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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Nama : ………………………….

Kelas : IX (Sembilan)

Hari/Tanggal : ………………………….

Waktu : 120 menit


1. Isikan identitas anda dengan benar

2. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 20
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawab dengan cermat
5. Periksa pekerjaan anda sebelum dikumpulkan
6. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan

Stimulus 1
Batu Menangis

Once upon a time, there was a poor widow who lived with her beautiful daughter, Darmi. They lived in a small
village in West Kalimantan.
The old widow had to work hard all day in the field to provide for both of them.
Unfortunately, Darmi never helped her with anything. As a very lazy and spoiled girl, all she cared about was
One day, the mother asked Darmi to go with her to the market to help buy groceries.
Darmi refused because she did not want people to see them walking together.
However, the girl finally relented with one condition: they would not walk side by side. She wanted to walk in
front so that the people in the village would not think they were related.
Although saddened by the request, the poor widow reluctantly complied.
On the way to the market, people were admiring Darmi’s beauty.
A handsome man approached her and asked where the beautiful girl was going.
“I’m going to the market,” Darmi answered.
“And who’s that walking behind you?” asked the man.
“Oh, the woman? That’s my maid,” the girl replied arrogantly.
The mother overheard the conversation and was heartbroken by her attitude.
More people saw them, and the same conversation was repeated again and again.
Eventually, the poor woman could not take the humiliation anymore and prayed, “God, I can’t bear the suffering
any longer. Please punish my child.”
All of a sudden, the sky became dark.
Darmi suddenly screamed, “Help! What’s happening to me? I can’t move my legs anymore!”
Everyone around watched in disbelief as Darmi slowly turned to stone.
“Mother, please forgive me!” Darmi cried helplessly.
The woman replied, “Sorry, my child. It’s too late now.”
Then the ungrateful girl turned to stone completely.
People called the statue the crying stone because they could see her tears running down her face as she was
turning to stone.
To this day, the statue is still there in West Kalimantan. It serves as a reminder for people to respect their parents.
1. Multiple Choice
What was Darmi's attitude towards her mother?
a) Helpful and caring
b) Lazy and spoiled
c) Supportive and understanding
d) Hardworking and compassionate
2. Complex multiple choice
How did people react to Darmi's beauty while she was walking to the market?
a) They ignored her completely.
b) They complimented her beauty.
c) They asked about her relationship with the woman behind her.
d) They laughed at her.
3. True or false
(True/False): The widow and Darmi lived in a big city.
(True/False): Darmi felt remorse for her behavior towards her mother before turning into stone.
4. Match with the correct answer!
Character Characteristic
Darmi 1. - Beautiful but selfish daughter
The widow 2. -Approached Darmi and questioned her about the woman behind her
The handsome man 3. -Hardworking mother who provided for Darmi
5. Essay
a. Describe Darmi's attitude towards her mother and how it affected their relationship.
b. Discuss the consequences of Darmi's arrogance and selfishness.

Stimulus 2
Once upon a time, there was a simple and beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with her evil stepmother and
two stepsisters. The stepmother did not like her and made her do all the household work. Her stepsisters just never
had to work, they just roamed around the house in their fancy dresses. They always made fun of Cinderella because
of her plain dressing.
One day, a letter from the king came to their house which said that the king is having a ball tonight and his son ‘The
Prince’ would be choosing a wife; every girl in the kingdom must be aware. Everyone got excited about reading
this, Cinderella too wanted to go to the ball. Her stepmother told her that she can go if she completes all her work
on time and also helps her stepsisters with their dresses for the ball. Cinderella worked as fast as she could to get
everything done but there was always something left. At last, she was left at home disappointed.
She was so sad that she ran to the garden and said, “Wishes never come true.”
“Never my dear?” said a voice, as Cinderella looked up a little woman with a wand and a kind smile stood in front
of her. She was her fairy godmother.
She wanted to help Cinderella go to the ball. With a wave of her hand, she made Cinderella look like a princess. She
gave her a beautiful new gown, glass slippers, and shiny black horses to reach the ball. Before leaving, the fairy
godmother said “this magic will only last until midnight! You must reach back home by then!”.
When Cinderella entered the palace, everybody was awestruck by her beauty, she was the prettiest girl at the ball.
Even her stepsisters didn’t recognize her. The handsome prince also saw her and fell in love with her. All the other
girls were very jealous of her because the prince danced with her the whole night. She enjoyed herself so much that
she almost forgot what the fairy godmother had told her about her magic. However, when she saw the time and
remembered the godmother’s words she quickly left the palace and ran away. In all the hurry, one glass slipper
which she was wearing was left on the castle steps.
The prince had fallen in love with her and wanted to find out who she was as he wanted to marry her. The next day,
he ordered his king’s men to go to every house in the land and find the girl whose foot fits in the glass slipper. When
they reached Cinderella’s house, the two stepsisters tried their best to squeeze their big feet into the slippers, but
they could not make it. Finally, when Cinderella tried the slipper, her foot fit perfectly into the glass slipper. The
prince recognized her from the ball night. He married Cinderella soon in a grand ceremony and they lived happily
ever after.
6. Multiple choice
Why did Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters mistreat her?
a) Because Cinderella was mean to them
b) Because Cinderella was lazy
c) Because they were jealous of her
d) Because Cinderella was their servant
7. Complex multiple choice
3. What did Cinderella's fairy godmother give her to help her get to the ball?
a) A beautiful gown
b) Glass slippers
c) Shiny black horses
d) stove to cooking
8. True or false
Cinderella's stepsisters recognized her at the ball. (True / False)
The prince fell in love with Cinderella at first sight. (True / False)
9. Match with the correct answer
Match the character with their role:
Cinderella 1. - Falls in love with Cinderella and searches for her using the glass slippe
Fairy godmother 2. - Kind and beautiful girl mistreated by her stepfamily
Prince b. - Grants Cinderella's wish to go to the ball
10. Esay
Describe Cinderella's transformation from a mistreated servant to a princess at the ball.

Stimulus 3
Rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky
when the Sun shines on to droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere. It takes the form of a multi colored are.
Rainbow is caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun. Rainbow are one of the
most spectacular light shows observed on earth. Rainbow is made up of bands or waves of colors. If we "bend" light
through around or angled surface we can break up the white beam into its colors.
Rainbow happen when the sun's rays are reflected through raindrops, which are sort of 'prism of nature. In the
top picture, the sunlight is bouncing' off the inside of the raindrop just once, which gives a bright rainbow. A prism
is a piece of glass shaped like a pyramid and it i used to "bend" light so that the white heam can be split into its many
colors. The rainbow is made when the light from the sun enters the drops of falling water and is reflected back to us
from the other side of the water drops. Rainbow happens when the sun is shining while it is raining or just after a
storm. It appears in the part of the sky directly opposite to the sun. So you must stand with your back to the sun to
see it. The lower the sun is to the horizon, the higher the arch of the rainbow will be. There are seven colors which
combined to make white light. These seven colors are called the spectrum. The rainbow, or spectrum, is made up of
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet
11. Multiple choice
What is the text mainly talking about?
a) Rainbow
b) How the rainbow happened
c) The colours of rainbow
d) How rain falls down to the earth
12. Complex multiple choice
What causes a rainbow to form?
A) The moonlight shining through clouds
B) Sunlight reflecting and refracting through raindrops
C) Sunlight reflecting off the surface of the moon
D) Sunlight dispersing through ice crystals in the air
13. True or false
a) A rainbow can only form in the presence of raindrops in the atmosphere. (True/False)
b) Rainbows can appear in the part of the sky directly opposite the sun. (True/False)
14. Match with the correct answer
Match the following descriptions with the correct term related to how rainbows are formed.
Refraction   A) The process by which light bends when it enters a medium at an
Reflection angle (e.g., water droplets).
Dispersion   B) The process by which light splits into colors when passing through a
Spectrum prism or droplet.
  C) The range of different colors produced when light is dispersed.
 D) The bouncing back of light from a surface.

15. Esay
Explain the process of how a rainbow is form!

Stimulus 4
I see a rainbow in the sky.
I see a rainbow way up high.
I see a rainbow, look with me.
How many colors can you see?
I see red, orange, yellow, green.
I see blue and indigo.
And I see violet.
The colors of the rainbow.
I see a rainbow in the sky.
I see a rainbow way up high.
I see a rainbow, look with me.
How many colors can you see?
I see red, orange, yellow, green.
I see blue and indigo.
And I see violet.
The colors of the rainbow.
Rainbow, rainbow, rainbow, rainbow.
Rainbow, rainbow, rainbow, rainbow.
16. Multiple choice
How many colors are mentioned in the poem?
A) 5
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8
17. Complex multiple choice
Which of the following statements are true based on the poem?
A) The rainbow is described as being low in the sky.
B) The poem encourages the reader to look at the rainbow.
C) The colors blue and indigo are mentioned separately.
D) The poem mentions the color pink as part of the rainbow.
18. True or false
a) The poem repeats the phrase "I see a rainbow" more than once. (True/False)
b) According to the poem, the rainbow appears on the ground. (True/False)
19. Match with the correct answer
Match the following colors mentioned in the poem to their order in the visible spectrum of the rainbow.
1. Red   A) First
2. Green   C) Third
3. Violet  D) Fourth
4. Yellow   B) Second

20. Esay
Can you describe how do you feels when you find a rainbow after rain in your hometown?


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