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5 Prec Fifth Edtion Maras sho eben cle fom este aso, sndomalapenumbc fl brine pblied works rg tenured hein he Archies hve had ocaion work neh Beng Resods Ofc, Pblic Records Office andthe Library ofthe agg Nea Toppese the old oigial cords ndeed a unique and revanh Neves, Iam concious of theft that ther iss lt mee tre of Indian Legal History. An immense mass, I experience tech 6 of vaiegatd matric ‘evdpment ln Leg Sem gin the Recs kc a ‘loony me punsakng hla Thae deer ender Inoracon een the dvlopmens in Tian ce Inco hwul of my racic ince het Ei say kepoile frm bring ura much age eh Inglis Exh Eaton rae nthe jy sacra mines wont Tepes led and comprehen General Contents Price the Ein Pre the Seventh Edson ef te Sat Eto. efi the Pi din leo Co curr 1 Inedacy 2 Early Chane and Surat Facoy 23+ Admini face in Maes 1639-1726 4 Adminisation of asic n Bombay: 1668-1726 5 Admininetion of Janice a Cala 1690-1726 6, Mayor Cou 7. Begining ofthe Ads Sem 1 Supreme Cour Calta Supreme Cours at Bombay and Maies Recorder? Cour. 10. Re-Organtaton ofthe Adalat Sytem ici Plan 1780 11, Jacl Mewar of Corals see 2A, Cacao of Law (1835-1882), oe 25. Some Set Codes Sic th Eig ion aaa |S 26 Legare in Indi: 1861-1950. Pert te Soe Ein See oi efi tthe Sach Eo. : * eee 2 cena, Bnet if Eden : oak x 28. Personal Laws of Hindus and Mohammedans. Table of Co slicer 29, India Wins Independence | 130, Lam Rae of La & Constional Developments. . - 8 Curren 1 231. Law Reporting it Indi. “ Ierropuctory 32. Groh of Leg Profesion ° Conn of Leg Hy 1 ® Inporance of Hired Backosd 1 ot ri Lp History: Living Osi. 2 re ih Tins 3 ” 3 3 ‘ ‘ 19 - ‘ 10. Lag Spe erin ones emeneS a SET Contents EE See (Cuarren 3 ‘3.1, Entensive Power and Delay in Justice. 34 Thin Period 1686-1726 = hare of 726 Genes of the Charter ‘Cour under Dict Royal Auer. Provisions fhe Chae. 641 Corporation Jacl Spe. 651 Mayors Coun. 652 Sherif 65.3 Ciminlaricton Legit - (Chater of 1726 Mads Charter of 1687 ‘Workingof the Juda tems 17261734, G81 Toe Chare Peed Cours Gone Dept eo 692 693 694 695 696 BREESE EHSL EES TAA Criminal acne. 4 MAL Ll Pofelon nn 1 4 B13 Nate Law Ofer aa Son % B14 Lepilaine Mabon te Fem Regions sonnnae1 M49 Conan ie cn Ye A840 Appa be Spm af 95. mi ta © 11404 Ind adel, vs Cuarren 12 Prociiss oF tie ADALAT Sistas Sit JOHN SHORE ty BLD Schone of 1798 ” £ At Aamo Areas Ades w 4 1212 ly Pete 8 . “el 122 Foc Change 1 9 ee is Ses sein % 123 Faker hing: 17951797 180 ge le 123.1 Imposon ofthe Court Fes nono ist ee esl Dany 1232 Soleot ea os a cee f 1233 Renk. reper x 1234 Appi ua Ac Rid us 1235. Shows Relorm>—An Appi SRSSTEESS Govt ssi oe 155.2. Jury Sytem. =e 2% 155.3 Adalat snd Ronse Cue 37 2 1554 Increasing Arete a 2% 156 Later Charge. ae tm 1546.1 Civ judi 238 2 15.62. Revenue Mate. 2 2g 1563 Chima Jaca bi 40 an 1.64 Indians in Criminal Judea. 240 2 Curren 16 JUDICIAL SrsTEMs BEYOND BENGAL Madre Province. 16.1.1 Direc Sogge Similar Plan for Benga Y612 Ada Sper Creed 161.3 Man for Cia Jace. Changs A 1902 nen 13 Aen flan bl omen : 162.1 Mounting Acasa Coun ee. in tii Jia x bo ee eerie. 162.2 Pancayas 1422. Repo Mf 12 ni 1423 Rept Prado 1.24 Repl XI 18am 164.2 Later Changes Regan I of 1833. 165.1 Criminal Janie BERESEE 18.113. Accumulated Aner, 18114. Law Commision 70h Report AWLLS.Innance of Delayed uni 1811.6 Cour Fes, 18117 Cues 192 Lea Ald ~ x 2a x 18.123 High Power Commie. =a 18.124 Lap Sevie Authorities Act 1987 ni t8a3. Now Dispute Resolving Machinery. f, 143.1 Lok Adal 2 nm 172 Asami Tp eA 186 nn Yoo The Cin Prose 18133 Commerl Cours 70 Pia ee a 18134 Tabunal.. i 1814 Caiminl dca Curren AS. Scpuatin of Executive ad Judy ‘Pras JUDIGAL SYSTEM 18:16 Defect in Criminal Jc sn . m Wt Geet 3 ‘Cuarren 19 Hicu Covrrs Exablhmen of High Cours Dil Jesu blre 1861. 1921 Juisicion 192.2 Companys Ada 1923 Dif 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 210 8 Milage chy Cot re RAL Pop Gm acu A 1952 | 9 ASL Sl Cte Ce eo A852. ry ows all Cas Core Aa 1864. Maes Cay Ci ot 2 BEYEEERUSSSSSS ARIZ Legal Aid Commitee rn 18122 Another Commitee nnn $8132. Family Cour — au. OO — er re 19.145, Some Changes. nt nn we 398 4 19.14.6 Final Position orn ct as sa 35 119.15. Territorial Jurisdiction of High Courts and Controversy. o = =a Rreyrereriat eae ae 36 19:16 Post-Constitutional Development. ..n-mr seve - saa 6 19.161 Question of Arrears... stron a 2 [capers — = a 19.163. Law Commission's 14th Report. 358 3 Stee Sepmoy lye : * 2 ies Artem se entklieane 800 > tner Aton — x i Bucs Sromsean ieee Se 3 2169 spon hr dts» i ofl 2 ioa6i Specie iti Fe mi Ae =e ns Seite Cane eae ae — ae Dior nerdnateio eon ok sams. cee nea ri {91619 Unonefner Ski Gand Scar annem = 34 ———— “ ‘Sues Note Den xs A gar tt x a Io hi ra i ere z = ura onemead = Fa ‘s courrn 20 Thou Port Commas Sarena 281 nate Coma aon es =e rT ertae 20.12. Kingin Counll and Howse of Lada 20.13 Privy Counc oh Judcil Commies ofthe Piny Counc 202 Appel ata igh fom Ind. ‘ 203 Some Ely Appeal. PELLSEEE a. 2 10388 Mins : rr * 20.15.24 Prohibition ie . az 4 201525. Qu Wane Pe mae 5 Baia ietias ral Cora eeeteee a 6 20154 Céminl Com as Bi 20155. Sop Arle 14 16 1398, 1318 32 4,8 as re 201556 Indeed of he Spee Cor 7 a7 2015.7 Quulifcaton for Sopeme Cour Judge ae 7 2015.8 Appointment. a8 . a7 {3896 Pore Coratitatonel Deropmene “9 — a8 2016.1 Scengih of dps. a9 : 39 20162 Sion 0 Ne 20563 Qui of Spene Cor foley Commision nae 420 sgh Coanaypesce nyOnte * on 20464 Appoint of hee @ 2001 Rr pie pmo Fa e163 By png edp @ d > 20166 Raton er Qo Waren “3 = > 20162 Rall Sry Es t > 20468 Aran a Bs m* 20169 Soqgnson of = es m 2n610 Lay Conmiae 98 Rapes on m™ Charren 21 CUCU “4 a EI eS a) Couarren 23 465 Deveronmenr oF Civi. Law: MOFUSSt > B31. Bena Scheme. 95 2311 Waren Hang Pan of 1772 495 2312 Drwbacs : 496 B13 Mette : 7 500 23:14 Incodton of Engl Law: Seed Sow BBLS. Scheme of aw. - 232 Maca and Bombay Scheme of aw inthe Mofo z soz 03 23.2.1 Requlaon 20f 1802... oo) 35.22 Bombay Scheme and he Benga Scheme, Dilerence 504 233. Reulition Law. 505 23:31 Bengal Biba and Or : 50s 233.14 Banas 07 23312 Madr 07 333.13. Bomber soa (Ce of en 2332 The Chane Aca 1813. So Char of 726 “ 23.3.3 Syuemof Regulation Lav 508 tes Che sd am ~ 2334, Corde of Replat es 509 Iaotacnn oa Le Te 233.5 ConentofReustons. co 510 23.3.6. Dedecs of Relations on =| 24 June, Equi and Good Comins 513 Ek. epee Cane ee SO 2342 Anais so ss 235 Law Applible to Now Hindus nd 236 Janice, Eau and Good Consclenc: Peston Today. ee 25.3.6 Par a 258 Nagel Be, oe oie oS is a Sl rae ee ——————— Sao oso coer 4S. Le Rept mm ns 4 ao re a jo Bu oss a paemuegen rice = eaten Peary ee = ea eae - i eetcs a wos z Sefer on So eayee- 4 ee ae 4 pene So eee = = esr a a Bes so z Bsc i = ~ eer See ; a een ah eee oa 2 Syria an 3 Dimas ons ed Ekercss See aa 2, ol a eee ae ae ae memento set ae Sia aelceecememeorae rss 7 eo geeseee omen = Come ar TTT - = oo Pic Authors hei Olipons 2651 Cemal ei 60 Designation of Pbli Information fice (0) 266 Consent Asem on Curren 27 Law REFORM. Anse ai re tndependee Neal fr Law Re, 2731 Maine— P32 Macey ome B73 nbn Se Mil W734 Supe Cor 27S La Commision of ad Mechanar Law Rem ore AL Law Commins A 1963 on 743 bitin PAS Method of Work, 7A In Cana PAS In Awrla iebeeeteise 2751 HS Goths 27S. Fest Li Comainon 19.195. 71014 7.1015 71016 y017 v1018 v.09 71020 i021 Request ft Obninglafrmation ext omens RAI. Conn 2S. Matin Law and The Co BAB Aneranmen of Main La 285.2 Piny Coun Cs oro 2053 Landak Ce 286 Con of enna La n 287 Hind Law end Caso 287 Spins 2872. Nie View 2873. Dating Bish Aina 28 Masi Law and Casto MAL See 282 Caer 289 Hinds Land The eile GRA Law Ayla Sco ad StS ™ mm ™ 78 78 70 na ne Come 28129 Piece Legion Supe ARILIO Suggested Arend nn DRIAL 1947 1952 Ped. IRI2I2 Cale boken up it SepuatePa IRI2IB Uncoe Aes. a 2813. Usifnm Ci Coden {p1A Wins INDEPENDENCE “The Goverment of ni et Lan ikthgo plat inns Nor Cooper = The August OF Cig Mio Mision Fate, Qu Ina Mevementand a ecient ‘ee at Pacem SCCM oneal a ee 4 4 4 Wan Micha Nene 2978 DL 48 | 1 LA DH NARA tenn g auf Rordan Somme ITOKETAT neuron ae Youn Kn Ms 19%) SECC 57 an PRFER RRR REPPS seo ss eet Poe h Rak CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTORY 13 etapa 16 Able ng. 11 Contents of Legal History 1.2 Importance of Historical Background "he oot of te preset day himan institution li deeply buted i the ps. The sume is rae ofa county law and ea inuiaions. The east of acount ate grams hore SErionofoneman or afone day irsprexastc cma ol ecrdenvus cope ‘Sought planning and pain our of large number of people though perenne ‘Spshed,endeand and appre the posent el syne adequany es cere ego acquire abacgoundloowee oh cour fa pow an regan psn why isso onc aso peneate deep into te pst and he copnaanes che foo ‘tose and urine which have moulied and shaped eal development. To andes fo fs a one mus appreciate the problems and the pills which te adnininrnn har Ses inthe pat and the mannerin which thy wught to deal wih thon Ife nee ce, ‘uraenon excuse woth law ait iy our undcstanding of bound ws deh, sno ponuble to appreciate is presnt deting without sto fn nd ha {eau only way, othe dy before yer. The wach tate wien at hepa ‘Baw modern lal stem what ti and sll ive on ink. Wihout «props Genre [ebeound i may be dia to apprecae 10 whysparclar aac ote gra ‘is The hin perspective tow light onthe anomais tha ext he snd ee omen. _ ‘Outin of un Lapland Connon Hoey ery eee es oe “ena tl tr trend seman a iy onl felony community in question, and overape 0 the politcal, consieutional social See eee eh Soca syd me enn See etre yi Smt my inn pe a aia ae | a rmnciattnnne omen npn att — 1.3 Legal History A Living Organism 1 hte, lw not beaded merely aby fru aid down by certain organs read apnw ich he ben proes sice ngflw 0 be lid Feat allan of dois, dogmas ad concep of atc emi, Dut as SER Sali ig od brenbing mechanism epg pce with he oil chang, Then nee Sw age fom tuba pl stay Taw cannot be understood prop BSS Greece Rom te irr an pr fthe maton who aw Caw and history Trerepenn A ee with hty one isa esas a mere waking man {Phe poses wine Lng of she, be my vere ie anarchic. 1.4 Pre Bich nations “Tistook urate he proces of elope fel isan ionising the Boh ring inthe fea 1600 Tn aK istry of oe 300 ya andthe Tae Hind ua he Masi pds ef the rh period. ad each of thee ely [etal ince gale oft mn, One my het, ay that a comprehensive fhe Indian Lgl lstary sos compte the hsv procs of development of rane inthe Hind and the Masi prds ao That may beso, but here 2 cil on he Both eid ad tha hat the preset ed conti anda rk ron ou alos of he ny Ps fs ou pret ected re intimately bythe nneine elencs ne ben mae tthe pe Bei developmen 1 9 decte he Socoprens ding he Bh pid wae Can Pr 80,945, Chapt 1—Inrodcony 3 in the msi the oak cro of vs andthe pos ih erode ae of lw and tice eee ae 1.5 The Early Courts “The Engle ela the npc of having a sound jadi erm in she teres fling under their may waned om he a of eng x ial rem practical om the ‘er st ofthe adminitniv crc. The sina maporaliy dee on he Tine mth eprt tothe thee Predeney Towne which mete funded by therm fe their rade and commerce Ta begin with dementia tee wat improved thee Mano by nor-bayes many ender and merchant the sl coure wee 00 mich Unde exact. Bae of he Eghat atu pal for owe hese ours neteoned oat te En Ba for ng eis emaied mere = paper {egurement for the nolewer des ad oe of any le much es ofthe comple Erm and herr nei jie war ely dco ad he on fey and fa py ened by the peg aes pes wih a cme clement and execute dl “Towns The jor beshough nth sini ccd afer ‘fe coun we caraled nee the ete a 17BL ‘outsell dow side side sim tem Wa ae ‘of Mais ad Bombay 16 AdslaSyweminBenpl

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