Reflection Paper About The Movie - The Impossible

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Reflection on "The Impossible"

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Reflection on "The Impossible"

"The Impossible" is a heart-wrenching film that depicts the harrowing true story of a

family's survival during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. As I watched the film I was struck

by the sheer devastation and chaos that unfolded on screen. The special effects were

incredibly realistic making me feel as though I was right there experiencing the disaster

alongside the characters.

One of the aspects of the film that stood out to me was the strong sense of family and

resilience displayed by the main characters. Despite being separated during the tsunami the

family members never lost hope of being reunited. This theme of hope and perseverance in

the face of adversity is a powerful message that resonated with me.

The film also shed light on the kindness and compassion of strangers in times of

crisis. The scenes depicting the local villagers coming together to help the survivors were

particularly moving. It served as a reminder of the importance of community and empathy in

times of need.

Overall "The Impossible" left a lasting impact on me. It made me reflect on the

fragility of life and the strength of the human spirit. It reminded me to cherish my loved ones

and to never take anything for granted. The film's emotional depth and powerful storytelling

make it a must-watch for anyone looking to be moved and inspired.

In conclusion "The Impossible" is a gripping film that will stay with me for a long

time. It serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of

unimaginable tragedy.


Bayona, J. (Director). (2012). The Impossible [Film]. Summit Entertainment.

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