Program Handbook Examples - Music 512

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Students and parents,

Welcome to the Mifflin Academy band program! As a member of this program, you have the
opportunity to carry on a special tradition that has been in fruition for many years. Membership
in this program is a serious commitment and is not one to be taken lightly. You will be
continuously challenged in your musical, intellectual, and personal growth throughout the year.
Throughout these challenges, you will develop the necessary tools to help you succeed in this
program and beyond. You will make lasting friendships and memories, and experience things
you have likely never experienced before. The exceptional choice you have made to join this
program will lead you to excellence as the Mifflin Academy band program is dedicated in
ensuring that all students are equipped with the necessary tools to be an exemplary musician,
student, and human being.
The purpose of this handbook is to make all students and parents aware of the many ins and outs
of this band program, as well as the expectations of the students. So, please read this handbook
thoroughly. Any questions that may arise should be answered in here, but feel free to contact us
with any other questions. We look forward to working with you this year!

Your Directors

It is the mission of the Mifflin Academy band program to develop students musically and
individually and instill within them the necessary skills and qualities to become exceedingly
successful in their musical, personal, and professional lives.

The Mifflin Academy band program is a program built on respect, community, equality, and
integrity. Our program believes in striving for excellence when pursuing the study of music and
continuously works hard to uphold that belief. We aim to provide the best education and musical
experience for every student who enters our program. Our program continues to ensure that all students
are equipped with the necessary qualities to be successful after exiting. It is important to note that as a
competitive marching band, we are not focused on winning every competition. We compete to improve
ourselves, our program, and our community. We are focused on making sure that Mifflin Academy
students exit this program as better individuals than when they entered. The goals of our program are
stated as followed:

1. Fostering a community of respect – The Mifflin Academy band program is dedicated to ensuring
all students feel safe and respected at all times. In addition, students should exude a spirit of
respect for themselves, the band program, the music, and the school. Without this community of
respect, the band program will suffer, and students will fail to succeed in the program.
2. Developing successful human beings – While a band program, in general, is centered around
music and developing musicians, our program also focuses on ensuring that students will be
well-equipped for life after high school. We are dedicated to forming the best human beings out
of every student that enters this program.
3. Promoting a love for music – As a band program, one of our main goals is to instill a love of
music in every student. Music is a special gift that gives students an opportunity to express
themselves, show emotion, and communicate in a unique and positive manner.

● Students will have skills in performing on their instrument.
● Students will have skills in reading and writing music.
● Students will develop an understanding of fundamental music theory concepts.
● Students will have skills in listening, describing, analyzing, and detecting errors in music, with
the ability and willingness to correct applicable errors.
● Students will demonstrate an ability and willingness to take critique and advance their musical
aptitude using these critiques.
● Students will discover real-world social, cultural, and historical connections based on the content
covered throughout the program.
● Students will develop the ability to self and peer-assess.
● Students will examine music as it relates to other art forms and curricular disciplines.
● Students will develop an understanding of proper rehearsal and concert etiquette.


Attendance is a key part of any effectively functioning program. There is mandatory

attendance at all rehearsals and events in accordance with the calendar. Attendance will be taken
at the beginning of each rehearsal and event and points will be deducted for each unexcused
absence or tardy. Always remember, to be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late,
and to be late is to be left behind! Learning to be on time and present is a lifelong habit that is
key to success. Start practicing now!

Students may only be excused by the director. Here are some examples of excused absences:

1. Death in the immediate family.

2. Extreme illness – If you must be excused due to illness, you are expected to provide a
doctor’s note. Your absence will not be excused if you cannot provide proper
3. Participation in other school events – In certain cases, you may need to miss rehearsal in
order to participate in other school activities. Please communicate your participation and
need to be excused at least two days of the rehearsal or event. If this is not possible,
please give the directors as much notice ahead of time as possible before your intended

Unexcused absences are unacceptable in all circumstances. Here are some examples of
unexcused absences:

1. Work – Please communicate your band schedule with your employer ahead of time to
avoid being double booked. Being scheduled to work is not an excusable absence.
2. Doctor’s appointment – Please schedule doctor’s appointments around our events, if at all
possible. If you have no other option, please communicate this with your directors well in
3. Transportation unavailability – If you don’t have a way to get yourself to our functions,
arrange a method of transportation to events early to avoid being absent!
4. Unaware of schedule – You should always be aware of the band schedule and our
upcoming events. Put all dates included in this handbook in your calendar NOW, so you
can avoid this issue!
5. Grounded by parents – Please have your parents communicate with your directors if this
becomes an issue. You are expected to be at all band events and functions, and this is not
an excusable absence.

Other attendance guidelines:

1. Please also note that if it is necessary that a student miss a rehearsal, it is expected that
the student e-mail the directors directly, as well as tell them personally in advance. The
absence will not be excused if a parent sends the e-mail.
2. Students will have the opportunity to make up excused absences. This may be in the
form of a written article, playing exam, or other, as determined by the directors. Failure to
make up an excused absence will result in a failing grade for the event.
3. Students will receive a failing grade of for all unexcused absences, no matter the
circumstance. Please be responsible and plan ahead!


Grading for ensembles within the Mifflin Academy Band Program will be based on the
parameters set forth below:

Rehearsals are a key factor in everything that we do. Students are expected to be prepared,
attentive, and involved in every rehearsal. Students will be graded based on their effort,
preparedness, participation, demonstration of appropriate rehearsal etiquette, etc.

Students will be expected to memorize their music for marching band performances, such as
halftime performances and competitions. Occasional scale and memorization tests will be held,
and students will be graded based on their performance. For concert ensembles, students are
expected to play to the best of their ability. Occasional playing tests will be held to ensure
students are on track with performance expectations.

Football game performances, pep band performances, parades, concerts, and festivals all have
required attendance and will be a large portion of the students’ grades. Students will be evaluated
on individual performance, participation, attitude, demonstration of appropriate performance
etiquette, etc.


Occasional playing tests will be held to ensure students are on track with performance
expectations. Students will be evaluated based on the technical mastery on their respective
instrument, tone production, ability to perform identified excerpts, and other qualities outlined
prior to the test.


Rehearsals are the most important aspect to our program. They must be taken seriously so that
our program can succeed. Listed below are the expectations for everyday rehearsals:

1. All rehearsals are required!

2. Be on time. To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late
is to be left behind!
3. Be prepared. Come equipped with your instrument, a pencil, and the required
4. Dress appropriately for rehearsals. Students are required to wear tennis shoes for
all outdoor marching band rehearsals.
5. Food, drinks (except water), and gum is not allowed in the rehearsal setting.
6. All electronics are strictly prohibited during rehearsals.
7. Students must remain attentive, active, and involved at all rehearsals.
8. Have fun!

Failure to meet rehearsal expectations may result in a 0% for the day. Please take responsibility!


Performances are opportunities for evaluation, much like written examinations in other
classes. Failure to meet performance requirements may result in a failing grade for the
performance. Listed below are the performance requirements:

2. Students are expected to be in uniform with their instrument put together, ready to
go, by call time. Call time will be announced at least two weeks prior to each
football/basketball game, competition, or concert.
3. Students must have all music memorized for marching band performances.
4. Uniforms must be worn correctly at all times. See Uniform Policy.
5. All electronics are strictly prohibited during a performance. Electronics are to
remain in the band room, or in the case of a competition/festival, on the bus or with your
case, uniform bag, etc.
6. Remember that you are representing Mifflin Academy and the Mifflin Academy
band program. Be on your best behavior and conduct yourself with honor.

For clarification on what you will be evaluated on, see Grading Policy.

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