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Merryland International School

Department of Chemistry / Grade: 6

2nd Mid-term - Revision Sheet
Key Points to remember
Petroleum is a thick dark smelly liquid that is found naturally under the earth. It is

formed by the decay of plants and animals which once livedmillions of years ago.

Petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. It is usually combinationof

liquids, gases and solids. It is normally found off-shore (in the sea) or on- shore (on


It consists of various components or fractions in it. Separation of each

component or fraction can be done by a technique called fractional


1. What is meant by refining of oil?

Answer: The compounds present in oil are separated into different fractions

depending on their boiling points. This is called refining of oil.

2. How is the refining of oil carried out?

Answer: Crude oil is a mixture of liquids with wide differences in their boiling points.

As large quantities of crude oil have to be separated at high speed, a modified form of

distillation is used in industry.

3. How is oil purified?


1. A tall column called fractionating tower or FRACTIONATING COLUMN is used

to separate different liquid fractions in crude oil.

2. It is a tall column separated into different layers.

3. The layers are provided with bubbled caps and pipes for the passage of the

4.The column is heated from the bottom so that the temperature decreases to the


5.At the bottom of the column the temperature will be around 4000 C and at the

top temperature will be 40o C.

6.The crude oil in the vapour form is continuously admitted at the bottom.

7.The vapour rises through the column and at each stage a part of the vapour will be
converted to liquid and fractions with highest boiling point will be collected at the bottom
and the fractions with lowest boiling point will reach the top.

Temperature Uses

1.Petroleum gas Less than Used as cooking gas (LPG)

400C liquefied petroleum gas. The normal
components of LPG thus, are propane (C3H8) and
butane (C4H10).

2. Petrol 400C to 700C Used as fuel in cars

Used for making P.V.C, nylon,

3. Naphtha 700C to 1200C
pesticides, and insecticides, etc.

1200C to Used as fuel for jet engine(aircraft)

4. Paraffin
2200C also for domestic fuel

2200C to
5. Diesel Fuel for heavy vehicles

6. Lubricating 2500C to Used to reduce friction between machinery

oil 3500C parts

3500C to Fuel for ships and also used for producing

7. Fuel oil
4000C electricity
For laying roads, waterproof roofing.
8. Bitumen Above 4000C

II. Atom
The smallest particle of a chemical element.

Structure of an atom
❖ Atoms are made of sub – atomic particles.
❖ At the center of the atom is the nucleus.
❖ Nucleus contains two kinds of sub – atomic particles called protons and neutrons.
❖ Around the nucleus are sub – atomic particles called electrons.


Particle in an Atom Charge

Proton (p) Positive charge

Electron (e) Negative charge
Neutron (n) none

Molecule - A particle made up of two or more atoms held together by chemical bond,
Example: H2O, CO2
➢ An element is a pure substance that is made of only one kind of atom.


➢ Around 118 different elements are known, of these 90 are obtained from the earth and
atmosphere, the rest is artificial.
➢ The most common solid elements are metals.

➢ There are two elements that are liquid at room temperature and pressure, they are

mercury(metal) and bromine(non metal).

➢ 11 elements are gases under normal conditions. Example- H, He, Li

• A compound contains atoms of different elements chemically joined together. Example - NaCl

Sodium Chloride (NaCl)


• A mixture contains two or more elements or compounds that are not chemically bonded together

• We can separate the substances in a mixture by physical methods. Example –mixture of sand and

• Symbols

Chemical symbol is shorthand form of an atom. Each atom has its own name and chemical symbol.
Example: Name of the element Symbol
Hydrogen H

Note: (1) always use capital letter to represent the symbol.

(2) If the symbol has a second letter, it should be a small letter

Merryland International School
Department of Chemistry / Grade: 6
Term 2 - Revision Sheet
I Choose the correct answer and write the answers in the response table given below.
1. Which of the following is not a pure substance?
A. Helium B. Aluminum
C. Carbon D. Plastic
2. The diagram shows a match stick, which element is used in making match stick

A. Potassium B. Chlorine
C. Sodium D. Phosphorus

3. Mass number is also known as

A. Nucleon Number B. Neutron Number
C. Proton Number D. Electron Number

4. Petroleum is separated into different fractions by

A. Chromatography B. Fractional distillation
C. Simple distillation D. Centrifugation

5. The table shows the electronic structure of four atoms. Which atom is stable (shells are

A. W B. X
C. Y D. Z
6. In the fractionating column, the temperature decreases from,
A. Top to bottom B. Bottom to top
C. Middle to top D. Middle to bottom

7. The diagram below shows a molecule of sulfuric acid. How many oxygen atoms are there?

A. Two B. One
C. Three D. Four

8. Determine which particle diagram represents a mixture of a compound and an element.

9. The diagram shows the structure of an element X

10. What are the nucleon numbers for carbon and magnesium?
Carbon Magnesium
A 6 12
B 6 24
C 12 12
D 12 24

Response Table
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part –B

1. By referring to sub atomic particles, explain why an atom of Lithium is electrically




2. Petroleum is separated into more useful fractions by fractional distillation.

a. Name two liquid fuels obtained from petroleum.

b. Name two other useful products obtained from petroleum that are not used as


3. The following is a list of the electron distributions of atoms of unknown elements.

Element Electronic distribution
A 2,5
B 2,8,4
C 2,8,8
D 2,8,1

Choose an element from the list for each of the following descriptions.
(i) It is a noble gas_____________

(ii) Group 1 element ____________

(iii) Element in second period____________

4. Write the name of the elements present in the following compounds.

Compound Name of the elements present







5. Complete the table given below with suitable answers.

Element Compound Mixture

Diagram: Diagram:

Description: Description: Description:

Example: Example: Example:

6. Draw and write the electronic structure for the following elements.

a. Nitrogen

b. Chlorine

7. Find out the number of protons, electrons, neutrons, and mass no for the following

elements and write the atomic notation.

Number of Protons =
Number of Electrons =
Number of Neutrons =
Mass number =

Number of Protons =
Number of Electrons =
Number of Neutrons =
Mass number =

8. Define the following

a. Atomic number


b. Mass number

c. Symbol

d. Molecule


e. Groups

f. Periods



9. Magnesium has a nucleon number of 24. Complete the table below to show the
type of charge and number of particles present in one atom of Magnesium 12.

Type of particle Type of charge on the particle Number of




10. Find out the element from the description.

a. Element used for artificial respiration ___________________

b. Fills light bulbs to protect the filament ___________________

c. As a ingredient of toothpaste __________________

d. Builds strong bones and teeth ________________

11. Find out the monoatomic and diatomic elements from 1-10 elements

12. Complete the following table by writing the name of the correct fraction or the
temperature range for a particular fraction.

Different fractions Temperature

a). ……………………………………………… Less than 400C

b) Petrol ………...0C to ………..0C

c). ……………………………………………. 700C to 1200C

d). ……………………………………………. 1200C to ……………0C

e) Diesel 2200C to ………….0C

f). …………………………………………….. 2500C to 3500C

g). ………………………………………. 3500C to 4000C

h) Bitumen Above ……….0C

13. Answer the following questions with the proper information by using the periodic table.

1. Father of the Periodic Table.________________________________

2. Who “modernized” the periodic table?


3. The periodic table lists the elements according to the _______

4. Number of groups in periodic table___________________

5. Number of periods _________________________

6. Name two noble gases______________________

7. What is the last element in period 4? _________________

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