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All About Cats

Cats are amazing animals! They belong to the "feline" (猫科) family, which includes tigers, lions,
and leopards. But the cats we usually talk about are the ones we keep as pets. These cats are
called "domestic cats" (家猫).

Domestic cats come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Some are fluffy, while others have short
hair. They can be white, black, orange, gray, or even a mix of many colors. Cats have sharp "claws"
(爪子) and strong "whiskers" (胡须). These help them catch small animals, like mice and birds,
which they sometimes like to chase.

One of the most interesting things about cats is how they move. Cats are very "agile" ( 灵 活 ),
which means they can jump high and land on their feet. This is because they have a special
"balance system" (平衡系统) in their ears. It helps them know which way is up, even when they
fall from a tall height. Cats also use their tails to help them balance.

Cats are known for their "purring" (咕噜咕噜声). When a cat is happy, it makes a soft, vibrating
sound. You can hear it when you hold a cat close to you. Cats also "meow" ( 喵喵叫) when they
want something, like food or attention. If a cat is upset or scared, it might "hiss" ( 嘶 嘶 声 ) or
"growl" (低吼).

Cats are also very clean animals. They use their tongues to "groom" ( 梳 理 ) their fur. Their
tongues are rough, almost like sandpaper. This helps them clean themselves and get rid of loose

In many homes, cats have their own special place to "nap" (小睡). Cats sleep a lot, sometimes up
to 16 hours a day! They like to find warm spots to curl up and rest. When they are awake, they
enjoy playing with toys or chasing bugs.

Cats can be wonderful pets because they are independent and don't need as much attention as
dogs. But they still like to be loved and cared for. If you have a cat, remember to give it plenty of
food, water, and playtime. And, of course, lots of love!

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

What is a common sound that cats make when they are happy?
a. Hiss
b. Growl
c. Purr
d. Meow
What helps cats balance when they jump and land?
a. Their tails
b. Their claws
c. Their whiskers
d. Their fur
What do cats use to groom themselves?
a. Their claws
b. Their tongues
c. Their teeth
d. Their ears
What do cats do when they are upset or scared?
a. Purr
b. Meow
c. Hiss
d. Nap
How many hours a day do cats sleep?
a. 5-6 hours
b. 8-9 hours
c. 10-12 hours
d. Up to 16 hours

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