DLP in Science 8 1 MONDAY

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 8

SCIENCE Class Science Grade level 8

DAILY Name Alexandra S. Maruhom Learning Area Earth
LESSON Jenny D. Nadala &Space
LOG Rafael E. Palmares

I. OBJECTIVES Teaching May (X), 2023 Quarter 2nd

A. Content Standard Date and The learner demonstrates an understanding of:
Time The relationship between faults and earthquakes.
B. Performance Standard 1. Participate in decision making on where to build
structures based on knowledge of the location of
active faults in the community.
2. Make an emergency plan and prepare an
emergency kit for use at home and in school.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Using models or illustrations, explain how
movement along faults generate earthquake.
a.) Define what is plate boundary.
b.) Identify the three types of boundaries.
c.) Differentiate the three types of boundaries.
d.) Explain how movement along faults generate
II. CONTENT Earthquakes and Faults
A. References
1. Learner’s Materials Learner’s book; Science, Technology, and Society,
pages 122-132, Module, Online educational
2. Teacher’s Materials Teacher’s guide, pages 122-132
B. Other Learning Resources Power point presentations
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
- _____, please lead the prayer. - (____, will lead the prayer.)
b. Greetings
- Good morning class - Good morning ma’am/sir!
c. Checking of Attendance
- Are all present? - Yes ma’am/sir!
d. Setting of Classroom Standard

- What should you do when the class begin? - We shall sit properly and listen to the teacher.

- What should you do when you want to answer a - We shall raise our right hand if we want to
question? answer.

- If we shall have a group activity what should you do? - We shall cooperate with the group and minimize
our noise in doing the activities.
- Can I expect that in your class?
- Yes ma’am/sir!
B. Developmental Activities
1. Drill
Let us have a game. I will tell you a 3 trivia and you will
guess if it is a FACT or BLUFF.

1. The Earth’s crust and upper mantle below the - FACT

crust are broken up into large solid plates.

2. A majority of earthquakes and volcanic activity

occurs below plate boundaries. - BLUFF

3. Earth resembles a small jigsaw puzzle.

4. Movement of the Earth’s plates is known as
plate tectonics. - FACT

5. Plate boundaries are important because they

are often associated with earthquakes and - FACT

C. Elicit
Let us have another game. I will show you pictures that
gives hint about the scrambled letter. Your task is to
guess the word being described.

1. What do you think is the word behind the

scrambled letters?




That’s right!

D. Engage

From the activities we did, what have you noticed?

- Ma’am! I have noticed that its all about
plate tectonic boundaries/plate

That’s Correct!

Now, what is your idea/s about plate boundaries? - Ma’am! Plate boundaries are process
of tectonic plate movement.
- Ma’am! Plate Boundaries are sections
of Earth’s crust that roughly fit
together and meet at places.

That’s Great!

For sure you already know regarding the pictures I

showed you. What are those pictures all about? Are - Yes Ma’am! I think the pictures are the
those pictures related to plate boundaries? kinds or types of plate boundaries.

Very Good!

So what are the types of plate boundaries?

- The Plate Boundaries has three types
including divergent, convergent, and
transform plate boundaries.

E. Explore

To further understand our lesson, let’s have an activity,

I will group you into three groups. In this activity, each
group will watch their assigned short video clip about
the three types of plate boundaries and you will have
to answer the following questions.

[Group 1]


[Group 2]


[Group 3]


1. What type of plate boundary is shown in the

2. What did you observed in the video? Describe
you observation.
3. When did this type of plate boundary most
likely to occur?

F. Explain

Let us hear and examine your answers on the activity.

Each group will check their own papers. Each group
will have a designated speaker to explain their answers
to the guide questions. (The teacher will assist the
learner in the presentation. The teacher will provide
the correct scientific terms to every needed
[Group 1]


1. What type of plate boundary is shown in the - Ma’am! It is Divergent Plate Boundary.

2. What did you observed in the video? Describe - In the video, we observed that as the
you observation. plates separate, new materials from
the mantle ooze up to fill the gap.
These materials will slowly cool to
produce nee ocean floor. If the
divergent boundary is between
continental plates; the effects are rift
valley formation which will soon
develop into linear sea; shallow
earthquake activities; and numerous
normal faults. Along these boundaries,
earthquakes are common and magma
(molten rock) rises from the Earth's
mantle to the surface, solidifying to
create new oceanic crust. The Mid-
Atlantic Ridge is an example of
divergent plate boundaries.

3. When did this type of plate boundary most - A divergent plate boundary occurs
likely to occur? when two tectonic plates move away
from each other.

That’s all correct!

[Group 2]

1. What type of plate boundary is shown in the - Ma’am! It is Convergent Plate
video? Boundary.
2. What did you observed in the video? Describe - At convergent plate boundaries,
you observation. oceanic crust is often forced down into
the mantle where it begins to melt.
Magma rises into and through the
other plate, solidifying into granite, the
rock that makes up the continents.
Thus, at convergent boundaries,
continental crust is created and oceanic
crust is destroyed. A chain of volcanoes
often forms parallel to convergent
plate boundaries and powerful
earthquakes are common along these

3. When did this type of plate boundary most - When two plates come together, it is
likely to occur? known as a convergent boundary. The
impact of the colliding plates can cause
the edges of one or both plates to
buckle up into a mountain ranges or
one of the plates may bend down into
a deep seafloor trench.

Very good!

[Group 3]


1. What type of plate boundary is shown in the - Ma’am! It is Transform Plate Boundary.

2. What did you observed in the video? Describe - Earthquakes are common along these faults.
you observation. In contrast to convergent and divergent
boundaries, crust is cracked and broken at
transform margins, but is not created or
destroyed. Most transform boundaries
are associated with the spreading
centers at mid-ocean ridges.

- A transform boundary occurs when two

tectonic plates move past one another.
3. When did this type of plate boundary most
They occur near these divergent
likely to occur?
boundaries because the spreading rate
changes along a ridge

That’ right!

G. Elaboration
Let’s elaborate your answers.

Plate Boundary - is a three-dimensional surface or

zone across which there is a significant change in the
velocity (speed or direction) of motion of one
lithospheric plate relative to the adjacent lithospheric
There are three types of plate tectonic boundaries: - Ma’am! Divergent boundaries --
divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries where new crust is generated as
the plates pull away from each
What are the differences between the three types of
plate boundaries?
- Convergent boundaries -- where
crust is destroyed as one plate
dives under another.
- Transform boundaries -- where
crust is neither produced nor
destroyed as the plates slide
horizontally past each other.


Divergent Plate Boundary occur along spreading

centers where plates are moving apart and new crust
is created by magma pushing up from the mantle.

Convergent Plate Boundary where plates move

towards each other. One plate either sinks beneath the
other along a subduction zone or plates collide
because neither can be sub ducted.

Transform Plate Boundary where plates move

horizontally past each other.
Based on the three types of plate boundaries, a global
network of approximately twelve major plates of
irregular shape and size cover the Earth's crust. Where
one type of plate boundary is terminated it is
transformed into a boundary of a different type. - Yes Ma’am!
So you already know the differences of the three types
of plate boundaries. Now, do you agree that the
movements between these plate boundaries leads to
formation of earthquakes?

Earthquakes are seismic events that occur when there

is a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust,
resulting in shaking and vibrations. These seismic
events are closely related to the movement along
faults, which are fractures or cracks in the Earth's
crust. - (Answers may vary)
- Ma’am! As the plates continue to separate,
Why do you think that movement along faults the stress along the normal faults
generate earthquakes? Can you explain how increases. Eventually, the stress
movement along faults generate earthquakes? becomes too great, and the rocks
rupture, causing an earthquake.

Very Good!
The movement along faults generates earthquakes
through the process of elastic rebound. The type of
fault and the characteristics of the earthquake depend
on the specific plate boundary: normal faults at
divergent boundaries, megathrust faults at convergent
boundaries, and transform faults at transform

H. Evaluation - KEY ANSWERS

Instruction: Read carefully and evaluate the questions 1. B

that follows and choose only the best answer among 2. A
the choices. 3. C
4. B
1. A boundary where plates move away from each 5. B
other is called ______.
a) Convergent
b) Divergent
c) Shear boundary
d) Transform

2. A deep crack in Earth’s surface is called ______.

a) Fault
b) Mountain
c) Plate
d) Ridge

3. How do the plates move at a transform

a) They move toward each other.
b) They move away from each other.
c) They move past each other.
d) They do not move.

4. It is the border between two tectonic plates.

a) Border
b) Boundary
c) Fault
d) Joint

5. It is the boundary where two plates come

a) Transform
b) Convergent
c) Divergent
d) All of the above

- Yes Ma’am!
H. Extend

Please research about the epicenter and focus of an - Thank you and Goodbye Ma’am!
earthquake. Is that clear?

Before we end the class, do you have any further

questions or clarifications? If no other questions, then the
class is dismissed. Goodbye class!

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