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Viola Stevens


The 2006 California gubernatorial election occurred on November 7 , 2006 .The basal
elections took topographic point on June 6 , 2006 .The incumbent Republican Governor ,
Arnold Schwarzenegger , won re-election for his get-go and only full-of-the-moon term .His
master opponent was CA State Treasurer Phil Angelides , the Golden State Democratic party
nominee .pecker Camejo was the California Green party nominee , Janice Jordan was the
Peace and Freedom company campaigner , Art Laurence Olivier was the California
Libertarian Party nominee , and Edward C. Noonan was the California American
Independent party campaigner .Under the land constitution , the regulator serves a four-
year terminus , with a uttermost or minimal term limit of two four-year terminal figure for
spirit , regardless of whether or not they are successive or nonconsecutive .Arnold
Schwarzenegger was elected in a 2003 recall election and served out the rest of predecessor
Gray Davis 's terminal figure ending in 2007 ; Schwarzenegger was therefore eligible to
serve until 2011 .As of 2024 , this along with the concurrent indemnity Commissioner
election was the cobbler's last time Republican River won a statewide election in California
and marked the shoemaker's last metre a Republican was officially elected California
Governor as well as the go election in which a California governor and lieutenant governor
of opposite political party were elected .passing polls showed Schwarzenegger won Patrick
Victor Martindale White people ( 63 % –32 % ) and Asian-Americans ( 62 % –37 % ) , while
Angelides won African-Americans ( 70 % –27 % ) and Latino ( 56 % –39 % ) .== Primary
elections ( June 6 , 2006 ) == Bar graph of statewide results Results by county The stop for
candidate nominating address closed on March 24 , 2006 .=== democratic === ====
Candidates ==== Phil Angelides – California DoS treasurer ; former State Democratic
chairperson and developer Barbara Becnel – executive director Director of neck of the
woods business firm of North capital of Virginia ; laminitis of Save Stanley Tookie Williams
campaign Joe Brouilette – high up schoolhouse teacher Edie Bukewihge – writer and
publisher Jerald Gerst – physician Vibert Henry Graham Greene – engineer frankfurter
Macaluso – checkup Doctor Michael Strimling – attorney Steve Westly – California State
Controller ; old internet administrator The two front-runners for the popular nomination
were Angelides and CA State Controller Steve Westly .A pre-election poll had Westly leading
Angelides by six percentage pointedness .The field of battle Poll conducted on April 17 ,
2006 , showed that both Democratic prospect had low acknowledgment factors amongst the
state 's electorate , with only 45 % having any opinion on Angelides and 40 % for Westly .Of
file Democrats surveyed , 59 % said they did n't know enough about Angelides to have any
opinion about him , with 58 % saying the Lapp for Westly .The Los Angeles clip reported
that the airstream for the Democratic nomination was a virtual tie , with Angelides leading
Westly by three percentage points ( 37 % –34 % ) , within the 3 % border of
erroneousness .Unusually , 28 % of popular elector were undecided , and both candidates
tried to earn the on the fence vote .Angelides reported a Recent increase in support for his
military campaign and gained union funding as well as support from the `` core '' liberal
constituency .The Calif. Democratic Party endorsed him prior to the primary coil , despite
most public opinion poll showing that Westly would get along much better against
Schwarzenegger in the general election .However , many registered populist believed that
Westly had a neat luck of winning against incumbent governor Schwarzenegger and felt that
he had a slightly `` more convinced '' paradigm .In the end , Angelides won 47.9 % of the
vote to Westly 's 43.4 % .The outturn for the primary , was a disk downhearted 33.6 % , far
below the 38 % predicted by the writing table of state of matter , with the rig of valid ballots
cast on election day at 28 % .==== Polling ==== ==== Results ==== === Republican ===
==== prospect ==== Jeffrey suntan – general contractor Bill sleeping accommodation –
railroad line switchman Robert C. John Henry Newman II – psychologist and farmer Arnold
Schwarzenegger – incumbent regulator of CA Republican Schwarzenegger faced token
opponent and won overwhelmingly in the basal held on June 6 , 2006 .==== Results ====
=== third parties === == general election == === Candidates === Phil Angelides
( democratic ) – California DoS Treasurer , Ex-State Democratic chairwoman & Developer
pecker Camejo ( green ) – 2002/2003 Green Party gubernatorial prospect , 2004 sovereign
vice presidential candidate ( Ralph Nader 's running mate ) Janice Hashemite Kingdom of
Jordan ( peace treaty and Freedom ) – 2004 Peace and exemption Party vice presidential
candidate ( Leonard Peltier 's running play mate ) Albert Edward C. Noonan ( American
Independent ) – computer workshop owner Art Olivier ( Libertarian ) – late mayor of
bellflower , 2000 Libertarian Party vice presidential prospect ( Harry Browne 's running
mate ) Matthew Arnold Schwarzenegger ( Republican ) – incumbent regulator of Golden
State , actor , businessman === Campaign === Schwarzenegger 's decision to call the 2005
special election , as well as his proffer dealing with teachers ' and nurse ' unions and other
political missteps , brought his favorable reception rating down to 39 % by Apr 2006 ,
though he ended up solidly defeating his opponents .During his first two years , he came
under fire from some conservatives for supporting several taxes on Californians , and from
some liberals for refusing to sign up a card allowing sunny marriage , and his funding for
respective controversial suggestion in 2005 .Later , Schwarzenegger 's popularity with
elector rebounded and he won reelection by a wide margin .=== Predictions === ===
Polling === === Results === ==== termination by county ==== upshot showed
Schwarzenegger won 52 counties while Angelides won 6 ( Schwarzenegger won an absolute
bulk in 48 counties and a plurality in 4 counties while Angelides won an absolute bulk in 2
counties and a relative majority in 4 counties ) .Schwarzenegger won large majorities in CA
's rural counties , the populous Southern California counties of San Diego , orange tree ,
Riverside , San Bernardino , and Ventura , as well as populous Sacramento , Fresno , and
Jerome Kern counties in the central Valley .The final result were closely contested in Los
Angeles County and in embayment country suburban counties .Angelides won substantially
only in Alameda and San Francisco counties .==== Counties that flipped from Democratic to
republican ==== Contra Costa ( with child municipality : agreement ) Humboldt ( gravid
municipality : constantan ) imperial ( declamatory municipality : El Centro ) Lake ( largest
municipality : Clearlake ) Mendocino ( magnanimous municipality : Ukiah ) Monterey
( prominent municipality : Salinas ) Brassica rapa pekinensis ( tumid municipality : pe-tsai )
San Benito ( expectant municipality : Hollister ) Santa Clara ( largest municipality : San
Jose ) Solano ( largest municipality : Vallejo ) Sonoma ( orotund municipality : Santa Claus
Rosa ) Yolo ( declamatory municipality : Davis ) ==== Counties that flipped from Republican
to Democratic ==== Los Angeles ( prominent municipality : Los Angeles )

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