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This is to certify that this research project was
conducted and carried out by ----------, with Reg. No.
---------- in the Department of Public Administration,
Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri, Imo State under
my guidance and supervision

……………………….. ………………….………
-------------- Date

…………………..………….. ……………………………
Mr. ---------- Date
(Head of Department)

…………..………………….. ………………..…………
External Examiner Date
I gratefully dedicate this project work unto the
Almighty God, the giver of wisdom, knowledge and
I owe some intellectual quantified thanks to
many people who in one way or the other contributed
financially, materially and academically to my success
in life.
Prominent among them are my parents Mr. and
Mrs. ---------- for their, love, parental, moral and
financial contribution towards my academic pursuit.
My regards to Mr & Mrs. ----------, Mr. and Mrs.
------------ for their valuable supports.
In giving honour to whom honour is due, I
appreciate my supervisor Mr. -------- for his amiable
supervisor during the period of wring this project, I doff
my cap for you sir. Also my HOD Mr. ------- for his
exemplary administrative acumen epitomized in the
department of public administration.
I will never forget my fellow administrators for
helping and encouraging me during my times of needs,
and to my wonderful friends Mr. -------, My brothers
and sister, uncles and aunts who were steadfastly on
my side.
I thank my typist for typesetting this project.
Finally my profound gratitude goes to god for his
benevolence, magnanimity and protection towards my
life throughout my stay in the school and the period of
writing this project. Words are not enough to express
your goodness.
This project on the Role of Town Unions in
Development of Rural Society: a Case Study of
Umuezeukwu Nsulu Development Union. In chapter
one, we discussed in detail the following: background
of the study, Statement of the problem, objective of
the study, research question, significance of the study
and limitation of the study. In chapter two, the
researcher dealt with the related literature review
under which in one way or the other gave useful
suggestion of the above research problem. Chapter
three dealt with the presentation of research methods
used in this study, research design, methods of data
collection, sample size, sampling techniques and data
analysis techniques. Chapter four treated presentation
and analysis under which only questions relating to the
research was used and calculation based on the
responses from the questionnaire distributed. In
chapter five, the researcher made his summary and
rendered some useful recommendation to the
establishment of town unions in various communities in
Title Page i
Certification Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract vi
Table of Contents vii
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problems 5
1.3 Objective of the Study 6
1.4 Research Questions 7
1.5 Significant of the Study 8
1.6 Scope of the Study 9
1.7 Limitations of the Study 9
1.8 Definition of terms 10

2.0 Review of Related Literature 11
2.1 Introduction 11
2.2 Community development 12
2.3 The role of town unions in community development
2.4 The role of Isiekenesi Improvement Union in the
development of Isiekenesi Autonomous community
References 36
3.0. Research Design and Methodology 37
3.1 Introduction 37
3.2 Research Design 37
3.3 Sources/Methods of Data Collection 38
3.4 Population and Sample Size 40
3.5 Sample Techniques 40
3.6 Validity and Reliability of Measuring Instrument
3.7 Methods of Data Analysis 41

4.0 Presentation and Analysis of Data 42
4.1 Introduction 42
4.2 Presentation of Data 42
4.3 Analysis of Data 42
4.4 Interpretation of results 49
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations 51
5.1 Introduction 51
5.2 Summary of Findings 52
5.3 Conclusion 54
5.4 Recommendations 56
References 57
Rural development is mostly cherished by the
developing nations of the world like Nigeria because of
their colonial experience. This is why many
independent nations have embarked on formulation
and implementation of various policies for rural
development in Nigeria. This has given rise to the
support for community development by Federal, State
and Local government in Nigeria. This is because
community development is rural based effort towards
grassroots development. No wonder agents of
community development structured and non-structured
are deeply involved in community development. The
structured agents are Federal, State, Local
government, field officers etc while unstructured agents
are own union, voluntary organization, age grades,
women associations, lens in diaspora. This is why the
issue of community organization important to all
stakeholders. Community development is exclusively a
rural phenomenon (Biddle and Biddle, 1965). The
economists view community development in terms of
encouraging some local material development such as;
road, clean water supply, or the building of a school or
maternity center (Batten 1969:58).
Again Biddle and Biddle (1965:78) define
community development as a social process by which
human beings can become more competent to live with
and gain some control over local aspects of a
frustrating and change world. It is also mean
cooperative study, group discussion, collective action
and joint evaluation that leads to continuing actions.
The definitions above especially the definition of
Biddle and Biddle (1965), emphasizing community
development as a collective action and group decision
makes it imperative for the development of
Umuezeukwu development Union which was formed in
the year 1978 for the collective desire of the entire
Umuezeukwu community. Since the establishment of
this town union, a lot of achievement have been made
towards social, economic and political development
which have in collectivity constituted to the envy of the
town by the neighbours. The town union has been able
to make progress in the provision of necessary
infrastructures such as: road construction,
electrification projects, borehole drilling, construction of
postal agency, church building, maintenance and
church building of schools, building of health centre and
even charity works. All these have been able to be
realized through integrated, self-help, matching grant,
directed and no-directed approaches.


It ahs been observed that most community have
met their waterloof couresy proeblm and some are still
wallowing in some agony due to the same reason byt
the fct still remaint hat conflict is inevitable in every
community or evne orgnizxaiton. Ehcne town union
should not fold their arms and look without playing a
crucial role.
The aforementioned effects of this inevitability of
community developmental problems thus necessitate
the need to mange, minimize and if possible avoid its
negative impact on the organization or community
effectiveness in other to enhance a cordial relationship
in organizational setting. It is this assumption that is
motivating the researcher to embark upon this research


The objectives of the study areas follows:
1. To examine the various ways levels of
development in Umuezeukwu constitute
challenges to the people.
2. to determine the various role played by
Umuezeukwu development union towards the
community development in Umuezeukwu.
3. to ascertain the various financial contribution of
the town unions, age grades, women association
and individual in the community towards
community development.
4. To examine the extent of community projects like
provision of good roads, pipe borne water,
building of schools etc have impacted in the lives
of the people of Umuezeukwu.
5. To examine the extent to which the government
(local government) has help in the development
of Umuezeukwu community.


For the aim of the study, this research is
subjected only to Umuezeukwu Autonomous
community in Isiala Ngwa North Local Government
Area of Abia state
The researcher had unavoidable certain
constraints in an effort to make this study a meaningful
study. These constraints include:
a. Inadequate fund or finance, hence the researcher
finds it difficult to run the necessary procedures.
b. Limited time factor especially now that we are
engrossed in other academic work.
c. poor communication network.


The research work will expose both Umuezeukwu
people and non Umuezeukwu people to the knowledge
of the role of town unions, thereby motivating them to
contribute to the development of the community.
Moreover, this study will contribute positively to the
role of town unions in the development of Umuezeukwu
community. It will also serve as a starting pointing for
further research in the role of town unions in
community development.

Theoretical frame work

According to Longman dictionary, theory is an idea or
set of ideas that is intended to explain something about
life or the world, especially one that has not yet been
proved to be true.
The above statement serves as a rationale for the
theoretical approach adopted in this work. It is that of
BASIC NEED’s approach. This approach is a viable
alternative to classical development theory because it
is predicted on the need for greater participation of the
indigenous population in the production process
through greater use of knowledge and technology they
can control.
According to Pitt (1976) basic needs frame work is an
approach through which the indigenous people make
sue of the resources they that to fashion complex
things that help to improve their general welfare. In
the view of Kapur (1982) the objectives of development
is to ensure that peoples basic needs such as food,
shelter, clothing, health, education, water, transport
etc are met through the active participation of the
people themselves.

In her contribution, Ekejiuba opines that basic needs

approach stresses “total local community mobilization
and popular participation in identifying defining,
promoting, executing projects as well as in defining
values and needs that are dictated by the existential
conditions of the target group. This approach gives
impetus to localizing the rural development planning
process so as to meet the peculiar requirement of the
target population and create more effective feedback
mechanisms through a process of mutual adaptation
and innovation. Through this process of development
from within; the real rural people will become the
beneficiaries of development. They will be given a
greater degree of control over the direction of change
which is a necessary pre-requisite for self reliance.

This theory fits into the Umuezeukwu situion, this is

because Umeuzeukwu is pre-dominantly rural, farming
the major occupation of the people and the level of
education is still low. There are few accessible roads,
no health facilities and most of the people live below
poverty line. This development programmes should be
turned towards, involving the people of Umeuzeukwu
community in identifying, defining, executing and
maintenance development project that will satisfy the
basic needs of the peoples instead of planning from the
top and delivery to the bottom “The basic needs
approach can enable us idea with such questions as to
what extent are rural dwellers in Umuezeukwu
community involved in and committed to community
development and to what extent does these
programmes assist them in meeting their basic needs?
(Owo, 2000).
The basic needs approach is thus very relevant for rural
development in Umuezeukwu it provides us with the
analytical tools of understanding rural development in
Umuezeukwu community.

Research queison
The following should be considered for efficient and
effective work to be done. Therefore, these queiotns
should be analyzed.
1. Do town union enhance community development
in Umuezeukwu Nsulu Community?
2. Does town union have a great effect on
community development?
3. Can social problem emanating from homes cause
crises within the town union in developing the
4. Does economy situation and political instability ha
an effect on community development?
Age grade: They are the organizations of men and
women who are of similar age or within a particular
range of age bracket.
Town union: These are various organization whose
activities are to see to the welfare of a particular area.
Rural Area: This is a place that has not been properly
developed or that ahs not been advanced.
Development: This is the gradual growth of
something so that it becomes more advanced and
Role: This is the function or position that is expected
to have in organization, society or in a relationship
Community: This is all the people who live in a
particular area, country etc.
Batten, T.R. (1969). Communities and their
development. London oxford university press.

Biddle and Biddle (1965:10). The community

development process. New York: Hold Renehart

Kapur, K.C. (1982). India – an Uncommitted society.

New Delhi: Vikas publishing house limited.

Long man dictionary (dictionary of contemporary

English new Edition)

Owo C. (2002). Rural development in Nigeria.

Theoretical orientation in reading in sociological
studies. Vol. II rainbow publishes Limited.

Pitt, D. (1976). Development from below.

Anthropologist and development situation, Hague Pars
Mouthon press, limited.
The role of town unions in the development of
rural areas is one of the most important things that has
manifested in the recent past. The town unions remain
the main actor in the development of our rural
communities or rural areas.
In the light of the above, therefore, we are going
to consider the various views and opinions that have
been expressed on this issue by scholars, authors,
individuals and organizations. To achieve this and
bearing in mind the objective of the study, this
literature review will be looked form the following:
1. Conceptualization of community development or
what community development is all about
2. Roles of town unions in community development


In the words of Amucheazi in Ogunna, Ezegbe and
Ogbeka (ed) (1995:2), community development refers
to the process in which man transforms his natural and
social environment for his betterment. The
development and progress of any nation is principally
indicated by the extent to which it is able to provide the
basic needs to the vast majority of its people. It’s
according to him explains why development is today
widely measured by the level of economic output and
the standard of living of the people.
This projects the fact that for community
development to take place, various aspects of life of
the people must be positive affected and element of
participation can be direct or indirect. Meziobi in
Ogunna (ed) (1995:48) goes further to identity the
inches of rural national development as “Sustainable
high literacy rate, qualitative and functional education,
availability and provision of adequate medicare,
food/housing cultural perpetuation, respect for social
behaviour, social political stability characterized by
democratic reasonableness, rational mass political
participation and representation, sensitivity to the
yearning and sufferings of the people, political
efficiency, improved standard of living of the populace
and healthy and stable economy”.
The United Nations (1956) adopting both
multidimensional and integrated ideological approaches
defined community developments as the process by
which the effort of the people themselves are untied
with those government authorities to improve the
economic social and cultural conditions of communities
into the life of the national and enable them contribute
fully in national progress.
Ogunna (1990:23) identifies the principle of
community development as mass participation, people
initiatives, planed programme, effective leadership,
non-coercion agreement with the people’s norms an
values, partnership, public accountability and
integrative approach.
Contributing in the book “Rural development in
Nigeria” edited by Olisa and Obiukwu, Awa (1992:4)
sees the concept of community development as the
1. By which the effort of the people are untied with
those of the government to improve the social,
economic and cultural conditions of communities
2. Of integrating these communities into the life of
the nation.
3. From the foregoing, community development can
be said to involve comprehensive changes in the
cultural, economic, social, educational and
political affairs of the people designed basically to
make themselves reliant.
In his own view, as stated in the above mentioned
book, Muoghalu (1992:80) defined community
development thus: “a broad based reorganization and
mobilization of the rural masses so as to change their
capacity to cope effectively with the daily task of their
lives and with change consequent upon it”.
It concerned with improvement of the living
standard of the low income population living in the
rural area on a self-sustaining basic, through
transforming the social spatial structures of their
productive activities.
A critical look at the above definition reveals that
it has three important features:
1. Improving the living standard of the subsistence
population involving the mobilization and
allocation of resources as to reach desirable
balance overtime between the welfare and
productive services available to the community
subsistence population.
2. Making the process self-sustaining requires the
development of appropriate skill and
implementing capacity and the presence of
institution at the community, local, state and
national levels to ensure use of existing resources.
3. Community development can also be viewed as
the development of the moral, social, political and
economic potentialities of rural communities to
advance their economic self-reliance through the
provision of appropriate infrastructure such as
pipe borne water, electricity, good roads and
small scale industries, increase their political
consciousness and participation and promote
their moral and social well being which will result
in tolerance, good discipline, justice, kindness,
love and peace.
Community development is directed to the
modernization of rural area. It involves a broad
aspects of issues among which are problems of
agricultural modernization, rural industrialization, job
creation, grassroots development and provision of
adequate housing and shelter for rural inhabitants. It
includes education, health issues, regional economic
development and the composite problem of overall
transformation of the rural people in order to enhance
the quality of rural life. (Akinbode, 1983)
Barnky (1972) in an article titled “what is
community”, defines the concept as; the initialization
under one single programme of approaches and
techniques, which rely upon vast communities as units
of actions and which attempt to combine outside
assistance with organized local self determination and
efforts and which correspondingly seek to stimulate
local initiative and leadership as primary instrument of
According to community development guidelines
of the international cooperation administration of the
Untied States (1956:3), community development is a
process social action in which people of a community
organize themselves for planning and action, define
their common and individual plans to meet their needs
and solve their problems, execute these plans with a
maximum reliance upon local community resources and
supplement these resources when necessary with
services and materials from governmental and non-
government agencies outside the community.
In the words of Ibekwe (1989:6), a little reflection
on the above definition outlines will reveal that
community mobilization is an essential ingredient of
community development. Furthermore, two essential
elements run through his definitions namely:
1. The direct participation of the people themselves
in efforts to improve their level of living with as
such reliance as possible on their own initiative.
2. The provision of technical and other services
when necessary in ways which encourage
initiative, self help and mutual help.
Osuji (1987:33) in his book “Principles of
community leadership and rural development”
stipulates the functions of town union as:
a. Initiation and executing all types of projects both
industrially and agriculturally based projects,
small-scale industries etc.
b. Construction and repair of school buildings,
hospital, health centres, postal agencies,
recreation centres for children and adults.
c. Building and maintaining rural roads including
fielder roads, bridges etc.
d. Maintenance of law enforcement agent by
forming vigilante group.
e. Enforcing the observation of culture and tradition
as may be directed by the traditional ruler.
f. To raise funds for such projects
g. To do any other things as it may find necessary
within the ambit of the law in order to ensure
rapid progress, peace, harmony and tranquility in
the community.
To Osuagwu (1982) town unions are of great
importance in a community like Umuezeukwu and other
communities that were formally part of east central
State of Nigeria. Town unions do not only provide the
framework for administration of individual communities
but leads the way is development programme of such
rural communities.
From the foregoing, it can be said that where
government programmes are not available, town
unions are always available to fill the vacuum. They
mobilize and provide the developmental needs of the
people, they are responsible for actual identification
and planning of community needs and for the
expression and planning of community needs and for
the expression of dissatisfaction about the state of
community life. Under the auspices of town unions, the
spirit of self-help as expressed in community efforts
have enabled the people of Umuezeukwu to execute
such development programmes in the community such
a. One secondary school
b. Comprehensive health centre
c. Post office
d. Motor park
e. Water supply
f. Erosion control
g. Multipurpose halls
h. Churches and;
i. Electricity
Writing on this Enwere (1981) states that under
the auspices of the town union, he people saw the need
to come together to ameliorate their suffering. It is no
gain saying that the execution of these projects would
not have been possible without the leadership of the
town unions. Egbukachi (1981) says that if not the
town unions, development projects like good roads,
communication networks, water supply etc would have
remained luxurious items outside the reach of the
people in the community. About 80% of development
projects initiated and executed in Isiekenesi
Community were carried out without any government
assistance. In support of this, he opines, it is this
failure on the part of the government to provide these
social needs in the lead in community development.
This will continue to be so as long as the government
and its agencies for community development continues
to be indifferent in responding to community
Various scholars, authorities, institution and
organization are conscious of the fact that the role of
town unions cannot be over state. Expressing his
expectation from town unions in community
Nwaokeji (1979:10) asserts that the development
of rural areas have never been made top most priority
by many town development unions in the State. If this
trend continues, it would be very unfortunate for
community development in Igboland. In the same
vein, Ogboeka (1980:3) observes that “majority of the
town development unions have not accepted the
responsibility as a result, development in the
community is left to choice. Nwaokeji (1979:13)
further opines that the worst thing that can happen to
any community is the failure on the part of its town
union to identify and initiate those development
programmes that have remained elusive to the people
since the end of the civil war in the country.
The National Youth Service Crops (NYSC)
(1983:8) Strongle projects the role of town unions in
community development. It confirmed the hypothesis
that rural communities have the required manpower
and resources to identify and synthesize the most
appropriate policies that will lead to entitlement of the
said conditions of the rural people. It is stated that the
best method of ensuring this speedy and effective
development so far is known to be through the town
union development in the rural communities”.
Ostensibly, the need for evolution of liable
development unions to serve as potent vehicle for
providing social development unions to serve as potent
vehicle for providing social amenities like;
electrification, pipe borne water, health centre, primary
and secondary school, road construction and
rehabilitation etc, necessitated the setting up of various
town unions in different parts of the country.
Ihejirika (1993:3) state that the town unions
become the single organization that speaks the mind
and execute the development plans of the community.
He further states that as the name implies, these
development unions are charged with the provision of
infrastructures development of community where they
operate. Some of the projects according to him, which
they undertake include provision of scholarship to
deserving and handicapped student of the community
etc. Summing up the importance of town unions in the
development of any community. Ihejirika (1993:4)
says that the general level of development in our
various communities infrastructure wise goes to their
Community development in Isiekenesi could not
have been a reality if the projects of the community
have not been properly organized and executed either
through their felt need approach as identified by
themselves or by the desire to imitate other
communities in the provision of the needed social
services in an attempt to achieve these felt needs,
affective towns and communities unit themselves under
an effective town union where leadership is chosen
form among themselves to organize fund raising
activities and voluntary labour required for the
implementation of the identified projects.
Nwachukwu (1996:32) in his book “Ethnic Unions
and rural development in Eastern Nigeria”. Projects the
role of town development unions in the development of
various communities. He even goes to the extent of
studying various projects.


The Umuezeukwu improvement union is a
household name in Umuezeukwu and indeed anywhere
else one can find or live in Umuezeukwu. The union for
sure is a highly respected and important socio-political
and cultural unit in Umuezeukwu that harness the
potentials of the indigenes of Umuezeukwu community
in motivating and actualizing self-help development
projects in the community.
Umuezeukwu improvement union was founded in
the year 1974 by pioneer Umuezeukwu patriots with
the primary aim of realizing the rapid advancement
zeal of all Umuezeukwu people in manpower and
infrastructural development of Umuezeukwu and over
the people wherever they may be. Its achievements
are as listed under
(i) One secondary school
(ii) Comprehensive health centre
(iii) Construction of road
(iv) Electricity
(v) Water supplies
(vi) Erosion control
(vii) Multi-purpose hall
(viii) Erosion control etc

All these are targeted for the continued

development of Umuezeukwu.


Through the effort of Umuezeukwu nsulu
development union, the massive electrification project
initiate by the Isiala Ngwa North Local Government the
year 1986 was brought to Umuezeukwu in the year
2003, the union brought about 4 transformers and
distributed them to five villages in the community.
These five villages included; Umueze, Umuogu,
Umuoeche and Ikputu. The proper execution of this
electrification project in the community made the
people enjoy steady and full voltage power supply in
community till date. The union also procured electric
poles and mounted them in villages.


In 1989, the union embarked on a project tagged
“operation fill potholes”. The aim of this programme
was to reconstruct and rehabilitate all the earth roads
in Umuezeukwu Nsulu community. The union
contributed money and bought sand which was used to
rehabilitate all the dilapidated roads in the three
villages that served as a major link between the
Umuezeukwu community and other communities and
town which were Mbawsi, Ntigha Umuahia, Umuosu
etc. before this time, there was no accessible road in
Umuezeukwu community, merchants and travelers
form other communities were scared of coming into the
village for trade or any other business, this made the
people of community suffer isolation from other social,
political and economic activities that took place in other


In the year 1983, the union secured a land and
built secondary school which is known as Umuezeukwu
Community School, P.O. box 50 Nbawsi, which has
helped to promote education in the community and
has also helped in the development of academic
horizon of the teenagers and youths of he community.
The union also erected a multipurpose hall in the state
primary school situated in the community, which has
also helped to boost universal basic education in
Umuezeukwu community. The union also helps in the
maintenance of the schools to ensure the security of
lives and properties of the school by training and
maintaining vigilante groups that keep watch over the


The union through its borehole drilling
programmes in the year 1990 was able to supply water
to almost all the village in the community by making
sure that each village had one central borehole that
supplied water to the inhabitants of that village. This
borehole drilling was efficiently and effectively executed
that the water supply was portable and steady, this has
helped to save the people the pitiable stress of going
down to the stream time to either fetch water or wash


The Umuezeukwu Development union has built up
a motor park in Orie market in Umuezeukwu to ease
transportation problems in the community. The
Umuezeukwu people can now travel safely to places
like Owerri, Aba, Onitsha, Port Harcourt etc with
vehicles to and from Umuezeukwu community. The
money realized from this motor park has helped the
union to execute other projects like construction of
roads, building and maintenance of the community


The Umuezeukwu community been witnessing the
erosion menace in the time past due to the bad roads
and lack of gutters. This was the situation of things in
community until 1993 when the union comes up with
her erosion control project to ensure that erosion is
optimally controlled in the community so as to save the
people the adverse effects of erosion like destruction of
infrastructures such as buildings, roads, bridges,
electrical installations, food crops and cash crops in the
farm. through this project, roads were rehabilitated
and gutters were built alongside the road so as to
absorb the flood instead of pilling up one place to cause
erosion problem.
The Umuezeukwu development union in 1983
undertook a building project of erecting multi-purpose
hall at the centre of the community which was to cost
N4,746.00. its projects was executed properly ad
today in the center of Umuezeukwu, there is a
magnificent multi-purpose hall. The hall is being hired
by the sons and daughters of Umuezeukwu for
ceremonies like wedding, parties, seminars,
conferences, etc. And the money realized form renting
this hall is sued to enhance developmental project in
the community today .
Ibekwe, E.N. (1989). Rivalry Between Traditional
Rulers and January. Alvan Ikoku College of

Ihejirika, G. (1993). Causes and effects of conflicts in

Town development union research project
presented to the department of business studies

Nwachuwku C.B (1996). Ethnic union and rural

Development in Eastern Nigeria. Owerri Pen
paper publications.

NYSC (1983). The purpose of community development

and techniques for its implementation. Lagos
Orientation lecture series

Ogunna, A.C.E. et al (1995). National orientation and

national development in Nigeria. Umuahia Ark

Olisa, M.S.O. (1992). Rural development in Nigeria

Dynamics and Strategies. Awka, Mekslink

Osuji, C. (1987). Principles of Community Leadership

and Rural Development. Awka, Mekslink
Research methodology is the scientific basis of any
research especially in the social since. It tires to define
the approaches adopted towards finding solution to the
research questions. This chapter focused purely on the
research method adopted in this study which include
population and sample size, description of research
method, conduct of field work and data collection.

This study utilized a survey design because of the
type of information needed for the investigation.
Ezinwa (2003), observes that survey research focuses
on people the vital facts of people and the believes,
opinions attitudes, motivation and behaviours.
Survey instrument was deemed the most
appropriate for gathering the data required for the
study, since survey centers on people’s attitudes
opinions and behaviour towards community
The following method were used for the purpose
of data collection
1. Questionnaire: The questionnaires given to
the respondents were self administered. These
questionnaires were meant to secure maximum
response from the respondents. The
questionnaire as contained in the questionnaire
were designed and framed in such a way as to
reflect and cover the objectives of the research
and were used in eliciting useful and relevant
information form the respondents.
2. Personal interview: In the course of the
fieldwork exercise, the researcher conducted
personal interview on the key members of
Umuezeukwu Development union. The personal
interviews were meant to support the
repso9dnents gathered norm the questionnaires.
3. Personal observation: The various visits
undertaken by the researcher in the course of
the study afforded her ample opportunity to
appreciate through observation some of the
developmental projects executed by the
Umuezeukwu Development union also some of
the problem or challenges facing the town union.
B) Questioning
This method assured great versatility in social
emabrkment. It requires the researcher to establish
some contact direct or indirect with the respondents.
The questions were asked in such a way as to reflect
the objectives of the research and to bring relevant
information form the respondents.
Interviews: interviews were made between the
researcher and the respondent and this prompted to
communication, both direct or indirect went as good
to safeguard the researchers interest, there was
face-to-face contact and also telephone contact and
the like is sued in the interviewing process.

As to note that the population would be the people of
Umuezeukwu Nuslu in Isiala Ngwa North of Abia State,
a sample size of 45 respondents were randomly
selected. The selection was non probability one that
wad done on stratification basis to the nature of the

A sample is a proportion of a population selected
for observation and analysis with a view to making
inference about the population (Ogbozi 1994:9). Since
the authenticity of data collection goes a long way in
determining the quality of information to be generated,
hence to provide adequate data needed for research
both primary and secondary source of collection were
sued. The instrument used under the primary source
were questionnaire administration and interview. While
textbook, internet facilities, newspapers among other
serve as the source of secondary data.

It is a type of sampling method in which

population for the study is divided into sub-group or
To ensure that responses received were valid and
reliable the completed questionnaire were collected and
followed up with interview of respondents. The
interviewers were asked the same questions which
appeared in the questionnaire in order to validate and
test the reliability of the responses collected
However, subject to the limitations printed out in
chapter one of this work, the researcher believes that
the information given is quiet reliable, since a simple
percentage was used and a statistical tool to ensure the
accuracy of the data collected and analyzed.
An instrument is said to be measure accurately if
what is designed to measure the validation of the
instrument was tested by designing the questionnaires
which were validated by experts who went through it.


The emphasis here is to describe the process
utilized in evaluating and analyzing the data gathered
so as to give room for clarity. Here simple percentage
was used in analyzing the data from the questionnaire
and the clarification process of the data involved
tabulation of the opinion of the selected sample
population. The greater percentage of opinion would
hold. The simple percentage method involved the
addition of the different frequencies of the responses
and calculating their percentage as shown below:
Simple percentage formula
F x 100(%)
N 1
Where f= frequency
F = total number of frequencies
B = respondents
Ie N total number of respondents
The respondents therefore will tick “V” in nay of
the boxes provided as yes or No where
applicable to the questions on the questionnaires.
The analysis therefore of each information was
based on the result from the respondents.
In this section data collected through the
methodology stipulated in chapter three will not only be
presented but will equally be analyzed base on the
methodology stated earlier.

The above data is as contained in the
questionnaire. It consists of one section. The
questionnaire is designed in this way so as to elicit
appropriate response from the respondents and ensure
even spread of responses. Our analysis will be on the
45 questionnaire retrieve.

Question 1: Is there any achievement made by the
Umuezeukwu Development union in your community?
Table 1

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 45 100
No - -
Total 45 100
Source: field survey
From the table above, we were able to discover
that the Umuezeukwu development union has made
some impacts in their community developments; hence
the table indicates that 45 respondents constituting
100% answered yes.

Questions 2: Are there some achievements made by

the Umuezeukwu development union in the educational
sector in the community?

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 40 83.33
No 5 16.67
Total 30 100
Source: field survey
From the above analysis, we were able to discover
that out of 45 respondents, 40 constituting 83.33%
answered yes, while 5 or 16.67% answered No.
Therefore the table indicates that a greater percentage
of respondents agreed that there are achievements
made by the Umuezeukwu Nsulu development union in
the education sector in your community?
Table 3

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 45 100
No - -
Total 45 100
Source: field survey

From the above table, we wee to discover that all

the respondents agreed that they work hand with the
community organization in their community
development. Hence the table indicates that 30
respondents constituting 100% answered yes.
Question 4
Do you sometimes have misunderstanding with the
town union while working with them?
Table 4

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 30 66.67
No 10 33.33
Total 30 100
Source: field survey
A look form the table above indicates that out of
45 respondents, 30 constituting 66.67% answered yes
while 10 or 33.33% answered No. Hence, the table
indicates that a greater percentages of our respondents
agreed that they sometimes have misunderstanding
with the community organization while working with
Question 5
Does Umuezeukwu Development union play any role in
your community development?
Table 5

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 45 100
No - -
Total 45 100
Source: field survey
From the table, we were able to discover that all
the respondents agreed that Umuezeukwu
Development union play different role in the
development of their community. Hence, the table
indicates that 45 respondents constituting 100%
answered yes.

It is interesting to note that the following results
were observed in this research work.
1. The town union Umuezeukwu has achieves a lot
in the infrastructural development of
Umuezeukwu community in terms of provision
of good rods, borehole drilling, building and
maintenance of school etc.
2. The people of Umuezeukwu work hand in hand
with their community organization to execute
development projects.
3. The Umuezeukwu Development union has
achieved much in the educational sector in
Umuezeukwu community in the aspect of
building and equipping a secondary school in the
community and maintenance of the primary
school in the community.
4. The existence of misunderstanding among the
community organization and the people does not
inhibit the planning ad execution of
developmental projects in Umuezeukwu
This research work is on the “role of town unions
in community development” in Isiekenesi in Ideato
South Local government Area of Imo State.
Embarking on this study was born out of the
researcher’s desire to find a way of moving the rural
community forward through the concerted effort of the
town unions in initiating and executing development
projects. To effectively investigate into the problem,
the researcher set out to address certain salient
questions which expressed the problem of the study.
These are:
1. What is community development?
2. What constitute challenges towards development
in Umuezeukwu community?
3. What are the structural institutions responsible for
community developments in Umuezeukwu.
4. How is community development in Umuezeukwu
5. Does the government (local government) have
any responsibility in community development in
A research of this standard demands scientific
approach for the purpose of objectivity and avoidance
or minimization of bias.
To this end, the researcher adopted the study
method of data collection, presentation and analysis.
In collecting the data, he made use of a set of
structured questionnaire administered on the sample
size selected from among the town union’s officials
from Umuezeukwu in Isiala Ngwa North Government
Area of Abia State. Furthermore, valuable information
was gathered from secondary source materials such as
textbooks, journals, magazines etc.
During the review of related literatures all the data
collected have been systematically converted to simple
percentage and analyse accordingly.

Being aware of the outline problems that
necessitated this study and the findings made from the
analysis of the data collected through the questionnaire
and observation, the researcher proffers the following
The town union has been identified as a machinery
of development in rural areas like Umuezeukwu in
Isiala Ngwa North Government Area of Abia State. To
this end, both the community and the local government
have to play a vital role. For instance, poverty was
identified as one of the remote causes of
underdevelopment in rural areas. The community has a
role to play hereby ensuring that elected officers of
town unions are those with know means of wealth and
not those that will depend wholly and entirely on the
community fund. The local government should on their
own ensure a proper welfare package for the town
unions to avoid anything that will lead them into
misappropriating the community fund.
Also elected officers of the town should be
enlightened and people of proven integrity. This will
enable them to understand the complimentary nature
of their role and also enable them have a clear view of
their role definition and limitations.
It is known fact that conflict is natural in any human
organization, the town union should look more inward
for solutions to problems than rushing out to the police
of law courts. This is because the latter is more
expensive and time consuming than internal
arrangement, the money that would have been spent
outside is reserved for the development of the
community, and times for court adjournments are
saved in the interest of the community. This is
because as long as the case last in the police station
and in the law courts, the community will know no
peace and development will be stagnated.

Combination of facts gathered from the reviewed
literature, the result of investigation carried out
including observation reveal certain facts. It is an
obvious fact that the town union in Umuezeukwu
development union and other organization like age
grades, women associates are the key actors in
community development in Umuezeukwu.
There is no gainsaying of the fact that with
harmonious relationship among the official and
members of the town union, they will be able to
successfully mobilize the rural people towards the
realization of their development needs.
Worthy of note is greed and selfish interest
inherent in some officials of the town union which
jeopardize developmental project execution in the
community. Most of the officials want to be the only
mouthpiece of their people which leads to power tussle
between the unions officials.
Conclusively, for any community to realize their
dream of development, there is need to have a level
ground, such level group will only come when there is
peace and understanding between the members and
officials of the town who are the pioneers in the field of
community development.
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Department of Public Administration
Federal Polytechnic Nekede
P.M.B. 1036, OWERRI.

5th August ---------

Dear respondents
I am a final year student (National Diploma) in the department
of Public Administration, School of Business and Management
Technology of the above institution.
As part of the requirement for the award of National Diploma
in Public Administration, I am conducting a research work on the
topic “The Role of Town Union in Development of rural Society” ( A
case study of Umuezeukwu in Isiala Ngwa North Government Area of
Abia State.
I hereby solicit for your indulgence to complete the attached
questionnaire in order to help and facilitate my successful
completion of this project work.
I promise that all materials, facts and information supplied will
be treated in absolute confidence and for academic purpose only.

Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Name of office/department: ……………………………………..
Age: 20 – 25 26 – 35 40-45 45 - 50
51 - above
Rank: ……………………………………………………..
Length of service: ………………………………….
Marital status: single married
Sex: male female
Tick in the box () provided
1. Is Umuezeukwu Development Union Oriented? Yes
2. Has the Umuezeukwu Development Union made any
positive impact in the execution of viable development
project? Yes No
3. Is the revenue base of the union strong enough to
execute project base on felt-need principles? Yes No
4. Has the development effort of the union attracted
government development grant? Yes No
5. Is Umuezeukwu Development Union capable of grass
root mobilization? Yes No
6. Has the union been involved in the mass enlightenment
campaign? Yes No

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