DNA Extraction Lab Report Template

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Science Lab Report Template

Lab Partner(s):
Experiment: DNA Extraction

Aim: To investigate the universality of DNA by testing for its presence in two different plant species, onions and bananas.

Introduction: (What do you expect to learn?)

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material of all organisms, DNA is universal.

We find the same genes performing the same functions in all species living on Earth.

Since all living things contain DNA molecules we can safely extract it from a wide range

of living things including; Peas, Strawberries, Yeast, Bananas and Onions and even Liver

from the butchers.

This is what DNA looks like once it has been extracted.

Hypothesis: (Predict the outcome(s) of the experiment, must be in an “if…then format.)

 If DNA is universal then DNA in Onions and bananas will look the same

Materials: (What equipment and materials did you need for this lab assignment? Describe how any equipment was connected.
Also mention any special hardware or connections. List the name and amount of each item used.)

Procedures: (What steps did you take to accomplish this lab assignment?)

Data Recording: (Record the data that is required at each step of the lab: tables, charts, graphs, sketches, etc.)
Analysis: (Explain your data in words.)
Compare the Onion and the Banana DNA which you extracted. What are the similarities and differences?

Discussion: (Discuss what happened in the lab. Give details about the ease/difficulty of the steps. Explain the different steps
in extracting DNA, )

Conclusion: (What did you learn? What conclusions can you draw form the results of this lab assignment? Compare the
results of the experiment with your hypothesis.)

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