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The Invisible Tangible

The Invisible Tangible:

The Empaths Guide on

How to Survive Energy Overload

The Empaths Guide on

By Kelarius Finex By Kelarius Finex

The Invisible Tangible

Copyright 2011 by Denika C. Laurie All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without permission in writing from Eternalkween LLC. Visit

Published 2011 by Eternalkween LLC

The Invisible Tangible

DISCLAIMER The Invisible Tangible: How to Overcome Energy Overload can familiarize readers with the complex subject of the human energy systems, spiritual healing, and energy exercises, but it in no way claims to fully teach the techniques described. Therefore, personal instruction is recommended. The Invisible Tangible: How to Overcome Energy Overload is not an independent guide for self-healing, Kelarius is not a medical doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist, and she does not diagnose diseases or prescribe treatments. No medical claims or cures are implied in this book, even if specific benefits, healing, or treatments are mentioned. Readers are advised to practice the methods in this book only under the guidance and supervision of a qualified medical doctor or psychiatrist and to use these methods at their own risk. Kelarius, Eternalkween LLC, The School of Eternal Light & Elevation, and any other affiliate, agent, assignee, licensee, and authorized representatives make no claim or obligation and take no legal responsibility for the effectiveness, results, or benefits of reading this book or of using the suggested methods; deny all liability for any injuries or damages that readers may incur; and are to be held harmless against any claim, liability, loss or damage caused by or arising from following any suggestions made in this book or from contacting anyone listed in this book or at

The Invisible Tangible

DEDICATION I dedicate this book to the many people who do not know they are empaths and continue to suffer because they know of no solution. To the many ADHD, Autistic geniuses, rainbow children, starseeds, and waterseeds: this is for you and those who misunderstand your specialness to the world. We receive you and welcome the new path you have to show us.

The Invisible Tangible

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE .................................................................................... 2 Chapter 1 ................................................................................. 6 What exactly is an empath?.............................................. 6 The New Definition of an Empath .................................. 8 The Plight of the Empath .................................................. 9 Chapter 2 ............................................................................... 13 The Crowded Empath..................................................... 13 Techniques to Help You Out ......................................... 15 Chapter 3 ............................................................................... 18 The Empath and the Earth ............................................. 18 Chapter 4 ............................................................................... 25 The Empath & Other Life Forms ................................... 25 Message to the Empaths ..................................................... 29 Empath Development Course ....................................... 31 Bio of Kelarius Finex ....................................................... 32

The Invisible Tangible

As a child growing up I had never heard of an empath. I had no cognizance that people had the ability to absorb the emotions, beliefs, and mimic the physical symptoms of other human beings. I didnt even know that people could be affected by the energy of land, buildings, and objects. Yet I have been affected by all of the above. I recall feeling uncomfortable in certain rooms in homes that I would frequently visit including my own. Even certain parts of the church I attended had eerie feelings that spooked me. Whenever I was around a group of people I felt disoriented and displaced. I was never quite sure how to genuinely express myself and often became a chameleon to gain acceptance. I grew up in a home where physical

abuse was prevalent and became the victim to whatever energies where at play. As I got older and religious I

noticed that whenever I would pray for someone I would cry their tears and feel their pain. In the Christian churches we considered this one of the gifts of the spirit. Discerning what a person is going through without them verbally

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telling you.

Although I had all of these experiences, I

never took it serious. I really hadnt embraced the idea of this empathy needing to be something I should put much thought into. As crazy as it sounds, I just dealt with

whatever came my way and made the best of things. It wasnt until 2001, during the destruction of the Twin Towers in NYC, that I realized I needed to keep this ability in mind. I had merged with the emotions of the people that died as well as the sorrow of their loved ones. I also merged with the trauma that was all around the energy of NYC. Since I lived there during that time, it wasnt easy to avoid. Shortly thereafter I started looking into ways of releasing what I had merged with. I also looked into All of the

protecting myself from such reoccurrences.

techniques I had found on the internet and by other healers provided temporary relief. Doing things such as putting up different geometric shapes with colors in and around them, or grounding out into the earth, salt baths, and energy work just to name a few, became a part of my daily regimen. When a very close cousins of mine past away in 2008, I experienced the physical symptoms of his death

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even though I was nowhere around him and had no idea of what was going on. Besides the fact of being distraught over his death, I was completely mind-boggled that what I felt in my body was indeed the cause of his death. From that point forward, I set out to learn more effective methods for healing and for empath control. I went into prayer and meditation for many days and soon, my prayers were answered by Arch Angel Gabriel. I

received techniques to strengthen the chakras, aura, and meridian that actually worked. Those exercises alone

reversed my vulnerability. I had more control over what I would experience and so long as I exercised my choice, I wouldnt merge with other peoples stuff. However,

sometimes I would forget to exercise my choice and would catch wind of something else that wasnt mine. I learned a command from angels known as the Elohim, which would instantly remove what wasnt mine. It worked and it was simple but very affective. Soon I would receive more and more information about empaths from the angels. By that time, I had so many clients that were empaths that it was unbelievable. Almost all of my clientele were empaths. This gave me the

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opportunity to share what I had learned and to see how it would work for them. One by one, the results were the same for those that did the strengthening exercises every day. Everyone had more control and they were no longer vulnerable to their environments any longer. What I find most interesting about this work is that because some people have been dealing with being an empath and being so sensitive for so long, it is hard for them to imagine there being a system that works and helps them to regain control of their lives. For those who know they are empaths, they have been left to the mercy of the world, merely surviving the level of sensitivity they were born with. Empaths are mislead into believing they are plagued with this ability and forever have to shield and protect their selves. At most what they need to do is

strengthen certain energy systems and subtle bodies that are within the aura field. I would like to present a different perspective that shows another path from what has traditionally been taught to the public. If I can change what I experience as an empath, then so can you.

The Invisible Tangible

Chapter 1
What exactly is an empath?

Traditionally, an empath has been defined as someone that takes on the emotions and thoughts of another individual, with the ability to involuntarily mimic physical symptoms. Let me give you a couple of different examples so couple you have a better idea. In the first example, lets say

someone is talking to you about a problem they are dealing with. They are a bit sad about the situation. During the conversation you begin to feel sadness as you feel you can you relate with what is being said. The conversation is over and you carry on about your day. However, the feeling of

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sadness is still there and the thoughts associated with the sadness remains with you as well. In the second example, lets say you are around a person who has a headache, but you dont know they have a headache. You may be interacting with them in some form via conversation or perhaps you are just in the same room. Before you know, you now have a headache. The other persons headache is now gone and you are carrying their headache. There are many more intriguing stories such as the two above. I have heard of or had people take on stomach aches of others, serious illnesses, or fatigue. With the

fatigue, one person would be energized and the other would be tired and it would switch between the two people. I had a ex co-worker once tell me that she would get morning sickness any time anyone of her daughters got pregnant, but it would be before the daughter found out she was pregnant. There is another story about a lady who had a boyfriend that had rheumatoid arthritis. After being involved with him for several months she eventually took on all the symptoms of the arthritis while his went away.

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How is it that this is even possible that people would share in anothers experience? reasons this could happen. There are a few

First, most people are

energetically vulnerable because they have not built up the strength of their chakras, meridians, or aura field. Having a rip or tear in the aura or a blown out chakra makes one more susceptible to empathic merging. Another reason

this is possible is because a lot of people, especially those that are compassionate, dont like to see people in pain and subconsciously or even consciously agree to take away the pain because they feel they can handle it better. They feel they are more prepared to deal with the discomfort. They may also feel that it is too difficult for them to see a person in pain and out of their compassionate, sacrifice their own health. There are lots of people who are self-sacrificing. Some do it voluntarily, while others dont understand the energetic and spiritual agreement they are making by thinking such thoughts. The New Definition of an Empath

There is a newer definition for an empath. According to the Elohim, an empath is someone that

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interprets higher vibrational frequencies of light. They are able to channel these light frequencies that are naturally occurring on the earth. The light frequencies are here to help humanity to evolve. The task of the empath is to help humanity with interpreting their emotions which are the actual light frequencies. Because of humanitys perception of energy it often gets misinterpreted or stuck inside of their clogged energy systems. This happens because

humanity has dealt with indoctrination and has been limited in what they allow themselves to express in life. The empath is basically helping them to untangle these emotions and express them in a healthier fashion and with clarity. The Plight of the Empath

The plight of the empath is that instead of allowing their body vessel to pull out and release the blocks held within another person, they hold on to the block themselves. Most times this happens unconsciously. This happens because the average empath has done no work on their etheric body, meridians, chakras and aura. There is a certain amount of time and consistency required to build

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up the strength of these energy systems in order for the empath to not be susceptible to foreign emotions and thoughts. Further more work on the subconscious mind may be required to remove core beliefs and states of consciousness that inflict the common challenges that empaths face. Common beliefs that I have found while working on empaths tend to be the following: I have to help this

person, I am capable of taking on the pain this person is experiencing, I have a special gift that the world needs, Only I know how to handle this situation, I always got to be the problem solver, etc. Basically, the more the empath takes on the worlds circumstances as something personal, the more likely they are to experience the suffering of the world. When the empath acknowledges itself as a vessel for this change to come through, then no side effects will occur. The person receives what they need sometimes just by being in the presence of the empath. Another plight of the empath is that they are not familiar with doing belief work or subconscious work. The uneducated individual believes that he/she knows all that is within their own subconscious mind. They dont realize


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that what lies within the subconscious is a perpetuating program that determines how they express and experience life. The solution is simple: change the consciousness of the empath and you change the outcome of their life experiences. Through my research and observations, most empaths simply find a way to cope and they accept this as a way of life. I honestly cant blame them because those who are spiritual practitioners are teaching them how to cope rather than how to develop their strength. Now its not the practitioners fault either because a lot of people dont have the self discipline necessary to remain consistent in developing their strengths. In addition to that and from my experience, a lot of people do not know how to listen and follow instructions. They add or take away to the instructions and can sometimes cause more of a problem than is necessary. Being an empath does not have to be a plight and since so many of us are empaths, I see it more as an undeveloped ability than a gift. It becomes a gift when the person has taken time to develop the skill of this ability


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and until they accept it as such, they will forever be at the mercy of it.


The Invisible Tangible

Chapter 2
The Crowded Empath

Sorrow, anger, depression, anxiety, and confusion are just a few emotions that people emit when they express themselves. The thing is that it doesnt have to be spoken for the emotion to be felt. The emotion, which is attached which to a belief or state of consciousness, will reside in the mental body and emotional body within the aura field of a person. For the empath, the energy in someones aura field can cause them to be flighty, detached, or aloof. It can take the empath some time to really understand who they are he because they are constantly identifying with everyone else. Their own needs can sometimes be pushed to the back


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burner. In circumstances where there is happy energy and other positive forms of energy, it can be a temporary experience and an emotional roller coaster for the empath as well. They can even absorb so much of the other

persons positive energy that the other person will lose their sense of positivity. I have heard and read other spiritual practitioners say that empaths strength comes from remaining

grounded. I beg to differ. The empaths strength, rather the foundation to the source of strength for the empath is through the power of love. When a persons energy

channels are flowing and are open, they are in the natural flow of the love vibration. These same people are very centered and grounded. If you are connected to the earth and the universe through your power of love, your true strength shows, you are able to discern, you are able to have clarity, and you can direct the power of the earth that flows through your body. The only time people are out of their body and detached is because their heart chakra isnt able to remain open all the time. When you remove the emotional and mental blocks, the heart can stay open and the empath can be in their body.


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The heart helps the empath to receive information about their self first and then how to assist others. Lets face it if you dont take care of yourself first, then your level of effectiveness to assist others will be limited. fectiveness Feeling dizziness or headaches or anxiety around crowds is a sure sign that you are dealing with energy overload. Until you are able to build up your strength and get things under control, there are a few techniques that techniques you can do that are simple, but highly effective. Techniques to Help You Out

FIRST, make up your mind as soon as you wake up what you choose to experience and how you choose to handle your empathic abilities. Make an agreement with


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yourself to stick with that decision no matter what happens during the day. SECOND, tell yourself that it is ok for you to receive information without experiencing someone elses

emotions, beliefs, or physical symptoms. THIRD, you have the power to command your energy systems. Focus your attention on your etheric body and command the etheric body to unmerge from the etheric, emotional, mental bodies of whomever you have merged with. Also command your etheric body to

unmerge from the consciousness of that other person. FOURTH, you have something that is called an empathic body of light. You want to command the codes of light within your empathic body to release the codes of light and the state of consciousness of that other person. FIFTH, command your etheric body and empathic body of light to unmerge from the consciousness of the building or home you were in, as well as the land that the building or home was built on.


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SIXTH, if there were any other life forms or sentient beings, you want to include them in all of your unmergings. The more you do all of the above, the more affective the results will be. It is also a great way to train increase your self-awareness and how to work with the innate intelligence of your body.


The Invisible Tangible

Chapter 3
The Empath and the Earth

The Earth has billions of years of history stored inside of her. She is a living entity that feels, thinks, and has consciousness. She expresses life through her

creations. That being said how is it that most people are not consciously aware of the energy in one particular in place? How does one not feel the energy of the history of the land? If it has history, it has consciousness and if it has consciousness it is expressing itself. The expression of life


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happens through insects, animals, plants and trees, land mass, and the departed souls of the dead that have not moved on. Of course there is much more to add to this list, but I think you get the point. We share in this expression of life as well since the life force energy of the planet is also affected by what it received outside of itself from the other planets, our solar system, and the galaxy as a whole. As you walk or drive down the street, sit in a park, enter a building or home, swim in a lake or ocean, you are being heavily influenced by whatever energies are prevalent. For an empath, this rings loud and true.

However, because of the level of detachment that people have with the planet, they never take their interaction with the earth into consideration. Why do you not feel good in any particular home? Why do you feel uncomfortable

sitting in the backyard or on a particular bench in the park? Have you ever gone camping and didnt quite feel that you and your family or friends were not alone? Maybe you kept looking over your shoulder to see who was there?


The Invisible Tangible

No matter what your answer to any of the above questions may be, you have been affected by the energy of the land and the history of the activities that have taken place on the earth. For the empath, they can experience dizziness, nausea, headaches, sharp pains, strange dreams, and headaches, unexplainable physical symptoms or sensations. Anyone who deals with space clearing, dowsing, or feng shui can understand what I am talking about. Anyone who deals with geopathic stress in the earth also has a clear idea of what I am referring to. For the unaware individual, these symptoms or energies are easily overlooked.

Let me share a few of my experiences with you to help you better understand what I am talking about. A few years back I was on my way to do a workshop in the home of a lady who lived in Round Valley, CA. I dozed off to sleep a couple of times while we were driving. After about 2


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hours of driving, I began to get very nauseas.

First I

thought this was because of the winding road, but I was wrong. I began to fill much more ill, so I decided to ask the angels what was going on. Before I could get a response, I saw several tribesmen. Now, these tribesmen were not alive and I didnt see them in the flesh, I saw them in spirit form. There were so many of them and boy were they angry. They were carrying fears and talking about how they wanted revenge on the white man for the murdering of their people and stealing their land. This was my first time having this type of encounter and so I did what any spiritual healer would do I asked them if they wanted to go into the light. I thought maybe they were ready to cross over and perhaps they couldnt cross over because of how they died. They replied angrily with a no and how they werent leaving until they shed the blood of their enemy. As an empath, I felt their emotions. I felt the turmoil in the land and the energy of the past wars that had taken place. I felt the sorrow from the past inhabitants of the land and their feeling displaced. It was too much for me to bear. I heard my angels tell me to stop talking to them, which I did. I then asked for those unsettled spirits to be


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removed from around me and also to unmerge from the consciousness of the land, the dead, and the wars. I felt better right away. The other ladies in the car saw and felt nothing during that time. The lady whose house we were headed to informed me that the Indians of that land were forced to live with their rival tribes. The wars took place in the mid-1800s. The results of these wars and the forced way of life was still shown today through the conditions in which they lived and the rivalry that still existed as well as the hatred for what had happened to these many tribes. In another example, I was in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina visiting an ecovillage. Ecovillages are centered on sustainable living technologies. There was one particular natural structure that was shaped as a sphere. It was their meeting hall. It was built on sacred geometry principles. As soon as I set foot on the yard the structure was built on I felt an energy surge and the lightness of the land all around that area. I was able to feel the intentions of the building itself as well as the flow of energy that came into that structure as a result of how it was built.


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A couple of years ago, I was on my way to facilitate a spiritual retreat at a resort on the Big Island of Hawaii. This resort was right by Mount Kilauea. Mount Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. The road is not straight, but literally goes up and down and that alone made me nauseas. After I got out of the car, the nausea remained for two more days. I realized that it was the energy of the lava that was very intense for me and I remembered feeling a shift in energy when I was on the plane. I thought it was some kind of vortex energy at first, but was informed by the ancestral spirits of that land, that it was indeed lava energy that I was adjusting too. Every day I met more and more people who were experiencing some type of physical discomfort. For some people, it was hard for them to breathe. For others, they experienced fatigue or just needing to be still. One of the residents of the resort informed me that this was a common occurrence in visitors. As the days go by, your body adjusts to the lava energy and you no longer feel discomfort. My suspicion is that the people affected the most were empaths. I believe this because some people werent affected at all.


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I have several more examples of experiencing the energy of the land, the history, and whatever current activities were taking place in these parts. It made me realize that we should pay more attention to where we build homes and make it a special event. It only makes sense to do this because the home or the structure HAS TO be built on top of the land and the energy of that land will saturate the structure. My research with geopathic stress zones has shown me that a lot of the illnesses people are facing, including cancer, can be healed by balancing out or clearing the energy of the land. Radiaesthia or dowsing, is very

popular for doing this very thing. If you live on health land that has a healthy history and interaction with the people of the land, then you live a healthy life. If your situation is the direct opposite, you will deal with many other interferences that leave you unsettled. You may be trying to figure out why your child or pet behave in a certain matter or why there is always discord in your home. Eventually, you will have to turn to mama Earth to get your answers.


The Invisible Tangible

Chapter 4
The Empath & Other Life Forms

This subject has been by far one of the most discussed topics of the highly sensitive empath. The topic of spirits or sentient beings trying to use the empath as a sentient host is so common that it is almost taboo. As far fetched as far-fetched this may sound to those of you who have never felt any such thing, it is very real to the empath that is having the experience. First things first, lets cover the subject of life forms lets that exist that are not human. We live in a vast universe with BILLIONS of galaxies. Within each galaxy there are several solar systems and a galactic center. There is life


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within these places, including the planets themselves. Not all of them are at the same vibration of the human meaning they exist on different wave lengths or vibrational frequencies. For anyone who has had a vision of a

departed love one, you understand exactly what I mean. The rest of you may not see anything but you feel when you are not alone. For the empath, they are feeling things all of the time. If it is a departed soul, you can actually feel the emotions of that soul. If it is a sentient being of some sort, then you will feel whatever kind of energy they carry. For the Rainbow child, they often feel targeted by other life forms. Rainbow children carry a very different vibration and are often misunderstood. They are highly gifted and talented but stand out from the crowd and do things just a little bit differently. With the several Rainbow children (adults can also be rainbow children) I have worked on, they have often been haunted with the idea that something was always trying to take over their body whether it was a demon or another kind of malevolent spirit. After doing work on the subconscious mind to

remove any kind of belief that kept them vulnerable to


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such things and in combination with specific energy exercises, their situation always changed. In the midst of crowds, empaths are not only confronted with the emotions of the people, the

consciousness of the building, and the energy of the land, but also any sentient beings that are present in these places as well as any spirit that has attached itself to anyone in the crowd. This is the precise reason that all empaths should develop their strength to remove all vulnerability. When development is practiced, the vibration of the empath changes which in turn attracts new experiences. In

addition to this, boundaries are set up around and within the empath decreeing what it is they choose and do not choose to experience. I have seen situations change and not change for different empaths. I have witnessed both extremes in

attitude. There is the one empath that decides no matter what happens, they are always in control. Then there is the other empath that sort of believes that but it largely depends on what happens during the day. Some feel they cant leave their home and if they do, they will be attacked. They may also complain that nothing works and they have


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tried everything.

Because of this attitude, this kind of

empath will continuously perpetuate an experience of victimhood. This will attract attacks and make the

empath constantly feel vulnerable and not in power. No matter what the extreme and what end of the spectrum the empath is on, they will eventually have to make a choice about how they want to experience their life as an empath and how much time they are willing to commit to their development. The world is requiring the empath to do something more than what they have been doing and that is to assist humanity with their transformation into a greater awareness by interpreting the energies that are coming into the body that we identify as emotions and beliefs.


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Message to the Empaths

Please allow me to get personal with you for a moment. Please take this as a message from one highly sensitive empath to another: you were not born to suffer. You were not born to take on the problems of the world as your own. You were not born to live in a state of

confusion. You were not born to be a hermit. You were not born to live in fear. You were not born to struggle with self identity. These are all just things that happen as a


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result of us not recall the fullness of who we are. You are special to humanity and if you can develop your strength, you can help people, land, entities simply by being in their presence. You hold the vibration or the space for clarity to come through. You give people the ability to understand their own self identity through your understanding of them. You help children to develop better through your understanding of what it is they are going through. Even they need mediators some times. For those who are open to the fullness of what you offer, they receive so much more. For you, development is power. Development is truth. Development is greater awareness because it is

through this that you receive that inner knowing through the innate intelligence that resides within you. I like to call it that spark of life that we all received from God. It is your inner guidance that keeps you on the right track when you dont allow outside influences to distract you. The human body is truly amazing and the sooner you take time to grasp hold of the truth to who you are, the easier it will be for others to stand in that truth as well. Dear empath, you are not alone. There are many of us and many are seeking


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the answers. If you feel like this ebook helped you to attain some of the answers then please pass this on and also consider taking the 6 month Empath Development 6-month course that is guaranteed to help you regain control of your life. For you, being an empath IS the invisible

tangible because although the emotions and the energy may be invisible to the naked eye and to others around rs you, it is a tangible experience that you go through day to , day.

Empath Development Course Kelarius teaches the techniques she learned from her personal experiences as well as the empaths she had as clients. She teaches the empath how to remove weaknesses remove and vulnerabilities, how to strengthen their empathic abilities, and how to develop them for use.


The Invisible Tangible

The Course: 6 month course, divided into 4 modules that last 45 days each. During this time, we focus on desensitizing, strengthening, and developmental exercises that give the empath PERMANENT results. How it Works: Modules are taught every 45 days. During the 45-day time period, 5 webinars/teleseminars are conducted to teach/review the material within the current module being studied. Class material is provided. COST: $350 pp START DATE: 11/6/11 @ 10 AM PST. Instructions will be emailed once you register. Go to to register

Bio of Kelarius Finex Kelarius is certified in Holistic Humanistic Psychology as a Holistic Practitioner/Counselor. She is also an advanced Theta DNA Practitioner, a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, and a certified Aromatherapist. Other works include her spiritual initiations and training with the Arch Angelic Kingdoms to provide Conscious Shifting techniques, Cellular Programming, Concept Programming, and Reality Constructs, and more. Kelarius began her journey of spiritual development and personal growth at the age of 19. Having a mother who is an evangelical priestess and oracle supported this growth. Kelarius spiritual gifts include, but are not limited to, clairvoyance,


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psychic empath, and clairaudience. She enjoys teaching groups how to build their energetic power and reaching their highest potential. Kelarius is a mother of three and a grandmother of one beautiful grandson. You can learn more about her services for private sessions at or you can learn about her online, home study school that costs only $20 per month for membership at


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