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Improved Cable Connection to Mitigate Transient Enclosure Voltages in 220kV

Gas-Insulated Substations

Article in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications · January 2015

DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2015.2466684

16 6,811

6 authors, including:

Abderrahim Khamlichi Gonzalo Donoso


Fernando Garnacho Alvaro Valero

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid High Voltage and Metrology Technological Centre (FFII-LCOE)


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Improved Cable Connection to Mitigate

Transient Enclosure Voltages in 220-kV
Gas-Insulated Substations
Abderrahim Khamlichi, Gonzalo Donoso, Fernando Garnacho,
Gregorio Denche, Alvaro Valero, and Fernando Álvarez

Abstract—Very fast transient overvoltages (VFTOs) due to

switching operations can appear between the gas-insulated sub-
station (GIS) enclosures and the cable sheaths and between
these grounding parts and the substation Earth structures. These
VFTOs achieve hundreds of kilovolts, provoking hazardous dis-
ruptive discharges for human safety. This paper includes a sen-
sitivity analysis of the different parameters in order to establish
criteria to be adopted in the grounding system design of the GIS
structures and the cable connection to mitigate transient overvolt-
ages. The use of bypass surge voltage limiters (SVLs) between
the GIS enclosure and the cable sheath is also needed to avoid
uncontrolled discharges. The selection of these SVL according to
insulation coordination rules is presented in this paper, ensuring
electrical safety without affecting the current mode of exploitation
of the 220-kV GIS or the cable.
Index Terms—Bypass surge voltage limiters (SVLs), cable Fig. 1. Typical physical location of bypass SVLs: 1—Nonlinear resistor.
sheath, disruptive discharges, gas-insulated substations (GISs), 2—GIS enclosure. 3—Cable sheath. 4—Sheath sectionalizing insulator.
GIS enclosure, grounding system, insulation level, protection
margin, transient enclosure voltages (TEVs), transient ground
potential rise (TGPR). to hazardous disruptive discharges for human safety. Although
the simplest solution, under the point of view of insulation
coordination, would be connecting both parts with each other,
in case of GIS already connected, this solution would not be

T HE transient enclosure voltage (TEV) phenomenon in

gas-insulated substations (GISs), also known as transient
ground potential rise (TGPR), is due to HV short-duration
convenient as the effects derived from the circulating currents
between the grounding system of both cable and GIS certainly
would not be considered in the design, especially if the GIS and
transients which appear during switching operations such as the cable termination belong to different utilities.
disconnector opening and closing inside a GIS substation. In
particular, closing operations produce severe overvoltages be-
tween the GIS enclosure and the cable sheath and between these
grounding parts and the substation Earth structures (e.g., walls, According to the IEEE Std. 1300-2011 [1], the HV cable
floor, and ceiling), when both parts are connected to the station termination should include a sheath sectionalizing insulator
ground through different grounding leads. This TEV can lead between the parts electrically connected to the GIS enclosure
and the cable sheath. This allows testing separate grounding
Manuscript received April 30, 2015; accepted July 16, 2015. Date of publi- and facilitates limiting circulating currents in the cable sheath.
cation August 11, 2015; date of current version January 18, 2016. Paper 2015- Furthermore, [1] and [2] state that adequate electrical insu-
ESafC-0149, presented at the 2015 IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop,
Louisville, KY, USA, January 26–30, and approved for publication in the lation shall be provided between cable connection parts that
IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Electrical Safety are separately grounded. Bypass surge voltage limiters (SVLs)
Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. may be required if a sheath sectionalizing insulator exists.
A. Khamlichi and A. Valero are with the High Voltage Technological Center
(LCOE-F2I2), 28906 Madrid, Spain (e-mail:; avalero@ The most commonly used bypass SVL for this application is a nonlinear resistor, although, in some instances, capacitors
G. Donoso and G. Denche are with Red Eléctrica de España (REE), 28109 might be considered. Since the transients have very short rise
Madrid, Spain (e-mail:;
F. Garnacho and F. Álvarez are with the Technical University of Madrid times (on the order of nanoseconds), the SVL needs to be
(ETSIDI-UPM), 28012 Madrid, Spain (e-mail:; mounted very close to the gap to be protected and connected by short low-impedance leads, as shown in Fig. 1.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at References [1] and [2] affirm that the number and char-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2015.2466684 acteristics of the nonlinear resistors shall be determined and
0093-9994 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

supplied by the cable termination manufacturer, taking into

consideration the requirements of the user and the switchgear
manufacturer. This paper presents the guidelines to install prop-
erly those bypass SVLs.
In Section III of this paper, a theoretical analysis of the
wave propagation during closing operations in a gas-insulated
switchgear is introduced, which enables it to evaluate the design
parameters that influence the voltage distribution. This analysis
was complemented with online measurements in four different
220-kV GISs belonging to the Spanish TSO, REE, during real
Fig. 2. Closing operation in the gas-insulated switchgear.
closing operations which allow determining the magnitude of
TEV and comparing those with the theoretical results (see
Section IV-C).
In Section V, the equations for insulation coordination are
indicated in order to select properly the bypass SVL residual
voltage from the measurement data and considering the desired
insulation level. The selection criteria for capacitors are not
included in this paper; therefore, from now on, bypass SVLs
are only referred to as ZnO nonlinear resistor.


A. Basic Theory
During closing operations in gas-insulated switchgears, very
fast transient voltages and very fast transient currents appear,
whose abrupt fluctuations induce very fast currents “i” through
the GIS enclosures. These currents reach the cable connection
area a few kiloamperes (from 5 to 7.5 kA) with rise times of a
few dozens of nanoseconds (around 50 ns) according to [3]
≈ (5 ÷ 7.5) · kA/50 ns = (1 ÷ 1.5) · 1011 (A/s) (1)
Fig. 3. Electric diagram of the distribution of switching voltages. (a) Physical
where di/dt is the current rate of rise. layout. (b) Equivalent circuit.
The transient currents are drained to the Earth through the
grounding leads of the GIS enclosure and the cable sheaths. The
grounding inductance value “L” will be crucial in determining arrives to that transition, one part of it is refracted “uAC ,” and
the peak of the TGPR. As an example and in order to obtain the the other part is reflected “uAC .” The refracted part is divided
order of magnitude of the overvoltages, considering 1 μH/m in three fractions: “uAB ,” “uBT ,” and “uT C ” (see Fig. 3). The
of inductance per unit length and a current rate of rise of voltage uAB is the fraction refracted through the characteristic
1 · 1011 A/s results in overvoltages “u” around 100 kV impedance “Z2 ,” formed between the cable conductor and
di its sheath. The voltage uBT is the fraction refracted through
u=L· ≈ 1 (μH/m) · 1011 (A/s) = 100 (kV/m). (2) the characteristic impedance “Z3 ,” formed between the cable
sheath and the Earth floor, and the voltage uT C is the fraction
During the energizing of a power line in a GIS, the process refracted through the characteristic impedance “Z4 ,” formed
of approximation of the switch contacts in the closing oper- between the Earth floor and the GIS enclosure. In consequence,
ation originates discharges between them (see Fig. 2). These between the endpoint of the cable sheath “B” and the endpoint
discharges give rise to traveling waves along all of the GIS of the GIS enclosure “C” appears the voltage “uBC .”
components: between each of the conductors (I and I ) and their The traveling voltage refracted in point A (uAC ) has the
enclosure or sheath (II and II ) and between this enclosure or following equation:
sheath and the Earth floor level (III).
2 · (Z2 + Z3 + Z4 )
uAC = U0 · (3)
Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4
Considering the electric diagram of Fig. 3, the originated and the one reflected uAC has the following:
traveling wave “U0 ” travels between the GIS duct and its enclo-
sure until the transition GIS–cable. When this traveling voltage urAC = uAC − U0 . (4)

Consequently, applying the corresponding voltage dividers re-

sults in the following equations for uBT , uT C , and uBC :
Z3 2 · Z3
uBT = · uAC = · U0
Z2 + Z3 + Z4 Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4
Z4 2 · Z4
uT C = · uAC = · U0
Z2 + Z3 + Z4 Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4
2 · (Z3 + Z4 )
uBC = uBT + uT C = · U0 (7)
Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4
Z1 inner characteristic impedance (Zint ) between the GIS
conductor and its enclosure;
Z2 inner characteristic impedance (Zint ) between the ca-
ble conductor and its sheath;
Z3 outer characteristic impedance (Zext ) between the
cable sheath and the Earth;
Z4 outer characteristic impedance (Zext ) between the
GIS enclosure and the Earth.

The calculation of the inner characteristic impedances Z1 and

Z2 results from the following equation of [4] and [5]:
60 rint Fig. 4. Cable and a GIS duct vertically disposed.
Zint = √ ln (8)
εr rI


rint inner radius of the GIS enclosure or the cable sheath; A. Cable and GIS Layout
r1 radius of the GIS duct or the cable conductor;
εr permittivity (1 for SF6 and 2.5 for XLPE). Fig. 5(a) shows the variation of Z3 and Z4 with the medium
height h after applying (10) and considering a difference of
As an example, a GIS of rint = 160 mm and r1 = 70 mm medium height “Δh” between the cable sheath and the GIS
results in Z1 ≈ 50 Ω. Likewise, a cable of rint = 50 mm and enclosure of 1 m, for a cable sheath of rext = 50 mm and
r1 = 25 mm results in Z2 ≈ 26 Ω. for a GIS duct of rext = 250 mm. It can be seen that, for
medium heights of GIS duct hGIS between 1.5 and 2 m, Z3
The calculation of the outer characteristic impedances Z3 and varies between 120 and 161 Ω and Z4 varies between 89 and
Z4 for a cable sheath or a GIS enclosure horizontally disposed 106 Ω. For low values of hGIS (< 1.25 m), the capacity between
(see Fig. 2) results from the following equation of [4] and [5]: the GIS duct and the Earth floor level is high, behaving as a
filter for overvoltages attenuating them considerably; therefore,
Zext = 60 ln (9) this capacity becomes an important design parameter in order
to limit transient overvoltages.
where In order to estimate the voltage distribution uBC between the
cable sheath Z3 and the GIS enclosure Z4 , applying the corre-
rext outer radius of the cable or the GIS enclosure; sponding voltage dividers results in the following equations:
h height of the middle axis above the Earth floor.
In case of a vertical disposition of the cable and the GIS duct uBT = · uBC = rBT · uBC (11)
Z3 + Z4
(see Fig. 4), Z3 and Z4 can be approximated from the following
equation of [6]: Z4
  uT C = UBC = rT C · uBC . (12)
2h Z3 + Z4
Zext = 60 · ln −1 . (10)
Fig. 5(b) shows the ratios between rBT and rT C depending
As an example, an HV cable of rext = 50 mm and hcable = on the GIS duct height hGIS . It can be seen that the voltage
1000 mm results in Z3 ≈ 161 Ω. Likewise, a GIS of rext = distribution is unbalanced (60% for the cable sheath and 40%
250 mm and hGIS = 2000 mm results in Z4 ≈ 106 Ω. for the GIS enclosure) when hGIS rises over 1.5 m.

Fig. 5. (a) Variation of Z3 and Z4 with the GIS duct medium height hGIS . (b) Voltage distribution in uBT and uT C without considering the grounding leads.

Fig. 6. Variation of Zconnex with the grounding lead medium height h for
two different outer radiuses.
Fig. 7. Voltage distribution in uBT and uT C considering the grounding leads.
B. Grounding of the GIS Enclosure and the Cable Sheath
The evaluated voltage distribution in the previous section M EASURED OVERVOLTAGES D UE TO S WITCHING O PERATIONS
does not consider the effect of the grounding leads from the
cable sheath or the GIS enclosure. In transient analysis, these
grounding connections behave as transmission lines with a
propagation speed that is the same as the speed of light (c0 =
300 m/μs). For grounding connections with circular cross-
sectional conductors, normally used for connecting the cable
sheath to the Earth, the characteristic impedance according to ing leads is more unbalanced than that obtained by considering
[4] and [5] is defined with the following equation: only the tubular geometry of the cable sheath and the GIS duct
 √  as shown in Fig. 7. For a value of 50 Ω for the characteristic
2 2h
Zconnex = 60 · ln (13) impedance of the grounding connection of the GIS enclosure
rext and a value of 360 Ω for the characteristic impedance of the
where grounding connection of the cable sheath, it can be seen that
the voltage distribution is unbalanced (80% for the cable sheath
rext outer radius of the grounding lead; and 20% for the GIS enclosure). In practice, the distribution
h height of the middle axis above the Earth floor. is even more unbalanced because the GIS, with its grounding
connections, typically has a lower characteristic impedance to
As an example, Fig. 6 shows the variation of Zconnex with the the Earth than the HV cable sheath.
medium height h for a circular cross-sectional grounding lead
and two different outer radiuses rext = 12.5 and 25 mm. It can
C. Measured Overvoltages Due to Switching Operations
be seen that, for a height of around 1 m, the impedance Zconnex
is between 300 and 360 Ω, which represents an inductance per In order to know the real voltage distribution in the cable
unit length between L ≈ 1.1 μH/m and L ≈ 1.2 μH/m. sheaths and the GIS enclosures, online measurements of the
In the case of the GIS, the grounding connections of the transient overvoltages uBT , uT C , and uBC were performed due
enclosure are made at different points using wide plates, and to closing operations in the gas-insulated switchgear from four
therefore, the equivalent characteristic impedance of these con- different 220-kV GIS substations. The voltages obtained are
nections is low. shown in Table I. GIS #1 and #2 did not have an installed bypass
The voltage distribution uBC between the cable sheath uBT SVL. In contrast, substation #3 did have nonlinear resistors with
and the GIS enclosure uT C considering the effect of the ground- 6 kV of rated voltage Ur , connecting the GIS enclosure with

Fig. 8. Wave measures from uBT , uT C , and uBC during the closing operations in substations #1, #2, #3, and #4.

in different instants due to the phenomena of the traveling wave



The use of “n” nonlinear resistors parallel disposed and
properly selected allows a controlled mitigation of TEV. For
the purpose of insulation coordination, two different regimes
should be studied: the transitional regime of the first instants,
before the actuation of the bypass SVL when an overvoltage
“uBC ” appears between points B and C, and the subsequent
transitional regime, during the action of the bypass SVL when
Fig. 9. Coaxial cable connecting the cable sheath to the GIS enclosure and the the overvoltage “uBC ” appears.
GIS enclosure to the Earth.
A. Grounding Leads
the cable sheath. Moreover, in substation #4, a coaxial cable
was installed, with its center conductor connecting the cable For the first instants, before the actuation of the bypass SVL,
sheath to the Earth and its sheath connecting the GIS enclosure the overvoltage uBC is calculated by superimposing the inci-
to the Earth (see Fig. 9). dent wave “s · t” with the reflected wave propagated through
In Fig. 8, the wave measures from uBT , uT C , and uBC each SVL connection lead of “long” length, which takes “τ ”
during the closing operations in each substation are shown. In time to propagate at the speed of light “c0 ”
the two GIS without bypass SVL (#1 and #2), the voltage uBC uBC = 2 · s · τ (14)
resulted around 100 kV, with a uBT of 97% · uBC and a uT C
of around 30% · uBC . where
It can be seen that the bypass SVL in #3 reduced the maxi-
s wave slope of the propagated overvoltage;
mum overvoltage to values lower than 27 kV. It can also be seen τ propagation time τ = long/c0 .
that the effect of the coaxial cable in #4 limited overvoltages to
values lower than 34 kV. Although overvoltages were limited
Considering that the total current “i ” is the sum of the
due to the installation of the coaxial cable, this disposition currents through the n SVL connection leads in parallel, the
involves a continuous current because of the inductive coupling
following equation is used to calculate the ratio between
in the loop formed by the redundant connection between the
the voltage of the propagated wave s · t through one of the
GIS enclosure and the Earth (see Fig. 9), which generates
connection leads and the total current i :
undesirable hot spots during normal operations of the line. The
obtained results show that the overvoltage ratios rBT and rT C s·t s·t
i = n · =n· (15)
are higher than the ratios evaluated theoretically as they occur Zc c0 · L 

where where di/dt is the current variation in time after the actuation
Z c = c0 · L 
characteristic impedance of each connection of the bypass SVL.
lead; When the bypass SVL actuates, the maximum length of each
c0 speed of the light propagation through air; SVL connection lead which limits the overvoltage up to the
L inductance per unit length of each connection admissible value of isolation level (BILBC ) with a protection
lead; margin M P is given by the following equation:
n number of parallel disposed nonlinear n BILBC
resistors. longmax =  di · − Ures . (23)
L · dt 1 + MP
Deriving (15), it results in the following wave slope s: Equating (20) and (23), results in
L di    di

s=c· · (16) BILBC
n dt Ures ≤ · 1− dt
1 + MP dt
and considering
long where the experimental values of di /dt and di /dt were
τ= (17)
c0 obtained experimentally from the measurements described in
Section IV-C, resulting in
(14) becomes the following: 
L di Ures ≤ · 1− ≈ 0.95 · . (25)
s=c· · . (18) (1 + M P ) 21 (1 + M P )
n dt
As long as (18) corresponds to an overvoltage of the high- From the measurements in substation #3, it was obtained
frequency regime, the equivalent lightning impulse voltage that di /dt ≈ 1.7 · 109 A/s, and from the measurements in
1.2/50 is calculated by reducing the overvoltage uBC by a factor substations #1 and #2, cases without bypass SVL, the minimum
which depends on the frequency “k(f )” and considering the value of di /dt was chosen (0.36 · 1011 ) because it is the most
short time of this overvoltage. Assuming that k(f ) ≈ 0.5, it restrictive value to determine the Ures of (24).
results in The SVL residual voltage must be selected to protect the
insulation not only between the cable sheath and the GIS
L di
uBCequ = k(f ) · uBC = 0.5 · 2 · long · · . (19) enclosure (BILBC ) but also between these grounding parts
n dt and the nearby substation Earth structures (BILBT y BILT C ).
The maximum admissible overvoltage for the first transient, In this sense, to protect the insulation between the cable sheath
considering a protection margin “M P ,” is defined by the insu- or the GIS enclosure and the Earth, (11) and (12) become the
lation level (BILBC /(1 + M P )) between points B and C and following when taking (22) into account:
is associated with the maximum length of each SVL connection
lead, given by the following equation: uBT = rBT · (Ures + ucon ) = rBT · uBC (26)
uT C = rT C · (Ures + ucon ) = rT C · uBC . (27)
n · BILBC /(1 + M P )
longmax =  (20)
L · didt Following the same procedure of the insulation between
points B and C for the insulation between points B and T
where (BILBT ) and for insulation between points C and T (BILT C )
BILBC insulation level between the cable sheath and the results in
GIS enclosure;  
L inductance per unit length of each connection Ures ≤ · − (28)
lead; (1 + M P )  rBT 21 
MP acceptable protection margin; Ures ≤ · − . (29)
di /dt before the actuation of the bypass SVL; (1 + M P ) rT C 21
n≥3 number of parallel disposed bypass SVL. For the protection margin M P , equal for all of the insula-
tions, of 15% (according to [7] and [8]) and considering that the
most unfavorable voltage distribution which may appear is
B. Insulation Level 100% (rBT = 1.0) in the cable sheath and 50% (rT C = 0.5)
For the subsequent instants at which the SVLs are limiting in the GIS enclosure, the selection of the bypass SVL is condi-
the voltage between its terminals, the overvoltage between tioned by the most restrictive of the three following inequations:
points B and C uBC is composed of two summands: the SVL
residual voltage Ures and an additional voltage ucon due to the Ures ≤
effect of the connection 1, 2  
Ures ≤ · 1− ·
uBC = Ures + ucon   (21) 1, 15  BILBT 21 
ucon = · long · L · (22) Ures ≤ · 2− · . (30)
n dt 1, 15 BILT C 21

[1] IEEE Guide for Cable Connections for Gas-Insulated Substations, IEEE
Std 1300-2011, Jan. 2012.
[2] Earthing of GIS—An Application Guide, Electra No. 151, CIGRE Work-
ing Group 23.10, Dec. 1993, p. 3151.
[3] F. Noack, P. Zahlmann, R. Broche, and J. Schwarz, “Fast transients in
the earthing systems of GIS,” in Proc. CIGRE Session, Paris, France,
Aug. 1988, p. 33-06.
[4] E. P. Dick, N. Fujimoto, G. L. Ford, and S. Harvey, “Transient ground
potential rise in gas-insulated substations—Problem identification and
mitigation,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-101, no. 10,
pp. 3610–3619, Oct. 1982.
[5] N. Fujimoto, E. P. Dick, S. A. Boggs, and G. L. Ford, “Transient
ground potential rise in gas-insulated substations—Experimental studies,”
IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-101, no. 10, pp. 3603–3609,
Oct. 1982.
[6] C. A. Jordan, “Lightning computations for transmission lines with over-
head ground wires—Part II,” General Electric Rev., vol. 37, no. 4,
pp. 180–186, 1934.
[7] Surge Arresters—Part 5: Selection and Application Recommendations,
Fig. 10. Single-point bonding connection in the immediate cable section with IEC 60099-5:2013, May 2013.
a sheath voltage limiter installed in the GIS side. [8] Insulation Co-Ordination—Part 2: Application Guide, IEC 60071-2:
1996, Dec. 1996.
[9] G. L. Ford and L. A. Geddes, “Transient ground potential rise in gas-
insulated substations—Assessment of shock hazard,” IEEE Trans. Power
C. Cable Sheath Bonding App. Syst., vol. PAS-101, no. 10, pp. 23–24, Oct. 1982.
[10] R. J. Harrington and M. M. El-Faham, “Proposed methods to reduce
In Fig. 10, the case of a single-point bonding connection transient sheath voltage rise in gas insulated substations,” IEEE Trans.
in the immediate cable section with a sheath voltage limiter Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-104, no. 5, pp. 1198–1206, May 1985.
installed in the GIS side is shown. In this case, the sheath
temporary overvoltages that appear between the cable sheath
and the Earth when a phase-to-ground fault occurs in the power Abderrahim Khamlichi received the B.Sc. degree
grid are seen by both limiters: the sheath voltage limiter which in electrical engineering from the Technical Uni-
protects the cable sheath and the bypass SVL located between versity of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain, in 1999,
where he is currently working toward the M.Sc.
the cable sheath and the GIS enclosure. Therefore, the bypass degree in the area of electrical power transmission.
SVL rated voltage Ur should be equal or higher than the sheath He is currently the responsible of the High
limiter rated voltage Ursheath in order to ensure the bypass SVL Voltage Calibration Laboratory, High Voltage Tech-
nological Center (LCOE-F2I2), and an Electrical
integrity in case of phase-to-ground fault, as well as to satisfy Engineer with the R&D&I Department. He is also
the restrictions of (30) an Educator with the Department of Electrical Engi-
neering, ETSIDI-UPM.
Ur ≥ Ursheath . (31)

If the condition required by (31) does not allow satisfying Gonzalo Donoso received the B.Sc. degree in elec-
the restrictions of (30), it must be necessary to increase the trical and mechanical engineering from the Uni-
insulation level (BILBC , BILBT , or BILT C ) in order to versity of Extremadura (UEx), Spain, in 2007, the
M.Eng. degree in design, construction, and mainte-
satisfy simultaneously (30) and (31). nance of high-voltage electrical infrastructure from
the Comillas Pontifical University (ICAI), Madrid,
Spain, in 2012, and the M.Eng. degree in industrial
VI. C ONCLUSION economics and markets from Carlos III University of
Madrid (UC3M), Madrid.
In order to mitigate TEVs in installed 220-kV GISs, the He is currently a Project Engineer with the Line
shortest possible grounding leads from the cable sheath and Maintenance Department, Red Eléctrica de España
(REE), the Spanish TSO, Madrid, where he is managing the maintenance of
the GIS enclosure to the Earth should be installed, and the cables for rated voltages up to 400 kV.
capacity coupling between these grounding parts and the Earth
floor should be increased. Furthermore, the use of properly
selected bypass SVLs joining the GIS enclosure with the cable Fernando Garnacho received the B.Sc. degree in
sheath is the most effective solution to mitigate TEV when industrial engineering and the Ph.D. degree from
both parts are connected to the station ground through different the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid,
Spain, in 1981 and 1986, respectively.
grounding leads, but their selection should satisfy the insulation Since 1981, he has been with the High Voltage
coordination criteria. Additionally, if a sheath voltage limiter Technological Center (LCOE-F2I2), Madrid, where
exists in the cable single-point bonding, coordination between he is currently the Director. He is also a Profes-
sor with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
its characteristics and the bypass SVL ones should be achieved ETSIDI-UPM.
in order to ensure the bypass SVL integrity in case of phase- Dr. Garnacho has been a full member of many CI-
to-ground fault. Finally, it should be emphasized that these GRE Working Groups such as D1.35, D1.36, D1.37,
and D1.60 since 1990. Since 2004, he has been the Chairman of Technical Com-
guidelines do not ensure complete security against possible haz- mittee 42, “High Voltage Testing Techniques,” of the Spanish Standardization
ardous disruptive discharges, but they certainly help to prevent. Institute AENOR.

Gregorio Denche received the B.Sc. degree in in- Fernando Álvarez received the B.Sc. degree in
dustrial engineering from the Technical University electrical engineering from the Technical University
of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain, in 2002, where he of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain, in 1999 and the
is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the B.Sc. degree in industrial engineering from Carlos III
area of electrical power transmission. University of Madrid (UC3M), Madrid, in 2008. He
Since 2006, he has been an Associate Profes- is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the
sor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, High Voltage Tests Laboratory (LAT-UPM).
ETSIDI-UPM. Since 2003, he has also been with Since 2004, he has been an Associate Profes-
Red Eléctrica de España (REE), the Spanish TSO, sor with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Madrid, where he is a Senior Engineer with the ETSIDI-UPM. He has participated in several re-
Engineering Lines Department. His research inter- search projects related to HV electrical insulation
ests include grounding grid analysis and overvoltage in metallic screens of diagnosis. His research is focused on high-voltage insulating materials and
underground cables. partial discharge measurement.

Alvaro Valero received the B.Sc. degree in elec-

trical and industrial engineering and the M.Sc. de-
gree in metrology from the Technical University of
Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain, in 2012 and 2014,
In 2011, he joined the High Voltage Technolog-
ical Center (LCOE-F2I2), Madrid. He is currently
an Electrical Engineer with the R&D&I Department,
Mr. Valero is a full member of CIGRE Working
Group D1.60. He was the recipient of the 2015 IEEE
IAS Myron Zucker Award on Electrical Safety Prevention through the Design
Student Engineering Education Initiative.

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