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Self Healing Avoidant Attachment
Learn to Self-Soothe
Adrenaline Isn't Love
• When fears of abandonment arise, remain calm.
• Love is a steady, caring connection.
• Express fears instead of blame or control.
• Differentiate between excitement and
Stop Abandoning Yourself
• Prioritize self-care and meet your needs.
Choose Wisely
• It's not selfish; it's self-care.
• Opt for emotionally available partners.
Shift Your Perspective
• Build a healthy relationship with the right
• Understand that others' actions may reflect their
Honesty from the Start
• Rejection isn't a personal attack.
• Be upfront about your feelings and needs.
Take Them Off the Pedestal
• Filter out incompatible matches naturally.
• Partners are human and have flaws.
• Remember this to ease pressure.
Tips for Handling an Anxiously Attached Partner
Create a Safe Space
Recognize Triggers
• Offer a judgment-free zone for their feelings.
• Be patient and compassionate, considering past
Be Responsive
• Understand their need for reassurance and
respond with compassion.
• Remind them of your commitment and love.
Set Healthy Boundaries
Encourage Self-Care
• Balance support with self-care for your well-
• Promote activities nurturing emotional well-being.
Seek Professional Support
Clear Communication
• If needed, consider therapy or counseling
• Encourage open conversations about feelings
Navigating such a relationship requires:
and intentions.
• Empathy, Patience, Clear Communication
Active Listening
• Show empathy, especially during emotional
Self Healing Avoidant Attachment
Self-Discovery Setting Sail into Unfamiliar Waters
• Reflect on your attachment style and its origins. • Step out of your comfort zone in social and emotional
• Understand it's not a permanent label but a situations.
response to past experiences. Build Secure Relationships
Embrace Vulnerability • Seek relationships with secure individuals.
• Hoist the flag of vulnerability proudly. • Learn to trust and depend on others to reshape your
• Depend on others and express your needs. attachment style.
Navigating Uncharted Waters Self-Compassion
• Challenge self-reliance beliefs. • Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion.
• Replace negative thoughts with positive • Healing is an adventure; stormy seas may appear.
affirmations. Patience and Persistence
Seek Therapy • Celebrate progress on your journey to a healthier
• Explore attachment history, patterns, and attachment style.
healthier strategies.
Tips for Handling an Avoidant Attachment Partner
Respect Their Independence
• Honor their need for personal space and autonomy. Respect Their Alone Time
• Avoid pressuring them to open up prematurely. • Understand their need for solitude to recharge.
Clear Communication • Know it doesn't reflect their feelings toward you.
• Use direct communication, focusing on practical Support Self-Reflection
matters. • Encourage self-reflection and personal growth.
• They prefer intellectual discussions over emotional • Explore their attachment style and past
ones. experiences.
Practice Patience Pay Attention to Actions
• Give them time to process emotions and thoughts. • They may struggle with verbal expressions of
• Avoid pressuring them for immediate responses. emotions.
Acknowledge Their Strengths • Pay attention to actions that convey care and
• Reassure them that their independence is valued. support.
• Celebrate their unique strengths. Set Realistic Expectations
Validate Their Emotions • Understand they may not express emotions openly.
• Validate their feelings without dismissing them. • Set expectations based on their attachment style.
• Create a safe space for emotional sharing. Consider Professional Support
Stay Calm During Conflicts • Professional guidance can benefit the relationship.
• Remain composed during conflicts and avoid
escalations. 20
• Give them space when needed.
Self Healing Fearful-Avoidant Attachment
Self-Awareness Establish Healthy Boundaries
• Acknowledge your attachment style • Learn to set and communicate boundaries.
• Reflect on past experiences shaping your beliefs about • Prioritize well-being and emotional needs.
intimacy and love. Communicate
Seek Professional Help • Work on assertive and honest communication.
• Process past traumas and build emotional resilience. • Foster understanding and connection.
Embrace Vulnerability Build Self-Esteem
• Begin with sharing thoughts and feelings. • Celebrate strengths and achievements.
• Gradually practice vulnerability in safe environments. • Surround yourself with positive influences.
Challenge Negative Beliefs Self-Care
• Identify and challenge negative self-beliefs. • Prioritize physical and emotional well-being.
• Replace self-doubt and criticism with self-compassion. • Engage in activities that bring joy and balance.
Develop Emotional Regulation Challenge Relationship Patterns
• Use mindfulness and meditation for grounding. • Recognize and avoid repeating unhealthy patterns.
• Practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques. • Assess behaviors for current well-being and goals. 20
Tips for Handling Fearful- Avoidant Attachment Partner
Be Patient Educate Yourself
• Recognize past traumas may make emotions and intimacy • Respond with empathy and understanding.
challenging. Allow them to process at their own pace. Set Healthy Boundaries
Offer Emotional Support • Prioritize your well-being and emotional needs.
• Show empathy and create a non-judgmental environment. • Establish boundaries while offering support.
• Encourage them to express emotions without fear. Encourage Professional Help
Respect Boundaries • In cases of significant trauma impact, suggest therapy.
• Understand their need for independence. • Support them on their healing journey.
• Avoid pressuring them to be vulnerable prematurely. Build Trust
Encourage Communication • Develop trust over time. Be consistent and reliable in your
• Foster open and honest dialogue. actions.
• Let them know you're available to listen. Celebrate Progress
Validate Their Feelings • Celebrating their efforts can be motivating.
• Confirm that their emotions are valid. Mind Triggers
• Assure them they're not alone in their struggles. • Be aware of potential triggers. 20
• Create a safe and supportive environment.
Liz Uimbia – 0722842490
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