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1. Tell me about yourself.

- Greetings! (Good afternoon or Goodmorning!)

My name is Sandra Marie Aguilar and you can just call me Sandra. I live in
Mandaluyong and my highest educational attainment is 3 rd year undergraduate
at Jose Rizal University.

As you can see in my resume, I’ve been in 3 companies. My first work was an
English Tutor and we are teaching international students and most of our
students are professional that reside in Turkey. My 2 nd work was an Email
support agent in Concentrix. I handled UK ticket festivals account and we also
do cold call specially in sales and lastly a customer service representative of
WNS. I handled a travel account in Delta airlines and we are helping
passengers and clients about their travel tickets by booking, changing,
cancelling their trip in a live chat.

2. What are your strength?

Since my course was legal management where we handle cases and search for
resolution, it honed my skills in finding a solution in every issues I got and
communicating effectively because it will benefit both parties and it is a self-
satisfaction whenever I resolved things. I am highly organized and good at
socializing or interacting because I always give empathy so I can understand
the situation of every people that I will talk to. I can also multi task any work
by prioritizing what is important and needed to be done while working in

3. What are your weaknesses?

The big factor of my weakness is my health, because I tend to over worked

myself in every task I was given. I gave my very best to each of that tasks
because I value and consider that as an important matter and because of that I
experienced overfatigue but now I am in practice of balancing my health and
work or task that I will handle.

4. Why should we hire you?

Since my previous course was Legal management, I am knowledgeable about

Policies. In that case I have skills in resolving issues and communicating
effectively while stating facts to clients in a professional manner which is very
related to the position I am applying for. Also, I’m no Newbie because I have
experiences in this field specially handling international accounts. I am very
competitive because I always succeed in reaching the required goals or rate
weekly and monthly in the previous account I handled.

5. Why do you want to work at our company?

Based on my researches, I’ve read that your company is giving a fair and
ethical salary with bonuses and incentives. Also, there are reviews that your
company promotes a good working environment which is very interesting
because that shows you really cared about you employees. The most is
important is, you have a mental health program which would be really helpful
to reach my long term goals.

6. Tell what you know about this company.

Oracle CMS is a Voice Services service provider. It specializes in Web

Development, Social Media Marketing, Voice Services services. The company
has its head office located at West Melbourne and was founded in the year
2005. Around 50-249 people are currently working at Oracle CMS.

OWNER: Larry Ellison

7. What are you looking for a job?

I’m looking for a company who compensates fair and ethical and cares about
its employees. Technically speaking, Im looking for an organized work with
good tools and complete sources so I can handle the account easily.

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