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0886 936 139
As a teacher, everyday I strive to achieve the following in order for me to keep
C/O. Mr. I.W. Chafumira, Sacred Heart of developing in my professional role: 1. Facilitating the process of learning for my
Jesus Catholic Parish, P.O. Box 41, Lunzu, students. However, this demands me to create a conducive environment for my
Blantyre. students learning, writing lesson plans on everyday basis and using effective
teaching methodologies which can help my students acquire knowledge, skills and
competencies. 2. As a trained teacher, I also strive to ensure that my students
PERSONAL DETAIL grasp and understand the subject matter being taught. By doing so, I help my
students develop a strong foundation of knowledge in my subjects. 3. As a Social
Date of Birth : 13/04/1994 Studies teacher, I also strive to foster the development of essential skills in my
Marital Status : Married students. Some of these skills include critical thinking, problem-solving,
communication, collaboration and creativity. Nevertheless, as a humanities
Nationality : Malawian Teacher, I also prepare my students for their personal growth: The holistic
development is the fundamental goal of education at large. Therefore, as a
SKILL humanities teacher as I am teaching I aim at enhancing my students' emotional,
social, and ethical growth.
organizational and planning skills, EXPERIENCE
particular highlighted through planning,
developing and delivering successful 07/01/2019 - 24/03/2023 Camp of Eagles Private Secondary School
lessons both in and out of the classroom. Teacher of Geography and Social Studies
• Decision-making skills KEY DUTIES • Teaching Geography, Social Studies
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: •Strong oral and Life Skills • Writing schemes and updating
and writing skills acquired through Records of work • Writing lesson plans • Sports
presentations of assignments depicted teacher
through proper communication with 16/05/2023 - 07/07/2023 Chibavi Community Day Secondary School
learners. • Excellent communication with (Teaching practicum)
fellow teachers and creation of proper Teacher of Geography and Life Skills
environment for information sharing and The teaching practicum was only for one academic
ability to learn from others. • Ability to term. KEY DUTIES • Teaching Geography and Life
prepare schemes and records of work Skills subjects • Writing schemes and updating
with emphasis on objective-oriented records of work • Writing lesson plans
11/09/2023 - 22/12/204 Logos Academy Christian Secondary School
PROFESSIONAL SKILLS: • Knowledge of Teacher for Geography, Social Studies, Biology and
how to interact with learners of different Agriculture
abilities. • Knowledge of how to solve the KEY RESPONSIBILITIES • Teaching Geography, Social
misunderstanding between fellow Studies, Biology and Agriculture • Writing schemes
teachers. • An adaptable and flexible and updating records of work • Writing lesson plans •
approach with the ability to adjust quickly Sports teacher • Head of Department for Humanities
according to changing demands and
priorities of the system and the
institution. • Excellent organizational and
analytical skills with an ability to
multitask. • Excellent professional, and 2017 Ndirande Hill Secondary School
friendly approach. • Knowledge of Malawi School Certificate of Education
teachers’ code of conduct Credit
2022 Domasi College of Education
INTERESTS Bachelors Degree of Education (Geography & Social)
Listening to music
I am a dedicated Catholic christian. Professionally, I am an enthusiastic,
Watching movies
hardworking, determined, team player and an exceptional individual with
demonstrated competencies, highly motivated and well-organized. Naturally, I am
REFERENCE well-disciplined, focused and self-motivated with strong planning and
organizational skills, good interpersonal and communication skills and ability to
Dr. Yambeni work under minimal supervision.
Domasi College of Education
0888 396 465

Mr. R. Ng'ambi
Camp of Eagles Deputy Headteacher Innocent
Camp of Eagles Private Secondary Wachisa
School Chafumira
0884 411 674

Mr. L.C. Mtawali

Chibavi CDSS Headteacher
Chibavi Community Day Secondary
0888 774 254



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