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This chapter focuses mainly on the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data obtained

from the questionnaire retrieved from the respondents, likewise, discussion on the focus

group interview were included in this chapter. The result of data analyses based on the

research objectives are presented in this chapter. 101 respondents were sampled; they

returned fully completed questionnaires, which were used for data analysis, giving a response

rate of about 100%. The questionnaire was structured taking into consideration, the research

questions. Simple frequencies, percentage and tables were used to present the data obtained

from respondents.

Table 4.1: Demographic Information of employees of Adron Homes and Properties


Variables Responses Frequency Percentage

(N=101) (%)
Age 18 – 24 years 7 6.9
25 – 34 years 54 53.5
35 – 44 years 35 34.7
45 – 54 years 5 5.0
Gender Male 50 49.5
Female 51 50.5
Position in the organization Entry-level 11 10.9
Mid-level 20 19.8
Senior-level 23 19.8
Managerial 36 35.6
Executive 11 10.9
Years of experience in the industry 1-4 years 78 77.2
5-10 years 20 19.8
10 years and above 3 3.0
The demographic information of employees at Adron Homes and Properties Limited, as
presented in Table 4.1, reveals several key insights into the workforce composition.
Regarding age distribution, the majority of employees fall within the 25-34 years category,
accounting for 53.5% of the sample, followed by the 35-44 years group at 34.7%. A smaller
percentage of employees are distributed across the 18-24 years and 45-54 years age ranges,
constituting 6.9% and 5.0% of the workforce, respectively. Gender representation is
relatively balanced, with a slightly higher proportion of female employees (50.5%) compared
to males (49.5%). In terms of position within the organization, a significant portion of
employees hold managerial roles (35.6%), followed by senior-level positions (19.8%) and
mid-level positions (19.8%). Entry-level and executive positions comprise smaller
proportions of the workforce at 10.9% each. Regarding experience in the industry, the
majority of employees have 1-4 years of experience (77.2%), while 5-10 years of experience
is reported by 19.8% of employees. Only a small percentage of employees (3.0%) have 10
years and above of industry experience.

Research Question One: What are the sales promotional tools/strategies used by Adron

Figure 4.1 and Table 4.2 below showed the responses of the employees of Adron Homes and
Properties Limited on the various sales promotional tools/strategies used at this Company.
Referral programs 89

Bundling deals 21
Sales Promotiion Tools/Strategies

Loyalty programs 34

Contests or giveaways 49

Free gifts or incentives 72

Limited-time offers 41

Coupons or vouchers 68

Discounts or price reductions 91

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 4.1: Sales Promotional Tools/Strategies Used by Adron Homes

Adron Homes incorporates a variety of sales promotion tools and strategies into its marketing
endeavors, as evidenced by the responses gathered. The most prevalent approach utilized by
the company is discounts or price reductions, with 91 respondents indicating its usage.
Following closely are referral programs and free gifts or incentives, cited by 89 and 72
respondents, respectively. Coupons or vouchers are also frequently employed, with 68
respondents acknowledging their use. Limited time offers and contests or giveaways are
utilized to a slightly lesser extent, with 41 and 49 respondents mentioning them, respectively.
Loyalty programs are embraced by 34 respondents as part of the company's marketing
strategy. However, bundling deals appear to be employed less frequently, as indicated by
only 21 respondents. This comprehensive array of sales promotion tools and strategies
highlights Adron Homes' multifaceted approach to marketing, aimed at attracting and
retaining customers through various incentives and promotional activities.

Discussion of findings

Adron Homes, a prominent real estate company, employs a diverse array of sales promotion
tools and strategies to bolster its marketing efforts and attract potential customers. One of the
primary approaches adopted by the company is the use of discounts or price reductions. This
tactic aligns with the findings of Smith and Albers (2019), who emphasized the effectiveness
of price discounts in stimulating consumer interest and driving sales. By offering reduced
prices, Adron Homes creates a sense of urgency and encourages customers to make
purchasing decisions promptly, thereby increasing sales volumes and revenue.

Additionally, Adron Homes leverages referral programs as part of its sales promotion
strategy, a tactic acknowledged by 89 respondents. Referral programs have been widely
recognized as a powerful tool for customer acquisition and retention (Kumar & Trivedi,
2020). By incentivizing existing customers to refer new clients, Adron Homes taps into the
power of word-of-mouth marketing, leveraging the trust and credibility established by
satisfied customers to expand its customer base.

Furthermore, the provision of free gifts or incentives is another key aspect of Adron Homes'
promotional efforts, as cited by 72 respondents. This approach is supported by research
conducted by Kim, (2021), who found that offering free gifts can positively influence
consumers' purchasing behavior and enhance brand perception. By offering complimentary
gifts or incentives, such as home appliances or discount vouchers, Adron Homes not only
incentivizes immediate purchases but also fosters goodwill and customer loyalty in the long

Moreover, the utilization of coupons or vouchers is a common practice employed by Adron

Homes, with 68 respondents acknowledging its usage. Coupons and vouchers have been
shown to be effective in attracting price-sensitive consumers and stimulating repeat purchases
(Ghose & Han, 2022). Adron Homes leverages these promotional tools to provide tangible
discounts to customers, thereby incentivizing them to take advantage of exclusive offers and
make favorable buying decisions.

Additionally, Adron Homes incorporates limited time offers into its promotional mix, a
strategy mentioned by 41 respondents. Limited time offers create a sense of urgency and
scarcity, prompting consumers to act quickly to secure discounted prices or incentives
(Scopelliti & Torsi, 2019). By leveraging the principle of scarcity, Adron Homes effectively
drives sales and encourages prospective buyers to capitalize on time-limited opportunities.

Table 4.2: Sales Promotion Tools/Strategies Considered as Influential on Consumer

Buying Behaviour
Sales Promotion Tools Frequency Percentage Scale (Highest to
(%) Lowest)
Discounts or price reductions 90 89.1 8
Free gifts or incentives 78 77.2 7
Referral programs 68 67.3 6
Limited time offers 66 65.3 5
Bundling deals 57 56.4 4
Contests or giveaways 55 54.5 3
Coupons or vouchers 54 53.5 2
Loyalty programs 54 53.5 1

The table illustrates the sales promotion tools and strategies perceived as most influential on
consumer buying behavior by respondents. Discounts or price reductions emerge as the most
impactful, with 90 respondents attributing significant influence on this strategy, representing
89.1% of the total. Following closely are free gifts or incentives, considered influential by 78
respondents, or 77.2%. Referral programs are also deemed influential, with 68 respondents
acknowledging their impact, representing 67.3%. Limited time offers and bundling deals are
considered influential by 66 and 57 respondents, respectively, accounting for 65.3% and
56.4% of the total. Meanwhile, contests or giveaways, coupons or vouchers, and loyalty
programs are perceived as less influential, each garnering responses from 55 to 54
respondents, indicating percentages ranging from 54.5% to 53.5%. This ranking provides
valuable insights into the relative effectiveness of different sales promotion tools and
strategies in shaping consumer purchasing behavior, aiding Adron Homes in optimizing its
marketing efforts to better resonate with its target audience.

Research Question Two: How does the implementation of sales promotion affect the
organizational performance at Adron Homes?

Table 4.2 below revealed the effect of sales promotion on organisational performance at
Adron homes.

Table 4.2: The Effect of Sales Promotion on Organisational Performance at Adron


Variables Frequency (N Percentage (%)

= 101)
In your opinion, how important are sales promotion strategies in contributing to the
organizational performance of Adron Homes?
Extremely Important 97 96.0
Moderately Important 3 3.0
Slightly Important 1 1.0
To what extent do you believe sales promotions contribute to the organization's revenue
Not at all 3 3.0
To a large extent 17 16.8
To a moderate extent 4 4.0
To a very large extent 78 77.2
From your perspective, what are the primary benefits of employing sales promotion
strategies for Adron Homes?
Increased sales revenue 22 21.8
Enhanced brand awareness 29 28.7
Customer acquisition and retention 36 35.6
Competitive advantage 14 13.9
How do you think Adron Homes' sales promotion strategies contribute to its long-term
sustainability and growth?
Positively 99 98.0
Negatively 0 0.0
No impact 2 2.0

The table presents insights into the perceived impact of sales promotion strategies on the
organizational performance of Adron Homes. The overwhelming majority of respondents,
constituting 96.0%, consider sales promotion strategies to be extremely important in
contributing to the company's performance. This underscores the significant role these
strategies play in driving business outcomes. Furthermore, when evaluating the extent to
which sales promotions contribute to revenue growth, 77.2% of respondents believe they
contribute to a very large extent, indicating the pivotal role of these strategies in driving
financial success. Moreover, respondents identify several primary benefits associated with
employing sales promotion strategies, including enhanced brand awareness, customer
acquisition and retention, increased sales revenue, and competitive advantage, reflecting the
multifaceted advantages these initiatives offer to the organization. Additionally, an
overwhelming majority of respondents, totaling 98.0%, perceive Adron Homes' sales
promotion strategies as contributing positively to its long-term sustainability and growth,
highlighting confidence in the effectiveness of these strategies in securing the company's
future success. Overall, the findings underscore the critical importance of sales promotion
strategies in driving organizational performance, revenue growth, and long-term
sustainability for Adron Homes.

Discussion of findings

The findings from the survey conducted at Adron Homes shed light on the profound impact
of sales promotion strategies on the organizational performance of the company. A staggering
96.0% of respondents emphasized the paramount importance of sales promotion strategies in
contributing to the company's overall performance. This overwhelming consensus echoes the
sentiments of researchers such as Kotler and Armstrong (2019), who posit that effective sales
promotion strategies are instrumental in enhancing a company's market presence and driving
business outcomes.

Furthermore, the data reveals that 77.2% of respondents believe that sales promotion
strategies contribute to revenue growth to a very large extent. This aligns with the findings of
Sheth and Sharma (2017), who argue that well-executed sales promotion initiatives have the
potential to significantly boost sales volumes and drive revenue growth for organizations. By
leveraging sales promotion strategies, Adron Homes can stimulate consumer demand,
increase market share, and ultimately enhance its financial performance.

Moreover, respondents identified several primary benefits associated with the implementation
of sales promotion strategies at Adron Homes. These benefits include enhanced brand
awareness, customer acquisition and retention, increased sales revenue, and competitive
advantage. These findings corroborate the research of Ailawadi et al. (2019), who emphasize
the role of sales promotion in building brand equity, attracting new customers, and fostering
customer loyalty. By effectively leveraging sales promotion strategies, Adron Homes can
differentiate itself from competitors, strengthen its brand reputation, and cultivate long-term
relationships with customers.
Additionally, an overwhelming majority of respondents, totaling 98.0%, perceive Adron
Homes' sales promotion strategies as contributing positively to its long-term sustainability
and growth. This resonates with the findings of Gupta et al. (2022), who argue that
sustainable growth requires a strategic approach to sales promotion that aligns with the
company's long-term objectives and values. By prioritizing sustainable sales promotion
practices, Adron Homes can ensure continued success and resilience in the face of market
challenges and uncertainties.
Research Question Three: What are the factors that promote and impair the effectiveness of
the sales promotion strategies of Adron Homes?

Table 4.3 below answered the research question three above, it showed the various factors
that can were used to promote and impair the effectiveness of the sales promotion strategies
of Adron Homes.

Table 4.3: Factors That Promote and Impair the Sales Promotion Strategies of Adron

Variables Frequency Percentage

(N = 101) (%)
What factors do you believe contribute to promoting the effectiveness of Adron Homes'
sales promotion strategies?
Deep understanding of customer preferences and needs 34 33.7
Proactive adjustment of promotions to align with market 17 16.8
Innovative and creative promotion design 27 26.7
Consistent and clear communication of promotions across 23 22.8
How important do you think understanding customer preferences is for the success of
Adron Homes' sales promotions?
Very Important 95 94.1
Important 2 2.0
Somewhat Important 1 1.0
Not Important 3 3.0
How much do you believe consistent and clear communication of promotions across
channels contributes to their effectiveness at Adron Homes?
Highly contributes 93 92.1
Contributes 3 3.0
Somewhat contributes 5 5.0
What are the main obstacles Adron Homes faces in executing successful sales promotions?
Budget constraints 29 28.7
Limited resources 23 22.8
Inadequate market research 15 14.9
Intense competition 34 33.7

The table outlines the factors that influence both the effectiveness and challenges of sales
promotion strategies at Adron Homes. Respondents identified several key factors
contributing to the promotion of the company's sales promotion strategies. A significant
proportion, constituting 33.7%, highlighted the deep understanding of customer preferences
and needs as a critical factor. Additionally, respondents emphasized the importance of
proactive adjustment of promotions to align with market trends (16.8%), innovative
promotion design (26.7%), and consistent communication across channels (22.8%) as factors
promoting the effectiveness of Adron Homes' sales promotion strategies. Notably, the
majority of respondents, accounting for 94.1%, viewed understanding customer preferences
as very important for the success of sales promotions, underscoring the significance of
customer-centric approaches in driving promotional effectiveness. Similarly, a high
percentage, totaling 92.1%, believed that consistent and clear communication of promotions
across channels significantly contributes to their effectiveness. However, respondents also
highlighted various obstacles faced by Adron Homes in executing successful sales
promotions. These obstacles include budget constraints (28.7%), limited resources (22.8%),
inadequate market research (14.9%), and intense competition (33.7%). These findings shed
light on the factors that both facilitate and hinder the success of sales promotion strategies at
Adron Homes, emphasizing the importance of leveraging customer insights, innovation, and
effective communication while addressing challenges such as budget limitations and market
competition to enhance promotional effectiveness.

Discussion of findings

The findings from the survey conducted at Adron Homes illuminate several factors that
contribute to the promotion and impairment of the company's sales promotion strategies.
Respondents identified a deep understanding of customer preferences and needs as a critical
factor promoting the effectiveness of Adron Homes' sales promotion strategies. This aligns
with the research of Kotler and Keller (2022), who emphasize the importance of customer-
centric marketing approaches in driving promotional success. By leveraging insights into
customer preferences, Adron Homes can tailor its promotions to resonate with target
audiences, enhance customer engagement, and drive sales.
Furthermore, respondents highlighted the proactive adjustment of promotions to align with
market trends as another important factor promoting the effectiveness of sales promotion
strategies. This echoes the findings of Gupta et al., (2021), who emphasize the need for
companies to adapt their promotional strategies in response to changing market dynamics and
consumer behavior. By monitoring market trends and consumer preferences, Adron Homes
can ensure that its promotions remain relevant and impactful, thereby maximizing their
effectiveness in driving business outcomes.

Innovative promotion design was also identified as a key factor promoting the effectiveness
of Adron Homes' sales promotion strategies. Research by Ailawadi et al., (2017) suggests
that innovative promotional tactics can capture consumer attention, differentiate the brand
from competitors, and drive sales. By exploring creative promotion ideas and unconventional
marketing approaches, Adron Homes can stand out in the crowded real estate market, attract
new customers, and foster brand loyalty.

Consistent communication across channels emerged as another critical factor promoting the
effectiveness of sales promotion strategies at Adron Homes. This finding resonates with the
research of Schultz and Kitchen (2019), who argue that integrated marketing communications
(IMC) play a crucial role in ensuring message consistency and maximizing promotional
impact. By coordinating promotional efforts across multiple channels, such as social media,
email marketing, and traditional advertising, Adron Homes can amplify its promotional
messages, reach a broader audience, and drive engagement and conversion.

However, respondents also identified various obstacles that impair the success of sales
promotion strategies at Adron Homes. These obstacles include budget constraints, limited
resources, inadequate market research, and intense competition. These findings underscore
the importance of overcoming internal and external challenges to effectively execute sales
promotion strategies. By investing in market research, allocating sufficient budgets, and
developing innovative strategies to outmaneuver competitors, Adron Homes can mitigate
these obstacles and enhance the effectiveness of its sales promotion efforts.
Research Question Four: How does Adron Homes assess the success of their sales
promotion strategies?

rate Increase in
22% sales revenue

Return on 14%

Figure 4.2: How Adron Evaluates the Success of Sales Promotions

The pie chart above presents the methods employed by organizations to evaluate the success
of sales promotions. Among the respondents, a notable proportion of 28.0% identified an
increase in sales revenue as the primary metric for assessing the effectiveness of sales
promotions. This indicates a focus on the tangible financial impact of promotional activities
on overall sales performance. Additionally, 14.0% of respondents reported relying on
customer feedback to evaluate the success of sales promotions, highlighting the importance
of gauging customer satisfaction and perception to inform promotional strategies. Moreover,
a significant portion, comprising 36.0%, emphasized return on investment (ROI) as a key
evaluation criterion, underscoring the significance of measuring the profitability and
efficiency of promotional initiatives. Lastly, 22.0% of respondents mentioned evaluating the
customer acquisition rate as a metric for assessing the success of sales promotions, indicating
a focus on expanding the customer base and attracting new clientele through promotional
efforts. These findings illustrate the diverse approaches utilized by organizations to assess the
effectiveness and impact of sales promotions, incorporating both financial metrics and
customer-centric indicators to evaluate promotional success comprehensively.

Discussion of findings

The findings from the survey conducted at Adron Homes shed light on the various metrics
and approaches employed by the company to evaluate the success of its sales promotions. A
notable proportion of respondents identified an increase in sales revenue as the primary
metric for assessing promotional effectiveness. This aligns with the research of Vakratsas and
Ambler (2019), who argue that sales growth is a fundamental indicator of the success of
promotional activities. By tracking changes in sales revenue before, during, and after
promotional campaigns, Adron Homes can quantify the direct impact of promotions on
overall business performance, revenue generation, and market share expansion.

Additionally, a significant percentage of respondents reported relying on customer feedback

to evaluate the success of sales promotions. This finding resonates with the customer-centric
approach advocated by Farris et al. (2019), who emphasize the importance of understanding
customer perceptions, preferences, and behaviors in assessing promotional effectiveness. By
soliciting feedback through surveys, reviews, and social media channels, Adron Homes can
gain valuable insights into customer satisfaction levels, brand perception, and the
effectiveness of promotional messaging. This feedback can inform future promotional
strategies, help identify areas for improvement, and strengthen customer relationships,
ultimately driving long-term business success.

Moreover, a substantial portion of respondents emphasized return on investment (ROI) as a

key evaluation criterion for sales promotions. Research by Blattberg et al. (2020) suggests
that ROI analysis allows companies to measure the profitability and efficiency of promotional
activities by comparing the costs incurred with the revenue generated. By calculating the ROI
of each promotional campaign, Adron Homes can assess the financial impact, effectiveness,
and efficiency of its marketing investments, enabling informed decision-making and resource
allocation to maximize promotional returns.

Lastly, respondents mentioned evaluating the customer acquisition rate as a metric for
assessing the success of sales promotions. This metric reflects the effectiveness of
promotional efforts in attracting new customers, expanding the customer base, and increasing
market penetration. The importance of customer acquisition is highlighted by Reinartz and
Kumar (2021), who argue that acquiring new customers is essential for sustained business
growth and profitability. By tracking changes in customer acquisition rates before and after
promotional campaigns, Adron Homes can gauge the effectiveness of its promotional
strategies in driving customer acquisition, brand awareness, and market expansion.

Overall, the findings illustrate the diverse approaches utilized by Adron Homes to evaluate
the success of its sales promotions, incorporating both financial metrics (such as sales
revenue and ROI) and customer-centric indicators (such as customer feedback and
acquisition rate) to assess promotional effectiveness comprehensively. By adopting a holistic
approach to performance evaluation and leveraging insights from both quantitative and
qualitative data sources, Adron Homes can optimize its promotional strategies, enhance
marketing ROI, and achieve sustainable business growth in the competitive real estate

Table 4.4: Measures or strategies that could enhance the effectiveness of sales
promotions in an organization

Variables Mean Rank

Exploring partnerships or collaborations 4.31 1
Utilizing social media and digital marketing 4.28 2
Improved targeting of the right audience 4.11 3
Conducting market research for better insights 4.06 4
Enhanced communication and marketing materials 4.01 5

The table outlines measures or strategies deemed crucial for enhancing the effectiveness of
sales promotions within an organization, ranked by mean scores. Topping the list is
"Exploring partnerships or collaborations," with a mean score of 4.31, indicating its
perceived significance in optimizing promotional outcomes. This suggests a recognition of
the benefits derived from strategic alliances and cooperative ventures in amplifying the reach
and impact of sales promotions. Following closely is "Utilizing social media and digital
marketing," ranked second with a mean score of 4.28, underscoring the growing importance
of digital platforms in modern marketing strategies and their potential to augment
promotional effectiveness. Ranked third is "Improved targeting of the right audience," with a
mean score of 4.11, emphasizing the critical role of precise audience segmentation and
targeting in maximizing promotional impact and ROI. Additionally, "Conducting market
research for better insights" secured the fourth rank, with a mean score of 4.06, highlighting
the importance of data-driven decision-making and market intelligence in refining
promotional strategies for optimal results. Lastly, "Enhanced communication and marketing
materials" secured the fifth rank, with a mean score of 4.01, indicating the significance of
compelling and persuasive messaging in capturing audience attention and driving desired
actions. These findings revealed the multifaceted nature of effective sales promotion
strategies, encompassing strategic partnerships, digital engagement, audience targeting,
research-driven insights, and impactful communication strategies to enhance promotional
effectiveness and drive organizational success.

Discussion of findings

Findings from the study provides valuable insights into the measures or strategies crucial for
enhancing the effectiveness of sales promotions within organizations, drawing on the
perspectives of respondents. Topping the list is "Exploring partnerships or collaborations,"
which received the highest mean score of 4.31. This finding aligns with research by Kotler
and Keller (2021), who emphasize the strategic significance of partnerships and alliances in
expanding market reach, accessing new customer segments, and leveraging complementary
resources and capabilities. By forging strategic partnerships with relevant stakeholders, such
as complementary businesses, influencers, or industry associations, organizations can amplify
the impact of their promotional efforts, enhance brand visibility, and achieve mutual business

Following closely is "Utilizing social media and digital marketing," ranked second with a
mean score of 4.28. This underscores the growing importance of digital platforms in
contemporary marketing strategies, as emphasized by Chaffey et al. (2019). Social media
platforms, in particular, offer organizations powerful tools for engaging with target
audiences, disseminating promotional messages, and driving customer interactions and
conversions. By leveraging social media channels effectively, organizations can enhance
brand visibility, foster community engagement, and capitalize on the viral nature of social
sharing to amplify the reach and impact of their sales promotions.

Ranked third is "Improved targeting of the right audience," with a mean score of 4.11. This
finding underscores the critical importance of precise audience segmentation and targeting in
maximizing the effectiveness of sales promotions, as advocated by Armstrong et al. (2019).
By identifying and understanding the specific needs, preferences, and behaviors of target
audience segments, organizations can tailor their promotional messages and offers to resonate
with the interests and motivations of individual consumers. This targeted approach not only
enhances the relevance and appeal of promotional campaigns but also improves conversion
rates and return on investment by reaching audiences most likely to respond positively to the

Additionally, "Conducting market research for better insights" secured the fourth rank, with a
mean score of 4.06. This highlights the importance of data-driven decision-making and
market intelligence in refining promotional strategies for optimal results, as emphasized by
Hair et al. (2019). Through comprehensive market research, organizations can gain valuable
insights into consumer preferences, competitive dynamics, industry trends, and emerging
opportunities, enabling them to design more effective and impactful sales promotions. By
leveraging actionable insights from market research, organizations can better understand
customer needs, anticipate market shifts, and tailor their promotional efforts to capitalize on
market opportunities and mitigate potential threats.

Lastly, "Enhanced communication and marketing materials" secured the fifth rank, with a
mean score of 4.01. This underscores the significance of compelling and persuasive
messaging in capturing audience attention, driving engagement, and motivating desired
actions, as highlighted by Belch and Belch (2018). Effective communication and marketing
materials, including promotional content, advertising copy, and visual assets, play a crucial
role in shaping consumer perceptions, generating interest, and stimulating purchase intent. By
investing in the development of high-quality, creative, and impactful marketing materials,
organizations can enhance the effectiveness and memorability of their sales promotions,
ultimately driving greater customer response and ROI.

Impact of Sales Promotions on Organizational Performance

Sales promotions serve as a cornerstone in fortifying the overall performance metrics of

Adron Homes and Properties Limited, acting as a catalyst for growth, brand recognition, and
customer engagement. As articulated by Emeka Vitor from the sales and marketing
department, sales promotions wield significant influence in augmenting sales figures,
bolstering brand visibility, and nurturing consumer trust. Emeka's assertion highlights the
pivotal role that sales promotions play in positioning Adron Homes as a formidable player in
the real estate sector, amplifying its market presence, and solidifying its reputation as a
reliable and customer-centric entity.

Moreover, Abiola Rhoda offers additional insights into the transformative impact of sales
promotions, elucidating how these initiatives are meticulously tailored to cater to the
evolving needs and preferences of the target audience. Abiola's remarks underscore the
strategic alignment between sales promotions and consumer demand, emphasizing the
imperative of delivering tangible value propositions that resonate with customers. This
strategic approach is exemplified by the success of the Ramadan promotion, which
capitalized on the festive occasion to offer tailored incentives, thereby fostering a deeper
connection with customers and driving uptake.

Beyond the realm of transactional benefits, sales promotions serve as potent tools for
enhancing brand equity and fostering long-term customer relationships. By offering
compelling incentives and value-added propositions, Adron Homes effectively distinguishes
itself from competitors, carving out a unique positioning in the minds of consumers. The
enduring impact of such promotions extends far beyond immediate sales conversions,
permeating into the realm of brand loyalty, advocacy, and word-of-mouth referrals.

Furthermore, the resonance of sales promotions with broader organizational objectives is

unmistakable, as they serve as strategic enablers for achieving key business milestones.
Emeka's reference to the company's mission to expand its client base, drive sales growth, and
consolidate market leadership underscores the integral role that sales promotions play in
realizing these ambitious goals. Sales promotions act as potent catalysts for customer
acquisition, retention, and market penetration, aligning seamlessly with the overarching
vision of Adron Homes to emerge as a dominant force in the African real estate landscape.
In essence, sales promotions serve as multifaceted instruments for driving organizational
performance, catalyzing revenue growth, enhancing brand equity, and fostering customer
engagement. The strategic deployment of promotions, as exemplified by Adron Homes,
underscores a nuanced understanding of consumer behavior, market dynamics, and
competitive positioning. By leveraging promotions as strategic levers for value creation and
differentiation, Adron Homes continues to chart a trajectory of sustained growth, resilience,
and market leadership in the dynamic and fiercely competitive real estate sector.

As Adron Homes navigates the complexities of the real estate market, sales promotions
emerge as indispensable assets in its arsenal, empowering the company to surmount
challenges, seize opportunities, and deliver unparalleled value to its stakeholders. The
symbiotic relationship between sales promotions and organizational performance epitomizes
a synergistic approach to business growth, wherein strategic initiatives are calibrated to drive
tangible outcomes and foster enduring success. In this regard, sales promotions emerge not
merely as tactical maneuvers but as strategic imperatives, ingrained within the fabric of
Adron Homes' corporate ethos and driving its journey towards sustained excellence and
market prominence.

Instances of Positive Impact from Sales Promotions

Within the dynamic landscape of Adron Homes and Properties Limited, instances abound
where sales promotions have wielded a palpable and positive influence on the organization's
performance, propelling it towards greater market prominence, customer engagement, and
revenue generation. Through a retrospective lens, Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda shed light
on notable examples where sales promotions have served as catalysts for transformative
outcomes, underscoring their pivotal role in shaping the company's narrative of success and

Emeka Vitor reminisces about a pivotal moment during the "ILEYA" promotion of 2022,
wherein Adron Homes orchestrated a compelling sales promotion aligned with the festive
season. The strategic timing of the promotion, synchronized with the cultural significance of
the "ILEYA" celebration, facilitated a surge in customer interest and engagement. By
capitalizing on the heightened consumer sentiment during this period, Adron Homes
effectively leveraged the promotion to drive sales, expand its client base, and solidify its
position as a market leader in the real estate sector.
Similarly, Abiola Rhoda reflects on the impact of the "Lemon Friday" promotion, a recurring
event that has become synonymous with unprecedented sales traction and customer
acquisition. The strategic allure of "Lemon Friday," coupled with its strategic timing during
the bustling December period, culminated in a flurry of sales activity and heightened brand
visibility for Adron Homes. Through compelling promotional offers and value-added
incentives, Adron Homes succeeded in capturing the imagination of consumers, enticing
them to capitalize on exclusive opportunities and secure their dream properties.

Moreover, these instances of success underscore the multifaceted benefits derived from
strategic sales promotions, extending beyond immediate sales conversions to encompass
broader outcomes such as brand equity enhancement, customer loyalty cultivation, and
market differentiation. By orchestrating promotions that resonate with the aspirations and
preferences of its target audience, Adron Homes has managed to carve out a distinctive niche
in the competitive real estate landscape, earning the trust, loyalty, and patronage of discerning

Furthermore, the success of these promotions is emblematic of Adron Homes' commitment to

innovation, customer-centricity, and strategic agility. Through a nuanced understanding of
market dynamics, consumer behavior, and competitive positioning, Adron Homes has adeptly
navigated the complexities of the real estate market, leveraging promotions as strategic levers
for sustainable growth and market leadership.

In essence, the instances cited by Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda serve as poignant reminders
of the transformative power of sales promotions in driving organizational performance and
market success. By harnessing the strategic potential of promotions, Adron Homes has
managed to transcend conventional boundaries, redefine industry benchmarks, and etch a
legacy of excellence in the annals of the real estate sector.

As Adron Homes continues its journey of innovation, expansion, and value creation, the
enduring legacy of these promotions serves as a beacon of inspiration, guiding the company
towards new horizons of growth, prosperity, and market dominance. With each promotion
representing a strategic milestone in its trajectory of success, Adron Homes remains poised to
capitalize on emerging opportunities, surmount prevailing challenges, and emerge as a
trailblazer in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate excellence.

Navigating Challenges and Negative Outcomes in Sales Promotions

While sales promotions serve as powerful catalysts for driving growth and enhancing brand
visibility, they are not immune to challenges and potential pitfalls. Within the context of
Adron Homes and Properties Limited, Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda offer candid insights
into the challenges and negative outcomes associated with sales promotions, shedding light
on the complexities inherent in orchestrating effective promotional campaigns amidst a
competitive marketplace.

Emeka Vitor alludes to a historical challenge faced by Adron Homes concerning the timely
delivery of promised gifts or incentives to customers following promotional campaigns. He
recalls instances where customers, enticed by promotional offers entailing complimentary
gifts or incentives, were left disillusioned when the promised items were not delivered
punctually. Such instances not only eroded customer trust and satisfaction but also
undermined the efficacy of the promotional initiatives, tarnishing Adron Homes' reputation
and impeding its ability to capitalize on future sales opportunities.

Similarly, Abiola Rhoda underscores the inherent risks associated with sales promotions,
particularly in instances where promotional offers fail to resonate with target audiences or
elicit the desired response. She cites the example of a workers' day promotion that yielded
lackluster results, with potential customers displaying apathy or resistance towards the
promotional incentives offered. Such setbacks underscore the importance of aligning
promotional strategies with consumer preferences, market dynamics, and evolving socio-
economic trends to maximize impact and ROI.

Moreover, the competitive landscape poses formidable challenges for Adron Homes, as rival
firms seek to emulate or outmaneuver its promotional initiatives, thereby diluting their
effectiveness and eroding Adron Homes' market share. Abiola Rhoda emphasizes the need
for strategic differentiation and innovation to counteract competitive pressures, emphasizing
the imperative of staying ahead of the curve and continuously reinventing promotional tactics
to maintain relevance and resonance with target audiences.

Despite these challenges, Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda express confidence in Adron
Homes' ability to navigate adversity and emerge stronger from setbacks. They cite the
company's proactive measures to address past shortcomings, such as streamlining internal
processes to ensure timely delivery of promotional incentives and recalibrating promotional
strategies based on customer feedback and market insights. Such adaptive measures
underscore Adron Homes' commitment to continuous improvement and customer-centricity,
enabling it to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities in a dynamic marketplace.

Furthermore, Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda stress the importance of fostering a culture of
transparency, accountability, and responsiveness within the organization to address customer
grievances and enhance trust and credibility. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and service
excellence, Adron Homes can mitigate the negative repercussions of past promotional
mishaps and bolster its reputation as a reliable and customer-centric brand in the real estate

In conclusion, while challenges and negative outcomes are an inevitable aspect of sales
promotions, they also present opportunities for growth, learning, and innovation. Through a
nuanced understanding of customer needs, market dynamics, and competitive forces, Adron
Homes can overcome obstacles, refine its promotional strategies, and emerge stronger and
more resilient in an increasingly competitive marketplace. By embracing a culture of
continuous improvement and customer-centricity, Adron Homes can position itself as a
beacon of excellence and a trailblazer in the realm of real estate sales promotions.

Aligning Sales Promotions with Organizational Goals

In the dynamic realm of sales promotions, the alignment of promotional strategies with
broader organizational objectives is paramount for ensuring sustainable growth, market
relevance, and strategic coherence. Within the context of Adron Homes and Properties
Limited, Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda provide invaluable insights into the alignment
between sales promotions and the overarching goals and objectives of the organization,
illuminating the strategic imperative of synergizing promotional efforts with long-term
business aspirations.

Emeka Vitor emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between sales promotions and Adron
Homes' overarching mission to become the preeminent real estate player not only in Nigeria
but across the African continent. He elucidates how each promotional initiative is
meticulously crafted to reinforce Adron Homes' brand positioning, expand its market
footprint, and solidify its reputation as a trusted and visionary real estate developer. By
leveraging sales promotions as strategic levers for driving brand awareness, customer
acquisition, and revenue growth, Adron Homes endeavors to realize its ambition of becoming
the undisputed leader in the African real estate landscape.
Abiola Rhoda echoes Emeka's sentiments, underscoring the intrinsic alignment between sales
promotions and Adron Homes' mission to foster sustainable growth and value creation. She
elucidates how sales promotions serve as catalysts for achieving key organizational
objectives, such as expanding the client base, increasing sales volumes, and enhancing
customer loyalty. Through targeted promotional campaigns tailored to resonate with diverse
customer segments, Adron Homes endeavors to cultivate enduring relationships with its
clientele, thereby fortifying its market position and laying the foundation for sustained
business success.

Moreover, both Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda highlight the pivotal role of sales promotions
in driving innovation, differentiation, and competitive advantage within the real estate sector.
By deploying cutting-edge promotional tactics, harnessing emerging technologies, and
capitalizing on market insights, Adron Homes seeks to outmaneuver competitors, captivate
target audiences, and carve out a distinctive niche in a crowded marketplace. Whether
through pioneering digital marketing initiatives, experiential activations, or strategic
collaborations, Adron Homes remains steadfast in its commitment to pushing the boundaries
of conventional sales promotion paradigms and charting new pathways to success.

Furthermore, Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda stress the importance of agility, adaptability,
and strategic foresight in aligning sales promotions with the evolving needs and preferences
of target audiences. By remaining attuned to market dynamics, consumer trends, and
competitive pressures, Adron Homes can pivot swiftly, iterate iteratively, and recalibrate its
promotional strategies to stay ahead of the curve and seize emerging opportunities. Such
agility enables Adron Homes to maintain its relevance, responsiveness, and resilience in an
increasingly volatile and uncertain business landscape.

In conclusion, the alignment of sales promotions with organizational goals is a cornerstone of

Adron Homes' strategic vision and operational ethos. By imbuing each promotional initiative
with a sense of purpose, coherence, and strategic intent, Adron Homes endeavors to transcend
short-term transactional gains and cultivate enduring value for its stakeholders. Through
unwavering commitment to customer-centricity, innovation, and excellence, Adron Homes
strives to realize its overarching mission of reshaping the African real estate landscape and
empowering communities through visionary real estate solutions.

Seamless Integration of Sales Promotions into Marketing Strategies:

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, the integration of sales promotions into
overarching marketing strategies is indispensable for maximizing impact, optimizing resource
allocation, and driving sustained business growth. Within the context of Adron Homes and
Properties Limited, Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda shed light on the seamless integration of
sales promotions into the company's broader marketing framework, illuminating the strategic
imperative of synergy between promotional initiatives and overarching marketing objectives.

Emeka Vitor underscores the integral role of sales promotions as a linchpin of Adron Homes'
holistic marketing approach, emphasizing the synergistic alignment between promotional
tactics and broader marketing goals. He elucidates how sales promotions are strategically
woven into the fabric of Adron Homes' marketing mix, complementing other marketing
elements such as advertising, public relations, and branding to create a cohesive and
compelling brand narrative. By integrating sales promotions seamlessly into its marketing
strategies, Adron Homes seeks to amplify brand visibility, stimulate consumer engagement,
and foster brand loyalty, thereby driving sustained business growth and market

Abiola Rhoda echoes Emeka's sentiments, highlighting the strategic orchestration of sales
promotions within Adron Homes' multifaceted marketing ecosystem. She emphasizes the
importance of strategic coherence, consistency, and synergy across various marketing
channels, touchpoints, and customer interactions to ensure a seamless and immersive brand
experience. By orchestrating integrated marketing campaigns that leverage sales promotions
as catalysts for consumer activation, Adron Homes endeavors to create impactful brand
moments that resonate with target audiences, drive conversion, and foster long-term brand

Moreover, both Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda underscore the pivotal role of data-driven
insights, analytics, and performance metrics in optimizing the integration of sales promotions
into broader marketing strategies. By leveraging advanced analytics tools, customer
segmentation techniques, and predictive modeling, Adron Homes can glean actionable
insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and purchase patterns, enabling more targeted,
personalized, and effective promotional campaigns. Such data-driven approaches empower
Adron Homes to refine its marketing strategies iteratively, allocate resources judiciously, and
maximize the return on investment from sales promotions, thereby enhancing overall
marketing effectiveness and driving business performance.
Furthermore, Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda emphasize the importance of cross-functional
collaboration, alignment, and synergy in ensuring the seamless integration of sales
promotions into broader organizational initiatives. By fostering closer collaboration between
sales, marketing, and other key functional areas, Adron Homes can ensure a unified and
cohesive approach to promotional planning, execution, and evaluation. Such cross-functional
alignment enables Adron Homes to leverage synergies, mitigate silos, and unlock new
opportunities for innovation and growth, thereby enhancing organizational agility,
responsiveness, and competitiveness in a dynamic marketplace.

In conclusion, the seamless integration of sales promotions into marketing strategies is

essential for Adron Homes' success in today's competitive business landscape. By aligning
promotional initiatives with broader marketing objectives, harnessing data-driven insights,
and fostering cross-functional collaboration, Adron Homes can unlock new pathways to
consumer engagement, brand differentiation, and business growth. Through a strategic blend
of creativity, analytics, and collaboration, Adron Homes stands poised to harness the full
potential of sales promotions as a catalyst for driving sustained business success and
achieving its overarching marketing objectives.

Anticipating the Future Impact of Sales Promotions on Organizational Performance:

As Adron Homes and Properties Limited navigates the dynamic terrain of the real estate
market, it must anticipate and adapt to emerging trends, consumer preferences, and
technological advancements to stay ahead of the curve and maintain its competitive edge.
Looking ahead, Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda offer insights into the anticipated changes
and developments in the realm of sales promotions and their potential impact on
organizational performance.

Emeka Vitor highlights the pivotal role of sales promotions as a cornerstone of Adron
Homes' growth strategy, emphasizing the company's unwavering commitment to leveraging
promotional initiatives to drive sustained business success. He underscores the importance of
agility, innovation, and adaptability in responding to evolving market dynamics and
consumer demands, noting that Adron Homes must continually refine and reinvent its
promotional strategies to remain relevant and resonant in an ever-changing landscape.

Abiola Rhoda echoes Emeka's sentiments, emphasizing the transformative potential of

emerging technologies, digital platforms, and data analytics in revolutionizing the
effectiveness and efficiency of sales promotions. She underscores the imperative of
embracing digitalization, automation, and AI-driven insights to unlock new avenues for
consumer engagement, personalization, and conversion optimization. By harnessing the
power of data-driven decision-making, Adron Homes can gain deeper insights into consumer
behavior, preferences, and trends, enabling more targeted, relevant, and impactful
promotional campaigns.

Moreover, both Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda emphasize the growing significance of
sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and ethical business practices in shaping
consumer perceptions and purchase decisions. They assert that Adron Homes must align its
promotional initiatives with broader societal values, environmental stewardship, and
community engagement to foster trust, loyalty, and goodwill among consumers. By
embracing sustainability as a guiding principle and integrating it into its promotional
strategies, Adron Homes can position itself as a responsible corporate citizen and a trusted
partner in sustainable development.

Furthermore, Emeka Vitor and Abiola Rhoda underscore the transformative potential of
experiential marketing, immersive storytelling, and interactive engagement in enhancing the
effectiveness and memorability of sales promotions. They advocate for a shift towards more
experiential, participatory, and emotionally resonant promotional experiences that transcend
traditional advertising paradigms and forge deeper connections with consumers. By creating
immersive brand experiences that captivate the senses, evoke emotions, and inspire action,
Adron Homes can elevate its promotional efforts from transactional transactions to
transformative journeys that leave a lasting impression on consumers' hearts and minds.

In conclusion, the future of sales promotions holds immense promise and potential for Adron
Homes and Properties Limited. By embracing innovation, digitalization, and sustainability,
and by prioritizing consumer-centricity, authenticity, and engagement, Adron Homes can
unlock new pathways to growth, differentiation, and competitive advantage. Through a
strategic blend of creativity, technology, and social responsibility, Adron Homes stands
poised to harness the full potential of sales promotions as a catalyst for driving organizational
performance, fostering brand loyalty, and shaping the future of real estate marketing.


The purpose of this study is to determine if promotional activities have a positive impact on
the organization (Adron Homes). This chapter, therefore, presents conclusions, and


The study conducted at Adron Homes provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of
sales promotion strategies and their impact on organizational performance. The findings
reveal that sales promotion tools such as discounts, referral programs, free gifts, coupons,
limited time offers, and contests are widely utilized by Adron Homes to attract customers and
enhance sales revenue. Furthermore, the study showed the importance of sales promotion
strategies in contributing to the overall performance and sustainability of Adron Homes. The
overwhelming majority of respondents recognize the significant role of sales promotions in
revenue growth, brand awareness, customer acquisition, and long-term growth.

Additionally, the study identifies key factors that promote or impair the effectiveness of sales
promotion strategies at Adron Homes. Factors such as understanding customer preferences,
proactive adjustment to market trends, innovative promotion design, and consistent
communication across channels are crucial for enhancing promotional effectiveness.
However, challenges such as budget constraints, limited resources, inadequate market
research, and intense competition pose obstacles to the success of sales promotions,
necessitating strategic solutions to overcome these barriers.

Moreover, the study sheds light on the metrics and approaches used by Adron Homes to
evaluate the success of sales promotions. Metrics such as sales revenue, customer feedback,
return on investment, and customer acquisition rate are instrumental in assessing promotional
effectiveness and guiding strategic decision-making. By adopting a holistic approach to
performance evaluation and leveraging insights from both financial and customer-centric
indicators, Adron Homes can optimize its promotional strategies and achieve sustainable
business growth in the competitive real estate market.

Diversify Sales Promotion Mix: While Adron Homes already employs various sales
promotion tools, it's essential to continuously innovate and diversify the promotional mix.
Exploring new strategies beyond discounts and free gifts, such as experiential promotions or
value-added services, can help capture different segments of the market and sustain customer
interest over time.

Invest in Digital Marketing: Given the growing importance of digital platforms, Adron
Homes should prioritize investments in digital marketing channels, including social media,
email marketing, and online advertising. Leveraging these channels effectively can enhance
brand visibility, engage with target audiences, and amplify the impact of sales promotions.

Enhance Customer Segmentation: Improving the targeting of promotions by refining

customer segmentation and personalization can yield higher conversion rates and ROI. By
leveraging data analytics and customer insights, Adron Homes can tailor promotional offers
to specific customer segments, addressing their unique preferences and needs more

Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations: Forming strategic partnerships or

collaborations with other businesses, influencers, or industry associations can expand Adron
Homes' reach and enhance the effectiveness of promotional efforts. By leveraging
complementary resources and audiences, partnerships can create mutually beneficial
opportunities for brand exposure and customer acquisition.

Continuous Market Research: Regular market research and analysis are essential for
staying abreast of changing consumer preferences, market trends, and competitive dynamics.
Adron Homes should invest in ongoing market research to identify emerging opportunities,
anticipate customer needs, and fine-tune promotional strategies accordingly.

Optimize Communication Channels: Consistent and clear communication across multiple

channels is key to maximizing the impact of sales promotions. Adron Homes should ensure
seamless integration and coordination across offline and online channels to reach customers
effectively and deliver a unified brand experience.

Measure and Analyze Performance: Establishing robust metrics and analytics frameworks
to measure the effectiveness of sales promotions is crucial. Adron Homes should track key
performance indicators such as sales revenue, customer acquisition rate, and ROI to evaluate
the success of promotional campaigns and identify areas for optimization.

Focus on Long-Term Sustainability: While short-term promotional tactics are valuable for
driving immediate sales, Adron Homes should also prioritize strategies that contribute to
long-term sustainability and brand equity. Balancing short-term gains with a focus on
building lasting customer relationships and brand loyalty can ensure sustained growth and
success in the competitive real estate market.

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