Kisi-Kisi Sas KLS 7 Dan 8

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Dusun. Labuhan Ala, Desa Brang Kolong, Kecamatan Plampang


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 08.45 – 09.45 WITA
Kelas/Semester : VII (Tujuh) / Genap Nama Siswa : ……………………………….
Hari/Tanggal : Senin/ 29 Mei 2023 No. Absen : ……………………………….

The following text is for questions 1 to 4

Galang : Kak Sinta, do you have English on Tuesday?

Sinta : No, I don’t. Why are you asking?
Galang : I just want to borrow your dictionary. I have English on that day.
Sinta : Sure, go ahead. Anyway, I have English on Monday and Wednesday.
Galang : Oh, great! My English class is on Tuesday and Thursday.
Sinta : All right then. You can use my dictionary on Tuesday or Thursday.
Galang : thanks, kak Sinta.
Sinta : Anytime.

Based on the dialog above, put a check (√ ) if the information is correct or put a cross ( X ) if the
information is incorrect.

1. Sinta wants to borrow Galang’s dictionary.

2. Galang has English on Tuesday.
3. Sinta has English once a week.
4. Galang has English twice a week.
Look at the class schedule below!

5. What do you have on Tuesday?

6. When do you have Math?

7. Match the pictures with suitable activities.

Ibu Ayu’s rules is for questions 8 – 9

8. How many rules does Ibu Ayu have for her online class? ………………….. rules.
9. When the students are not asking questions, they …………………………….
10. Draw the clock based on the information.
It is Sunday. It is eleven o’clock in the morning.
Anita helps her mother to sweep the floor.
The following picture is for questions 11 to 13

11. What can you see in the picture?

12. Give a check to the facilities that you can see in the picture.

Flag Classroom

Garden Library

School yard

13. What other facilities do you usually find at school?

14. Think about what students do in extracurricular activities. Match the verbs in the left column
with the corresponding extracurricular activities on the right column.

 Camp
 Explore English club
 Track

Science club
 Draw
 Color
 Sketch

 Speak
 Read Painting
 Present
The following dialog for questions 15 to 17
Monita : Hey, look at this extracurricular schedule. It says the English Club is on Monday in the library.
Pipit : Oh, and Science Club is also on Monday. It is in the Science Laboratory. But I’m not
Monita : What do you join?
Pipit : I join Pencak Silat. It is in the school yard every Tuesday.
Monita : Oh, okay. I think Galang joins the basketball club. It is every Wednesday from 3 pm to 5 pm.

Complete number 15 to 17 in the schedule based on the dialog above!

Extracurricular Activities at SMP Merdeka

Day Extracurricular activity Venue

English club Library
Science club (15)…………………..
(16) ………………….. Pencak silat School yard
Wednesday (17) …………………. School yard
The following text for questions 18 to 20

School Festival at SMP Merdeka

SMP Merdeka holds an annual festival. It usually happens in June. It takes place in some school
facilities. At this festival, students participate in many activities, such as art exhibitions and competitions.

Art exhibition is usually located in the art room. It shows students’ artwork like paintings, statues, and
crafts. A group of students also sell crafts in the stalls. Students usually enjoy the art exhibition and buy
interesting crafts. There are two kinds of competitions. They are sports and art competitions. The sports
competition is held in the school yard. Class teams compete in soccer, basketball and badminton. Art
competition is performed on stage in the school garden. Some students perform singing and dancing. Other
students present poetry reading and storytelling. Students who like reading can join a storytelling activity.

Before the school festival, students practice sports and art for competition. Some students help prepare
the decorations for the stage. Everyone is happy participating in the school festival.

18. Put a, b, or c in the map based on the text ‘School Festival at SMP Merdeka for:
a. The location for art exhibition
b. the location for the sports competition
c. the location for the art competition

19. School festival in SMP Merdeka happens in ………………

20. In the school festival, students participate in activities such as ……………..

Dusun. Labuhan Ala, Desa Brang Kolong, Kecamatan Plampang


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 08.45 – 09.45 WITA
Kelas/Semester : VIII (Delapan) / Genap Nama Siswa : ……………………………….
Hari/Tanggal : Senin/ 29 Mei 2023 No. Absen : ……………………………….

The following text is for questions 1 to 3

There is nobody at home all the day. Both of my mother and my father go to work, and the children
go to school. However, we usually have breakfast and dinner together. After eating, we usually talk, chat and
tell jokes.

Both my mom and dad are very good cooks. My father often makes fried noodles and fried rice for
breakfast, with lots of vegetables and eggs or chicken. My sister and I make the table and clean the dishes
after the meals.

1. Where does the writer’s family usually gather?

2. The writer’s parents are skillful at …………
3. When does the writer’s father usually make fried rice?

The following text is for questions 4 to 6

Mella : What are you looking for, Dimas?
Dimas : I am looking for my book. I think I left it here after having lunch, but it’s not here now.
Mella : Mrs. Indah found it. Now, Emily is keeping it for you.
Dimas : What a relief! Where is she now?
Mella : She is at the library. She is returning a book. You’d better wait for her in your classroom. She said
that she will also meet Ms. Diana in the teacher’s room.
Dimas : Thank you. I will meet her at the classroom.
Mella : You’re welcome.

4. Where is the dialog probably take place?

5. Dimas says, “ I will meet her in the classroom.” What does “her” refer to……………….
6. Dimas, “ I am looking for my book.” What is the meaning of “looking for”?

Rp. 5.000.000,00 Rp. 30.000.000,00 Rp. 250.000.000,00
From the pictures we know that the car is …………. transportations.

The following table is for questions 8 to 10

Name Height Weight
Renita 1.58 m 48 kg
Prita 1.58 m 50 kg
Ardi 1.62 m 63 kg
Handi 1.60 m 63 kg
8. Renita is …………… Prita.
9. From the table we know that Ardi is ………….. Handi.
10. From the table we know that Ardi is …………………

The following text is for questions 11 to 13

When Dayu was a baby, she could not anything. Her parents and her elder brother took care of her.
She didn’t sleep with her mom. She slept in a baby cot in her parent’s bedroom. Her brother slept in
his own bedroom. When she cried, her parents and her brother calmed her down. When she was afraid of
something, they comforted her.
Her dad often carried her around in the morning sun.
When she got older, her parents and her brother spoon-fed her. She played with her brother. She was
naughty, but her brother was very patient with her.
11. What is the text about?

12. With whom did Dayu sleep that time?

13. “When she was afraid of something, they comforted her. “ (Paragraph 2)

What is the meaning of afraid?

The following text is for questions 14 to 16

One Sunday morning, Alya was going to a book fair. It was the last day of the fair so Alya
insisted on going. She intended on buying several books.
The fair was very crowded. Alya had to queue to buy the entrance ticket. After receiving the
ticket, she walked towards the stand selling popular books.
On her way, Alya saw a little boy crying. She approached the little boy and asked what was
wrong. The boy told her that he lost his mother. Taking a pity, Alya took the boy to the security
office and the security officer made an announcement.
Moments later, the boy’s mother arrived. The little boy yelled happily. The women said
thanks to Alya. She gave Alya a book about teenagers’ personality she had just bought.

Based on the dialog above, put a check (√ ) if the information is correct or put a cross ( X ) if the
information is incorrect.

14. Alya was going to a book store.

15. The fair was very quiet.
16. The little boy lost his mother.
17. Alya took the little boy to the security office.

Match the notices in the left column with the place on the right column.

No swimming here Hospital

19. Toilet
Use the hand dryer
Lab coats must to be
worn in this area Library

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