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Lesson plan format

Subject Medical surgical nursing

Unit Unit 17

Topic Asthma


Place Bsc nursing 5 th semester

Date & time 45 minute

Teaching method Lecture cum discussion

AV aids / instructional aids Leaflets, pamphlets, chart

Student Pre requisite The students have little knowledge about the topic

General Objective At the end of the teaching session the students will be able to explain the Asthma

Specific objective At the end of the topic the students will be able
- To introduce the Asthma
- To define the Asthma
- To explain the etiology of Asthma
- To describe the pathophysiology of Asthma
- To enlist the clinical manifestations of Asthma
-To explain the diagnostic evaluation of Asthma
- To enlist the complications due to Asthma
- To explain the management of Asthma

Review of previous class

Introduction Asthma is a chronic lung disease affecting people of all ages. It is caused by inflammation
and muscle tightening around the airways, which makes it harder to breathe.
Symptoms can include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. These
symptoms can be mild or severe and can come and go over time.
Although asthma can be a serious condition, it can be managed with the right treatment.
People with symptoms of asthma should speak to a health professional.

S.No Time Specific Content Teaching learning Evaluation

objective activity
3 minutes To define the Definition of Asthma Lecture cum Define Asthma
1 Asthma discussion
Asthma is a chronic (long-term) condition that
affects the airways in the lungs. The airways are
tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you
have asthma, your airways can become inflamed
and narrowed at times.

2 8 minutes To explain the Etiology of Asthma Lecture cum List down the
etiology of discussion etiology of Asthma
Asthma ➤ Genetic factors account for 35% to 70%
➤ Respiratory infection

Respiratory syncytial virus

(RSV), rhinovirus, influenza, parainfluenza,

Mycoplasma pneumonia

➤ Environment

Cold air, fog, ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen

dioxide, tobacco smoke, wood smoke Emotions
Anxiety, stress, laughter

➤ Exercise

Particularly in cold and dry climate

➤ Allergens

Airborne pollens (grass, trees, weeds), house-dust

mites, animal danders, cockroaches, fungal spores

Antifungals. If the laryngitis is related to a candida or
yeast infection, you may be given an antifungal.
Pain relievers

Surgicsl management of laryngitis

Laryngeal Reinnervation

Nursing management of laryngitis

1. The nurse instructs the patient to rest the voice
and to maintain a well-humidified environment.

2. If laryngeal secretions are present during acute

episodes, expectorant agents are suggested, along with
a daily fluid intake of 2 to 3 L to thin secretions.
The nurse instructs the patient about the

3. importance of taking prescribed

medications.ent of laryngitis

Summary Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx (or voicebox). Irritation or infection of the vocal chords causes them to swell and
cause hoarseness or complete loss of voice.
Presenting symptoms often include voice changes (patients may report hoarseness or a “raspy” voice), early vocal fatigue
(particularly in singers or professional voice users), or a dry cough. Breathing difficulties are rare (though possible) in acute
laryngitis, but the presence of significant dyspnea, shortness of breath (SOB), or audible stridor should alert the clinician that a
more dangerous disease process may be present. [2]
Evaluation: Question 1 define laryngitis
Question 2 explain the causes of laryngitis
Question 3 describe the management of laryngitis

Assignment / Application : Post operative management of patients with laryngitis

Bibliography : Brunner and Siddhartha textbook of medical surgical nursing south asian edition 2019 Page
number 570-572
Panwar PK textbook of medical surgical nursing 5th edition AITBS publishers page number 375-376

A. Notice file having all copy of the notices which have been put on notice board in past
B. Previous internal theory approved question paper & Answer key file

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