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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 2
PROPOSAL ............................................................................................................... 2
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................... 4
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 5


The term "psychological capital" refers to a person's positive psychological state of

development that is characterized by: having the self-confidence (self-efficacy) to take
on and put in the necessary effort to succeed at challenging tasks; having a positive
outlook on the present and the future; persisting in pursuing goals and, when
necessary, rerouting paths to goals (hope); and, when faced with difficulties and
adversity, sustaining and bouncing back (Luthans, 2010).
It is crucial to put employees' resilience and well-being first in light of the recent
difficulties HR Solutions has faced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The idea
behind this approach is to increase psychological capital within the business to support
a favourable and effective work environment. An individual's psychological capital,
which has a big impact on their general well-being and performance, is their healthy
psychological condition. HR Solutions is able to resolve the current tensions and
support its staff during these trying times by putting in place interventions aimed at
boosting psychological capital.


1. Main symptoms
The dynamics and operation of HR Solutions have undergone a substantial change
as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic. The organization is dealing with team member
disagreements, decreasing teamwork, blame dynamics, and emotional suffering.
Employees believe that management cares more about their family than the company
and that there is a lack of direction. In addition, online meetings and the mixed work
approach have not been as effective as expected, which has resulted in irritation,
diminished motivation, and decreased productivity.
2. Motivation for following a positive approach
In order to empower people and organisations, it is crucial to adopt a positive outlook.
It places a strong emphasis on capitalising on current strengths and resources rather
than just identifying flaws and problems. People who have an optimistic outlook are
better able to develop their resilience, optimism, and motivation. HR solutions may
enhance employee well-being and increase productivity by focusing on the positive
features and opportunities in the workplace
3. The difference between positive psychology, positive organizational
behaviour, and psychological capital:
Positive Psychology: According to Adikwu (2020), Positive psychology is the study
of life's positive qualities, including wellbeing, happiness, fulfilment, and the capacity
to thrive in our day-to-day existence. The field investigates how to create a meaningful
existence that has a purpose and promotes personal growth.

Positive Organizational behaviour: Luthans (2010) states that Positive
organizational behaviour is the study and use of psychological and positive-oriented
human resource qualities and capacities that may be measured, developed, and
effectively managed for performance and engagement improvement in today's
psychological capital: The term "psychological capital" (abbreviated "PsyCap")
refers to the internal tools that each of us has at our disposal to help us deal with
challenging circumstances. These are known as HERO (hope, efficacy, resilience,
optimism, or other), according to MindTools | Home (n.d.).
4. Objectives of the proposed interventions
The proposed interventions aim to achieve the following objectives:
• Boost staff resilience to the epidemic and well-being.
• Enhance teamwork and dynamism.
• Help staff members feel motivated and purposeful.
• Make sure that clients are educated about effective strategies and interventions
that will boost their resilience and general wellbeing.
• Improve management's vision and leadership

5. Conducting Interventions
• Conduct assessments to determine each employee's strengths and good
traits. They will gain confidence and be able to use these strengths in their
work because of this.
• Apply resilience training: organise training or workshop sessions aimed at
boosting employees' resilience. Give people the means and methods to
overcome the pandemic's difficulties and keep a positive outlook.
• Encourage open and constructive team communication to promote effective
communication and collaboration.
• Encourage collaboration by facilitating team-building exercises.
• Establish regular individual check-ins or employee assistance programmes to
offer emotional support and create a secure space for staff members to share
their worries.
• Introduce activities that encourage self-reflection and personal goal-setting to
encourage introspection and goal-setting. After the epidemic, this will aid
employees in finding meaning and purpose and aligning their efforts with
those of the organisation as a whole.
• Create a culture of celebration and appreciation by praising the
accomplishments of all of your staff members, both individually and
• Implementing regular check-ins with employees to assess their wellbeing,
respond to their issues, and solicit feedback This will foster a positive
environment and guarantee continuous development.

In these difficult circumstances, building psychological capital through a positive
mindset will be extremely helpful in resolving the issue and supporting HR solutions.
The organisation may develop a resilient and motivated workforce, improve
individual well-being, and advance overall organisational performance by putting the
suggested solutions into practise. Furthermore, the outcome of this project can be
used as a guide to help clients of HR Solutions who run into similar problems in the

Adikwu, M. (2020, May 10). What is Positive Psychology and How Can It Help? - Talkspace.
MindTools | Home. (n.d.). MindTools | Home.
Luthans, F. (2010). Organizational Behaviour-an evidence based approach (12th ed.).
Mcgraw-Hill Irwin.

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