for sending message packets of 100 bit long
size. Calculate the maximum throughput for pure AlOHA network.

16. Calculate the CRC for 10-bit sequence 1010011110. The generator polynomial is x3+x+1.

17. Briefly explain the sliding window protocols.

18. Sketch the Manchester and differential Manchester encoding for the bit stream:

19. Describe the working and cooperation of data link layer for IEEE OSI model.
20. What are the different types of error detection methods? Explain the CRC error detection
technique using generator polynomial x4+x3+1 and data 11100011.

21. Describe the stop and wait flow control technique.

22. Two neighboring nodes A and B uses sliding window protocol with 3 bit sequence
number. As the AQR

mechanism Go back N is used with window size of 4. Assume A is transmitting and B is

receiving show

window position for the following events:

Before A send any frame.

After A send frame 0,1,2 and receive ACK from B for 0 and 1.

23. Describe with the help of suitable diagram the Go-back-N continuous RQ error control

24. A series of 8-bit message blocks(frames) is to be transmitted across a data ling using a
CRC for error detection. A generator polynomial of 11001 is to be used. Use an example
to illustrate the following:

i. The CRC generation process.

ii. The CRC checking process.

25. A string 01111 011111 0111111 0 need to be transmitted at the data link layer. What is
the sring actually transmitted after bit stuffing?

26. Sketch the Manchester encoding for the bit stream 0001110101.

27. Discriminate between the send window and receive window for link and how are they
related with

i. A selective repeat retransmission scheme.

ii. A go-back-N control scheme.

28. A stop and wait protocol uses a 100 kbps satellite link which employs a round-trip
propagation delay of 250 ms approximately. Find out the percentage of time the sender Is
blocked to wait for acknowledgement, if the frame size is 1000 bits.

29. What is hamming code? Explain the working with suitable example.
30. A channel has a bit rate of 4 kbps and propagation delay of 20 msce. What will be the
size of frame range so that stop and wait give an efficiency of at least 50%?

31. What are the problems faced by the pipelining over an unreliable communication
channel? How these problems are overcome?

32. How much min. bandwidth is required to digitally transmit an analog stream which is
generated at 50kHz after Manchester encoding?

33. Discuss different carrier sense protocols. How they are different than collision-free

34. Describe the access method used by Ethernet (IEEE) network, and the cable and
connectors used by Ethernet network.

35. Discuss the role of protocols in LAN technology with example.

36. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of FDDI and Ethernet LAN technologies.

37. An Aloha network user 19.2kbps channel for sending message packets of 100bit long
size. Calculate the

maximum throughput for pure ALOHA network.

38. Prove that the throughput of network using slotted Aloha can be given as S=Ge-G Where
G is load and S is throughput.

39. Why is the channel throughput double in slotted ALOHA compare to pure ALOHA?

40. How do connection-free protocols differ from connection-orinted protocols? Discuss any
one protocol of connection-free category.

41. How bridge is different form repeater? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
each? State with reason whether an LAN can be extended to any size by increasing the
number of repeater or not?

42. How FDDI ring can be used as a back bone to connect LANs and computers? Also
discuss the FDDI cabling in brief.

43. Compare the delay of pure ALOHA and slotted ALOHA at low band width.

44. Explain the following

i. Adaptive tree walk.

ii. Binary exponential algorithm.

45. Write three major problems with CDMA.

46. What is the band rate of standard 10Mbps 802.3 LAN? Explain your answer.

47. What is congestion? Discuss leaky bucket algorithm.

48. An ATM user uses a token bucket scheme for traffic shaping. A new token is put into
bucket every 5μs. What is the maximum sustainable net data rate (excluding header bits).

49. Differentiate between static and dynamic routing with their pros and con. Give example
of some routing protocols used in both type of routing.

50. What is fragmentation? Compare and contrast transparent and non-transparent


51. What is count to infinity problem? How it can be solved using the split horizon
algorithm? What are its limitations?

52. Why the leaky bucket algorithm allow just one packet per tick irrespective of packet size?

53. Why the reassembly of packet is done at destination instead of intermediate system in

54. Explain the following terms with example

i. Multicast addressing

ii. Unicast addressing

iii. Anycast addressing

55. What is mean by congestion in N/W?

56. Write a short note on firewall?

57. What is fragmentation? Why do we need it? Discuss pross and cons of transparent and
non-transparent fragmentation.

58. Differentiate between adaptive and non-adaptive routing algorithms.

59. What are the limitations of leaky bucket algorithm? How these are overcome?

60. What do you understand by internetworking? Discuss the parameter on which network

61. If fragmentation is needed in concatenated virtual circuit internes, or only in datagram

system? Explain.
62. Write a brief note on traffic shaping

63. Convert the IP address whose hexadecimal representation is C22F15B2 to doted decimal

64. A class B N/W on the internet has a subnet mask of What is the maximum
number of hosts per subnet?

65. Why do we need subnet mask? Perform the sub netting of the following:

IP address :160.111.xx

Original subnet mask:

Amount of subnets: 6.

66. Give the brief introduction of IPv6 and IPv4 addressing with example and draw the
format figure of IPv6 datagram.

67. Explain the headers supported by IPv6.

68. Explain how do ARP and RARP map IP addresses onto data link layer such as Ethernet?

69. Sketch the IP header neatly and explain the function of each field. List major differences
between IPv4 and IPv6.

70. With the aid of an example, explain why sub netting was introduces. Hence state the
meaning of a subnet router and an address mask. What is the maximum number of hosts
which a n/w on internet having a subnet mask of can handle?

71. What are the deficiencies of IPv4? How IPv6 was modified to overcome these
deficiencies? What are the advantages of using IPv6?

72. Explain the ARP and RARP? What is an ARP-cache?

73. Is CIDR network prefix visible outside IP network? Justify?

74. What are the problems encountered the releasing a connection in transport layer? Give
some solution applicable to it.

75. Write a short note on 3 way handshake. Discuss different QoS parameters of transport

76. Discuss the working and major difference between TCP and IP.

77. Discuss close, blind, listen and accept procedures used in socket implementation.

78. Describe at least 4 major tasks performed by the TCP in favor of network application.
79. Discuss the RCP design and implementation issues.

80. With the aid of a time sequence diagram, explain how logical connection between 2 TCP
entities is established using 3 way hand shake procedure. Include in your diagram the
socket primitives at both client and server side that trigger the sending of each segment.
Also explain how the initial sequence number in each direction is selected?

81. Explain the transport service primitives. What do you understand by term: “3 way
handshake”? Explain the problem which is solved by the 3 way handshake.

82. Explain the TCP segment header. Also discuss the TCP connection management.

83. Explain the protocol of transport layer design for multimedia application.

84. Explain TCP congestion control algorithm in internet?

85. What are the different frames types used in MPEG? Discuss in brief.

86. What is the need of data compression in multimedia? Explain different steps of JPEG

87. Write an algorithm used in encrypting data over the network expert RSA.

88. Explain the message authentication operation used in RSA technique.

89. Generate the public key and private key for the following numbers using RSA algorithm

P=3, Q=11, E=5.

90. Differentiate between the block cypher with transposition cypher.

91. What is cryptography? Distinguish between symmetric and asymmetric key


92. Discuss different steps of JPEG compression standard.

93. Show the working of the RSA algorithm with suitable example.

94. What is the procedure for compressing data using run-length encoding?

95. Explain the working of digital signature.

96. Explain DNS address scheme.

97. Explain the protocol in brief :

i. POP3
ii. IMAP

98. Describe the principal of application layer protocols.

99. Discuss SMTP.

100. Answer the flowing related to DNS:

a. How dose DNS perform name resolution.

b. What are the different types of name services?

c. Mention the DNS message format for query and reply messages.

101. Answer the following questions related to SMTP:

a. What are the three main components of internet mail system?

b. Give three SMTP commands issued by client and explain it briefly.

c. Give mail message format using multimedia mail extension.

102. Write short note on FTP and TFTP.

103. Explain why DNS is required with internet and describe its main functional parts.
In relation to DNS, explain why hierarchical naming structure is used instead of a flat

104. What is the function of SMTP?

105. When a web page is sent out, they are prefixed by MIME headers. Why?

106. Write a short note on : DNS

107. What is the difference between static and dynamic web pages?

108. Explain the structure of access of database over webpages?

109. Write a short note on XML.

110. Write a short note on virtual private networking.

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