Standoff in Somalia

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A political standoff in Somalia between the country’s President

and prime minister is intensifying over long delayed elections.

president Mohamad Abdullahi Mohamad says “he has
suspended the Prime Minister accusing him Corruption over a
land grab case” the Prime Minister Mohamad Hussein Roble
says “the president is attempting an informal coup and
sabotaging the half concluded elections” our senior reporter
Bella shegow has sent this report from Mogadishu.

the power struggle between the two leaders took a new turn
today when early this morning vehicles from the presidential
Palace blocked roads close to the prime minister's residence
forcing the prime minister to get to his office on foot.

Mr. Roble, then accused the president of sabotaging the

elections. Mr. Roble, I would like to make it clear to the Somali
people that the Somali federal government will be in charge
during the transition period and I therefore give order to all
Somali National forces to work under the command of the
office of the Prime Minister from today and former president
Mohamad Abdullahi farmajo is no more than presidential
candidate. so therefore he should stand aside.

Today’s move comes just 3 months after the president

Mohamad Abdullahi farmajo and the prime minister agreed to
end a bitter feud sparked by the disappearance of a female
intelligence officer in June.

the fear now is that today's development will only deepen

the political crisis and could trigger clashes between the forces
loyal to the two men such as the ones in Mogadishu in April.
when President Mohamad Abdullahi farmajo unilaterally
extended his four-year term by 2 years

Bella Shegow, BBC News-Mogadishu.

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