1 20 Elements Symbols Uses

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Topic: Elements and it’s usess

Write down the name, symbol and the uses of each element
corresponding to each of the atomic number listed below.

Atomic no. Element Name Symbol Uses

1 Hydrogen H • Used as a fuel

• Production of ammonia
• For making margarine

2 Helium He • Used in hot air balloons

• For artificial respiration

3 Lithium Li • Used in batteries

4 Beryllium Be • Used to make alloy

5 Boron B • Used to produce glass and


6 Carbon C • Graphite, a form of carbon is

used as the lead in pencils.
• Carbon in the form of diamond
is used in jewellery.

7 Nitrogen N • To make fertilizers

• Used to help with food

8 Oxygen O • Respiration

9 Fluorine F • Used in toothpaste as fluorides

10 Neon Ne • Used in advertisement sign
boards to produce intense
bright light.

11 Sodium Na • Used in sodium vapor lamp

12 Magnesium Mg • Used in fire works

13 Aluminium Al • Used in kitchen utensils

• Wrapping food

14 Silicon Si • Used in computer chips and

solar cells

15 Phosphorus P • Used in safety matches

16 Sulphur S • Fungicide

17 Chlorine Cl • Used as a disinfectant

• As a bleach in the manufacture
of paper and cloth

18 Argon Ar • Fills light bulbs to protect the


19 Potassium K • Fertilizer
• Used in fireworks

20 Calcium Ca • Gives strength to bones

and teeth

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