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Term: 2 Science Class 5

The City School

Worksheet Number: 2.2.10.b
Topic: Light and Electricity
Learning Objective(s):
2.2.10 Explain different types of magnets (permanent, temporary magnet, and electro-magnet).

Q.1 Choose the correct option.

i. Magnets are used in junkyards. A junkyard is where vehicles like cars go to be broken up into parts. Strong
magnets can be used to separate these parts so that some of them can be reused.

Cars are made of made up of different materials, such as steel, glass and rubber. Which of these materials
could a strong magnet separate from others?
A. Glass
B. Steel
C. Rubber
D. Plastic

ii. Many doorbells use magnets. The bell can be rung many times because the magnet can be switched on
and off.

What type of magnet does a doorbell use?

A. An electromagnet
B. A horseshoe magnet
C. A bar magnet
D. A ring magnet
Term: 2 Science Class 5

iii. Sana is playing outside. She knocks her toy train into the lake. The train has parts that are made of steel,
and she has a wooden fishing rod. How can the fishing rod be changed to help her find the train?

A. A fishing rod made out of gold can be used instead

B. A plastic fishing rod can be used instead
C. A strong magnet can be attached to the end of the fishing rod
D. A piece of steel can be attached to the end of the fishing rod.

iv. We can wind the wire into a coil, and this makes a simple electromagnet. It is a type of _________.

A. temporary magnet
B. permanent magnet
C. loadstone
D. parallel circuit

v. Maglev trains are example of _______________.

A. electromagnet
B. permanent magnet
C. loadstone
D. parallel circuit

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