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Document Number:

Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009

Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 2 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA


1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... 3

2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................... 3

3 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................... 4

4 DESIGN QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................................ 4

4.1 ENGINEER Quality Management Plan.............................................................................. 4
4.1.1 COMPANY review ...................................................................................................... 5
4.1.2 Computer software packages reliability ...................................................................... 5
4.1.3 External quality check................................................................................................. 5

5 STRUCTURAL DESIGN PLAN ............................................................................................... 5

6 DOCUMENTATION OF DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ................................................................ 5

6.1 Basic engineering.............................................................................................................. 5
6.2 Detailed engineering ......................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Construction and Installation engineering ...................................................................... 8

7 WEIGHT CONTINGENCIES FOR DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ................................................ 9

8 COMPUTER MODELS ............................................................................................................ 9

9 REPORTING OF STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND ANALYSIS .................................................. 9

9.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 9
9.2 Format and arrangements of reports ............................................................................. 10
9.2.1 Reports of Structural Analysis and Design ................................................................ 10
9.2.2 Design Basis ............................................................................................................ 12
9.2.3 Design Briefs ............................................................................................................ 12

10 DRAWINGS ........................................................................................................................... 12

11 MATERIALS TAKE OFF (MTO) ............................................................................................ 13

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 3 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA

This document defines the COMPANY optimum requirements to be applied in the execution and reporting of the
structural design and fabrication of steel onshore structures.
This document is applicable for substructures, their foundations, modules, superstructures, buildings and
appurtenances as well as to the structural design of equipment packages.
 Weight control and reporting procedure shall be covered by a procedure to be submitted by ENGINEER, at
early stage of FEED.
 Design of onshore steel structures is covered by a dedicated Optimum Requirements - UG-BUL-00-0100-
 Materials to be used are covered by a dedicated Optimum Requirements - UG-BUL-00-0100-100011
 Fabrication is covered by a dedicated Optimum Requirements - UG-BUL-00-0100-100012
 Fire protection is covered by the Safety Optimum Requirements UG-BUL-00-0100-100024

The reference documents listed below form an integral part of the present document.
The structural design of onshore structures shall be conducted in accordance with the reference documents
including codes and standards defined in documents listed hereafter.

External Documents
The applicable version of these documents, including relevant appendices and supplements, is the latest revision
published at the Effective Date of the CONTRACT.

Reference Title
EN 1990 Eurocode: Basis of structural design
EN 1991 (All Parts) Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – All Parts
EN 1993 (All Parts) Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures – All Parts

The COMPANY recognizes Eurocodes as a source of sound recommendations on good practice. However, there
exists within these International Standards the requirement for the owner or operator to define certain parameters
which may override suggested default values. These values shall be defined in Project General and Particular
In this context, the default values of parameters recommended by these International Standards shall apply, unless
more onerous values are stipulated within the Contract documents.
Any other proposal based on the content of these International Standards shall be subject to COMPANY approval.

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 4 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA

Throughout this document, the following definitions shall apply:
Purchaser Means the Company or Supplier (as applicable) which have placed the Purchase Order
to the Manufacturer.
Inspector Means COMPANY’s representative(s) or member(s) from an Inspection Agency duly
appointed by COMPANY or Supplier (as applicable) to act as its representative(s) for the
purpose of the Contract.
Third Party Means the Company in charge of independent design appraisal or independent analysis
or independent inspection in accordance with the rules defined in the contractual
reference documents. Third Party can be an independent Company, the Certifying
Authority, the MWS, or the Classification Authority, as defined in the contractual
reference documents.
Certifying authority Means the Company in charge of the certification of the installation (or part thereof) and
of issuing of the relevant certificates in accordance with the rules defined in the
contractual reference documents.


4.1 ENGINEER Quality Management Plan
At the beginning of the design phase, ENGINEER shall submit a detailed Quality Management Plan for the
structural discipline to COMPANY for review/approval. This may form part of a general project Quality Management
Plan provided that the provisions here are included. All applicable Project General Specifications (PGS) and Project
Particular Specifications (PPS) shall be supplied to COMPANY, and no structural design shall be initiated before
the approval of the Quality Plan by COMPANY.
The Quality Plan shall, from the beginning of the Work, cover the full duration of the Work and all parties involved in
it. If the Work is divided between a ENGINEER and a number of Subcontractors, then there shall be clear single
responsibility for the structural engineering over the full period. Procedures shall be issued to show team reporting
structure, working methods for management of internal and external interfaces, and Vendors; procedures for
criticality assessment; planning and change control; procedures pertaining to use of software; procedures relating
to the execution and checking of the different types of analysis that will be undertaken; procedures relating to the
management of 3D plant models and checking of drawings; procedures relating to engineering queries, production
site queries, deviation requests, non-conformance and other communications, and weight control. A list is required
to be maintained of names, signatures, and responsibilities of all signatories to engineering documents. The quality
plan shall include job descriptions for all of the contributors to the structural engineering, and shall define the
minimum qualifications and experience needed in each case.
Each and every document issued by ENGINEER shall be verified and checked by its QA/QC system. Document
verification by ENGINEER shall be performed at several levels:
 Structural discipline checks by component design engineer and discipline lead
 Inter-discipline checks
 Project engineer checks and engineering management approval.
Each level of verification shall be signified by a box in the document title block. This box shall be signed by the lead
engineer in charge of the discipline or the project manager. Document signing protocols shall ensure devolution of
responsibility to originating engineers, with ultimate responsibility for review by the lead structural engineer. A
project management signature shall indicate confirmation of compliance with the procedures and fulfillment of the
Contractual requirements.

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 5 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA

4.1.1 COMPANY review

Unless noted otherwise in the Project General and Particular Specifications or in the CONTRACT, each calculation
note or drawing is to be submitted to COMPANY for review/comment. The calculation notes shall be issued
together with the fabrication drawings. No drawing shall be issued for tender, for construction or for material order
without COMPANY review. The COMPANY expects to review engineering drawings during the course of their
development and will not accept to review any fabrication drawings without first having reviewed the design
calculations. COMPANY review/comment approval does not release ENGINEER from his responsibility concerning
the subject design. No document may be issued which in any way deviates from the Contract requirements without
prior Approval by COMPANY in writing.

4.1.2 Computer software packages reliability

All software packages, programs and sub-programs used shall be well recognized in the industry and have been
previously tested and known to give reliable results. Software packages used for global 3D structural analyses shall
be validated by a recognized Third Party approved by COMPANY, and validation reports shall be issued to

4.1.3 External quality check

In addition to its review, COMPANY reserves the right to have the calculation notes, the drawings and the various
documents checked or verified by:
 A Third Party, as defined in section 3 above
 A Certifying Authority, as defined in section 3 above.
In such case, ENGINEER shall supply each and every documents requested by the Third Party or Certifying


ENGINEER shall submit a detailed structural design plan and document register to show a task breakdown, activity
durations and planned completion dates, plus planned date of issue for all documents at their various issues
including the status of issue (“for comments”, “for approval”, “for call for tender”, “for construction”, “as-built
drawings”, etc.) and the schedule of design. The planning is required to show the main cycles of reanalysis, and to
indicate dependencies for key information from others, including data supplied by other disciplines within the
ENGINEER’s organization. The planning shall show the design and review logic required to complete calculations
and gain approval before the issue of drawings used for construction.
An overall manning histogram shall be supplied for the discipline, with separate identification of supervision,
engineering, particular specialists, and draughting/modelling.
ENGINEER shall provide reporting of progress against the plan at regular discipline coordination meetings with
COMPANY’s specialists.


6.1 Basic engineering
Basic Engineering studies shall define the main structure, and address the principles for the completion of
secondary and tertiary structures to a degree that is sufficient for the purposes of awarding the Contract that will
include detailed engineering and other parts of the Work. Development of the structural design shall give priority to
the safety of personnel during construction, installation and in service. Engineering methods shall also aim by a
process of optimization to achieve structurally efficient structures, light in weight and economical to fabricate and

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 6 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA

Required structural documents shall include:

 A design brief summarising the design methods and criteria to be used for Basic Engineering shall be issued
and approved by COMPANY before any basic design is started. It is to be specifically identified where
methods used in Basic Engineering include simplifications and assumptions that are not applicable for
Detailed Design.
 A project-specific structural Design Basis defining all criteria and necessary design data to be used for the
execution of Detailed Design Engineering and other components of the Work to be undertaken in the phases
following Basic Engineering.
 Additional project-specific structural specifications as required.These may include specifications for
components such as bearings, castings, handling devices, or for specific materials.
 Calculation note(s) for the whole of the main structure including the main connections and stiffeners, the
lifting pad eyes, the foundations if relevant. These shall document assessment of all the phases of the plant
life (i.e. transport, installation, in-place, seismic, dropped object, natural frequencies and vibration response,
blast and fire, etc.).
Structural calculations shall be supplied where required to provide deflection and other data needed for
multi-disciplinary or interface demonstration of the feasibility of particular aspects of the equipment and
piping layout (e.g. for studies to establish preferred structural support arrangements, and global distributions
of structural and equipment deflection, or local interface stiffness in piping assessments of particular
equipment nozzle loads).
 Main structure design drawings showing the geometry and detail of the main structure, including connections
and details such as lift points and support points. Standard details with individual detail drawings must define
geometry, weld symbols, material grades and qualities for all components, and specific tolerance
requirements. Each drawing shall indicate the weight of the components which are shown.
 Interface drawings, specifications, and data-sheets identifying all primary interfaces, giving functional
requirements and battery limits. Expected not-to-exceed loadings on support structures shall be defined with
allowance for centre-of-gravity shift and live loads.
 Secondary structure generally does not need to be defined in detail, but the principles for detailing shall be
defined. This generally requires a definition on drawings of overall layouts, the type of flooring, and overall
live loading in different areas. General arrangement and typical support concept drawings are required for
appurtenance structures, such as access structures, buildings, fire barriers, main pipe-racks, and to show the
extent of special coatings and passive fire protection. Standard details and expected welding shall be
specified for the most common types of connection.
 A weight report covering main and secondary and tertiary structures estimate broken down over the main
components. Items should be cross referenced to the defining structural drawings, and indicate the level of
detail in the design and give the reason for the reserve.
 Structural material take-off and requisitions as required by the Basic Engineering Contract providing itemised
lists by drawing and overall consolidation by grade, thickness, etc. This document shall enable steel orders
or reservations to be placed and priced for the main structure.
 Main structural steel requisition if required.

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 7 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA

6.2 Detailed engineering

The object of detail engineering is to completely define the structure for the purpose of verification, procurement,
fabrication and installation, and to supply documents required by interfacing parties to define inputs for their
detailed engineering. Detailed design development of the structural design shall maintain priority for the safety of
personnel during construction, installation and in service, and shall continue processes of optimization to achieve
structurally efficient structures which are light in weight and economical to fabricate and maintain.
Required structural documents shall include:
 A maintained up-to-date Design Basis defining all criteria and necessary design data to be used for the
execution of Detailed Design Engineering.
 Design briefs summarising the design methods and criteria to be used for detailed engineering shall be
issued and approved by COMPANY before any of the associated design is started.
 A structural engineering plan and document register as defined in section 5.
 Quality management procedures and internal audit schedule applicable to the structural engineering as
defined in section 4.
 Technical specifications for the purchase of all materials and components to be included in the Work,
including structural steel, bearings, castings, etc.
 Technical specifications for subcontracted or interfacing activity as applicable to the Scope of Work, including
technical studies, engineering by Vendors, transportation, installation, etc.
 Structural calculation reports shall be issued for the entire structures, covering all the phases of activity
according to the function and operation of the structure over the whole plant life. These shall include
fabrication, erection, transport; all installation activities ; in-place strength ; equipment testing as required ;
natural frequencies; vibration and noise limitation; earthquake; accidental events including, dropped object,
blast, fire, etc.
Design calculation reports are required for all the main and secondary structural members, their connections,
attachments and weld details, including lifting pad eyes, guides, stiffeners, gussets, penetrations, equipment
supports and handling devices. Design calculation reports shall document the engineering of all components
for access and load-bearing support of equipment, piping, instrumentation, cable and ducting.
 Drawings shall be issued at the commencement of work to define the overall general arrangement of the
facilities, grid lines and coordinate systems to be utilized by all disciplines, and interfacing parties.
 Structural engineering drawings for all standard welding and bolted connection details shall be issued for
Approval in the early phases of engineering. It shall be ensured that design analyses are accurately
represent the stiffness and boundary conditions characteristics of the adopted standard details. ENGINEER
shall ensure that standard detailing requirements are issued to and enforced on all Vendors as applicable to
the Vendor scopes.
 Main structure engineering drawings shall describe in detail the main structural elements and connections,
including detailed geometry, stiffeners, gussets, weld symbols, detailed definition of material grades and
qualities, tolerances, coatings. These drawings shall provide an itemised material list with weight indication.
Engineering drawings issued for construction shall fully define all inputs required for the preparation of
construction drawings and shall unambiguously define applicable standard details.
 Detailed engineering drawings for the secondary structure and connections shall include appurtenance
structures such as access structures, buildings, fire barriers, main pipe-racks, maintenance handling aids,
equipment supports, etc. Engineering drawings issued for construction shall fully define all inputs required for
the preparation of construction drawings and shall unambiguously define applicable standard details,
detailed geometry, stiffeners, gussets, weld symbols, particular tolerances, detailed definition of material
grades, tolerances, coatings, itemised material list with weight indication.

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 8 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA

 Quality management audit reports relating to all structural engineering activity by ENGINEER and
 Structural material take-off for purchase of steel and other structural components providing itemised lists by
drawing, and overall consolidation by grade, thickness, etc.
 Detailed weight reports, regularly updated (typically at one month intervals) over the full duration of the Work.
 Mechanical handling and loading diagrams consistently with handling philosophy.
 Concept sketches, drawings, load data, calculation notes, etc as required to develop all interfaces, and to
record status of interface agreements, and to confirm compatibility.
 Installation drawings and diagrams, including layout drawings.
 Drawings and reports to define the requirements for in-service integrity management including the
engineering component of the Design-Fabrication-Installation Résumé, and particular maintenance
procedures for critical components such as structural bearings.
 Computer model native files with supporting narrative for all primary structure analysis base on the structure
as defined at the conclusion of the Work.

6.3 Construction and Installation engineering

Calculations, drawings, method statements and risk analyses are required to document the as-constructed
configuration; and to confirm structural capacity in compliance with the design codes for all temporary phases.
Required structural documents include:
 A general manufacture, transport and installation programme.
 Quality management procedures and internal audit schedule applicable to the construction and installation
activities that are to be undertaken.
 Drawings and foundation strength calculations for all construction supports, including those for weighing
when relevant.
 Method statements and risk assessments for all major movements supported by engineering calculations
and production drawings to fully define the operations and all temporary works. These shall cover site
movement, lift, with details of all plant, crane , shipping , truck transportation to be used.
 Construction procedures for all structures including dimensional control, welding, bolting, inspection and
quality control.
 Weighing reports.
 As-built drawings of the complete structure complete with supporting documentation for material and welding
traceability, and all agreements regarding production queries, and non-conformance.
 Base-line surveys as required for on-going maintenance in service, or for installation of future components.
 Fabrication and installation components of the Design-Fabrication-Installation Résumé.

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 9 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA


At all phases of design development it is necessary to make provision in the design for uncertainties in the current
state of knowledge and for future changes. In respect to loads and component weights, these commonly take the
form of “contingencies” or “allowances” on a set of currently estimated net weights which vary according to the
item’s current stage of design development. The approved Weight control and reporting procedure will define
contingencies applicable at different stages.
All structural and installation studies shall allow for the possibility of weight reduction wherever it may be critical in
the design.
All structural and installation studies shall consider the effect of variation in the position of the component’s centre
of gravity with uncertainty bounds commensurate with the current stage of design development.

Structural computer models shall represent accurately the structure geometry, the loads (magnitude, location,
sequence, etc.), the masses, the materials, the dynamic and/or hydrodynamic behaviour and characteristics,
imperfections, and the boundary conditions of the structure that is be analysed, with regard to the type of analysis
to be performed. Any simplification, equivalence, sub-modelling or sub-structures, load cases resulting from sub-
assemblies designed by others, shall be documented in detail and shown to be acceptable for the type of analysis
to be performed in terms of loads, mass, stiffness, displacements, boundary conditions, etc.
In developing computer models, the boundaries shall be represented as accurately as possible. Generally, the
extent of models shall be sufficient to place boundaries of models and points of load application beyond points of
particular design interest, such as points of high stress. Element types must be justified as appropriate to the type
of analysis that is being performed, and particular attention is to be given to the modelling of structural connections
to accurately reflect local load paths and stiffnesses. Joint-offsets must be used with care to ensure accurate
representation of behaviour, and complete code checking of all load paths.
The final version native input files representing the completed design/construction shall be supplied for all global
structure computer analyses. These shall be supplied as “documents” numbered in accordance with the project-
specific procedures. Narrative files shall provide the historical and administrative information to relate the files to
specific analysis reports, and to allow the analyses to be re-run. This narrative shall be accompanied by the input
electronic text file(s) of the complete computer model used for the analysis, including all output and code checks
commands, and the native files which supply the analysis results in order to be able to extract individual element
forces and joint displacements, etc. Each calculation note shall clearly make cross-reference to the numbered
computer files, and the electronic copy of the computer structural models shall be issued to COMPANY at the same
COMPANY shall be supplied with the as-built implementation of the 3D plant model, together with associated data-
base files which define component modelling in respect to computation of weight.
All structural analysis reporting shall supply element datasheets, and background reference in the form of
appendices to enable full understanding by COMPANY of the content of analysis, input listings and output data.
ENGINEER shall retain full responsibility for all engineering analysis undertaken with software supplied from any
source. ENGINEER is expected to maintain and use up-to-date versions of analysis software, and to follow all
advice from the software suppliers to achieve valid output.


9.1 General
All calculations must be made with SI units. Values not included in this system shall only be tolerated as
references. They shall be converted into SI values and shall not at any time be used in the calculations. The use of

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 10 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA

inches shall be avoided even for tubular sizes. All documents/calculation notes shall be issued to COMPANY
preferably as text-searchable “Pdf” files extracted from native files (scanned computer output is prohibited) with a
minimum definition of 300 dpi, and transmitted electronically. Watermarks are prohibited in all engineering
documents. Any document submitted which contains parts of insufficient resolution, or with missing sections, or
disordered pages, etc will be rejected, and shall be resubmitted for review.

9.2 Format and arrangements of reports

Design reports are required to be divided into sections to provide the reader with a logical sequence of information
describing a particular, limited, and well defined component of the Work. For large structural assemblies a separate
calculation note shall be issued for each design condition (such as transport, lift, in-place, seismic, fatigue
analyses, etc.). This separate reporting is required for better retrieval of data needed for in-service maintenance,
and to simplify review. For smaller components and assemblies (e.g. for a set of equipment supports, a Vendor
package, etc.) separate calculation notes shall be issued for each assembly, and these shall address a complete
design for all conditions that affect it, providing full references to all input information. Separate design reports are
required for all components with external interfaces, and for all components that are subject to independent

9.2.1 Reports of Structural Analysis and Design

Structural analysis reports shall follow the general arrangement indicated above, with the following particular
The following shall be summarized at the beginning of the design note:
 Overall function, the general arrangement, and details of interfaces and interaction with adjacent facilities,
together with information on expected mode of assembly, installation, and any other associated works.
 Primary inputs including soil conditions and a tabulation of environmental conditions such as wind,
temperatures, seismic activity, etc.
 Loading data and its distribution in the form of tables and drawings, including overall loading and its
components by discipline; applied live load; sketches of wind screens; etc. Loading data shall be supported
with extracts from weight reports and layout drawings.
 Overall methodology used in defining code-check parameters.
 Design load combination, allowable stress conditions, and other acceptance criteria.
 Drawings which define the structure which is analysed. References to applicable issued drawings must
supply COMPANY’s document number and revision.
The computer model information shall supply the following information in narrative, drawings and tables:
 Information on the software used, the type of analysis performed, the type of elements selected, and solution
schemes used in dynamic and non-linear analyses. The text should explain the underlying philosophy in
determining these basic parameters in the context of the particular objectives for the analysis.
 Sketches and listings generated by the analysis program, reproducing in detail and completely the modelled
structure's geometry and topology. For frame models, the supplied data shall include the joint and member
numbering, the location and the type of support points, local axis systems, the member properties, released
freedoms, beam and column code check buckling parameters and other code-check variables. For plate and
solid models, the supplied data shall include global isometric plots and near-orthogonal plots of
subassemblies to show boundary conditions, element density, element thicknesses, and internal constraints.
All relevant program defaults should be stated. Calculations performed manually and with spreadsheets must
include sketches to explain behaviour and loadings considered.

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 11 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA

For any type of structural calculation or analysis performed on computer, the computer outputs shall restore
exactly and in detail the input data, along with the analysis results. The inputs shall be annotated with
explanatory notes to enable the reader to find easily all applicable instructions and to correlate any modelled
feature against its intended behaviour.
 Loading sketches or drawings showing the distribution, orientation and magnitude of input loadings, load-
case by load-case. Loading cases modelling equipment loads shall be fully traceable to individual equipment
tag numbers plot plans. Concentrations of piping or other service loads shall be accurately represented. The
load case combinations shall be given in the form of a table showing the different options and the coefficients
 Other data specific to the purpose of the analysis, such as stress concentration factors and S-N
classifications in a fatigue analysis; distribution of masses and modelling of damping in dynamic analysis;
material stress-strain modelling and joint stiffness characteristics in non-linear analysis; imperfection input to
buckling analysis; etc.
The results sections shall summarize:
 Resultant loading totals and centroids by individual load case and combination.
 Reactions on boundary supports for each elementary and combined case.
 Plots to summarize the overall deflection under dominant loadings with numerical deflection data at key
points as needed to document the distribution of vertical and lateral deflections. Joint displacements shall be
printed for dead load and combined cases.
 The dominant behaviour natural frequencies, mode shapes and participation mass in analyses of frame
structures such as bridges, masts and towers, helidecks, and other subassemblies where mass, stiffness or
loading characteristics suggest dynamic susceptibility.
For frame structures, member and joint code-check results shall be given in detail for every member (as a
minimum at both ends and mid section) or node grouped by sub-assembly (horizontal levels, frame braces,
etc.) and shall include effective stresses, allowable stresses, summarised checking parameters,
node/member geometrical characteristics and critical load case identification. The code checking results
outputs shall also indicate the reference of the code formula for each utilisation factor printed. Computer
plots shall present the utilisation factors for members and nodes where the utilization exceeds 0.5 together
with the member/node identifiers.
Additional listings of member forces shall be supplied in support of separate computation or calculation of
stresses in connections.
Presentation of results from finite element analysis of shell and solid models shall demonstrate that the mesh
used is sufficiently refined to represent stress gradients accurately. Stress plots shall clearly indicate the type
of stress that has been computed, and the structural surface on which they apply. Assessment of finite
element results shall demonstrate compliance of stress states with the governing design standard, in respect
to yielding and buckling limit states. Strength assessment of local peaks in stress shall be based on
procedures submitted in advance and Approved by COMPANY. Limits on equivalent stresses established
from bi-axial and tri-axial stress states shall be set at the same level as defined in the reference standards for
simple uni-axial stress states. Analyses to establish buckling behaviour shall document code compliance in
respect to allowance for residual stress and imperfection, interaction between local and global buckling
behaviour, and use of reduced slenderness to establish characteristic strengths.
 Presentation of results from non-linear analysis should include graphical data to confirm accurate
assimilation of intended input, such as overall loading history, boundary reactions, and absorbed energy.
Global deformation history and distribution of peak stresses and strains must be presented graphically by
load case. It shall be demonstrated that modelling, and subsequent assessment, correctly captures all
possible failure modes including local buckling and rupture at connections.

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 12 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA

Design calculations shall be supplied to document the integrity of all load-bearing structure connections. These
calculations shall include sketches to show assumed load paths through the component and into the supporting
structure. Where spread-sheet calculations are used, these shall be clearly annotated to explain and give
references to the formulae used, and the sections to which they apply. Results for groups of similar components
should be summarized in table form which indicates computer model joint and member data, governing loads, and
relevant structural drawings.
All instances of refined design or fabrication methods used to justify particular locations or components, which
otherwise do not pass the acceptance standards using the general methodology shall be highlighted in the Design,
Fabrication and Installation Résumé.
Reports of structural analysis shall always supply a summary of the designer’s validation of the work. This may be
included as an appendix. Typically, this may take the form of a checklist to document independent assessment of
the work in accordance with the ENGINEER’s quality procedures. It is expected that the validation will confirm
completeness and its adherence to the design basis. Generally, some pre-analysis manual checks shall have been
performed to confirm correct global response. Complex analysis procedures shall be benchmarked to confirm that
the modelling approach will achieve a known solution. The extent of checking may depend upon the criticality of the
component to the load-bearing integrity of the structural system according to the quality procedures.

9.2.2 Design Basis

The Design Basis document defines the design standards, and fundamental input data for the project: it will include
overall design priorities, selected materials and preferred section sizes, philosophy for construction and installation,
meteorological data, geotechnical data, basic safety data, operational maintenance philosophy, and general
parameters of design such as safety factors and design life.
It is useful to issue separate Design Basis documents for groups of Vendors to summarize particular requirements
for their work, and to ensure clear transmittal of applicable design standards. This may include reduced summaries
of environmental criteria, loadings to be considered, support and other standard detailing, aspects of corrosion
protection, and expected reporting standards.

9.2.3 Design Briefs

Design briefs are issued before a design is commenced in order to ensure that the methodology for the work is
agreed and understood between the engineer concerned, the design supervisor and the COMPANY. Design Briefs
define the particular functional requirements of components, and the methods, software, materials, and allowable
stresses to be used in their design, with supporting justifications for any assumptions that will be used.

All drawings shall be issued to scale in readable A3 format. The following drawings shall be provided as part of the
Approved For Construction Engineering drawings set:
 Drawing list, including material take off and structural weight for each drawing of the list. This drawing list
shall be updated at each new drawing revision issue
 Structural general arrangement drawing (3D perspective) of the complete structure
 General note drawing
 Typical welding and bolting connections detail drawings and other standard details.
At the end of the Construction, the Engineering drawings shall be issued As Built, to include drawings of the
complete structure including all attachments. Therefore at all times they shall be kept up to date and shall be the
master reference on which Shop Drawings and/or fabrication drawings are based. Fabrication shall finally be in
compliance with those reference Approved For Construction Engineering Design Drawings. Each as-built drawing
shall include references to all construction query documentation that affects it. The as-built documentation shall
provide for full traceability of materials and weld mapping.

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.
Document Number:
Onshore Steel Structures & equipment packages General UG-BUL-00-0100-100009
Revision : 00 Status : AFU
Optimum Requirements
Rev. Date : 12-Dec-2016
Class: NA Page 13 of 13
Doc. Type : SPE Discipline : STR Phase: FE
System / Subsystem : NN Equipment Type :NA

Typical general notes drawing shall, in particular, fully define all material grades used, and provide references to
the international standards used to define weld symbols, tolerances, machine finishes and other drawing standards.
A designer’s in-house standards on the meaning of particular weld symbols, abbreviations and other terminology
shall be clearly explained.
Standard detail drawings shall be logically arranged in sets, and each type of detail uniquely numbered.
References to the standard details shall ensure no ambiguity in respect to the designer’s requirements on
applicability of particular details and weld configuration.


The MTO's are established drawing by drawing and element by element. Summaries shall be made for each sub-
assembly and per element category (girders, flooring, columns, handrails, etc.).
Lengths and areas taken into account shall be those calculated on the drawings.
Unless indicated otherwise in the special specification the weights shall be calculated from a specific steel weight
equal to 7.85 and considering:
 For pipes, the longest generatrix.
 For sheet metal, the actual surface area.
 For rolled sections, the overall lengths without deducting the notching and holes.
The weight for bolts and welding beads shall be taken grossly depending on the structure concerned.
MTO cumulation shall particularly enable lift weight to be calculated.

This document is the property of TOTAL E&P UGANDA (TEPU) and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced
without permission of the owner.

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