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Adventuring Mice

Mausritters who go out in the world learn how to adventure in a myriad of ways. The classes listed
here give additional options to players on how to advance their character. The system works within the
existing rule structures of the game as well as recontextualizes an existing mechanic. When a mouse gains a
level, their player can roll a d8 for a random class and gain its class talent or select one that appeals to

Level Hit Dice Talent Experience Points d8 Class Talent

1 1d6 0 0 1 Fighter Grit
2 2d6 1 1000 2 Bard Melody
3 3d6 2 3000 3 Cleric Channel
4 4d6 2 6000 4 Druid Shape
5+ 4d6 3 +5000 5 Paladin Aegis
6 Ranger Kit
7 Rogue Skill
8 Wizard Arcane

Beneath the name of each class is a list of three titles. These can be given to a mouse for each point
of Talent they have, in the order listed, if you wish to use them. A level 1 mouse is known as an Adventurer.

If a mouse chooses to mix and match classes each type of talent counts towards the total. Feel free
to invent new titles for multi-classed mice! An example might be a level 3 Minstral (1 Bard - 1 Ranger) mouse
has one Melody and one Kit.
Brawler - Warrior - Knight

A Fighter mouse has Grit. Through clenched teeth and sheer determination fighting
mice endure. Most Mausritters are fighting mice.
For each point of Grit you have, you may place one condition into a Grit space on
your character sheet. Once placed into a Grit space, the effects of the condition are
ignored, but cannot be removed until cleared.

Lyrist - Troubadour - Skald

A Bard mouse is Melodic. With the strumming of strings, the beat of drums,
or whistle of a flute, bardic mice are able to inspire courage in their allies or
fear in their enemies.
For each point of Melody you have, you may place one Song into a Melody
space on your character sheet. When you play a song, you can add the effect
of a song in a Melody space to that song, choosing the same or a different
creature. A song placed into a Melody space can only be removed at the end
of a Full rest.

Acolyte - Vicar - Abbot/ess

A Cleric mouse can Channel. With one hand a clerical mouse can relieve the aches
and pains of their allies. With the other they can pass the same to their foes.
For each point of Channel you have, you may use your action to move one condition
from any creature you touch into a Channel space on your character sheet. You may
also use your action to move one condition from a Channel space on your character
sheet to any creature you touch. A condition in a Channel space affects your mouse
as if it was otherwise in an inventory space.

Weremouse - Shifter - Yaksha

A mouse Druid can change Shape. On the wing or underground a

druidic mouse knows the shape of friends and can speak their tongues.
For each point of Shape you have, you know how to transform into one
creature. Place a shape token into the Shape space on your character
sheet as a reminder. During a Turn you can transform into a creature of
a similar size to you, whose shape you know. While changed, items that
your shape can’t use are inaccessible.
Gallant - Champion - Guardian

A mouse Paladin has Aegis. With steel and bravery a paladin mouse deflects blows
from themselves and allies.
For each point of Aegis you have, you can prevent one damage to a creature you
touch each Turn or Round of combat.

Runner - Guide - Pathfinder

A Ranger mouse adds to their Kit. With much travel beneath their feet and gear
in their pack, ranging mice know how to make repairs and extend the life of their
equipment in the wilds.
For each point of Kit you have, you may place one item into a Kit space on your
character sheet. An item in a Kit space takes time to retrieve when under pressure.
While in combat, your mouse must use an action (instead of attacking) to find an
item in their Kit. At the end of a Long rest you can clear a usage dot from an
item for each point of Kit you have.

Scout - Footpad - Sharper

A Rogue mouse is Skilled. By gathering experiences in their career, roguish mice learn
ways to converse with others and avoid certain death.
For each point of Skill you have, you know one rogue skill. Place the skill token into the
Skill space on your character sheet as a reminder. At the end of a Full rest you can
change what skill you know.

Medium - Magician - Sorcerer

A mouse Wizard is Arcane. With the ability to absorb the living spirits of spells
wizardly mice know how to release its energy without its obsidian prison.
For each point of Arcane you have, you may place one Spell into an Arcane space on
your character sheet, creating a blank spell tablet in your inventory. At the end of a
long rest you can clear a usage dot from a Spell in an Arcane space for each point of
Arcane you have. A Spell in an Arcane slot works as if it is in a paw. A Spell can only
be moved from an Arcane space onto a blank spell tablet at the end of a Full rest.
Class Choices
To play a song, your mouse holds and plays a musical instrument.
When starting to play a magical song choose a creature to receive its effect and roll a d6. On a value
of 4, 5, or 6, mark one usage of the instrument. For each Turn or Round or combat your mouse plays the
song you can choose to target a different creature. Any effects or conditions given by a song stop when you
stop playing.

1. Peace - a creature who can hear the song must make a WIL save or take the Mellow condition.
2. Sorrow - a creature who can hear the song must make a WIL save or take the Frightened condition.
3. Gust - a creature must make a STR save or be knocked down and away.
4. Truth - a creature who can hear the song must make a WIL save or cannot lie.
5. Encouragement - a creature who can hear the song gets advantage on their next attack.
6. Enthralling - a creature who can hear the song must make a WIL save or be immobile.
7. Mockery - a creature who can hear the song gets disadvantage on their next attack.
8. Bolstering - a creature who can hear the song gets a +2 bonus to an attribute.
9. Stumbling - a creature who can hear the song must make a DEX save or fall down.
10. Secrets - a creature who can hear the song can understand a message otherwise hidden in its lyrics.
11. Reflection - a creature who can hear the song and attacks you takes the damage as well.
12. Speed - a creature who can hear the song doubles their speed

Selling Songs - If unwanted, a song can usually be sold for 200p in a settlement.

Druid Shapes
Examples of the shapes a mouse can choose to take.

1. Bird - Can Fly and speak to other birds.

2. Frog - Can Swim and speak to fish and amphibians.
3. Mole - Can burrow and “see” in the dark.
4. Bat - Can Fly and echolocate.
5. Spider - Can climb on any surface and excrete sticky webs.
6. Lizard - Can climb up walls, has 1 armor, and speak to lizards.

Rogue Skills
1. Sneak Attack - You deal d6 additional damage against surprised creatures.
2. Silent Paws - The sound of your footsteps cannot be detected.
3. Precision - You ignore 1 armor when attacking an armored creature.
4. Detection - You roll WIL Saves to detect dangers with Advantage.
5. Evade - You roll critical damage Saves with Advantage.
6. Chitterchat - You can converse with bugs.
7. Birdsong - You can converse with birds.
8. Split-tongue - You can converse with lizards.
9. Saylin - You can converse with amphibians.
10. Insight - You roll WIL Saves to discern intention with Advantage.
11. Climber - You are able to throw and climb on ropes with ease.
12. Danger Sense - You can avoid non-combat damage by succeeding on a DEX Save.
13. Sleight of Hand - WIL saves are at a disadvantage to see you move an item in or out of your paws.
14. Lockpicking - You roll DEX Saves to unlock doors and chests with Advantage.
Writing - A. Frank
Art - Piotr “QBR” Kuberkiewicz (

Isaac Williams (Losing Games) for Mausritter
Hugh Lashbrooke for his version of Mouse Classes
Paul Garside (Rosenkavalier) for A Little Knowledge…
Fonts used: Oleo Script and Josefin Sans

“Mouse Classes” is an independent production by A Frank Publication and is not affiliated with Losing
Games. It is published under the Mausritter Third Party License.

Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.

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