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MST_Group Activity Mechanics_Final term

1. The class will be divided into four groups.
2. Each group will be assigned an abiotic factor to discuss.
3. Each group shall be given 30 minutes to present the topic. (Be
mindful of the allotted time.)
1. Define and describe the topic assigned to your group.
2. Based on specific relevant experiences, which can be personal
or problems experienced or observed in the Philippines, identify
a problem and discuss the limitations of science in relation to
solving the problem.
3. Identify and discuss approaches, strategies, or methods on how
to solve the identified limitations.
4. Provide supporting literature explaining the effectiveness of the
approaches, methods, or strategies that you will explore to solve
the problem.
5. Each group will be given 30 minutes for the presentation.
Presentation Flow:
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Pre-activity: motivational (in relation to the topic)
4. Lecture proper: Overview and Introduction of the Topic, Body,
5. Mid-activity: Synthesis and Valuing (Why is it important to solve
the identified problem in relation to the topic?)
6. Post-activity – Application/Assessment of Learning (activities
can be in the form of games, make all activities interactive and

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