Quiz 2 Sources and Academic Writing

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Claudette Blance BSMA-3A


1. Why are sources crucial in a research?

Sources are crucial in research because they provide credibility by

validating claims and findings, offer context by situating the work within

the existing scholarly conversation, supply support through evidence and

examples, help avoid plagiarism by properly attributing ideas, and enable

researchers to build upon previous work, contributing to the advancement

of knowledge in their field.

2. Differentiate credibilty, objectivity and reliabililty.

Credibility refers to the trustworthiness and believability of a source or

information, often based on factors such as the author's expertise, the

publication venue, and the accuracy of the content. Objectivity relates to

the impartiality and lack of bias in presenting information or conducting

research, aiming for fairness and neutrality in interpretation and analysis.

Reliability pertains to the consistency and dependability of information or

sources over time, indicating that the data or findings can be consistently

trusted and replicated under similar conditions.

3. How does the quality of writing affects the decision of a researcher whether

or not to consider it as one of the sources?

The quality of writing significantly influences a researcher's decision to

consider a source for several reasons. Well-written sources typically

exhibit clarity, coherence, and precision, which enhance understanding

and engagement with the material. Researchers are more likely to trust and

rely on sources that effectively communicate complex concepts and

arguments, as clear writing indicates a thorough understanding of the

subject matter. Additionally, strong writing reflects professionalism and

attention to detail, suggesting that the information presented is carefully

researched and thoughtfully analyzed. Conversely, poorly written sources

may be perceived as less credible or reliable, leading researchers to

question the accuracy and validity of the information presented. Therefore,

the quality of writing plays a crucial role in shaping a researcher's

perception of a source's credibility and relevance to their work.

4. Why is it important for a researcher to consider the intended readers?

Considering the intended readers is important for a researcher for several

reasons. Firstly, understanding the audience helps researchers tailor their

writing style, language, and level of technicality to effectively communicate

their findings and arguments. This ensures that the research is accessible

and comprehensible to the target audience, whether they are experts in the

field or laypersons. Secondly, by considering the readers' background

knowledge, interests, and perspectives, researchers can anticipate

potential questions, objections, or areas of interest, allowing them to

address these aspects in their work. This enhances the relevance and

applicability of the research to the audience's needs and concerns.

Additionally, considering the intended readers fosters engagement and

fosters a connection between the researcher and the audience, increasing

the impact and dissemination of the research outcomes. Ultimately, taking

into account the intended readers enhances the effectiveness and

relevance of the research, promoting broader understanding, acceptance,

and utilization of the findings.

Classify the following statements on where they are most applicable


5. As a researcher, you will have to be conscious about what words and

expressions you use. Formality

6. This can be observed by limiting the use of two word prepositional verbs.


7. How can you give personal opinion without sounding too personal?


8. It is the use of cautious language. Impersonality

9. Nominalization has an effect of making a sentence become less active

because the action word has been replaced by a noun. Structure

10. It is not writing down the first thing that comes to mind and not taking on a

conversational tone in your writing. Hedging

11. It involves making use of modal nouns. Hedging

Distinguish which among the following sentences are more of an academic

writing style.

Statements that exhibit the academic writing style should be colored ‘Green’

while those that aren’t should be colored ‘Red’.


Statement 1: Students rely too much on google, yahoo etc.

Statement 2: It is possible that the threat of terrorism is more serious than

ever before, and that a massive attack like September 11, may be just a

matter of time.


Statement 1: Hemmingway’s use of deliberate ambiguity in the dialougue

serves to heighten the reader’s interest in what is going on in the story.
The reader comes to the realization that the deceptively simple use of
dialouge belies the seriousness of the topic of the conversation.

Statement 2: At first, I thought that the people were talking about

something ordinary. So what’s so interesting about it? In fact, it is so
boring. And then I realized that Hemingway used simple language on
purpose because he wanted the dialog to contrast with the serious topic.

Statement 1: One factor that traditional retail business owners must
consider is the cost of the store space. The price per square meter of space
is a major expense whether the space is owned or rented.

Statement 2: If you own a business, the store space you rent or own is a
major expense.


Statement 1: Convenience was cited by the consumers as the most

important reason why they prefer online shopping.

Statement 2: Consumers liked online shopping because it’s quite


15. In academic writing, this refers to who you are as the writer. A

a. Role

b. Audience

c. Purpose

d. Format

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