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Christina latham-Koenig

Clive Oxenden
with Jane Hudson

Beginner Workbook with key

Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of

English File 1 and English File 2 UNIVERSITY PRESS
4 A Helio! 31 A What do you do in your free time?
6 B Where are you from? 33 B Lights, camera, action!
8 !Lít? 35

9 A We aren't English. We're American. 36 A Can you start the car, please?
11 B What's your phone number? 38 B What do you like doing?

13 A What's in your bag? 40 A What are they doing?

15 B ls that a hat? 42 B Working undercover
17 ~~t;lgejuice, please? 44

18 A Family and friends 45 A ls there really a monster?

20 B Big cars or small cars? 47 B Befare they were famous ... and after

22 A Breakfast around the world 49 A lt changed my life

24 B A very long flight 51 B Life in a day
26 53

27 A She works for Armani 54 A Strangers on a train

29 B A day in my life 56 B A weekend in Venice


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You say goodbye, and 1say helio.
From the song "Helio, Goodbye" by the Beatles

GRAMMAR verb be (singular): e Complete the conversations. Use contractions where possible.
1and you
a Write the sentences with contractions. A Excuse me. Are you in
1 I amLisa. nurriber 8?

I'mLisa. B Yes, 1am . l'm Anna Jones.

2 You are not in class 3.
You aren't in class 3.
3 I am not Henry.

4 You are nota teacher.

Excuse me. _ _ _ _ Andy?

5 I amMaria.
B No, _ _ _ _ . l'm Tony.

6 You are in my class.

7 Iaminroom4.

8 You are not Carlos.

Hello, - - - ' - - - Jessica.

b Write negative B sentences or questions I1J.
Hi, Steve.
1 You're in m y class. B
Nice to meet you.
You aren't in mv class.

2 You're a teacher.I1J
Are;)!OU a teacher?
3 I'mSam.EJ

4 I'm in class 2. EJ
4 A Hi, Linda.
5 I'm in room 4.11] Are you Henry?
B No, _ _ _ _ . l'm Max.
6 You're Liz.I1J

7 I'm a student. EJ

8 You're in class 7.11]

A Helh _ _ _ _ Lisa
B Yes, _ _ _ _ . Nice to
PRONUNCIATION /h/, /ai/, and /ü/
6 A Hi. _ _ _ _ Ben. a
B Hi. Rob.
goodbye J.l.affy hello meet nice se e

house bike tree

7 A Excuse me.
_ _ _ in room 7?
B No, _ _ __ b Listen and check. Then listen again and
You're in room 8. words.


8 A Excuse me. _ __
2 I'm 1You're in class 2.
my teacher?
3 You're 1You aren't Hannah.
B Yes, _ _ __
4 You're in room 415.
l'm Peter Wilson.
5 I'm 1I'm not Harry.
6 Se e you on Tuesday 1Thursday .
b .¡;~~31,¡~113~~ Listen and repeat. Copy the ili}'thm.


days of the week Learn these words and phrases.
a Write the numbers. Hello.
1 RUFO f _Q_ _1L r Hi.
2 NET t~n
What's your name?
3 IN NE n e Yes.
4 EON o No.
5 TER EH t e N ice to meet you.
6 OWT t Good~.l Bye.

7 GITHE e t See you on Friday.

See you tomorrow.
10 OZRE z o
11 VIEF f e

b Write the next word.

1 Saturday Sunday Mondav ~

2 Monday Tuesday
3 Thursday Friday
4 Sunday Monday
5 Friday Saturday
6 Tuesday Wednesday

7 Wednesday Thursday
No country can really develop unless
its citizens are educated.

1 VOCABULARY countries b Complete the sentences with a country.

1 She's from Zurich. She's from Switzerland
a Complete the crossword.
2 He's from Paris. He's from Fr
3 I'm from Rome. I'm from 1
4 You're from Miami. You're from th
Un St
S She's from Moscow. She's from R
6 He's from Istanbul. He's from T
7 I'm from Warsaw. I'm from P
8 You're from Cairo. You're from E
9 She's from Berlin. She's from G

2 GRAMMAR verb be (singular): he, she, it

a Complete the sentences with He's, She's, or It's.

1 She's from the 2 It's from China.

United States.

3 ___ from Italy. 4 ___ from Germany.

S from Mexico. 6 ___ from Japan.

- 7 ___ from Spain. 8 ___ from Switzerland.

b Complete the conversations with 's, is, or isn't. PRONUNCIATION II/, /gu/, !si, and !JI
a Listen and~ the word with a
·c.,-~~from Brazíl.
i ferent sound.
:2-.:o2-__._}Ji3Xé!Ci3(~~-'---ít in Mexíco?

1 Brazil ~ England

2 hello Poland two

e Write the questions. Then answer with the information phone
in brackets.
1 Matt Damon 1from the USA? (.1 Boston) 3 síx France Mexíco

~lse±-M~at'-"t-'oD,._.,a=m~o""n~"~-'-fr""o._._m"--'t"'h~e-'"U0cn""'it""e""d_,S.,_.ta""t'>ées,__~-~ ? snake

Yes. he is. He'sfrom Bastan

4 Russía Spaín she
2 Kobe 1in China? (X Japan)
~I~s~K~o~b~e~in~C~h~in~aL__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
No. it isn't. It's inJapan b Listen again and repeat the words.

3 Salma Hayek 1from Mexico? (.1 Veracruz)

__________________ ?
Listen and complete the sentences.
1 He's from Russia .
4 Naples 1in Turkey? (X Italy) 2 Hamburg is in _ _ _ __
__________________ ? 3 She's from _ _ _ __
4 He isn't from _ _ _ __
S She's from _ _ _ __
S Copacabana beach 1in Brazil? (./ Rio)
6 He's from _ _ _ __
__________________ ? 7 Alexandria is in _ _ _ __
8 Chicago isn't in _ _ _ __

6 Lublin 1in Russia? (X Poland)

___________________ ? WORDSANDPHRASESTOLEARN
Learn these words and phrases.
7 Daniel Radcliffe 1from England? (.1 London) Where are you from?
__________________ ? I'm from Warsaw.
Where's Warsaw?
It's in Poland.
8 Geneva 1in France? (X Switzerland) It's a ni ce dty.
___________________ ? fantastic
I don't know.

9 Antonio Banderas 1from Spain? (./Málaga)

___________________ ?

10 Cardiff 1in the UK? (.1 Wales)

___________________ ?

a Complete the dialogue with the words from the list.

evening name reservation

spell surname room


b Listen and repeat the letters.

VOCABULARY the classroom

a Write the words.

1 board 21_ __ 3 P--- 4 t._ __ A Thank you, Ms Mahoney. You're in 5_ _ _ 261.

B Thanks.

Match the questions and the answers.
1 Good morning. How can I help you? _b_
5 d _ __ 6 eh_ _ 7 w _ __ 8 d.____y 2 Whattime?
3 OK, that's fine. What's your name, please?
b Complete the classroom expressions. 4 OK. How many people?
5 Thank yo u, Mr Anderson. So, atable for
go look open Fef1eaE spell understand three on Tuesday at seven?
1 Can you repeat that, please? a Three.
2 at the board, please. b l•, table for Tuesday evening, please.
3 your books. e Yes, that's great. Thanks.
4 Sorry. I don't _ _ __ d Steve Anderson.
5 How do you it? e Seven o'dock.
6 to page 9.
American women expect to find in their husbands a perfection
that English women only hope to find in their butlers.

VOCABULARY nationalities
Complete the crossword. What's the mystery word?

2 PRONUNCIATION /d3f, ltfl, and !JI e Order the words to make questions.
1 in 8 we are room
a Listen and write the words in the chart.
Are we in room 8 ?
Chinese Egyptian French German Japanese 2 from where's he
journalist Russian teacher Turkish Where's heJrom ?
3 class in 1 are they
&- . ?
4 from where you are
5 they England from are
6 Italian Fernanda is
7 in Zurich is Switzerland
b Listen and check. Then listen again and
___________________________________ ?
8 name your what's
___________________________________ ?
3 GRAMMAR verb be (plural): we, you, they
d Match the answers to the questions in c.
a Write positive [±] sentences with be. Use contractions. a Yes, sheis.
1 we f from Spain b No, they're in class 2.
We're from Spain e _2_ He's from Portugal.
2 you f in my class d It's Jessica.
You're in my class e _1_ Yes, weare.
3 they flate f Yes, itis.
g Yes, they're from London.
4 Carmen f in room 4 h I'm from Cairo in Egypt.

5 IfinclassA 4 LISTENING
Listen to the conversations. Mark the
6 we f from Mexico
sentences T (true) or F (false).

7 they f in Egypt 1 They're on holiday. _T_

2 He's from Switzerland.
8 you f a teacher 3 It's a Spanish restaurant.
4 He's British.
5 The students are late.
b Complete the sentences with the negative EJ ofbe.
1 No,I'mnot from France.
2 No,Mary isn't a teacher.
4 No, Dan English. Learn these words and phrases.
5 No, Tokyo in China.
Excuse me. llk'skju:z mi/
6 No, he American.
Areyouonholiday? /m ju nn 'holgdei/
7 No,you inmyclass.
No, we aren't. We're on business.
8 No,I Brazilian. /ngu wi amt/ 1 wigr on 'bizngs/
9 No, they German. Look at the time! /luk gt Óg ta1m/
10 No,she from Madrid. We're late. /wig lert/
Have a nice day! /hrev g nms dei/
My cell phone is my best friend.
lt's my lifeline to the outside world.

GRAMMAR VOCABULARY numbers 11-100;

Wh- and How questions with be personal information
a Complete the questions. a Complete the numbers.
1 A Whois Sarah Lawson? 1 t 111 _e_ nt ~ 7 e1 - - t -

B She's my English teacher.

2 - t --- n 8 e -- V --
2 A the concert?
B It's on Monday. 3 nl - - t - 9 fo - t -
3 A she from?
4 S V nt 10 th r n
B She's from Spain. - ---

4 A yo u? 5 lv 11 si t
B I'm fine, thanks. And you?
S A your phone number? 6 a hu r
B It's 01279 5529284.
b Write the numbers.
6 A you from?
1 forty-seven ____1Z_ 6 fourteen
B I'm from Brazil.
2 nineteen 7 ninety-one
7 A Mari and Laura today?
3 thirty-eight 8 sixteen
B They're on holiday in Boston.
4 fifty-nine 9 twenty-three
8 A Pedro?
5 seventy-two 10 eighteen
B He's 27.
9 A your address? e Match the questions and answers.
B It's 4 7 Bank Street. What's your phone number? _e_
2 What's your postcode?
b Complete the conversation. Write the questions.
3 Are you single?
4 What's your surname?
S What's your address?
6 How old are you?
7 What's your email?
8 How do you spell your sumame?

a It's Ferreira.
b F-E-R-R-E-I-R-A.
e It's 07789 395 428.
d I'm 27.
e OX26DP.
f No, I'm not. I'm married.
g It's 63 Green Street.
Listen to the dialogue ata doctor's phone numbers; sentence rhythm
reception. Complete the form. a S ay the phone numbers.
1 038 702 41540
2 07342 800 514
3 020 496 7557
4 510 659 39741
5 07899 261 722
6 0843 676 534
b Listen and check. Then listen again and
phone numbers.

e Listen and repeat the questions.


1 What's your mobile number?

2 How old is Kim?

3 What's your ~mail address?

4 Are you married?

5 What's your address?

6 How do you spell your surname?

Married 4
Learn these words and phrases.

He's twenty-six.
Is he married (single)?

I'm fine.
This is (Amy).
She's a friend from work. 1
See you @ter.
What's your phone number (address / ~mail)?

What's your first name (surname)?

Own only what you can carry with you.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Russian author

VOCABULARY small things

Complete the crossword.

singular and plural nouns;
al an
a Write a oran.
1 _a~camera
2 -ªIL.. umbrella
3 book
4 watch
5 email
6 ~_country
7 ~_city

8 ~-key
9 address
10 laptop
b Write the plurals of the words in a.
1 cameras
e Write questions and answers. PRONUNCIATION /z/ and /s/;
plural endings
Whatisit ? a
It'sa dictionary

1 na mes bags

Whatarethey ? 2 books students

They're keys snake

!Izl 3 addresses purses

b Listen and~three more words with !Iz/.

3 ? brushes classes coats


e Listen again and repeat the words.

Listen to the conversations.~the
correct answer.
1 a The keys are in his bag.
@ The keys are in his pocket.
2 a It's a book.
5 ~-------------? b It's a tablet.
3 a She has a book in her bag.
b S he has a phone in her bag.
4 a His wallet is in his bag.
b His wallet is on the table.
5 a Her phone is in her coat.
b Her phone is in her jacket.


Learn these words and phrases.
What is it?
What are they?
7 What's in your bag (.¡2Qcket)?
I have two credit cards.
I think it's an ID card.
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
Omar Khayyam, Persian philosopher and teacher

VOCABUlARY souven1rs
Complete the crossword.

GRAMMAR this 1 that 1 these 1 those

a Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those.

1 That is a lovely picture! 2 A Is _ _ _ a good hat? 3 _ _ _ are f,lQ,

B No, it isn't.

4 A Are your keys? 5 Look! 's Martin 6 Wow. _ _ _ aregood

B Yes, they are. Thank you! from our English class. glasses!
b Order the words to make sentences or questions. LISTENING
1 these bags are
···~~~~¡¡¡,ll'i~' Listen to the dialogues. Complete the
These are bags ? sentences.
2 is what that
3 book isn't this your

4 postcards my those are

5 your are keys those

_______________________________ ?
6 my aren't photos these

7 that friend is your

8 from where this lS



1 over e§) umbrella

2 camera tablet keys

1 The mug is f.-"'1~2-~
2 The is f.lS.
3 The are f.40.
3 postcard paper picture
4 The are f.6.
5 The bags are f, _ _ _ .
b Listen again and repeat the words.

e Listen and repeat the sentences. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN

--ºPY t e ~thm. Learn these words and phrases.
1 This is m y brother. How much are these key rings?
2 What's that over there?
3 These are my keys and those are your keys.
That's expensive!
Is this your bag?
You're welcome.
he re
a Complete the prices.
1 €75 seventy-five euros
2 C21.99 twenty-one ninety-nine
3 $38.50 thirty-eight and fifty cents 1 sure Euro European
4 40p forty tourist
5 €11.60 eleven sixty
6 C2.50 two fifty 2 nice price juice
b Write the prices.

3 class credit card camera


1 Jort)!_-fjve 2 ei-ty
pounds dos-e
cent 1 snake 2 key
picture citv dos e

3~------ 4 ~------ BUYING LUNCH

Complete the dialogue with the sentences from the list.
i'·. Hi, yes. ,A, che ese sandwich anda Diet Coke, please.
B Here you are.
C Thanks.
D Yes, a mineral water.
E No, thanks.

5 6~------

7 ~------ 8~------
Happiness is having a Large, Loving family,
... in another city.

1 VOCABULARY 2 GRAMMAR possessive adjectives; possessive s

people and family a Complete the chart.
a Complete the chart.

2 you your

girls he
yo u
child their
b Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective.
b Complete the sentences.

Barbara 2 Here's _ _ _ _ coffee, sir.

1 That's ------'-"m""'ry__ laptop!

Rob Lvc¡ 3 What's _ _ _ _ name? 4 Lookat _ _ _ _ hat.

Ja111es Lily
S That's daughter. 6 This is house.
1 I'm Amy. I'm Peter's wife
2 George is my f
3 Peter'smyh
4 Barbara's my m
S Lily'smyd
6 Rob'smybr
7 That's mother. 8 names are Emily
7 Jamesismys
8 Lucy'smys
e Complete the sentences. USTENING
1 Carmen is Diego's sister.
Listen to the conversation. Mark the
Diego is Carmen's brother
sentences T (true) or F (false).
2 Charlotte is Peter's wife.
Pe ter is
3 Mark is Angelina's brother.
4 Richard is Maria's father.
5 Ana is Paulo's mother.
Paulo is
6 William is Megan's husband.
7 Sarah is Michael's daughter.
8 Roberto is Luisa's son.
Luisa is
d Look at the 'sin the sentences. Tick (.1) Possessive
Possessive is
1 Mark's wife is Brazilian. [ZJ D
2 Angela's on holiday. D [ZJ
3 Those are Amy's cats. D D 1 Emily is Tom's mother. _E_
4 It's a great phone. D D 2 Oliver is five.
5 This is my brother's room. D D 3 Sophie is Tom's daughter.
6 Jennifer's in Paris. D D 4 Tom's parents aren't in the photo.
7 What's your name? D D S David is Tom's brother.
8 Peter's son is twelve. D D 6 Alisan is David's wife.
7 It's Tom's birthday party.
lA/, /re/, and the /;;,/ sound
a Listen and~ the word with a
sound. Learn these words and phrases.
Welcome to our house.

1 brother Monday 8 babysitter

Mum (= mother)
2 son Thursday husband

3 family na me thanks

4 men father children


b Listen again and repeat the words.

1think we have to act like stars beca use it's expected of us.
So we drive our big cars and live in smart houses.

1 VOCABULARY e Complete the words.

colours and common adjectives
a Write the sentences with a colour.
1 M y caris D E R .
2 Amelia's coat is C A B L K.

3 His bag is N O W B R .

4 Gabriel's T-shirt is EL U B .

S The board is H E T 1W .

1 That manis very o._ _ _ __ 2 Is this bag e _ _ _ _ ?

6 Their house is N E R G E .

7 Her umbrella is W E Y LO L .

8 Hishatis OGNREA.

b Complete the sentences with the

opposite of the bold word.
1 Our house isn't small.
It's bi
2 M y car isn't fast.
3 Ana's mobile phone isn't cheap.
4 His laptop isn't new. 3 My girlfriend is very t ____ . 4 The English test is d~---
S M y book isn't long.
6 Their teacher isn't bad.
7 My boyfriend isn't short.
8 M y cat isn't ugly.

S Tom's sister is b _ _ __ 6 This laptop is eh~---·

GRAMMAR adjectives PRONUNCIATION /m/, !m!, and /J:/
a Order the words to make sentences. a Listen and~the word with a different sound.
1 I a car have blue
I have a blue car
2 a it's expensive camera very
1 blue juice ~
3 good they're children very
2 fast flag father
4 a cheap that's phone car

5 has a my house red door 3 old short small

6 a day it's beautiful

4 too food good

7 a new tablet I have
8 watches these nice are
5 are family glasses
b Rewrite the sentences. car

6 brown tall daughter


b Listen again and repeat the words.

Listen to the conversations.~the correct answer.

G)fast b new

1 The car is very slow. a beautiful b cheap

It's a very slow car
a short b tall
2 The dictionary is Spanish.
It's Jt's surname. a a short b along
3 These exercises are very easy.
Jhesmall bag is __ . a E30 b no
4 This film is very long.
5 The windows are green. WORDSANDPHRASESTOLEARN
They're Learn these words and phrases.
6 Those umbrellas are very big.
Is the car for yo u?
Yes it's forme.
7 That phone is old.
What about the blue Renault?
I prefer the red car.
8 The people are nice.
Me too.
Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like
a prince, and dinner like a poor man.

VOCABULARY food and drink b What do they have for dinner? Complete the words.

a Complete the crossword.

3 t a

4 p ___ a 5 v ________ s
6 m k

7m t 8 p ______ S 9w r

10 a s _ _ _ _ _ _ h
11 eh ______ e
12 or ___ e j ___ e

2 PRONUNCIATION word stress;

!tJI, ld3!, and /g/
a Listen and underline the stressed syllable.

cer¡eial poJtaJtoes vegeJtaibles

choicolate break!fast sand!wich
sau¡sa¡ges yo¡ghurt

b Listen again and repeat the words.

e ·~il!'~~;¡~~ Listen and~the word with a b Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs from the list.
drink J:tave not have not like

l'm ¿,rnetie and l'm from France. During

1 chocolate ~ lunch >tfleweek, 11 hiiWe breakfast ín a café.
chess 1 a big breakfast, justa
~~--- hot chocolate.
~-,---,--,-tea or coffee.
2 get orange juice
jazz eat not drink not have

f\¡jy narne is Laszlo and !'m from Hungary.

3 eggs Japan sugar •~-,-~~_breakfast with my family
girl qurrrigthe week, but at weekends we sit
:downtogether. we 6 a very
biffbré:akfast: eggs, cheese, meat, and
4 pasta cheese cheap ..,..,,.,.,.,""'fe;' coffee, so 1 h.ave

5 sausages green vegetables

;~'¡:-l~;t:;:.~¡~· Listen to six speakers talking about food.
speakers with the meals.
6 good yoghurt Germany
1 _b_ a a traditional breakfast
2 b a healthy breakfast
d Listen again and repeat the words. 3 e lunch at work
4 d lunch in a restaurant
GRAMMAR present simple[±] andEl: 5 e a big dinner
1, you, we, they 6 f food from other countries

a Complete the sentences with a [±] or El anda

verb from the list.
drink eat ha ve like
Learn these words and phrases.
1 IEJ don't like fish.
I usually have coffee for breakfast.
2 IEJ breakfast at home. 1

3 You [±] a lot of water.

4 M y friends El healthy food.
at the weekend
5 rEJ coffee in the afternoon.
during the week
6 M y children [±] a lot of fruit.
at home (work)
7 We [±] a salad for lunch.
8 I don't drink tea because I El it.
.t}'p.ical (American) breakfast
lt takes a lot to get people talking in aeroplanes.
But once they start talking, you can't shut them u p.
Chuck Palahniuk, author

GRAMMAR present simple [Zl: VOCABULARY common verb phrases 1

1, you, we, and they Write the verbs.
a Write the questions. 6f-if:tk eat ha ve listen to live
1 A We don't live in a flat. read speak want watch work
B Do ;JOU live in ahouse?
2 A I don't want a newspaper.
B a magazine?
3 A They don't like dogs.
B cats?
4 A I don't have a camera.
B a mobile phone? 1 drink mil k 2
two cats
5 A I don't drink tea.
B coffee?
6 A We don't have breakfast.
B lunch?
7 A I don't need a new phone.
B tablet?
3 4
b Complete the conversation with do or don' t. TV in the evening Chinese

5 6
Mexican food magazines

work in London? 7 8
anewcar Brazilian music

--,-~_ _ like coffee.

~,----,-you like tea?

9 10
in a bank inahouse
READING PRONUNCIATION /w/, /v/, and /o/;
a Read the interview and write the questions in the sentence rhythm and linking
correct space. a 14~~¡,~,:¡¡~ Listen and~the word with a different
Are yo u married? What airline do you work for?
Do you have children? V\/hat's your name?
Do you like your job? Where are yo u from?
1 when ~ work
lnterview with
2 what where who


3 radio watch want


b Listen again and repeat the words .

e •.~fJ!¡~~~~~~· Listen and repeat. Copy the ~thm.

1 Do you wanca sandwich?
2 I have a ---
brother and he's a -

3 I Iive~in~a house~in~a small city.

Listen to the conversations. ~the
1 What's your na me? correct answer.
My name's Jonathan, Jon ~pf:f¡.§~!?~·
1 She goes to German f~dasses in the evening.
2 2 They have three ffour animals.
l'm from Rio de Janeiro. lt's a big, beautiful city. 3 She goes to work by car f train.
3 4 She prefers coffee f tea.
Yes, 1am. My wife is ltalian. Her name is Celia. S They eat Italian food at the weekend f durinB the week.
Yes, we do. We have a girl. Her name is Bianca.
5 Learn these words and phrases.
1work for Varig, the Brazilian
6 favourite
Yes, 1do. 1work with my friends, and 1speak to
at university
a lot of new people lt's very interesting.

b Look at the words and phrases. What do Do you live near here?
you think mean? Check in your dictionary.

VOCABULARY the time b Complete the conversations.
1 A What time is it?
a Complete the times.
B It's a to eleven.
2 A Excuse me. _ _ _ _ time is it?
B Sorry, I don't a watch.
3 A What time is _ _ _ _ ?
B a quarter to four.
4 A _ _ _ _ me. What time is it?
B Sorry. I know.

1 lt's _hª'J_ past two. 2 It's eight _ _ _ __ 2 PRONUNCIATION silent consonants

a Listen and cross out the silent consonants

1 ha-1-f 3 know S two 7 what

2 hour 4 listen 6 Wednesday 8 write

b Listen again and repeat the words.

VOCABULARY saying how you feel

3 It's _ _ _ _ __ 4 It'sa _ _ _ _ __ Complete the sentences.
past ten. to six.

S It's _ _ _ _ past 6 It's _ _ _ _ _ __

eleven. to one.

1 He's ~hwoLtt_ _ _ __ 2 He's _ _ _ _ _ __

7 It's _ _ _ _ __ 8 It's _ _ _ _ _ __
3-------- 4 ---------
past nine. to seven . S ---------
Find a job you Like and you add five days to every week.

1 GRAMMAR present simple: he, she, it e Complete the dialogue with do, does, don't, or doesn't.

a Look at the chart and complete the sentences.

for a newspaper?

At hame, in the affice, in

live in a big city X .!
like cats ,/ X
listen ta pap music .! X
speak French )( .!
drink tea )( .!

1 Amy doesn't live in a big city.

2 S he cats.
3 S he to pop music.
4 S he French.
5 S he tea.
6 Luis in a big city.
7 He cats. 2 PRONUNCIATION third person -s
8 He to pop music.
9 He French.
10 He tea.
1 has reads listens
b Complete the text with the correct
form of the word in brackets.

2 eats speaks wants

teacher inRussia. She ~~~ snake

!Izl 3 clases teaches relaxes

b Listen and~ two more words with

and write them in the chart.

~ daes finishes gaes likes

lives laves~ watches warks

el oses
!Izl teaches

e Listen again and repeat the words.

VOCABULARY jobs and places of work b Complete the sentences.
1 A factory worker works in a f actory
a Complete the crossword. What's the mystery word?
2 A writer works at h
3 A student studies at u
4 A journalist works for a n
5 A teacher works in a se
6 A waitress works in a r
7 A policeman works in the st
8 A nurse works in ah


1 e factory
2 teacher journalist
3 nurse doctor driver
4 waiter thirsty retired
5 hospital restaurant university

b Listen again and repeat the words.

Listen to five speakers talking about their
jobs. Match the speakers with the jobs.
1 _d_ a a waiter
2 b a factory worker
3 e a shop assistant
4 d a receptionist
S e a taxi driver


Learn these words and phrases.
Great to see you.
He's divorced.
What does he do?
He's a doctor.
Where does she work?
S he works in a hospital.
Do es she speak English at work?
Think in the morning. Act in the afternoon.
Eat in the evening. Sleep at night.

VOCABULARY a typical day b Write the words in the chart.

a Complete the verb phrases. a-J3.a.t.l:t ro-eeEI breakfast a coffee to the gym
home lunch a sandwich to school to work

a bath

1 get up 2 f work
e Complete the text with the correct verb.
do :ffiti5A
get up go (x4)
have (x3) watch

l'm Hannah and l'm a nurse.

1work at night and 1sleep
during the day. 11 finish
3 g shopping 4 h a shower work at eight o'dock in the
morning and then 12
home and 13 to
bed.l 4 at about
four o'clock in the afternoon
and 15 so me
cereal and orange juice for
breakfast. Then 16 shoppíng
andl 7 the ho.usework or
5 d housework 6m dinner TV. At seven o'clock in the
evening 19 a shower and !
dinner before 111
to work again.

7 w _ _ _ _ TV 8 ~:>g_ _ _ to bed
2 PRONUNCIATION !ji; sentence rhytbm b Look at the chart and complete the sentences.

a Listen and tick (./) if the word has a ./././././ =always

./././ = usually
./ =sometimes
1 usually ./ X= never
2 umbrella X
3 study
4 student Diego Jen
5 yo u go to the gym
6 your ./ ./././
read magazines
7 n1US1C
watch football on TV ./././././ ./
8 newspaper
get up early ./././
9 hurry
10 yellow
1 Diego never ¡;¡oes _________ tothegyn1.
b Listen again and repeat the words. 2 He ________ magazines.
3 He football on TV.
e ·''~if,l~;!i¡¡:,¡¡;"iii:!i!!F Listen and repeat. Copy the rb¡.thm.
4 He ______________________ early.
1 I start work at in the morning.
5 Jen ______________________ tothegym.
2 S he has a coffee ata quarter past ten. 6 S he _____________________ magazines.
3 They have a sandwich ata caf.é_. 7 S he _____________________ football on TV.
4 You finish work at six thirty. 8 S he early.
5 We do housework at the weekend.
6 He watches TV in the evening. USTIENING
A:?;:~~,~~~,:¡¡¡~~· Listen to the conversation. Mar k the
GRAMMAR adverbs of frequency sentences T (true) or F (false).

a Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in brackets. 1 Olivia gets up early at the weekend. _F__
2 S he has a shower befare she has breakfast.
1 I get up early. (always)
3 S he doesn't have a hot drink for breakfast.
1 always get up early
4 After breakfast she always does the housework.
2 Yasmin goes to school by bus. (usually)
5 S he usually reads the newspaper after lunch.
6 She's never at home in the evening.
3 You do housework. (never)

4 They have fish for dinner. (sometimes)

5 Andy has lunch at home. (always)
Learn these words and phrases.
Are yo u a morning ;¡¿ITSon?
6 I watch TV in the morning. (never)
hurry (v)
What time do you get up?
7 We go shopping at the weekend. (sometimes)
At eight o'dock.
8 They have coffee for breakfast. (usually) He gets up at about 9.30.

befare (after) lunch

until two o'dock

In my free time 1go grocery shopping orto the gym, or 1talk on the phone.
Amanda Seyfried, American actress

VOCABULARY sports GRAMMAR word arder in questions:

Write the names of the sports. be and present simple
a Order the words to make questions.
where from is Alberto
_VV~h~e~re~L~·sLA~l~be~r~to~J~~~o~mL_________________ ?
2 how old our teacher is

3 where does work your brother

__________________________________ ?
4 does speak French Emma
__________________________________ ?
S have a big family do you

6 is from Italy your girlfriend

1 rugby 2
7 what time does go to work she

8 are on holiday Tim and Julia

__________________________________ ?
b @ the correct question word.
1 A ~/ VVhat f VVhen does your brother live?
B In Sao Paulo.
2 A VVhere f VVhen f VVhat do you usually have for breakfast?
B Cereal, fruit, and coffee.
3 A How f VVho f VVhat do you spell your last name?
B {;-A-Fl-C-1-A.
4 A What / When / Who do yo u do housework?
B On Sunday morning.
S A How / When / Where do you go to school?
3 4
B By bus.
6 A How f How old f VVhat are your children?
B Jason's four and Lucy's seven.
7 A What / When f Where do you go to the gym?
B In the morning, before work.
e Complete the questions with is, are, do, or does.
1 ___Arr_ you good at sport?
2 When you usually meet friends?
3 your sister married?
4 your husband play computer games?
S Howold yo u?
6 How your girlfriend travel to work?
7 Where your teacher from?
S 8 you have lunch at work?
VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION /w/, /h/, /e;;,/, and /au/
common verb phrases 2 a .la~~,,~,:¡,~~~~' Listen and@the word with a different sound.
Look at the pictures. Complete the questions.

1 home c§Y handball


2 who holiday when


3 weekend swim town


4 beach there their

e ha ir

5 mountains how hockey


b Listen again and repeat the words.

z~W~c~::!A~i¡!!:' Listen to the interview. Mark
sentences T (true) or F (false).
1 Sarah likes sport very much. ~T-~
2 Sarah plays ice hockey.
3 She plays every Saturday.
4 Her team always wins.
5 She never plays tennis.
6 Her favourite sport is tennis.


Learn these words and phrases.

Do you dº-- spQLL_ ? archery

2 Doyoug out on a Friday night? handball
3 Doyoug__ to the b at ice hockey
the weekend? rugby
4 Do your parents t a lot?
5 Doyouw in the mountains? team
6 Does shepl the p ? ~ers

7 Doyour after dinner?

8 Doyous ?
a match
Movies are like an expensive form of therapy for me.
Tim Burton, film director

GR.AMMAR imperatives; object pronouns: VOCABUlAR.Y kinds of films

me, him, etc. Write the kinds of film.
a Complete the dialogues with a [±] or El imperative from the list.

buy eat go listen open

~ sit use wtr1:tR worry

Don't watch it.

-~------to bed. lt's late.

That's a beautíful toat!

ll:'s very expensive. E] _______ it.
ls thatpasta forme?
B ________ it.
Nó, it isri't.

Can! come in?

Ves, ofcourse. I±JPlease ________ down.
1 an action film
_:.:_.________ it. 2 a e
3 a
L;-J-~,--+--------c~----YOUr books on page 32.
4 an a
5 aw
A Ainl tate?
6 ah film
B El No, ________ . The lesson starts in five minutes.
lO A tome. This is very important.
sentence rhythm and intonation
b Complete the sentences with an object pronoun. m~~~~!Th. Listen and repeat the sentences.
1 I always say hello to Ryan, but he never talks to ___)']Jg__. ~thm.
2 Emily loves her boyfriend, but I don't think he loves _ _ __
1 Do you like Daniel Craig?
3 We go to my parents' house every weekend, but they never
visit _ _ __ 2 Yes,Ido.
4 You often make dinner for me, but I never cook for _ _ __ 3 I like him a lo t.
5 I like the people I work with, but I never go out with _ _ __ 4 I think he's great.
6 M y grandmother has a mobile phone, but she never uses _ _ __ 5 Do yo u like action films?
7 I know Jessica's husband, but I don't like _ _ __ 6 No, I don't.
8 Where are my glasses? I need ____ toread the newspaper.
7 I don't like them.
8 I prefer comedies.
a Read the love stories and match the paragraphs with the films.

Five famous love stories

Molly loves Sam and Sam loves Molly, but he
never says 'llove you'. Sam and now he is a ghost. He watches
Molly every day, but she can't see him. Sam finds a psychic, Ota Mae,
and he uses her to speak to Molly...

Eliza Doolittle is a girl who sells flowers

and Henry Higgins is a university professor. He teaches her to speak
English 'like a princess'. She falls in love with him, but he just thinks she
is an interesting student. She is angry and she leaves him ...

3 17-year-old Rose is on a travelling from lreland

to the United States. She is to a rich man, but on the ship, she falls in
love with a poor artist, Jack Dawson. But one night, the ship hits an i!=~~!¡lrg.

lt's New York City in the 1950s. There are two

the Jets and the Sharks, and they are Ata dance, Tony sees Maria
across the room and they fall in love. The problem is
that Maria's brother, Bernardo, is the of the
Sharks, and Tony is the ex-leader of the Jets ...

lt's World War 11. Rick Blaine

has a bar in the Moroccan city. One night, Rick's
ex-girlfriend, llsa, comes into the bar with her
husband, the resistance leader, Victor László.
Victor and llsa want to from Euro pe. Rick
has documents for two people to travel to the USA,
but he is still in love with llsa ...

Listen to the conversation. Mark the
sentences T (true) or F (false). Learn these words and phrases.
1 Alice likes Johnny Depp. film director
2 James doesn't like Johnny Depp. scene
3 James doesn't like comedies. be _qillet
4 James doesn't like the Pirates of the Caribbean films. come in
5 Alice likes action films. talk about something
6 James likes action films. Don't cry
7 Alice likes Scarlett Johansson. Don'tmove
8 James doesn't like Scarlett Johansson. kiss
I don't remember
Write the months. a Match the dates.
1 CRAHM March
19/2 _j_
2 2/9
4 TOBOCRE 3 21/7
5 UTGASU 4 11/1
6 EMDBECRE 5 27/4
6 8/10
7 6/5
10 PAI LR 8 7/11
12 LUJY b Cover a-h and just look at 1-8. Practise saying the dates.
Remember to say the and of, for example, the nineteenth oJFebruary.
ORDINAL NUMBERS e Write the answers.
a Complete the ordinal numbers. 1 A What's the date today? (9/3)
B 9thMarch
2 (1/11)
A What's the date on Saturday?
2 tw _ _ _ _ _ _ B ------------------------------
3 A What's the date tomorrow? (2/6)
3 f __ r __
B -------------------------------
th ____ -f ___ _ 4 A When's your friend's birthday? (18/12)
4 st
5 f f 5 A When's Halloween? (31/10)
B ------------------------------
6 n __ t_
6 A When's your sister's birthday? (4/8)
7 B ------------------------------


9 e_g_-- Put the conversation in order.

10 S_---

b Write the next ordinal number.

1 first, second
2 tenth, _____________
3 seventeenth, _____________
4 fourteenth, _____________
5 twenty-third, ___________
6 fifteenth, __________

You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
English proverb

GRAMMAR can 1 can't PRONUNCIATION /re/, !m!, and /g/;

a Complete the sentences with You can 1can't and sentence rhythm
a verb from the list. a Listen and choose the correct sound for can 1can't
in these sentences.

1 Can I help you? _a_

2 Where can I sit down?
3 Sorry, I can't.
4 Yes, you can.
S Yo u can learn to drive he re.
6 I can't speak Polish.
b Listen again and repeat. Copy the rh)rthm.
l You can't par k here.
2 -~~~~~~- here. VOCABULARY more verb phrases
3 money here. Complete the phrases.
4 coffee here.
S foodhere.
6 to music here.

b Complete the conversations. Use can, the word

in brackets, and a verb from the list.
1 use the internet 2 t ____ a ph,_~~-
J:tave play read sit swim watch
1 A Canihave an espresso, please? (I)
B Regular or large?
2 A ? (we)
B No. It's very cold today.
3 A TV? (we)
B Finish your homework first. 3 ---~-- a e,_~~~- 4 p _ _ by er_ _ e,_ __
4 A Excuse me. here? (I)
B Sorry, no. That's my friend's seat.
S A golf on Saturday? (you)
B Yes. What time?
6 A Look. It's an email from Sarah.
B Really? it? (I) S eh,_ _ _ m,_~~ 6 SW_~--

7 dr~-~- 8 p l _ f,_ _ _ __
READING b Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true),
F (false) or DS (doesn't say).
a Read the text and match paragraphs A-C with the
1 Sark is in France. _F~-
photos 1-3.
2 You can go for nice walks in Sark.
3 Giethoorn is in Amsterdam.
4 There aren't any streets in Giethoorn.
Cars are great for travelling, but it can often be 5 There aren't any streets in Fes el-Bali.
difficult to par k. lf yo u prefer to travel without a car, 6 The shops in Fes el-Bali are expensive.
why not visit one of these places? e Look at the highlighted words. What do you think
they mean? Check in your dictionary.
D Sark, Channellslands
Sark is a small isiand in the English Channel. lt's near the
coast of France. Sark is a beautiful place with no cars and USTENING
it's perfect for walking or cycling. You can also go around Listen to the dialogue in a tourist office
the island on a horse if yo u want to. outh. Complete the sentences.
D Giethoom, Netherlands
Giethoorn is a town 88 kilometres northeast of Amsterdam.
Sorne people call it 'Dutch Ven ice' because it has a lot of
tanals. There are 180 bddges over the canals and yo u can
travel around by boat.

D Fes ei-Bali, Morocco

Fes el-Bali is the old part of the city of Fes in Morocco and
it has a wall around it. You can't drive a car here because
all of the streets are very naí:row. In Fes el-Bali yo u can
walk around the old town and visit the beautiful shops and

1 The boat trip costs f, 25 for three hours.

2 The boat trip costs f, for four hours.
3 The museum isn't open on _ _ _ _ _ __
4 The aquarium costs f, _ _ __
5 You can buy for the aquarium at
the tourist office.
6 You can eat in the restaurant or in the


Learn these words and phrases.
traffic lights

start the car
Yes, of course.
My personal hobbies are reading,
listening to music, and silence.
Edith Sitwell, British poet

VOCABULARY activities
Write the activities.

1 reading 2 b _ _ _ dothes

3 e _ _ __ 4 gt>---- to the cinema

Sp_ __ 6 e _ _ __

7 w _ _ _ DVDs 8 fl_ __

2 GRAMMAR like 1 lave 1 hate + verb + -ing PRONUNCIATION /u/, !u:!, and /fJ/;
a Complete the chart with the -in[J form of the verbs in sentence rhythm
the list.

tycle d rive ltsteR make park play

Rffi shop study swim travel write

listening __h)!cling running bull boot


b Listen and check. Then listen again and
b Complete the sentences with the -in[J form of the verb
repeat the words.
from the list.

cook cycle drive listen reae

shop study swim travel walk
1 cooking
1 I have a lot ofbooks. I love reading
2 I like cooking.
2 James has an expensive bike. He loves _ _ _ __
3 swimming
3 M y sister loves new clothes and she loves _ _ _ __
4 Do you like swimming?
4 M y mother has a car, but she hates _ _ _ __
5 :reading
5 M y daughter visits a different country every year. S he
loves _ _ _ __ 6 I lo ve :reading.
6 M y brother always has his iPod in his pocket. He loves
_ _ _ _ _ to music. USTENING
7 M y dad is always in the kitchen. He likes _ _ _ __
a Archie and Charlotte meet in a café. Listen
8 We usually go to the Pyrenees for our holidays. We like to the conversation. Does Charlotte like Archie?
_ _ _ _ _ in the mountains.
9 I want to learn Italian, but I don't like _ _ _ __ b Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
10 M y children love in the sea. 1 Charlotte and Archie drink green tea. _T
e Write sentences. 2 Archie is a student.
3 They love walking.
V = love V = like ~ = not like ~~ = hate
4 They don't like camping.
1 She f dance. V
5 They like eating fast food.
S he laves dancing.
6 They don't like Japanese food.
2 He f drive to work ~


Learn these words and phrases.
4 Mymumfshop ~~
paint your nails
5 I f make dinner for m y family V loo k at something online
6 M y sister / fly ~~ go for a walk
go for arun
7 M y dad /listen to classical music V window shopping
free do m
8 M y children f study at the weekend ~ hot chocolate
~cling in the country
l'm singing in the rain ...l'm happy again!
From the American film Singing in the Rain

GRAMMAR present continuous 3 VOCABULARY

a Complete the chart with the -ing form of verbs in the list. common verb phrases 2: travelling
a Write the verbs. ge-f make j3l-ay run sit
study swim watch work use write

playing driving

1 g __ a taxi 2 b tickets
b Complete the sentences with the verbs from exercise a
in the present continuous.
1 Erica is running in a marathon.
2 yo u _ _ _ _ the internet?
3 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the sea.
4 It's 7.00 a.m. here. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ up now.
5 Lisa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Spanish this year.
6 he in the office today?
7 They __ TV at the moment.
8 Luis dinner.
9 Maria an email to her boyfriend?
10 the children computer games?

3 l the house 4 b presents

PRONUNCIATION sentence rhythm
.?J~~;;Jl·¡¡,~ii!IJ' Listen and repeat. Copy the ~thm.
1 What are you doing?
2 I'm watching the TV

3 What's she wearing?

4 She's wearing a blue coat.
5 Where are they gQ_ing?
6 They're gQ_ing to the cinema.

5 st in a hotel
b Write what the people are doing in a.
1 He's getting a taxi.
2 She's
6 -----------------------------------------
9 ----------------------------------------
6 r acar 7 p_ _ _ a suitcase 11

Listen toa woman phoning her husband.

8 w acoat 9 e ___ _ a suitcase

1 Annabelle is at home 1~·

2 Lucas is at home 1at the airport.
3 Lucas says the children are doin& their homework 1
playin& computer &ames.
4 Lucas says he is doin& the housework 1watchin& TV.
5 Lucas is makingpasta 1meat and ve&etables for lunch.
6 The children are doin& their homework 1playinf3
computer &ames.
7 Lucas is doinf3 the housework 1watchin& TV.

10 ph ___ home 11 a at a hotel

Learn these words and phrases.
call somebody (= phone)
I'm really sorry.
See you in 20 minutes.
bus stop
a lot of traffic
cinema box Qffice

12 w for a flight
Concentrate on your job and you will forget your other troubles.
Wíllíam Feather, US author

GRAMMAR present continuous or b Complete the conversations. Use the present simple or
present continuous form of the verb in brackets.
present simple?
1 A Hi, can you talk now?
a @ t h e correct form. B Sorry, I can't. I'm making dinner. (make)
2 A you in Tokyo? (live)
B Yes, Ido. It's a big beautiful city.
3 A Tom a suit? (wear)
B He has an important meeting at work today.
4 A How is Tracy's job?
B She's very busy. She _ _ _ _ _ late again today.
5 A How yo u _ _ _ _ to work? (get)
B Usually by bus.
6 A What time your children ___ to bed? (go)
'c[Usually wo!J91 I'm usual/y workina in m y office. B Usually, about eight o'dock.
Today 2 I work 1I'm workin[J at home. 7 A Can I read your newspaper?
B Yes. I it. (not read)
8 A Do you want to go out for a walk?
B Not now. It . (rain)

PRONUNCIATION /3:/, /ü/, !el, and /e;)/

a Listen and@ the word with a different

1 serve shirt 9
We usually 3 [JO 1are [JOÍn[J to school on Tuesday, but today
is different. Our class 4 visíts 1is vísitin[J the art museum.
5 We learn 1We're learnin[J about Spanish painters. 2 quarter skirt work

3 jeans bread week


4 meeting sweater dress


5 wear clean repair

6We study 1We're studyin[J outside today! 7 We usually do 1 chair
We're usual/y doin[J our homework in the library, but today
b Listen again and repeat the words.

is different. 8 We enjoy 1We're enjoyin[J the sunny weather.
Write the words. Listen to a journalist interviewing a
woman ata music festival.~the correct answer.

1 dress 2

lll 4
1 Today is the ... day of the festival.
@first b second e third
2 It ... rains at Glastonbury.
a never b always e usually
3 S he isn't. .. this week.
a relaxing b travelling e working
4 S he is at the festival with her. ..
a boyfriend. b family. e friends.
5 Her children are with ...
a her. b her husband. e their friends.

5 6 6 The woman likes Glastonbury because she likes ...

a live music. b a lot of people. e sunny weather.


Learn these words and phrases.

7 8 wash the dishes

repair something
serve breakfast

9 10
a Complete the conversations.

--~-~ like a drink.
yo u like to drink?

.•. ~~cc__~~to meetfor a drink first?

.·~:::~ ~y¡~s.ut\, -T-+'--~___;_~
meetat 6.30 in the bar.

b Write lines A~G in the emails.

A No problem. How about dinner?

8 My daughter goes to swimming 1 Would vou like to come to mv house for

lessons at 2.00. lunch on Saturdav?
C Would you like to cometo my Best wishes,
house for lunch en Saturday? Angela
Hi Angela,
D Can you come at about 8.00?

E Yes, l'd love to cometo dinner.

F See you at 8.00 on Saturday.

G Sorry! l'd love to, but Saturday

lunchtime isn't a good time forme. Marta

Hi Marta,

PRONUNCIATION sentence rhythm

•c•~lfi!l¡j\¡¡!l,?~t~k'i~~· Listen and repeat the offers. Angela
1WouldJou like a beer?
2 Would~you like to come for dinner?
3 Would~you like something to drink?
4 Would~you like to go to the cinema?
5 Would~you like to play football tomorrow?
6 WouldJou like salador a sandwich?
Lave Marta
l'm not afraid of werewolves or va mpires or haunted hotels,
l'm afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings.

1 VOCABULARY hotels b Complete the sentences with words from the lis t.

a Complete the crossword. car park garden gift shop gym

reception restaurant swimming pool

1 You can use the ------'¡"1-~fi"-t__ to go upstairs.

2 Youcanswiminthe _ _ _ _ _ __
3 You can have dinner in the _ _ _ _ _ __
4 You can buy postcards in the _ _ _ _ _ __
5 You can sit outside in the _ _ _ _ _ __
6 You can do exercise in the _ _ _ _ _ __
7 You can park your car in the _ _ _ _ _ __
8 You can pay at

GRAMMAR there's a ... 1 there are some...

a Look at the picture. Complete the sentences.

1 There'sa be d. 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ towels.
2 There are sorne pillows. 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chair.
3 lamp. 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ suitcase.
4 table. 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ books.

b Write negative B sentences.

1 There's a gym in the hotel.
There isn't a gym in the hotel
2 There are sorne pillows in the cupboard.

3 There are sorne lamps in the room.

4 There's a restaurant on the first floor.

5 There's a swimming pool in the garden.

6 There are sorne towels in the bathroom.

e Write questions and answers. VOCABULARY in, on, under
Where's the remate control? Write sentences.

french restaurant

1 restaurants Are there any restaurants?

Yes there are.
2 spa Is there aspa?
No there isn't. 1 It's ----"-on"'--~_the television. 2 It's ~~~~~--~~~
3 toilets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
3 It's~-~----- 4 --~~~~~~~~~-

4 swimming pool 5 6 --~~~~~~~~~-

5 gift shops USTENING

,~~~~'i!f!i~' Listen to aman phoning a hotel for information.
6 lifts
sentences T (true) or F (false).
1 The man wants two rooms. _F_
7 gym
2 There's a double bed in the room.
3 There's a bath anda shower in the room.
8 garden
4 There's a swimming pool anda spa in the hotel. _ _
5 There's an excellent restaurant in the hotel.
6 The room is f.l95 per night.
PRONUNCIATION /eg/ and /¡g/ 7 The price doesn't inelude the car park.
a Listen and write the words in 8 The man books the room.
the chart.


there wear where year
Learn these words and phrases.
on the second floor
eha ir
beer monster

ear EnÍ-º)'. your stay.

b Listen again and repeat the words. deep

boat trip

1wanted to be successful, not famous.
George Harrison, British musician

GRAMMAR past simple: be e Complete the conversations with was 1wasn't

a Rewrite the sentences in the past. or were 1weren't.
1 I'm at work now.
I wasatwork yesterday.
2 They aren't at home today.
The)l_ weren't at home yesterday.
3 He's ata restaurant tonight.
last night.
4 We aren't at school today.
5 Are you at work now?
last night?
6 She's at the airport this morning.
yesterday evening.
7 Is he late today?
yesterday? VOCABULARY in, at, on
8 I'm not in a hurry this morning. Where were these people yesterday? Write sentences
yesterday morning. with in, at, or on and a word from the list.
b Write questions and answers.
bed home park street work
1 Picasso 1a painter (./)
_r~~a~s~P~igca~s~so~a~p~a~in~t~eLr________________________ ?
Yes hewas
2 the Beatles 1from the United S tates (.X)
_xVV,~e~r~euthge~BHe~a~tl~es~fi~ro~mwutlihe~U~n~it~ed~S~ta~tk~L____________ ?
No. they weren't
3 Amy Winehouse 1American (X)
_________________________________________ ?
1 S he was on the train 2 They ____________

4 Charles Dickens and Jane Austen 1writers (./)


5 Carmen Miranda 1Brazilian (.1)

6 Monet and Matisse 1musicians (.X)


7 Russell Crowe 1a teacher (.X)

8 Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison 1American(./)

_______________________________________ ?
5 6
READING b Read the article again and answer the questions.
Which famous person was ... ?
a Read the article. Which person is different? Why?
1 a teacher in a foreign country
2 a student anda teacher at the same time
3 in England for ayear
4 good at music and at numbers
5 a teacher in his 1her country befare he 1she was a writer.
Everybody knows that befare she e Loo k at the l¡.ighligll~~d words. What do you think they
was a famous author, J. K. Rowling mean? Check with your dictionary.
was an English teacher ata larq~guage

in Portugal.
PRONUNCIATION was and were;
But here are four more ex-
teachers. Maybe you know them ...
sentence rhythm
•YJ:~~r:;,~*ilM" Listen and re pea t. Copy the r.b)r_thm.
The American author, Stephen King,
1 Where were you last: night?
is famous for his hor::r'Qr~t<?de$ and
2 Wereyouathome?
the films made from his books. Carrie,
The Shining, and The Shawshank 3 I was alone.
Redemption were all novels by 4 I wasn't with my friends.
Stephen King. But, after university, 5 Were your children at school?
his first job was as an English teacher 6 M y wife was at work.
at Hampden Academy, a public high
school in Maine, USA.
British guitarist, Brian May, was in ~~~m!!ii!Pll!iMW
Listen to the conversations. Complete the
one of the greatest ever: sentences with the places from the list. There are two
Queen. But befo re the band was places that you don't need.
famous, he was a maths teacher in
at the beach at work in a car in a restaurant
South London. He says he was happy in the kitchen in the park on a train
with his job but the students were
sometimes difficult.
1 The man was _r'"-'n,_,t"-'h""e_,_.,k""it"'c"'h""en"'-------------
2 The man was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
American actor, Sylvester Stallone, 3 The woman was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
famous for the Rocky and Rambo 4 The man was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
films, was at in 5 The woman was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Switzerland in the 1960s. He needed
so me money, so he worked as a
PE teacher when he was a drama WORDS ANO PHRASES TO LEARN
Learn these words and phrases.
Finally, Australian actor, Hugh youngboy
Jackman, wasn't a teacher, but darkeyes
befare he went to drama school, smile (n)
he was a at success
Uppingham School in England. He proud
was there for a year. Today he is dream (v and n)
~terday /'
famous as Wolverine in the X-fvlen
~terday afternoon í'
films and as Jean Valjean in Les
last Friday
Only 1can change my life. No one can do it for me.
Carol Burnett, American actress

1 VOCABULARY regular verbs 2 GRAMMAR past simple: regular verbs

Complete the questions with the verbs. a Complete the sentences with the past simple form of
the verbs in brackets.
arrive book decide help like
start tal k want

1 We walked in the 2 They in Hawaii

park on Sunday. (walk) yesterday morning. (arrive)
1 travel by train 2 ____ onthephone

3 Lisa work 4 The car at the

early today. (start) red light. (stop)
3 ____ togoto 4 ____ at the airport

5 Cara alot 6 Anne ~~-

the fish.
during the film. (cry) (like)

5 tickets 6 football
b Write negative El sentences. Use the words in brackets.
1 Robert talked to Bill. (Tony)
Robert didn't talk to Ton;)'
2 Clara arrived this morning. (last night)

3 They opened the door. (the window)

7 somebody 8 When does the film 4 John looked at his phone. (his watch)
5 We travelled by bus. (taxi)

6 The film started at 8.20. (7.50)

7 Max cooked fish for dinner. (meat)

9 to have something 8 Selena booked a ticket to Madrid. (Barcelona)

e Order the words to make questions. USTENING
1 study where you French did
,,~~!;i~i1,¡¡~,, Listen to the interview. Mar k the sentences
Where didyou study French ? or F (false).
2 you school did to yesterday walk
____________________________________ ?
3 in Spain you did when arrive
4 work where last year you did
5 the door did close Joe
6 what study you did yesterday
7 they to talk did the teacher
____________________________________ ?
8 start your class what time did
9 Eva her help with homework you did
1O decide you study did when to economics
____________________________________ ?

regular past simple endings 1 Debbie was in Mexico last month. _T_
2 S he worked in Mexico for a month.
a ,,,~l!i!~~'i!'l\~i!'~~x Listen and repeat the words. Practise 3 S he travelled with her husband and daughter.
past simple endings.
4 They travelled around Mexico by plane.
5 They stayed in a hotel in Guerrero.
6 They worked on the farm andina school.
dog ti e 7 Debbie helped the children with maths.
8 They didn't work for money.
arrived booked started
lis tened stopped waited
travelled talked wanted
b Look at the verbs in the list.@two more past
simple endings where -ed is pronounced lid!. Learn these words and phrases.
com.¡;mter science
answered asked liked looked needed
phoned played rented watched worked
e ,0i\'l!!'i:!!~¡¡ir~l~r~ Listen and check. Then listen again weather
repeat the words. exci_ted
visit "
miss (v)
snow (v and n)
I'm back in Spain .

Woke up, feH out of bed, dragged a comb across my head.
From the song 'f\ Day in the Life" by the Beatles

1 VOCABULARY verb phrases with do, get, go, have

Complete the sentences with do, Bet, [JO, or have. Use the present simple.

1 They always get up early. 2 He _ _ _ _ _ ashowerat6.45. 3 They _ _ _ _ _ breakfast in the


4 Their children _ _ _ _ _ to S He _ _ _ _ _ a busto the office. 6 She _ _ _ _ _ lunch in the

school at 8.30. office.

7 He _ _ _ _ _ home at 6.00. 8 In the evening, the children _ __ 9 They _ _ _ _ _ dinner at 7.00.

their homework.

10 The children _ _ _ _ tobed 11 He shopping on 12 They _ _ __ sport at the

at 9.00. Saturday morning. weekend.
2 GRAMMAR past simple irregular verbs: PRONUNCIATION sentence rhythm
do, get, go, have .·f-~'lt;c':¿k'lt'lt~' Listen and repeat. Copy the ~thm.
a Complete the paragraph with the past simple of do, [Jet, 1 What time did you get up this morning?
[JO, or have. 2 Did yo u go to the gym today?
Yesterday 11_gQL up early, 12 a coffee, and 3 Who did you have lunch with?
1. 3 the gym. After the gym, 14~~- 4 When did you do housework?
breakfast and 5 to work by bus. For lunch, 1 5 Did your friend have dinner with you?
sandwich with a friend. After work, 17~--
6 Where did yo u go shopping?
· shopping at the supermarket. Then 18~~~ home .
.~~~ dinner with my family. Then my wife and 1
·~-~ housework. After that, 111 to bed
eartx.Jwas tired! .,;,.~;:l:!li~r Listen to the dialogue. Complete the
b Write negative B sentences or questions [1].
1 I went to the cinema on Friday. B
I didn't go to the cinema on Friday.
2 Isobel had lunch with Tony. [1]
Did Isabel have lunch with Tony?
3 Marisa did housework on Sunday. B

4 Yo u got up late this morning. [1]

5 I had breakfast today. B

6 Alisan got up early yesterday. B

7 You did your homework last night. [1]

1 Ellie didn't have a good morning.
2 S he went to work by
8 Peter went to the gym on Tuesday. [1]
3 Shewas forwork.
4 Ellie didn't have to have lunch.
e Complete the questions and answers. 5 S he ate sorne ather desk.
1 A What __QjQ__ yo u have for lunch toda y? 6 S he hadan interesting in the afternoon.
B1 a sandwich and a salad. 7 There's for dinner.
2 A you to the gym after work?
B No, 1 .1 dinner with a friend,
3 A What time _ _ _ _ Ti m home yesterday?
8 He home late, about 8.30 or 9.00. Learn these words and phrases.
4 A.~---·--- Kim _____ her homework? early
· B; she . She her homework exam
on the bus thís morning. noise
5 A What yo u _____ at the weekend? .¡;?_ITtty
B Nothing special. 1_____ up late, 1_ _ __
to ttw gym, and 1 shopping.
go to hospital
6 A your son up early yesterday?
an operªtion
B No, he . He up at 1.00 p.m.!
a soldier


Look at the map and complete the answers. Look at the map. The people are at the hotel
1 Where's the park? Complete the conversations.
It's on the corner ofPark Road and East Street. traín station ?
2 Where's the bank? stri3ighton, and it's on the _dgbL.
It's _ _ _ _ _ _ the chemist's and the cinema.
3 Where's the hotel?
It's _ _ _ _ _ _ the bookshop. _ _ _ _ , next to

4 Where's the cinema?

It's _ _ _ _ _ _ the bank.
5 Where's the train statíon?
It's ofEast Street and Station Road.
6 Where's the bookshop?
It's _ _ _ _ _ _ the museum and the Italian
7 Where's the hospital?
It's _ _ _ _ _ _ the chemist's.
Eat and drink with your relatives;
do business with strangers.

VOCABULARY more irregular verbs 2 PRONUNCIATION more irregular verbs

Write the verbs. a Write the past simple forms of the verbs in the list.
leave say se e send tell

horse phone egg


] buy acoffee 2 1
the house
b Listen and check. Listen again and repeat

past simple: regular and irregular verbs
a Write the past simple of these verbs.
1 arrive arrived 6 have
2 as k 7 rent
3 S 'sorry' 4 S a friend 3 do 8 stay
4 getup 9 visit
5 go 10 wait

b Complete the sentences with the past simple of a verb

from exercise a.
1 I got up very late this morning.
2 We at the airport at six o'clock in
the evening.
3 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dinner in a restaurant last night.
5 s_ _ _ _ _ an email 6 s ____ clown 4 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the bus for two hours.
5 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a hotel near the beach.
6 I to Turkey for my holidays last year.
7 I my girlfriend to marry me in Paris.
8 1 a lot of exercise last week.
9 M y parents us last weekend.
10 I a bike to travel round the island.

7 t _ _ _ __ 8 wr_ _ _ __
a story amessage
e Use the words to write past simple sentences and USTENING
Listen to the conversation. Mark the
1 where 1you 1meet 1your husband
sentences T (true) or F (false).
Where didJ!OU meetJ!OUr husband ?
1 The man didn't go to the match. _T_
2 I 1not like 1the food in that restaurant
2 The man used his credit card to huy tickets.
3 The tickets arrived electronically.
3 we 1see 1a good film last night
4 The match started at 8 o'dock.
5 The representative wasn't at the ticket office.
4 you 1not calll me yesterday 6 The man paid f,lOO for a ticket.

5 why 1you buy 1a new car

6 they 1book 1the tickets online
Learn these words and phrases.
7 he 1send 1me a text this morning
full (opposite = empty)
nice smell
8 you 1go to work 1by train yesterday
dassical music
That's interesting.
9 she 1not want 1a coffee Timeto go.
10 you 1telll me your address tickets for a concert
? a concert hall
d Complete the conversation with the past simple of the turn on a light
verbs in brackets.
A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.
Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

VOCABULARY future time expressions GRAMMAR present continuous for future

a Order the time expressions. a Complete the sentences with the present continuous
tonight form of the verbs from the list.
nextweek do get married leave make meet
___ today not come not go out not have t*aY stay
the day after tomorrow
1 I 'mplaying tennis on Saturday afternoon.
nextmonth 2 A When your sister ?
B In the summer. August 15th.
tomorrow night
3 M y parents a holiday this year.
b Complete the sentences with an expression from a. 4 We pasta for lunch. Do you
want to eat with us?
S M y boyfriend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me at the airport.
6 I tonight because I'm tired.
7 What you _ _ _ _ _ this weekend?
8 Millie to my party. She's ill.
9 A Are you at work?
B Yes, but I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in ten minutes.
See you soon.
10 A Where _____ yo u _____ when yo u go on
B In a really nice hotel, near the beach.
b Complete the dialogue with the present continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.

(you 1 stay)

1 Anita is studying for an exam today (you 1 drive)

2 She's going toa party ------~ '"'"'"' '"" ,,,,,,~c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c---,----~- by train. (we 1 go)
3 She's taking her last exam ------~ (you 1 leave)
4 She's meeting her brother Peter _ _ _ _ _ __
S She's going shopping with Lar a _ _ _ __
6 she's going toa museum in London.
READING b Look at the f~H,.HJ·~~I~L~"" words. What do they
mean? Use your to check their meaning
a Read the blog post about Venice. Then choose the correct and pronunciation.

a Write the words in the chart.
l3eatR 1:J.Feak breakfast cheap dream eat
great jealous leave sweater weather

tree egg train

beach breakfast break

There are literally thousands of incredible things todo and see

in Ven ice. But if yo u don't have much time, he re are my top five ...
Piazza San Marco This is the most famous tourist b Listen and check. Listen again and
attraction in Ven ice and one of the most famous $ql!l{'l:r~s in the words.
world. lf you visit in the evening, you can have a drink, listen to
jazz and classical music playing outside, and watch the people
of Ven ice. But be prepared - it's always cJ'd\1\t¡;'leQ. USTENING
A vaporetto on the Grand Canal Take the vaporetto
,,¡¡,~~~:¡¡,il:~~:' Listen to five speakers describing what
(or water bus) down the Grand Canal for a unique experience.
next weekend. Match the speakers
You can travel all the way down the canal and take amazing
photographs of the beautiful buildings. The best time to go is with the plans.
just befare but it's sometimes cold, so take a sweater
1 _e_ a staying at home
ora jacket.
2 b moving house
San Giorgio Maggiore This is a short trip from San Marco 3 e doing sport
(by vaporetto), but there's a very different ath}qspn~{~ he re. 4 d going out with friends
lt's quiet and relaxing. You can take a lift to the top of the
5 e going abroad
tower and there are fantastic views of the city. Yo u can also
see some beautiful paintings here.

Rialto lt's not easy to find, but if you like food, this is
one place that you really need to visit. lf you go early in the
morning, that's when you can see local Venetians shopping for WOR.DS ANO PHR.ASES TO
food. There's an incredible selection of fresh vegetables,
and local ha m and cheese. There's a fish and market Learn these words and phrases.
on Fridays and Saturdays. transfers to the airport
Real Venicel Ven ice is full of tourist attractions, but tour (n)
maybe the most interesting places in the city are the streets
where the local people live. Here you can often find the best
restaurants and the best shops. Get up very early in the
morning, befare the i;ú;ía~~~$ and boats full of tourists arrive,
and if you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of the canal. art gf!.llery
It looks nice.
1 You can find good places to eat here. _E_
2 You can hear music here.
3 You can travel here by boa t. _
4 It can be difficult to find.
5 Yo u can huy a lot of different kinds of food here.
6 This is a good place to take photos. _
1 Hi, Holly. R = Receptionist P = Patient 1 A Where are m y keys?
2 I'm in class two. R Hello. Can I help you? B Are they in your bag?
3 You aren't Hannah. P Hi. Yes, I need a doctor. A No, they aren't.
4 You're in room five. B Well, I don't know!
R OK. What's your name?
5 I'm not Harry. A Here they are! They're in m y pocket.
6 See you on Tuesday. P Stuart Davies.
2 A Happy Birthday, Mum.
R How do you spell your first name? B Thanks. What is it? O oh! Is it a
P 5-T-U-A-R-T. tablet?
1 A Where are you from? R Thanks. And your surname? A Open it and see.
B I'm from Russia. P Davies. It's D-A-V-I-E-S. B Oh, it's a book! Oh, thank you!
2 A Where's Hamburg? R D-A-V-I-E-S. Thanks. How old are you 3 A Excuse me, madam. What's in your
B It's in Germany. MrDavies? bag?
3 A Where's she from? P I'm 25. B Sorry?
B She's from Mexico. A What's in your bag?
R 25. OK. Are you married?
4 A Is he from Spain? B Oh, a laptop, a phone, a notebook,
P No, l'm no t. and ... my passport.
B No, he isn't. He's from Argentina.
S A Are you from Brazil? R Right, um, what's your address?
4 A Is m y wallet in your bag?
B Yes, l am. I'm from Sao Paulo. P 15 North Road. B No, it isn't.
6 A Where's he from? R Sorry, 15 or 50? A Where is it, then?
B He's from Italy. P 15-onefive. B I don't know!
7 A Where's Alexandria? A Ah, here it is. On the table.
R 15. Thanks. And what's your postcode?
B It's in Egypt.
P It's P-Y-4 3-J-E. S A Oh no. Where's my phone?
8 A Is Chicago in England?
B Is it in your pocket?
B No, it isn't. It's in the United S tates. R P-Y-4 3-J-E. What's your phone
A No!
B Is it in your coat?
P It's 072 33608. A Yes ... yes, it is. In the hotel room.
1 A Are you on holiday? R Justa moment. 072?
B Yes, weare. P Yes, 072 33608.
A Where are you from? R 33608. Thanks. And your email?
1 A Excuse me. How much is this mug?
B We're from Manchester. P Yes, B It's 12 pounds.
2 A Are you German? R Thank you, A 12 pounds? For a mug!
B No, I'm no t. I'm Swiss. Mr Davies. You can see the doctor now. 2 A That T-shirt's nice.
A Are you here on business?
B Yes, it is. How much is it?
B Yes, I am.
A U m, it's 15 pounds.
3 A This is a nice restaurant! Is it B O K. That's not very expensive.
3 A Loo k at those pictures.
B No, it isn't. It's Mexican.
B They're nice. How much are they?
4A Are you American? A 40 pounds, I think.
B No, I'm British. B 40? Four-oh? No!
A Where are you from?
4 A These keyrings are nice.
B I'm from London.
B Yes, they are. Are they expensive?
S A Sorry, are we late? A No. They're six pounds.
B No, you're not. Please sit down. B OK.
S A Excuse me. Are those bags?
B Yes, they are.
A How much are they?
B Six pounds.
A That's not bad .

A Is that a photo of your family, Tom? 1 A What's your favourite me al of the 1 A How many languages do you speak?
B Yes,itis. day,Anna? B I speak three: English, German, and
A Can I see it? B U m, I prefer breakfast. Spanish.
A Real! y? What do you have for A Do you go to classes?
B Yes, of course. Well, that's me. And
breakfast? B Yes, Ido. I study Spanish after work.
that's m y wife, Emily with my son,
B I have yoghurt and sorne fruit, and I I go to classes at a language school.
drink green tea. 2 A Do you live in a house ora flat?
A How old is he?
2 A Which me al do you prefer, Osear? B We live in a nice big house.
B He's four. And that's my daughter, B I like dinner, because I have it at home A Do yo u have any cats or dogs?
Sophie. She's eight. with m y family. B Yes, we do. We have three cats anda
A They're beautiful! A What do you have? dog. We !ove animals.
B Thank you. And then those are my B We have meat or fish with potatoes, 3 A Where do you work?
parents. pasta or rice, and some vegetables. B I work in a bank.
A Ah yes. I can see. You and your father are We eat alot! A Do yo u go to work by car?
very similar. So who are these people? 3 A Isabelle, what do you have for lunch? B No, l don't. The traffic in the
B That's my little brother, David B I usually go to a restaurant with m y morning is terrible, so I go to work by
A And is that his wife? friends from work. We don't have train.
much. Just soup or maybe a salad. 4 A Do you like coffee?
B No, that's my brother's girlfriend,
Alison. 4 A Do you go out for lunch, Noah? B No, I don't drink coffee. I prefer tea.
A Ah, what a beautiful photo! B N o. I don't have a lot of time for A Do you want a cup of tea now?
lunch. I just have a sandwich anda B Yes, please.
B Yes, it's from m y father's birthday
coffee at m y computer. 5 A Do you have lunch at home at the
S A What's your favourite mea! of the weekend?
week? B No, we don't. On Saturdays, we go to
B Dinner on Friday night. Our children a restaurant- that's my husband, m y
1 A Here's my car. go to my mother's house. Then my children and I.
B The red one? N ice! Is it new? husband and I go out to a restaurant: A What do you haveto eat?
A No, it's five years old. But it's a good maybe Japanese, Italian, Mexican- B children like pizzas and pasta, so
car. And it's fas t. we always have something different. we usually go to an Italian restaurant.
2 A Now, here's a beautiful house. 6A William, what do you have for
B Yes, it is beautiful. But it's not very breakfast?
big. Is it expensive? B During the week, I have coffee and
A Well, it isn't cheap. cereal.
3 A Is that your girlfriend? A And at the weekend?
B Yes, itis. B On Sundays, I have a typical English
A She's very beautiful. And very tal!. breakfast with m y family: eggs,
B Yes, Iknow. sausages, tea, and toast. It's great!

4A What's your surname?

B Pavlyuchenkova.
A Pav ... ? Erm. Can you spell that,
B P-A-V-L-Y-U-C-H-E-N-K-0-V-A.
S A Helio. How can I help you?
B How much are those bags?
A The big ones are f,30 and the small
ones are f,lQ.
B OK, can I have a small blue bag,
A Yes, of course. Anything else?
B Nothanks.
A OK, that's f,lQ please.
Speaker 1 I work in a big hotel and I A Sarah, do you play any sports? J =James A= Alice
welcome people when they arrive and B Yes, Ido. I love sport. J What's on the television tonight, Alice?
help them if they have any problems, A Which sports do yo u play? A There's a good film on. Do yo u want to
with their room, or the television, or see it?
B I play hockey and tennis.
the wi-fi. It's an interesting job because
I meet people from a lot of different A Ice hockey? J It depends. Who's in it?
countries. B N o, normal hockey. A Johnny Depp. I think he's a great actor.
A Oh. How often do you play? Do you like him?
Speaker 2 M y job is OK. I work from
lYHJllLldv to Saturday, so I don't have a lot B I play hockey a lot because I'm in a team. J Yes, Ido. I like him a lo t. What's the
of free time. I help people find what they We train for two hours on Tuesdays and name of the film?
want. Sorne customers are very difficult! Thursdays, and then we have a match A It's a comedy. It's one of the Pirates of the
Speaker 3 I work at lunch time and in every Saturday. Caribbean films.
the evening. I like my job, but the day is A Are you good at it? J Aah.
very long and l finish work late at night. B I'm OK, but it's a good team with sorne A What's wrong?
Saturday is a difficult day because there very good players in it. J I like comedies, but I don't like Pira tes of
are a lot of people in the restaurant. the Caribbean. What about a different
A Do you usually win?
Speaker 4 I don't !ike m y job because I'm film?
B Sometimes, but not always. But it's fun.
in m y car all day. I take people where A U m, I don't know. Look on your phone.
want to go. Sorne people talk tome A What about tennis? How often do you
but most of them talk on their mobile play? J OK. Tuesday ... six o'clock ... oh good!
phones. B I play every Sunday. A What?
Speaker S I work ata different time every A Are yo u good at tennis? J Do you like action films?
week. One week I work from six o'clock B Not bad. But I need to train more. A Yes, Ido. Why? What's on?
in the morning until three o'clock in the A Which do you prefer- hockey or tennis? J The Avengers. I love action films, and this
afternoon. The next week I work from B Hockey, I think. I prefer playing in a one has Scarlett Johansson. Do you like
ten o'clock in the morning until seven team. her?
o'clock at night. work for a company A Yes, Ido. I think she's a very good
A Thank you, Sarah. And good luck with
that makes cars. isn't very actress.
your next match.
interesting, but I really like the people I J Me too! Come on. Turn on the TV. The
workwith. B Thanks.
film starts in five minutes.

A Olivia, what time do you get up at the

B Well, I usually get up late- at about 11
o'clock or half past 11. I never get up
early. After that, I always have a shower,
and then I have a big breakfast.
A Do yo u have coffee or tea with
B actually, I never drink coffee or tea.
usual!y have orange juice in the
A What do you do after breakfast?
B I usual! y read the news on m y laptop and
listen to music.
A Do yo u do housework?
B Sometimes, but not usually. I usually do
the housework during the week.
A What do you do in the afternoon?
B Nothing special. I sometimes go to the
A What do you do in the evening?
B I always go out with my friends. We
usually go toa bar ora club and dance!
A Do you like cooking, Charlotte?
A Hello, sir. Welcome to Plymouth. How e Yes, I like cooking a lo t. And I !ove J = Journalist W = Woman
can I help you? eating! J Helio there! Today, I'm at the
B Yes, I'm in Plymouth for a day. What can A Me, too. What's your favourite food? Glastonbury music festival in the
Ido here? e I !ove all kinds of food. But I ha te fast South ofEngland. The festival is
food. starting today, anda lot of people are
A Oh, a lot of things. You can go on a boat
A Me, too. lt's terrible. I really like arriving. I'm looking for someone to
trip. tell me why they like coming here.
Japanese food ... sushi, sashimi, ...
B Hmm. A boat trip. Is it expensive? Here's a woman who looks interesting.
e I lave sushi! Hello. Do you have a moment?
A Well, it's f.25 per person, for three A Charlotte, do you want to have dinner
hours, or f.30 for four hours. tonight? W U m, yes, why not?
B I don't know, that's a bit expensive. What e Yes, why not? J What's your name?
else? Can I visit any museums? A We can go for a walk and then go to my W Catherine.
A No, sorry, not today. The City Museum favourite Japanese restaurant. J Catherine, well, at the moment, it's a
is closed on Mondays. e I'd like that. Thanks, Archie. beautiful day.
B Oh. That's a pity. w It is. It's really hot and sunny. But it
usual!y rains at Glastonbury, so I have
A Yes. But you can go to the aquarium.
an umbrella in m y bag. And a sweater
B The aquarium. That's interesting. andacoat!
A= Annabelle L = Lucas
A Yes, it is. You can se e a lot of different A Helio? Lucas? J Yes, good idea! Tell us: what do you do?
kinds of fish. W I work for a u·avel company, but I'm
L Oh, hi, Annabelle. Are you at the
B How much is it to go in? airport? on holiday this week. I always have my
A An adult ticket costs f.13.75, and you can A Yes, I am. I'm waiting for my flight. holidays in June so that I can cometo
buy tickets here. What are you doing? Glastonbury.
B Great. Here's f.lS. L U m, oh, you know. I'm really busy ... with J Really? Who are you here with?
housework, and the children. W I'm here with m y husband, Jo e, and our
A Thank you. Here's your change.
A Oh good! What are the children doing? children, Billy and Alice.
B Thanks. Oh, one more thing. Can I have
lunch at the aquarium? L They're, um, they're doing their J Where are they now?
homework. W M y husband is parking the car, and the
A Yes, you can eat at the restaurant, or you children are playing with sorne friends.
can have a picnic in the garden. A That's great! What time is it? It's nearly
time for their dinner. J Catherine, you cometo Glastonbury
B OK. That's great. Thanks very much for every year. Why do you like coming
L Yes, don't worry. I'm making sorne pasta.
yourhelp. here?
A Pasta? What about the meat and
vegetables in the fridge? W I !ove camping, and I really like going to
))) concerts, so Glastonbury is the perfect
L Yes, but the children like pasta. It's their
place for me.
e = eharlotte A= Archie favourite. Especially Daddy's pasta!
A What's that noise?
J Well, I hope you have a great time,
A Hi. Are you Charlotte? Catherine.
e Yes. Are you Archie? L Noise? Sorry? What noise?
W Thanks a lo t.
A Yes,Iam. A Are the children playing computer
J Well, there we are: if you like camping
e N ice to meet you. and music, and lots and lots of people,
A You, too. Do you want a coffee? L What? Oh, yes. Yes, they are. then Glastonbury is the place to be.
e No, thanks. I don't like coffee. I prefer A And you? Are you watching TV? Right, let's see ifl can find someone
tea- green tea. L U m, yes. Yes, I am. But I'm making the else to talk to ...
A Really? I !ove green tea. U m ... two green dinner, too!
teas, please. So, Charlotte, what do you A Oh! They're calling my flight. I can't talk
do? now.
e I'm a student. I want to be a doctor. L OK. Bye then. Have a good flight!
A That's interesting! I'm a nurse. I work at A OK. Call me in about three hours.
the hospital. L OK. Bye then.
e Really? Do you like working there? A And remember the children's bed time.
A Yes, Ido. I like it very much. L Of course. Don't worry about anything.
e What about your free time? What do you A OK. Goodbye Lucas.
like doing at weekends, Archie? L Bye. And say hello to your parents from
A I love walking in the mountains. I go me. Phew!!!
about twice a month.
e Do you like camping?
A Yes, Ido. I always go camping in the
summer. What about you?
e I really like camping. And I !ove going
for long walks. I study a lot during the
week, so it's good to be outside.
I Where was the farm?
R = Recepti.onist M= Mr Roberts 1 A How was your Sunday? D It was on the Pacific coast ofMexico, in a
B Terrible! M y wife's family were at my state called Guerrero.
R Sea View Hotel. Can I help yo u?
house for lunch. I Where did you stay?
M Oh, yes. Hello. I'm looking for a hotel A That was nice! D We stayed in a house in the village. It had
for next weekend. Do you have any B Hmm. Do you know who cooks when three bedrooms and it was perfect for us.
rooms? people come to visit? 1 And yo u worked on the farm?
R Yes, we do. We have two double rooms A Not your wife?
and a single for next weekend. How D Yes, and we also worked at the local
B No- me! Dinner for 16. Never again!
many rooms do you want? school. I helped the children with their
2 A Emma, do yo u want to see so me English, and m y husband helped with
M Just one. A double room. U m, can I ask phoros from my holiday? maths.
you sorne questions befo re I book? B Yeah, sure ... Look at that blue sky!
I Did you like Mexico?
R Yes, of course. Where were you? France? Spain?
Italy? D Yes, I did. The people were very friendly,
M U m, ís there a double bed in the room?
A N o, I was in England with m y family. and the food was delicious.
R No, there isn't. There are two single
B And you're al! in the sea. I Did yo u earn a lot of money while yo u
A Yes. Well, it was a beautiful summer. were there?
M OK. And do es the room have a bath ora
But the water was a bit cold. D No, we didn't work for money. This was
3 A How was your trip to Scotland? voluntary work.
R There's a bath anda shower. B Well, not great. I What a fantastic experience, Debbie!
M Great. U m, is there a swimming pool? A Oh. Why not?
D Yes, it was. It was great!
R Yes, there is. There's aspa, too. B Well, on Friday night, the traffic was
M Fantastic! Is there a restaurant in the terrible. We were on the road for
hotel? about seven hours. And the children
R No, there isn't, but there are sorne were, well, difficult. A Hi E !líe. How was your day?
excellent restaurants very near. You can A What about coming home? B Well it didn't start very well.
walkthere. B Sunday evening, it was exactly the
A Oh, why was that?
M That sounds perfect. U m, how much is B Well, I didn't walk to work today,
4 A How was last night.
theroom? because it was raining. I decided to get
B Really good. I was out with sorne
R It's cE185 per night. friends. the bus. But the bus was late, I waited for
M Oh. That's quite expensive. A Where were you? half an hour, and then it arrived, but it
R Well, the price of the room includes B At the Mexican restaurant. was real!y slow, so in the end I was late
breakfast, and use of the car park. Do A Oh, the new place in town? forwork.
you have a car? B That's right. They do excellent tacos. A Oh. Was ita problem?
M Yes. Yes, we do. OK then. I'd like to S A How was your weekend? B Well, I hada lot of work when I got to the
book the room. B What weekend? office. The morning was really busy. I
A You know, Saturday? Sunday? didn't have lunch. I didn't have time.
R Of course. And what's the name, please?
B Oh, that weekend. We are so bus y A Did you have anything to eat?
M Roberts. Mr and Mrs Roberts. at the moment. I was in the office
R And how many nights is that? B I had so me fruit at m y desk. I'm really
all Saturday and most ofSunday
M Two nights, Friday and Saturday. morning.
A How was your afternoon?
R Thank you, Mr Roberts. See you on
Friday. B The afternoon was good. We hada real!y
interesting meeting and then I finished
M Thanks a lo t. Goodbye. I = Interviewer D = Debbie all my work for the day. So it wasn't abad
I Debbie, where were you last month? day.
D Actually, I was in Mexico. A That's good then. Would you like sorne
I Mexico? Were you on holiday? dinner?
D Well, I was on holiday for three weeks, B Yes, please ... mmm. Are you cooking
and then I worked in a small village for a chicken?
month. A I am. Your favourite. Five minutes.
I Who did yo u go with? B Great!
D I travelled with my husband. M y
daughter wanted to come, but she was at
university at the time.
I How did you travel there?
D First, we visited my parents in New York,
and then we travelled to Mexico City by
plane. After that, we travelled around
the country by bus .

A So, how was the match on Saturday? I Speaker 1 What amI doing next
watched in on the TV. I thought it was weekend? Well, I'm playing basketball
a fantastic game. First half, I thought on S aturday, but the match is in a town
the ... about 200 kilometres away. We're going
B I didn't go. by bus, and we're leaving very early in
A What do you mean you didn't go? the morning because we're playing at 11
o' dock. I hope we win!
B Well. It's a long story. I did something
real!y stupid. Speaker 2 It's my birthday next weekend,
so I'm having a barbecue at m y house on
A What did you do?
Saturday evening. M y family is going
B Well, I decided to loo k on the internet for to be there- my sister and her husband
tickets. And I found sorne on a website. and my brother and his wife with their
They were a good price, so I bought two children, and sorne of m y friends are
tickets with my de bit card. coming, too. I hope it doesn't rain!
A Then what happened? Speaker 3 We're going away next
B Well, when I paid for them, I got this weekend- to Paris! We're flying on
strange message. It said that there Friday after work and we aren't coming
were sorne technical problems with the back until Monday night because it's a
website and it wasn't possible for them long weekend. We're staying in a hotel
to send me the tickets electronically. But in the centre ofParis. I'm very excited
they said it wasn't a problem. They said a because it's rny first visit to France.
representative from the company would Speaker 4 Next weekend? We're going to
meet me next to the ticket office outside a concert on Friday night. A new band is
the stadium at seven o'dock, an hour playing- they're called The Spitfires and
befo re the match, and give me the tickets they're really good. We're getting the
in person. train into town and then we're meeting
A What did yo u do? sorne friends. We're going to the concert
B I went to the stadium at 7.00. But the together.
ticket office was closed. Nobody was Speaker S Next weekend is a very busy
there. No representative. No tickets. weekend forme because I'rn leaving
A Oh no. So you didn't see the match. horne. I'rn starting university at the end
B No, and I paid f. lOO for two tickets. I of September and I'rn renting a flat with
can't believe I was so stupid. sorne other students. I'm a bit nervous
about it. I don't know what it's like living
away frorn home.
How do you spell it?
a 3 I'm not Henry. a Across: 3 Mexico THE ALPHABET
4 You aren't a teacher. 6 Japan 3 G
5 I'mMaria. Down: 2 Spain 4 H
6 You're in my class. 4 England 5 e
7 !'m in room 4. 5 China 6 y
8 You aren't Carlos.
b 2 France 7 o
b 3 I'mnotSam. 3 Italy 8 T
4 I'm not in class 2. 4 the United S tates
5 AmI in room 4? 5 Russia VOCABULARY
6 AreyouLiz? 6 Turkey a 2 laptop
7 I'm nota student. 7 Poland 3 pen
8 Are you in class 7? 8 Egypt 4 table
e 2 Are you, l'm not 9 Germany 5 door
3 I'm, !'m 6 chair
4 I'm, I'mnot GRAMMAR 7 window
5 Areyou,Iam a 3 She's 8 dictionary
6 l'n1, I'm 4 He's b 2 Loo k
7 amI, you aren't 5 It's 3 Open
8 Are you, I am 6 She's 4 understand
7 He's 5 spell
a 3 nine b 's
4 one 2 's, Is, is CHECKING INTO A HOTEL
5 three 3 Is, isn't, 's 2 reservation
6 two 4 Is, isn't, 's 3 na me
7 eight 4 spell
e 3 Is Salma Hayek from Mexico?
8 SlX 5 surname
Yes, she is. She's from Veracruz.
9 seven 6 room
4 Is Naples in Turkey?
10 zero
No, it isn't. It's in Italy.
11 five
5 Is Copacabana beach in Brazil? BOOKING ATABLE
b 2 Wednesday Yes, it is. It's in Rio. 2 e
3 Saturday 6 ls Lublin in Russia? 3 d
4 Tuesday No, it isn't. It's in Poland. 4 a
5 Sunday 7 Is Daniel Radcliffe from England? 5 e
6 Thursday Yes, he is. He's from London.
7 Friday 8 ls Geneva in France?
No, it isn't. It's in Switzerland.
PRONUNCIATION 9 Is Antonio Banderas from Spain?
Yes, he is. He's from Málaga.
a house: helio
bike: nice, write
10 Is Cardiffin the UK?
tree: me, meet
Yes, it is. It's in Wales. VOCABULARY
2 Japanese
a phone:two 4 Brazilian
a 2 I'm 5 Polish
snake: Mexico
3 You aren't
shower: Spain 6 Chinese
4 5 7 Russian
5 I'mnot
8 English
6 Tuesday 4 LISTENING 9 Mexican
2 Germany 10 Egyptian
3 Mexico 11 Turkish
4 Spain 12 American
5 Brazil 13 Swiss
6 Italy Mystery word: nationalities
7 Egypt
8 England
3 books
a jazz: Japanese, journalist, German a 2 fifteen
4 watehes
chess:French,teaeher 3 ninety
S emails
shower: Egyptian, Russian, Turkish 4 seventy
6 countries
S twelve
7 eities
GRAMMAR 6 ahundred
8 keys
a 3 They're late. 9 addresses
8 eleven
4 Cannen's in room 4. 10 laptops
9 forty
S I'm in class A.
10 thirteen e 3 What is it? It's a photo.
6 We're from Mexieo.
11 sixty 4 What are they? They're pens.
7 They're in Egypt.
S What is it? It's an ID eard.
8 You're a teaeher. b 2 19
6 What is it? It's a door.
3 38
b 3 aren't 7 What is it? It's atable.
4 59
4 isn't 8 What are they? They're jaekets.
S 72
S isn't
6 14
6 isn't
7 aren't
8 16 b brushes, watehes, classes
8 'mnot
9 23
9 aren't
10 isn't
e 2 e 2 a
e 3 Are they in class 1?
3 f 3 b
4 Where are you from?
4 a 4 b
S Are they from England?
S g S a
6 Is Fernanda ltalian?
6 d
7 Is Zurich in Switzerland?
7 h
8 What's your name?
8 b
d 3 b
4 h
S g
2 Davies
6 a
7 f Across: 3 map
S 15 North Road
8 d 4 bag
6 PY43JE
7 072 33608 S T-shirt
LISTENING 8 sdaví 6 keyring
2 T 7 flag
3 F 8 hat
4 F Down: 2 umbrella
a 2 this
Across: 2 wallet 4 these
4 wateh S That
6 mobile phone 6 These
GRAMMAR 9 umbrella
a 2 Whenis b 2 What is that?
10 bag
3 Where's 3 This isn't your book.
Down: 1 glasses
4 Howare 4 Those are m y posteards.
3 photo
S What's S Are those your keys?
S eredit card
6 Whereare 6 These aren't my photos.
7 ID eard
7 Whereare 7 Is that your friend?
8 tablet
8 Howoldis 8 Where is this from?
9 What's
b 2 How do yo u spell your surname?
1 3 a
3 What's your address? a 2 keys
4 a
4 What's your (home) phone number? 3 posteard
S an
S What's your mobile number? 6 a
6 What's your email? 7 a LISTENING
7 How old are you? 8 a 2 T-shirt
8 Are you married? 9 an 3 pietures
10 a 4 maps
S lS
e 2 Charlotte's husband b 2 a Spanish dictionary
3 Mark's sister 3 very easy exercises
Can 1have an orange juice, please? 4 Richard's daughter 4 a very long film
S Ana'sson S green windows
UNDERSTANDING PRICES 6 William's wife 6 very big umbrellas
a 2 pounds 7 Sarah 's father 7 anold phone
3 dollars 8 Roberto's mother 8 nicepeople
4 p 1pence
d 3 Possessive
4 LS
6 pounds
S Possessive a 2 flag
b 2 fifteen pounds 6 15 3 old
3 fifty-nine euros 7 15 4 good
4 ninety-nine p 1pence 8 Possessive S family
S one dallar and eighty-nine cents 6 brown
6 seven euros twenty- five
7 four pounds seventy
a 2 Thursday I.JSTENING
8 nineteen dollars and eighty-five cents
3 na me 2 a
4 m en 3 b
b snake: cent, pence
key: coffee, picture
2 F
3 T
2 D S T
3 E 6 F
s e
a Across: 3 coffee
6 butter
7 sugar
8 pasta
9 pota toes
Down: 2 cheese
3 cereal
VOCABULARY a 2 Amelia's coat is black. 4 fish
a 2 girl 3 His bag is brown. S bread
3 wornen 4 Gabriel's T-shirt is blue.
4 m en S The board is white. b 3 tea
S friend 6 Their house is green. 4 pasta
6 children 7 Her umbrella is yellow. 5 vegeta bies
7 people 8 His hat is orange. 6 milk
7 meat
b 2 father b 2 slow 8 potatoes
3 husband 3 expensive 9 water
4 mother 4 old 10 a sandwich
5 daughter S short 11 chocolate
6 brother 6 good 12 orange juice
7 son 7 tall
8 sister 8 beautiful PRONUNCIA.TION
e 1 old cereal, po.t;!toes, vegetables, chocolate,
GRAMMAR 2 expensive breakfast, sandwich, sausages, y,Qghurt
a 3 his 3 tal!
e 2 get
4 she 4 difficult
3 Japan
S its 5 beautiful
4 pasta
6 we 6 cheap
S green
7 your
8 they 6 Germany
b 2 your a 2 It's a very expensive camera.
3 his 3 They're very good children.
4 her a 2 don't have
4 That's a cheap phone.
5 our 3 drink
5 M y house has a red door.
6 4 don'teat
my 6 It's a beautiful day.
7 its 5 don't drink
7 l have a new tablet.
8 Their 6 eat
8 These watches are nice.l
7 have f eat
These are nice watches.
8 don'tlike
b 2 don'thave PRONUNCIATION
3 drink b finishes, watches
4 don't like What time is it?
5 don'thave
7 don'tdrink a 2 o'clock a 2 doctor
3 fifteen 3 nurse
4 quarter 4 shop assistant
USTENING 5 ten 5 retired
A 6 6 twenty 6 taxi driver
C4 7 twenty-five 7 factory worker
D3 8 five 8 student
E 2 9 waiter
b quarter
F 5 Mystery word: receptionist
2 What,have
3 it, It's b 2 home
4 Excuse, don't 3 university
4 newspaper
2 l,our 6 restaurant
GRAMMAR 3 *now 7 street
a 2 Doyouwant 4 lisl'en 8 hospital
3 Dotheylike 5 two
4 Doyouhave 6 We4nesday PRONUNCIATION
5 Doyoudrink 7 wflat a 2 journalist
6 Doyouhave 8 write 3 nurse
7 Do you need a new 4 thirsty
b 2 don't VOCABULARY 5 university
3 Do 2 hungry
4 do 3 She'scold liSTENING
5 Do 4 She's thirsty
2 e
6 don't 5 He's tired
3 a
7 Do 4 e
8 do 5 b

2 have
3 watch GRAMMAR
4 speak a 2 likes
5 eat 3 listens
4 doesn't speak
7 want a 2 finish
5 doesn't drink
8 listen to 3 go
6 lives
9 work 4 have
7 doesn't like
10 live 5 do
8 doesn't listen
6 make
9 speaks
7 watch
READING 10 drinks
8 go
a 2 Where are yo u from? b 2 works
3 Are you married? b have: breakfast, a coffee, lunch, a sandwich
3 doesn't work
4 Do you have children? go: to the gym, home, to school, to work
5 Which airline do you work for? 5 doesn't speak e 2 go
6 Do you like your job? 6 has 3 go
7 studies 4 getup
PRONUNCIATION 8 watches 5 have
a 2 who 9 doesn't understand 6 go
3 radio 10 thinks 7 do
11 doesn't want 8 watch
9 have
liSTENING e 2 Do
10 ha ve f eat
2 four 3 don't
11 go
3 train 4 do
4 tea 5 Do
5 at the weekend 6 do
7 do
8 Do
9 do es
10 Do es
11 doesn't
a 3 study X 2 go
4 student.! 3 go,beach
What's the date?
5 you./ 4 travel MONTHS
6 your.! 5 walk
2 M ay
7 music ./ 6 play, piano
3 February
8 newspaper .! 7 relax
4 October
9 hurry X 8 swim
5 August
10 yellow ./
6 December
GRAMMAR a 2 when 8 June
a 2 Yasmin usually goes to school by bus. 3 town 9 September
3 You never do housework. 4 be a eh 10 April
4 They sometimes have fish for dinner. 5 hockey 11 November
5 Andy always has lunch at home. 12 July
6 I never watch TV in the morning. LISTENING
7 We sometimes go shopping at the ORDINAL NUMBERS
2 F
3 T a 2 twentieth
8 They usually have coffee for breakfast.
4 F 3 fourth
b 2 sometimes reads 5 T 4 thirty-first
3 always watches 6 F 5 fifth
4 usual!y gets up 6 ninth
5 always goes 7 third
6 usually reads 8 twelfth
7 sometimes watches 9 eighth
8 never gets up 10 sixth

GRAMMAR b 2 eleventh
LISTENING 3 eighteenth
a 3 Go
2 T 4 fifteenth
4 Don'tbuy
3 T 5 twenty-fourth
5 Don'teat
4 F 6 sixteenth
6 sit
5 F
7 Don'tuse
6 T
9 don'tworry a 2 h
10 Listen 3 a
4 e
b 2 her
5 g
3 us
6 e
4 yo u
5 them
8 b
2 handball 6 it
3 table tennis 7 him e 2 1st November
4 archery 8 them 3 2nd)une
5 ice hockey 4 18th December
5 31st October
GRAMMAR 6 4thAugnst
2 comedy
a 2 How old is our teacher? 3 drama
3 Where do es your brother work? 4 animation 4 TALKING ON THE PHONE
4 Does Emma speak French? 5 western 2 B Hello, is that Dave Freeman?
5 Do you have a big family? 6 horror 3 A Yes, it is. Who's that?
6 Is your girlfriend from Italy? 4 B This is Gloria Webster, from the New
7 What time does she go to work? York office.
8 Are Tim and Julia on holiday? 5 A Hi Gloria. Listen, now isn't a good
a 2 MyFairLady
time. I'm in a meeting. Can I cal! you
b 2 What 3 Titanic
3 How 4 West S id e Story
6 B Yes, no problem. Call me on this
4 When 5 Casablanca
number this afternoon.
5 How
7 A OK. S peak later. Bye.
7 When
2 F
e 2 do
3 F
3 Is
4 T
4 Does
5 T
5 are
6 T
6 do es
7 T
7 is
8 F
8 Do
b 2 cycling b 2 They're booking tickets.
3 shopping 3 She's leaving the house.
4 driving 4 She's buying presents.
GRAMMAR S travelling S They're staying in a hotel.
a 2 You can't swim 6 listening 6 He's renting a car.
3 Yo u can change 7 cooking 7 She's packing a suitcase.
4 Yo u can drink 8 walking 8 She's wearing a coa t.
S Youcaneat 9 studying 9 He's carrying a suitcase.
6 You can't listen 10 swimming 10 He's phoning home.
b 2 Canweswim 11 He's arriving ata hotel.
e 2 He doesn't like driving to work.
3 Canwewatch 12 She's waiting for a flight.
3 M y brother likes running.
4 Can I sit
4 M y mum hates shopping.
S Canyouplay LISTENING
S I !ove making dinner for m y family.
6 Canlread
6 M y sister hates flying. 2 athome
7 M y dad likes listening to classical music. 3 doing their homework
PRONUNCIATION 8 M y children don't like studying at the 4 doing the housework
a 2 b weekend. S pasta
3 e 6 playing computer games
4 a PRONUNCIATBON 7 watchingTV
S b
a bull: good, look
6 e
boot: food, school, soon, too

2 take a photo
a Yes, she does.
3 have a coffee
4 pay by credit card b 2 F
S change money 3 T a 2 'mworking
6 swim 4 F 3 go
7 drive S F 4 is visiting
8 play football 6 F S 're learning
6 're studying
7 usually do
READING 8 're enjoying
a 1 e
2 B b 2 Do,live
3 A 3 is, wearing
4 'sworking
b 2 T GRAMMAR S do, get
3 F a + -ing: watching, working, studying 6 do,go
4 DS e+ -ing: making, using, writing 7 'm not reading
S F double consonant + -ing: running, sitting, 8 's raining
6 DS swimming
b 2 Are, using PRONUNCIATION
USTENING 3 're swimming a 2 quarter
2 ~30
4 'mgetting 3 bread
3 Mondays S is studying 4 meeting
4 ~13.7S 6 Is, working S clean
S tickets 7 're watching
6 garden 8 ismaking
9 Is, writing
10 Are, playing 2 jacket
3 jeans
4 shirt
a 1 get 6 skirt
VOCABULARY 2 book 7 suit
2 buying 3 le ave 8 sweater
3 cooking 4 buy 9 T-shirt
4 going S stay 10 trousers
S painting 6 rent
6 cycling 7 pack
7 watching 8 wear
9 carry 2 e
8 flying 3 e
10 phone
4 b
11 arrive
GRAMMAR 12 wait S e
a + -ing: parking, playing, studying 6 a
e+ -ing: driving, making, writing

double consonant + -ing: shopping,
swimming, travelling
a chair: their, there, wear, where 2 at the beach
Would you like to come? ear: beer, here, near, year 3 in acar
4 in a restaurant
4 VOC.ABUlARY 5 atwork
a 2 time
3 It 2 on the bed.
4 like 3 inthecup.
5 Let's 4 It's under the bed.
6 se e 5 It's on the chair 1under the towel.
7 Are 6 It's in the suitcase 1under the T-shirt.
9 What USTENING 2 talk
10 sugar
2 F 3 want
b 2 G 3 T 4 arrive
3 B 4 T 5 book
4 A 5 F 6 like
5 D 6 F 7 help
6 E 7 T 8 start
7 F 8 T 9 decide

a 2 arrived
3 started
4 stopped
6 liked
a Across: 5 table a 3 He was ata restaurant last night.
7 lamp 4 We weren't at school yesterday. b 2 Clara didn't arrive last night.
8 remo te control 5 Were you at work last night? 3 They didn't open the window.
9 pillow 6 S he was at the airport yesterday evening. 4 John didn't loo k at his watch.
10 bed 7 Was he late yesterday? 5 We didn't travel by taxi.
Down: 2 bath 8 I wasn't in a hurry yesterday morning. 6 The film didn't start at 7.50.
3 cupboard 7 Max didn't cook meat for dinner.
b 3 Was Amy Winehouse American? No,
4 shower 8 Selena didn't book a ticket to Barcelona.
6 bathroom e 2 Did you walk to school?
4 Were Charles Dickens and Jarre Austen
b 2 swimming pool writers? Yes, they were. 3 When did you arrive in Spain?
3 restaurant 5 Was Carmen Miranda Brazilian? Yes, 4 Where did you work last year?
4 gift shop shewas. 5 Did Joe close the door?
5 garden 6 Were Monet and Matisse musicians? No, 6 What did you study yesterday?
6 gym they weren't. 7 O id they talk to the teacher?
7 carpark 7 Was Russell Crowe a teacher? No, he 8 What time did your class start?
8 reception wasn't. 9 O id you help Eva with her homework?
8 Were Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison 10 When did you decide to study economics?
GRAMMAR American? Yes, they were.
a 3 There's a e 2 were, was PRONUNCIATBON
4 There's a 3 Was, wasn't b needed, rented
5 There are some 4 Were, weren't
6 There's a 5 was, was liSTENING
7 There'sa 6 Were, weren't
2 T
8 There are some 3 F
b 2 There aren't any pillows in the cupboard. VOCABUlARY 4 F
3 There aren't any lamps in the room. 2 They were in the park. 5 F
4 There isn't a restaurant on the first floor. 3 He was at work. 6 T
5 There isn't a swimming pool in the 4 They were in bed. 7 F
garden. 5 He was in the street. 8 T
6 There aren't any towels in the bathroom. 6 S he was at home.
e 3 Are there any toilets? Yes, there are.
4 Is there a swimming pool? Yes, there is. 3READING
5 Are there any gift shops? No, there aren't. a Hugh Jackman. He wasn't a teacher. He was
6 Are there any lifts? Yes, there are. a teaching assistant.
7 Is there a gym? Yes, there is.
b 1 J.K. Rowling
8 Is there a garden? No, there isn't.
2 Sylvester Stallone
3 Hugh Jackman
4 BrianMay

5 Stephen King
VOCABULARY a 2 left, straight, left j comer 3 F
3 right, right, right 4 T
2 has
4 on, left, corner 5 T
3 have
5 gym 6 F
4 go
5 gets
6 has
7 gets
8 do
9 have
10 go
11 goes
12 do 2 leave a 2 tonight
3 say 3 tomorrow
4 se e 4 tomorrow night
5 send 5 The day after tomorrow
a 2 had 6 sit 6 nextweek
3 went 7 tell 7 nextmonth
4 had 8 write
5 went b tonight
6 had 2 tomorrow
7 went PRONUNCIATION 3 the day after tomorrow
8 went horse: saw 4 nextweek
9 had phone: told 5 Nextmonth
10 did egg: left, said, sent
11 went GRAMMAR
b 3 Marisa didn't do housework on Sunday. GRAMMAR
a 2 is, getting married
4 Did yo u get up late this morning? a 2 asked
3 aren't having
5 I didn't have breakfast today. 3 did
4 'remaking
6 Alisan didn't get up early yesterday. 4 gotup
5 is meeting
7 Did yo u do your homework last night? 5 went
6 'm not going out
8 Did Peter go to the gym on Tuesday? 6 had
7 are, doing
7 rented
e 1 had 8 isn't coming
8 stayed
2 Did, go, didn't, had, went 9 'mleaving
9 visited
3 did, get, got 10 are, staying
10 waited
4 Did, do, did, did
b 2 are yo u staying
5 did, do, got, went, did b 2 arrived
3 We're sleeping
6 Did, get, didn't, got 3 had
4 Are you driving
4 waited
5 we'regoing
5 stayed
liSTENING 6 are yo u leaving
6 went
2 bus 7 !'m not working
7 asked
3 late 8 are you coming back
8 did
4 time
9 visited
5 fruit 10 rented READING
6 meeting a 2 A
7 chicken e 2 I didn't like the food in that restaurant.
3 We saw a good film last night. 3 e
4 D
4 You didn't cal! me yesterday.
5 D
5 Why did you buy a new car?
6 B
6 They booked the tickets online.
7 He sent me a text this morning.
8 Did you go to work by train yesterday? PRONUNCIATION
ls there a bank near here?
9 S he didn't want a coffee. a tree: cheap, dream, eat, le ave
SAVING WHERE PlACES ARE 10 Can you tell me your address? egg: jealous, sweater, weather
2 between d 2 Itwas train: great
3 opposite 3 I ate
4 nextto 4 didyouhave LISTENING
5 on the corner 5 Ibought 2 a
6 between 6 Did you drive 3 e
7 opposite 7 I got 4 d
8 did yo u leave 5 b
9 The taxi came
10 I didn't sleep
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