Production of Wine From Pineapple

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TEWODROS AWOKE…………………………………………………….1890/03

WORKINEH TADDELE…………………………………………………..2015/03

TAKELE HIRPA……………………………………………………………..1788/03


This project report is a presentation of our original work. Wherever contribution of others is
involved, every effort is made to indicate this clearly, with due reference to
acknowledgement of collaborative discussions.

Advisor signature

Destaw Agumas …………

Names signature

Workineh Taddele …………

Takele Hirpa ………….

Tewodros Awoke …………..




First of all we would like to thank our great GOD who is the source of wisdom and next our
deepest gratitude and appreciation goes to our advisor Ato Destaw Agumass. an instructor in
Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, who devoted his time to help us for the accomplishment of
the study from the very beginning up to the end. At the end we would like to thank the
process and organic laboratory assistants they help us by adjusting and giving the equipment.


Most of the time wine produced in Ethiopia from grape but grape grown in limit area or
agro-ecological and in addition that it is seasonal. Because of this there is a lack of wine for
the matter of insufficient availability of raw materials. But Ethiopia has a good agro-
ecological for pineapple production for year round. So if wine produced from pineapple
sufficiently it can be distributed to the demand with low cost. This wine produced from
pineapple, sugar, and lemon were mixed together and stayed for fermentation; Sampling was
carried out every eight, ten and twelve days. The optimum value obtained from the result for
total suspended solids;1.39x104, total dissolved solids,5.26x104, titrable acidity; 0.81, pH
determination; 3.41, and alcohol content;14.2 amounts was observed. This shows the wine
has a lot of nutritional benefits, good alcohol content, flavor and aroma. So it can attract
highly the demands in the market as a result creates job opportunities for an employments
and labors.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................. iii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... iv
Chapter One ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem statements .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Objective ................................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter Two ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Literature Review .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 History of wine making ............................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Wines of African origin ........................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Classifications of wines ............................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Morphology of Pineapple ......................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Climatic Requirement of Pineapple .......................................................................................... 7
2.6 Wine production ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.7 Fermentation ........................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2.2 Flow diagram for wine making...................................................................................... 9
2.8 Factors influencing fermentation ........................................................................................... 10
2.8.1Temperature .................................................................................................................... 10
2.8.2 PH ................................................................................................................................... 10
2.8.3 Acid content and Wine Quality ........................................................................................ 10
2.8.4 Relation between sugar content and alcohol production ................................................. 11
2.8.5 Containers used in fermentation ..................................................................................... 11
2.9. Quality Evaluation of Wine.................................................................................................... 11
2.9.1 Clarity/Appearance ......................................................................................................... 11
2.9.2 Odor/smell ...................................................................................................................... 11
2.9.3 Tastes ............................................................................................................................. 11
2.9.4 Color ............................................................................................................................... 11
2.10. Distillation .......................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter Three ................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1 Materials and Methods .......................................................................................................... 13

3.1.4 Methods ......................................................................................................................... 15
3.2. Determination of Physico-chemical properties ...................................................................... 15
3.2.1 PH determination ............................................................................................................ 15
3.2.2. Determination of Total Dissolved Solids ......................................................................... 16
3.2.3. Determination of Total Suspended Solids ....................................................................... 16
3.2.4. Specific Gravity Determination ....................................................................................... 16
3.2.5. Alcohol Content ............................................................................................................. 17
3.2.6. Sensory evaluation ......................................................................................................... 17
Chapter Four ................................................................................................................................... 18
4. Result and discussions ................................................................................................................. 18
Chapter Five .................................................................................................................................... 24
5. Mass and energy balance............................................................................................................. 24
5.1 Mass balance ......................................................................................................................... 24
5.2. Energy balance ..................................................................................................................... 28
Chapter Six ...................................................................................................................................... 29
6. Sizing and design of equipment ................................................................................................... 29
6.1. Design of fermenter equipment ............................................................................................ 30
6.1.1 Process design of Fermenter with mixer .......................................................................... 30
6.1.2 Mechanical Design .......................................................................................................... 31
6.2 Check elastic stability (buckling) ............................................................................................. 36
6.3 Selection and sizing of vessel heads ....................................................................................... 36
6.4 Design of skirt supporting for fermenter ................................................................................ 37
Chapter Seven ................................................................................................................................. 39
7. Plant layout and site selection ..................................................................................................... 39
7.1 Plant Location ........................................................................................................................ 39
7.2. Plant lay out.......................................................................................................................... 43
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 44
Recommendation............................................................................................................................. 45
Reference ........................................................................................................................................ 46
APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................................... 47
APPENDIX B………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…48

List of tables
4.1. PH of fermenting pineapple...……………………………………………………........18
4.2. Titrable acidity of the fermented pineapple wine…......................................................19
4.3. Specific gravity of the fermenting pineapple wines…………………………………..20
4.4. Total dissolved solids of fermented pineapple wine ………………………………….21
4.5. Total suspended solids of fermenting pineapple wine………………………………...21
4.6. Alcohol content of the fermenting pineapple wine…………………………………... 22
List of figures
2.1.Juice preparation…………………………………………………………………………7
2.2. Flow diagram for wine making…………………………………………………….......9
3.1. General flow diagram of wine production from pineapple…………………………….14
4.1.Changes in pH values of pineapple wine………………………………………….........19
4.2. Changes in titrable acidity of wine…………………………………………………….20
4.3. Changes in total suspended solid of wine…………………………………………......21
4.7. Changes in alcoholic content………………………………………………………….22
7.1. Over all plant layout…………………………………………………………………...47

Chapter One

1.1 Introduction

Wine is a product of alcoholic fermentation by yeast of the juice of ripe grapes or any fruit
with a good proportion of sugar (Brook and Madigan, 2003; Okafor, 2007). Wine is one of
the most recognizable high value added products from fruits. It can also be used as a substrate
for the manufacture of vinegar, a by-product of wine manufacture.
Wine manufacture is challenging in which marketable product can be obtained, but the
processes involved in its production are relatively straight forward (Amerineet al.1980).
Highly acceptable wines can be made practically from all fruits. Wine can be fermented with
yeast that occurs naturally in grape and in other countries where grape is not produced,
emphasis is usually placed on other fruits for wine making. There are some soft fruits from
both temperate and tropical regions whose pigment stability and flavor profiles match those
of any wine from grapes, but suffer from the lack of intensive research and development
given to grape wine.Reports on tropical fruit wines have been mainly on exotic species such
as pineapple, banana citrus, mango, pawpaw, apple, strawberries etc, (Maldonado et al.
1975). Wine represents a safe and healthful beverage; it also provides calories and vitamins.
During the period when life was often strenuous, it offered relaxation and relief from pains.
Pineapples are an important staple starchy food in Nigeria. It is a seasonal and highly
perishable fruit, which can be available all year round. The large quantity of pineapple and
plantains provides the potential for industrial use (FAO 2003). In addition, any application to
produce a marketable, value-added product will improve pineapple farming economies and
eliminate the large environmental problem presented by pineapple waste. pineapple could
then compete in the market, either as pineapple juice or as mixtures with other juices because
of its flavor and aroma (Lee et al. 2006).

1.2 Problem statements

Most of the time wine produced from grape. But grape grown in limited area or agro-
ecological and in addition that it is seasonal. Because of this there is a lack of wine for the
matter of insufficient availability of raw materials. But Ethiopia has a good agro-ecological
for pineapple production for year round. Therefore, additional feedstock is a need to produce
a wine throughout the year. So pineapple is the one which can fill this gap.

1.3 Objective
General Objective
 Production of Wine from pineapple

Specific Objective:

 Determination of phyisico –chemical properties

 Characterization of wine
 To determine the fermentation efficiency
 Preparation of Juice

Chapter Two

2. Literature Review
2.1 History of wine making

The practice of wine making is as old as our most ancient civilization and wine has played a
central role in human culture for more than 8000 thousand years. In contrast to food and
beverages that spoil quickly or that can spread disease; wine doesn’t spoil if stored properly;
the alcohol in wine called ethanol is present in sufficient concentrations to kill disease
causing microorganism, and throughout history, wine was often safer to drink than water or
milk.(Bisson and Butzke, 2009). This properly was so significant that before the connection
between microorganism, poor sanitation and disease was understood, ancient civilization
regarded wine as a gift from the gods because it protected against diseases. (Bisson and
Butzke, 2009).According to Desroseir and Desroseir, 1997 in their book titled “The
Technology of Food Preservation” it reported that wine and beer or similar fermented
products originated in antiquity.

Alcoholic beverages were discovered by man in many areas on earth. There was a fermented
cactus juice known to certain tribes in the southwest, but evidently alcohol was not a
commodity in America as it was in the ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Oriental
civilization. They went further to say that the ability to produce pleasant, palatable
effervescent beverages by fermentation of natural juices is a demonstration of man’s inherent
ingenuity. From the earliest recorded history. Wine and beer have been important items of
trade. Archaeological evidence suggests that the earliest known production of wine, made by
fermented grapes, took place in Georgia and Iran, from as early as 6000BC. David, (2003)
and Berkowitz, (1996).

Wine probably appeared in Europe at about 4500BC in what is now Bulgaria, and Greece,
and was very common in ancient Greece, Thrace and Rome. Wine has also played an
important role in religion throughout history. The Greek god Dionysus and the Roman
equivalent Bacchus represented wine, and the drink is also used in Catholic Eucharistic
ceremonies and the Jewish Kiddush. (Whiter, 2001)

A 2003 report by archaeologists indicates a possibility that grapes were used together with
rice to produce mixed fermented beverages in China in the early years of 7000BC. Pottery

jars were found to contain traces of tartaric acid and organic compounds commonly found in
wine. (McGovern, et al. 2003).

2.2 Wines of African origin

In nearly all the areas of the world, some type of alcoholic beverages native to its origin is
consumed. The traditional alcoholic beverages of tropical Africa are produced in small
holdings and can be divided roughly into;

 The Palm wine produced in the rain forest zone.

 The beer made from cereals in the grassland notably sorghum and to lesser extent
maize and wheat.
 The lesser beverage food in both regions is made from a variety of substrates
especially pineapple and honey.

The traditional alcoholic beverage of tropical Africa includes palm wines which are produced
from saps of palms. Faparusi, (1973) and Okafor, (1972) studied the micro flora of Nigeria
palm saps and reported that it is a good source of yeast as well as bacteria and moulds.
Recent investigations have shown that yeast strain (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) from fresh
palm wine can be us in the production of acceptable wines from tropical fruits. (Aina and
Soetan, 1986, Obisanya et al., 1986). Palm wine is usually a whitish and effervescent liquid
both of which properties derive from the fact that the fermented organisms are numerous and
alive when the beverage is consumed. It differs from grape wines in that, it is opaque.
(Okafor, 1978). Palm wines are produced in southern Nigeria, southern Ghana, Gabon,
Congo and Zaire.Agadagidi wines are made from pineapple and plantains and have the
opaque effervescent sweet-sour nature typical of African traditional alcoholic beverages and
it is common in south-western part of Nigeria. (Okafor, 1990).Tej is another traditional
alcoholic beverage also known as mead (that is a wine made by fermenting honey) of
Ethiopian origin. (Okafor, 1978). Few tropical fruits already used for wine are citrus,
pineapple, mango, apple, banana, etc and the resultant wines are normally named after the
fruit from which they are produced (for example, pineapple wine) and generally known as
fruit wine. Others such as barley wine and rice wine(that is, sake), are made from starch-
based materials and resemble beer and spirit more than wine while ginger wine is fortified
with brandy (Okafor, 2007).

The techniques used in production of wines from these tropical fruits are similar to those of
grape wine production which includes; pressing out the juice, fermenting, maturing and
bottling (Okafor, 2007).

2.3 Classifications of wines

According to Agrawal and Pradeep, (2006); in their book titled Industrial Microbiology:
Fundamental and Application, it was reported that wine is classified in five major categories;

1. Table wines, also called still or natural wines, are consumed primarily as
complements to food.
2. Sparkling wines, for example champagne distinguishable by their effervescence, and
are drunk for most part on festive occasions.
3. Fortified wines, such as sherry or vermouth, are most commonly drunk before or
after meals and are also frequently used in cooking. These are termed fortified
because their alcoholic and sugar content are increased and fermentation arrested by
the controlled addition of a more potent liquor; usually a grape brandy, during the
wine making process; this results in an alcoholic content of 15-22% by volume as
against 9-14% for most table wines.
4. Red Wine
Still wine made with black grapes. These can range from light to dark and bone-dry to
5. White Wine
Still wine produced from green and sometimes black grapes. Flavors span from rich
and creamy to light and zesty.
Pearson, 1970 reported in his studies that there are different types of wines and they
include fruit wines, fortified wines, table wines and sparkling wine.

2.4 Morphology of Pineapple

The pineapple plant is a short herbaceous perennial with 30-80cm trough-shaped and pointed
leaves 30-100 cm long, surrounding a thick stem. This shape of the plant has to drive water
onto the stem. This water might be absorbed by axils. The early inflorescences has about 100-
200 flowers (Sarah et al., 1997; COVECA, 2002). Flowers of pineapple are spirally placed
and each is supported by bracteas. Each flower consists of 3 calyxes, 3 bluish corollas, 6
filaments and a carpel with three parts of stigma. Inflorescence goes to bloom about 3 weeks

and it blooms from down to up. Pineapples are auto sterile and fruits developed are
parthenocarpic. (Elfic, 2004).

2.5 Climatic Requirement of Pineapple

A temperature range between 23 to 24°C is optimal for growing pineapple (FAO, 2002).
When ambient temperature drops to 10-16°C, fruit growth is constrained.

2.6 Wine production

In manufacturing wine, the major steps include; the juice preparation (crushing and extracting
the juice), fermentation, aging and storage, clarification and packaging. (Cowen and Talaro

Figure 2.1 juice preparation

The raw material (fruit) can be peeled, and crushed if one desired to have a white wine or the
peel and pulp are crushed together to get red or colored wine. It is then treated with sulfur
dioxide (75 to 200ppm) to inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria, and wild yeasts. (Frazier
and Westhoff 1995). Pectinase can be added to degrade the fiber content that is in the juice
and make clarification easier and faster. (Amerine et al. 1980). After the juice extraction and
sulfiting, the juice is then inoculated with a starter culture generally yeast (strains of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae) interest, inoculation is usually 2-5% of wine yeast; a process

known as pitching. The addition of water, sugar is required before pitching if there is need
that is if their levels are compared to the standards. (Amerine and kunkee, 1970).

2.7 Fermentation
After hydrolysis, the hydrolyzed products must be fermented by means of microorganisms
such as yeasts. Since the hydrolyzed products are composed mainly of glucose, xylose,
arabinose and cellobiose, the microorganisms used must be capable of fermenting all of them
efficiently for ethanol to be produced on a large scale. They do so to obtain energy and to
grow. According to the reactions, the theoretical maximum yield is 0.5 kg ethanol and 0.49
kg carbon dioxide per kg sugar; the reactions that involve glucose and xylose are
3C5H10O5 5C2H5OH + 5CO2
C 6H 12O6 2C2H5OH +2CO2

The classic method used in the fermentation of the hydrolyzed biomass is separate hydrolysis
and fermentation (SHF), in which the two processes are completed in different units. A
commonly used alternative is simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF), in which
hydrolysis and fermentation are completed in the same unit.

Figure 2.2 Flow diagram for wine making

2.8 Factors influencing fermentation

The wine is then pasteurized at 50o - 60oC. Temperature should be controlled, so as not to
heat it to about 70oC, since its alcohol content `would vaporize at a temperature of 75o-78oC
(Au Du, 2010).

2.8.2 PH
Yeasts can grow in a pH range of 4 to 4.5 and moulds can grow from pH 2 to 8.5, but favour
low pH (Mountney and Gould, 1988).

2.8.3 Acid content and Wine Quality

Acid is said to directly affect wine quality, but wine owes its acid composition to citric acid,
tartaric acid, and some traces of other acids like lactic acid which replaces malic acid during
malolactic fermentation (Fleet, 1998). These acids in fruits juice or wine can be determined
by titration (Gallander, et al., 1987; Lacroux et al., 2008; Amerine, and Ough, 1980; Iland, et
al., 2000). Fruit acids are weak acids, compared to strong mineral acids such as sulphuric and
hydrochloric. In solution, strong acids tends to yield their hydrogen ion (H+) component
nearly completely; weak acids dissociate only about one percent of their hydrogen ion.
Thus such acid solutions like fruit wine have more hydrogen ions (H+) than 25 hydroxyl ions
(OH-). As hydrogen ion concentration increases, the solution becomes more unfavourable for
most micro organisms associated with spoilage of wine and acidic foods. However some
moulds and yeasts which are needed in the fermentation of fruit juice into wine are usually
acid tolerant therefore they are very important in the production of dry wine (wine with a
very low or no sugar), (Mountney and Gould, 1988).
Wines produced from grapes grown in colder climates tend to have a higher concentration of
malic acid and a lower pH (3.0 to 3.5) and the taste benefits from this slight decrease in
acidity. Wines produced from grapes in warmer climates tend to be less acidic (pH > 3.5) and
a further reduction in acidity may have adverse effects on the quality of the wine. Decreasing
the acidity also increases the pH to values which can allow spoilage organisms like L. oenos
to multiply to embark on malo-lactic fermentation (Fleet, 1998).

2.8.4 Relation between sugar content and alcohol production

Sugar is essential for making wine, as without it yeast may not be able to produce alcohol.
Natural sugars in some fruits are often insufficient to produce anything stronger above 8% by
volume of alcohol. This means that to produce an alcoholic fruit wine of stronger alcoholic
strength above 8% by volume of alcohol a white granulated cane or beet sugar must be added
(Dull, 1971).
Duration and pH variances also affect the sugar composition of the resulting must during
fermentation (Kunze, 2004). As fermentation time increases, more sugars are digested, more
antioxidants will be produced and the pH will probably settle around pH 3.5 making a drier
acidic drink.

2.8.5 Containers used in fermentation

Traditionally, fermentation was carried out in large wooden barrels or concrete tanks. These
tanks were very difficult to clean, and were easily contaminated by unwanted micro
organisms which interfere in subsequent fermentation given varying tastes and flavours. This
indicates that the quality and stability of wine depends very largely on preventing further
microbial activity,
Modern fermentation tanks made of stainless steel may be fitted with cooling rings to
regulate temperature or with a bung device (German: Spundapparat) to allow CO2 produced
by the yeast during fermentation to naturally carbonate the wine or the beer.

2.9. Quality Evaluation of Wine

1 Clarity/Appearance

2 Odor/smell

3 Tastes

4 Color

2.10. Distillation

Distillation is one of the steps of the purifications. It is the method used to separate two liquid
based on their different boiling points. However, to achieve high purification, several
distillations are required. This is because all materials have intermolecular interactions with
each other, and two materials will co-distill during distillation. This means that proportion
between two materials, in this case ethanol and water can be changed, and still, there are two
materials in layers, the liquid and the vapor layers, Whatever method of preparation is used,
the ethanol is initially obtained in a mixture with water. The ethanol is then extracted from
this solution by fractional distillation. Although the boiling point of ethanol, 78.3 C, is
significantly lower than the boiling point of water, 100 C, these materials cannot be separated
completely by distillation. Instead, an azeotrope mixture (i.e. a mixture of 95% ethanol and
5% water) is obtained, and the boiling point of the azeotrope is 78.15 C. In a distillation, the
most volatile material (i.e. the material that has the lowest boiling point) is the first material
to distill from the distillation flask, and this material is the azeotrope of 95% ethanol which
has the lowest boiling point. If an efficient fractionating column is used, 95% alcohol could
be obtained first and then a small intermediate fraction of lower concentration, and then
water. But no matter how efficient the fractionating column used, 95% alcohol cannot be
further concentrated by distillation because the vapor has exactly the same composition as the
liquid; towards distillation, then, 95% alcohol behaves exactly like a pure compound.

Chapter Three
3.1 Materials and Methods
3.1.1 Materials
 Sugar
 Saccharomiasis cervisiea
 Ripe un-bruised pineapple
3.1.2 Chemicals
 (NH4)2SO4 (0.4g/ml)
 K2PO4(0.15g/ml)
 Sodium
ml 3.1.3
 Cutting board
 Airlock
 Hydrometer
 Fridge
 Camp den tablet (sterilizer)
 Baker’s yeast

 PH meter
 Sharp knife
 Terminal gravity reader
 Weighing balance
 Large plastic bags
 Juicer machine
 Juicer handling

General process flow diagram of wine production from pineapple

Harvesting pineapple

Peeling Dirt

Weighing, slicing and blending

Addition of other in gradient

Pitching Water

Fermentation Yeast

Separation (filtration) Cake

New wine
Aging for between 1-3
Mature wine

Bottling white wine

Figure 3.1.General process flow diagram of wine production from pineapple

3.1.4 Methods

 The pineapples were washed with distilled water.

 The pineapples were thoroughly disinfected with cotton wool soaked in ethanol.
 Weighing of the pineapple fruit, sugar, yeast cells, distilled water with the following specification;
2.00kg of pineapple pulps, 5.00g yeast cells, 0.5kg sugar, 10g lemon juice and 0.5L sterile distilled
water was carried out.
 Each pineapple fruit were knife peeled.
 The edible portion was sliced with a stainless steel knife.
 The slices were blended with 100oC hot water in a Super Mark blender.
 The slurry was filtered through a double folded cheese cloth to obtain the juice.
 The pH of the pineapple juice was taken
 The characterization will be done by testing the odor(smell) ,clarity (appearance), and colour of the
 The fermentation efficiency will measured by alcohol content.

3.2. Determination of Physico-chemical properties

Sampling was carried out every eight, ten and twelve days for total suspended solids, total dissolved
solids, acidity, pH determination, specific gravity and alcohol content.

3.2.1. PH determination


 The pH meter was standardized with buffer solution.

 The buffer solution was prepared with pH buffer powder of pH 4.00 and 7.00 at 25oC dissolved in
250ml distilled water.
 The electrode of the pH meter was immersed in a glass beaker containing the sample.
 Readings were obtained from the photo-detector of the pH meter.

3.2.2. Determination of Total Dissolved Solids

 A crucible was dried in the oven at 105oC for 1 hour.

 It was placed in a desiccator after one hour and allowed to cool. The crucible was weighed.
 Twenty milliliter of the sample was filtered using 0.45 membrane filter paper.
 The filtrate was measured and poured into a weighed crucible.
 The crucible containing the filtrate was dried in the oven for 1 hour.
 After one hour, the crucible was placed in desiccator and allowed to cool for 1 hour.
 The crucible containing the dried sample was re-weighed.
 The total dissolved solids were calculated.

3.2.3. Determination of Total Suspended Solids


 The filter paper was dried in the oven at 105oC for hour and placed in a clean desiccator for one hour.
 The filter paper was weighed
 The used membrane filter paper was dried in the drying oven at 105oC for one hour placed in clean
desiccator for one hour and re-weighed.
 Total suspended solids were estimated.

3.2.4. Specific Gravity Determination


 The sample was poured in to 50ml measuring cylinder up to flow over.

 The hydrometer was inserted in to the full cylinder.
 The specific gravity was estimated.

3.2.5. Alcohol Content
The phycnometer method was used in determining the alcohol content.


 From each sample 50 milliliter samples was taken.

 The sample was filled in to flask and was tied with stand.
 Then it was left over heat mantel by adjust the temperature for simple distillation process.
 The alcohol with water was evaporated and collected in to receiver bottle
 The sample which was gained with simple distlation was measured with phycnometer.

3.2.6. Sensory evaluation


 A panel of eight comprising of undergraduate students, final year students from the Department of
Food engineering and chemical Engineering were involved in the evaluation.
 They were to access the taste, color, aroma and clarity of the pineapple wine produced at different
fermentation period.
 The panelists were familiar mostly with all the quality attribute of the wines.

 The ranking method that is rapid and allows the testing of samples at once was employed. The sensory
evaluation was done using 8 judge panels after aging for 24 h. Observations recorded for color, clarity,
aroma and taste on a 5 point scale ranging with 5 points for excellent quality and 1 point for bad

Chapter Four

4. Result and discussions

During the course of this study, the analytical assays carried out comprises pH determination, acidity,
specific gravity, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, alcohol content. The result of the pH of
the fermenting wine is as shown on table 4.1. The table shows a gradual decrease in pH as the
fermentation time increases that shows from eight to twelve days observed 3.41, 3.13 and 3.01
respectively. Table 4.2 shows the result of titrable acidity carried out on the sample. The titrable
acidity ranges from 0.81g/100ml at 8 days, 0.36g/100ml at 10 days and 0.81g/100ml at 12 days in the
fermenter therefore, the titrable acidity varies with times as fermentation time increases. Table 4.3
shows specific gravity of 1.00 at 8 days 0.98 at 10 days and 0.96 at 12 days. The result of the total
dissolved solids is recorded in table 4.4.The total dissolved solids ranges from 5.26x104 at 8 days to 5.0
x104 at 10 days and 4.5x104 at 12 days showing gradual decrease. Table 4.5 shows the result of the
total suspended solids carried out on the sample. The total suspended solids ranges from 1.31x104 at 8
days to 1.39x104 at 10 days 1.9x104 showing gradual increase. Alcohol content of the fermenting
sample is as shown in table 4.6.The result shows an decrease in the alcohol content of the fermenting
musts, and this ranges from 14.2% at 8days, 13.66% at 10 days and 13.21%.The sensory evaluation
attributes of the pineapple wine produced is as shown on table4. 6. The test carried out was on Color,
Taste, Aroma, and Texture.

Total acidity (T.A.)

T.A (g/ml) = 0.075× 𝑀1× 100 × 𝑉 2
V1 (ml)
Where M1=Molarity of NaOH
V2= Titre value
V1= Volume of the sample (5ml)





1 2 3

Figure 4.1. changes in pH values of pineapple wine

The pH values of the various wines presented in Figure1indicate a reduction after 1 day of
fermentation and the values thereafter remained constant. The observed changes in the pH of the wines
could be due to production of acids with period of fermentation probably arising from microbial
succession. This result agrees with the reports of previous workers (Amerine and Kunkee, 2005;
Okafor, 2007). The juice have a pH of 3-4 due to tartaric acid, malic acid and small amount of citric
acid .The result of the pH values in the experiment shows progressive decrease, this is recorded as
3.41 ,3.13, 3.01PH from 8- 12 days respectively. Also this result shows that the wine became more
acidic with the period of fermentation. The drop in pH also records the utilization of the sugar present
in the must for growth.

Titrable acidity

10 Series1

1 2 3 4 Day
Figure 4.2. Changes in titrable acidity of wine

The changes in % titratable acidity are presented in Figure 4.2. It was observed to increase
with the period of fermentation supporting the occurrence of microbial succession with
varying tolerance for the metabolic end products. This result agrees with the reports of
previous workers (Amerine and Kunkee, 2005; Okafor, 2007). The result of the titratable
acidity is recorded as 0.81g/100ml at 8 days, 0.36g/ml at 10 days and 0.81g/ml at 12 days.

The specific gravity values are presented in table 4.3. It was observed that there was a
decrement from1 to 12 day and an increase there after 12 days fermentation for the wines.
Total dissolved solids (ppm)
TDS (ppm) = W2-W1 (g) × 106
V (ml)
Where W1= Weight of empty crucible
W2= Weight of crucible plus sample after drying
V= Volume of sample evaporated

Total suspended solid

8 x
6 y
1 2 3
Figure 4.3 Changes in total suspended solid of wine
The total dissolved solids decrease and total suspended solids increase as the fermentation period
increase. In the fermented, the result is recorded for total dissolved solids as 5.26x10 4at 8 days to
4.50x104 at 12 days and for total suspended solids as 1.31x104 at 8 to 1.9x104 at 12 days.

Alcohol content
%Alcohol by phycnometer reading

The result of alcohol content of 14.2% at 8 days, 13.66% at 10 days and 13.21% at 12 days was
recorded. The result of the values of alcoholic content in the experiment shows progressive decrease
because of the fermentation time.

Alcohol content

1 2 3
. Day
Figure 4.7 changes in alcoholic content

The alcohol content decreased gradually through the time is increase in this project. The result of
alcohol content of 14.2% at 8 days, 13.66% at 10 days and 13.21% at 12 days was recorded. This
result is found to conform the varies in the titratable acidity and decrease alcohol content in the
fermentation of plantain. Due to dyeing of microbial during fermentation process decrease alcohol
content. The result of the titratable acidity is recorded as 0.81g/100ml at 8 days, 0.36g/ml at 10 days
and 0.81g/ml at 12 days. The result of alcohol content of 14.2% at 8 days, 13.66% at 10 days and
13.21% at 12 days was recorded.The result of the sensory evaluation of the wine sample produced

show that the wine produced is clear with slightly creamy color. The wine sample produced has a
sharp sour taste with strong alcoholic odor/aroma.

as fermentation rate proceeded, gas was formed and this rose through the liquid then during active
fermentation, forth or foam is formed on the surface. The gas carries the cells through the fermenting
must cause it to be cloudy and as a result, a strong odor of alcoholic fermentation developed.
The observed changes in specific gravity, % alcohol content (v/v), total suspended solid, total
dissolved solid and pH of the wines with period of fermentation support the occurrence of microbial
apparently due to varying tolerance for metabolic end products. These results agree with reports of
Idise and Izuagbe (1988), Robinson, (2006) and Okafor (2007).indicate the occurrence of malo-lactic
fermentation. Attributed qualities of wine have been elucidated through sensory evaluation,
constituents like, Clarity,alcoholinity, total acidity, sugar extract, appearance, and intensity of color,
these tests are necessary to ascertain whether a wine is sound or not .so in relation to this theory the
result is agree with the above idea, so that this wine is accepted with consumer because all panelist
was gave good feedback. The yield of alcohol varies with the yeast strain, composition of must,
fermentation temperature, amount of mixing through stirring and the design of the fermented
particularly the surface area to volume ratio. In this paper the alcohol content is varying by increasing
the fermentation time at 8, 10 and 12 days by using yeast fermentation. The alcohol content decreased
gradually through the time is increase in this project. The result of alcohol content of 14.2% at 8 days,
13.66% at 10 days and 13.21% at 12 days was recorded. This result is found to conform the varies in
the titratable acidity and decrease alcohol content in the fermentation of plantain. Due to dyeing of
microbial during fermentation process decrease alcohol content.

Chapter Five

5. Mass and energy balance

5.1 Mass balance

Basis: one operation day/24hr

Production: 3*10 lit/year of ethanol (99.9%) with plant operation of 300 calendar days per

Wine (lit/hr) = total capacity= 3*106lit = 416.67 lit/hr

24*300 24hr/day*300day

ƍ = 𝑚/v, m = ƍ , where ƍ = density of ethanol

= 6.61 lb/gal*110.23gal/hr =728.6203lb/hr

728.6203 lb/hr*1kg/220462lb

M = 330.5kuntal/year

Mass balance on washer


Mhpa Washer Md

Mhpa+mass of water= md+mp
Mp = 13366.5kg/day
Where: Mhpa=mass of harvested pineapple
Md =mass of dirt
Mppa=mass of pure pineapple

No need of energy balances in the washer because there is no temprature difference in this
unit operation.
Mass balance on peeler

Mwp Peeler Mpp



where mwp=mass of washed pineapple

md= mass of dirt
mpp= mass of peleed pineapple
No need of energy balances in the peeler because there is no temprature difference in this
unit operation.
Mass balance for Mixing
It is the equipment used to make homogenous suspension of distilled water and dry fruit peel



Where Mdp = Mass flow rate of fruit peeled pineapple

Mm= Mass flow rate of mixed
Min = M out

Assume 1% of accumulation on the mixer, then

Input –output =accumulation

Then, input- output =acumulation
Output =13300kg/day-133kg =13167kg/day
No need of energy balances in the mixer because there is no temprature difference in this
unit operation.
Mass balance on filtration
It is used to separate juice from the cake

Mmj Mc


Where, Mmj =mass of mixed juice

Mc =mass of cake
Mf = mass of filtrate
Mf =13167kg/day -200g
Mf =12967lit/day

Mass balance in the fermenter




Where Mmj = mass of mixed juice

Mm = mass of media +mass of yeast
MCO2 = mass of CO2
Mfe = mass of fermented ethanol
From the reaction of fermentation
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH +2CO 2

180 gm/ mol 92gm/mol ethanol + 88 gm/mol CO 2 for 100% conversion.

From the total mass balance

Mmj + Mm=Mfe+Mco2
From general reaction
Mass of co2 = molecular weight of co 2*mole of co2
Mass of co2 =44g/mol*2mol=88gram

12967lit/day+2lit =Mfe + 0.088 lit

Mfe =12968.912lit/day

5.2. Energy balance in the fermenter
Total energy balance for fermentation
The fermenter works by heating the mixture from 25℃ to 32℃

But our operating temperature was 32℃

Q=Mss*Cp *(Tout-Tin)


Q=heat required

M = mass of mixed juice =12968.912lit/day

Cp=specific heat capacity of mixed juice



But from the ratio 1:10 water to mixed juice

Cp of mixed juice =0.1*4.18+cp of pineapple*0.9

But cp of pineapple =4.124kj/kg.k

Then; cp of mixed juice =0.1*4.18 +4.124*0.9 =37.534kj/kg.k

Q = 12968.912lit/day*37.53kj/kg.k*(32-25)℃

Q =3407061kj/day

Chapter Six

6. Sizing and design of equipment

Sizing for crushed pineapple mixer tank

ƍ pineapple = 3.9 kg/m3

Mass of pineapple =330.5kg/hr
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 330.5 3.9𝑘𝑔 /𝑚 3 . =

10% allowance
V =1.1*84.7m3/hr =93.17m3/hr
Sizing for mixed juice filtration tank
Mass of mixed juice =13167kg/day
Density of mixed juice = 0.30433kg/m3
Volume = 13167kg/day/0.30433kg/m3
10% allowance
V =4326.55M3/day *1.1 =4759.2m3/day
Sizing for fermentation tank
ƍ Ethanol = 6.61kg/m3
Mass Ethanol =12968lit/day
V = 12968li/day/6.61kg/m3 = 1961.9m3/day
10% allowance
V =1.1*1961.9m3/day
Sizing for distillation column tank
ƍ =6.61 kg/m3
Mass of ethanol = 500g
Volume =0.5kg/6.61kg/m3 =756.4 m3

6.1. Design of fermenter equipment

6.1.1 Process design of Fermenter with mixer

Hence let us take

 H/D for our fermenter is 3:1

 Impeller diameter to tank diameter is 0.35
 3 impeller systems

From material balance in fermenter

D1 = F/ V 1, V 1 =F1/ D1, F=280.43m3/d * 1 d/24h = 11.685 m3/h

And D1 = 0.197h V 1 =11.685/0.2=58.43m3

The volume of the stirred fermenter calculated above is the volume of the fluid. So the
volume of fermenter should be20% allowance for safety fermentation.

V1= V1 +0.2 V1

V1= V1 (1+0.2)

=58.43 *(1.2)

V1 = 70.11m3, this is just the volume of the fermenter



V1 =A1 *H1 where A1 =base area & H=height.

A1= (π D21 H1)/4 & H1=3D1

V1 = (π D21*3D1)/4

V1= (3π D31)/4

D13 =4V1/3 π =4*70.11/3 *3.14

D=3.1 m

H1 =9.3m

D1/D =0.35, D1 =0.35*3.1 and D1=1.085m

The distance between the first impeller & the bottom of the vessel, and between the two impellers is
impeller diameters. X=1.085 m

Width of the baffle= (1/10)*D=0.1*3.1 = W=0.31m

6.1.2 Mechanical Design


Cylindrical fermenter

Heads: standard ellipsoidal

Nozzles: feed, at mid-point, 60 mm inside diameter,
Support height 2.6 m,
Insulation: mineral wool, 60 mm thick,
Support, carbon steel
ID = 1.5 m

Joint efficiency (𝜙) = 1

Corrosion allowance C2 = 2 mm =0.002m

Negative deviation C1 = 1mm = 0.001m

Design pressure = Pd = pc = 1200 KN/m2 = 1200000N/m2

Design temperature =50oc

Length of Cylindrical =38m

Allowable stress = using material of construction versus design temperature

= 135 N/mm2

= 1.35*108N/m2

The minimum thickness required for pressure loading becomes as follows

2 δ tϕ − Pc

1200000 ∗ 1.5
2 1.35 ∗ 108 ∗ 1 − 1200000

s = 0.0067m = 6.7 mm =7mm

The design thickness (Sd) is also calculated as follows

With the corrosion allowance C2 = 0.002m

sd = + C2
2 δ tϕ − Pc

1200000 ∗ 1.5
sd = + 0.002
2 ∗ 1.3 ∗ 108) ∗ 1 − 1200000)

sd = 0.0087mm

The normal thickness with adding the negative deviation C1=0.001m

sn = + C2 + C1 + round of value
2 δ tϕ − Pc

Sn = 0.0097 mm

The effective thickness se = sn − (c1 + c2)

se = 0.0067mm

 Determination the thickness of the mixer at the base

Try 9, 11,13,15,17 mm

Then average thickness =9+11+13+15+17/5

= 13 mm

Three main types of primary stress for cylindrical pressure vessel

A) Circumferecial and longitudinal stress due to internal pressure it can be expressed


Circumferential stress

pcDi 1.5
σh = = 1200000 ∗
4 ∗ tav 2 ∗ 13

σh = 69230.76N/m2 = 69.23079 KN/m2

Longitudinal stress:-

pcDi 1.5
δl = = 1200000 ∗ 4∗13 = 34615.4 N/m2 = 34.6154KN/m2

Direct or dead weight stress

δw =
π Di + t t


Take CV = 1.08, vessel with plates;

Dm = 1.5+13*10-3 = 0.0195 m

Hv = 38 m

t = 10 mm

WV = 240*1.08*0.0195*(38 +0.8*0.0195)13

= 2497.9 N

= 2.4979 KN

Weight of insulation = WL= volume occupied * density of the wool * gravitational


Weight of insulation

Mineral wool density = 130Kg/m3

Approximate volume of insulation = πDHt = π*1.5*38*60*10 -3

= 10.7 m3

Weight = 10.7*130*9.81 = 13702N

Double this to allow for fittings, etc. = 27.4 KN

Total weight = Wz = weight of shell + weight of insulation + weight of agitator

= 2.4979 + 27.4 = 29.9 KN

δw =
π Di + t t

Wind loading

 A wind speed of 160 km/h (100 mph) can be used for preliminary design studies;
Equivalent to a wind pressure of 1280 N/m2 (25 lb/ft2).

Mean diameter, including insulation = 1.5 +1.5(13+60)*10-3

= 1.6 M

Loading (per linear meter) FW = 1280Nm2*1.6 m = 2062.8 N/m

Bending moment at bottom tangent line:-

MX = FW *HV2/2 = 2062.8 * 382/2 = 2978683.2 Nm

Analysis of stress

At bottom tangent line

Pressure stress:

𝜎L = PD/4*t = 1*1.5*103/4*18 = 20.8 N/mm2

𝜎h = PD/2*t = 1*1.5*103/2*18 = 41.7 N/mm2

Dead weight stress:

σw = WV/π(Di+t)t = 2.4979*103/π(1500 + 18)18 = 0.029 N/mm2(compressive)

Bending stress:

Do = di +2*18 = 1500 + 2*18 = 1536 mm

IV = π(Do4 – di4) / 64 = (15364 - 15004)*π/64 = 2.47*1010mm4

mx Di
σb = ± +t = ± 2978683.2*103/2.47*1010(1500/2 +18)
lv 2

= ± 9.26N/mm2

The resultant longitudinal stress is

σz = σL + σw ± σb

σw Is compressive and there for negative

σz (Upwind) = 20.8 – 2.8 +9.26 = 27.26 N/mm2

σz (Downwind) = 20.8 - 2.8- 9.26 = 8.74N/mm2

6.2 Check elastic stability (buckling)

Hemispherical end covers = The critical buckling stress (for steel) is given by

δc = 2*104(t/Do)

= 2*104(18/1536) = 234.4 N/mm2

The maximum compressive stress will occur when the vessel is not under pressure = 2.8
(dead wt stress) + 9.26(bending stress) = 12.06 well below the critical buckling stress. So
the design is satisfactory.

6.3 Selection and sizing of vessel heads

Hemispherical end covers =

s=4 = 1200*103*1.5/4*1.35*108*1-1200*103
δ ϕ−pc

S= 3.34*10-3 m

sd = 4 +c2 = S+C2 =5.3*10-3 m
δ ϕ−pc

sn = 4 +c1+c2 + round of value = sd+c1
δ ϕ−pc

Sn = 5.3*10-3+0.001 = 6.3*10-3m

 Ellipsoidal end covers

s=2 = 1200*103*1.5/2*1.35*108*1-0.5*1200*103
δ ϕ−0.5pc

S= 0.0134 m

The design thickness (sd) becomes

sd = 2∗ +C2 =S+C2
δ ϕ−0.5pc

Sd = 0.0134+0.002

Sd = 0.0154 m

The nominal thickness

sn = 2 +c1+c2 = sd+c1+round of value
δ ϕ−0.5pc

Sn = 0.0154 m+0.001m = 0.01539 m

 Torispherical heads end covers

s=2 =1.2*1200*103*1.5/2*1.35*108*1-0.5*1200*103
δ ϕ−0.5pc

S = 8*10-3 m

sd = 2 +c2 = s+c2
δ ϕ−0.5pc

2 δ ϕ−0.5pc

6.4 Design of skirt supporting for fermenter

Try a straight cylindrical skirt (𝜃 = 90) of plain carbon steel, design stress 135 N/mm2

And Young’s modulus 200,000 N/mm2 at ambient temperature.

The maximum dead weight load on the skirt will occur when the vessel is full of water.

Weight of water = volume of water occupied *density of water *gravitational acceleration

= 𝟒 ∗D2Hdensity = π/4*1.52*1000*9.81


Weight of vessel = 29.9 kN

Total weight = 173.269 +29.9 KN = 203.169 KN

Wind loading = 2.0628 KN/m

Bending moment at base of skirt mx= FW*HV2/2 = 2.0628*382/2 = 1489.34KNm

As a first trial, take the skirt thickness as the same as that of the bottom section of the

Vessel, 17 mm.

δbs =
π Ds + tsk tskDs

4*1489.34*103*103/π(2000+17)2000*18 = 26.13N/mm2

totalweight on theskirt
𝛿ws for test =
π Ds + tsk tsk

= 173269/π(2000+17)17

= 1.6N/mm2

weigh t of vessel
δws for oprating = = 29.9*103/π(2000+17)17
π Ds +tsk tsk

= 0.28 N/mm2

Maximum δs (compressive) = 26.13+1.6 = 27.73 N/mm2

Maximum δs(tensile) = 26.13-0.28 = 25.9 N/mm2

Take joint factor as 0.85

Criteria for design

δs(Tensile) >fsjsinθ

25.6 < 115 (Compressive) >0.125 Ey(ts/Ds)sinθ

27.73 > 0.125*200000(18/2000)sin90

But, 27.73<225

Both criteria are satisfied, add 2 mm for corrosion, gives a design thickness of 20 mm

(Compressive) >0.125 Ey (ts/Ds) sinθ

27.73 > 0.125*200000(18/2000)sin90 But, 27.73<225 Both criteria are satisfied, add 2 mm
for corrosion, give a design thickness of 20 mm

Chapter Seven

7. Plant layout and site selection

7.1 Plant Location

The location of the plant can have a crucial effect on the profitability of a project, and the
scope for future expansion. Many factors must be considered when selecting a suitable site,
and only a brief review of the principal factors will be given in this section. The principal
factors to be considered are:
 Source and cost of raw material
 Location with respect to the marketing area
 Construction cost
 Raw material supply
 Transport facilities
 Availability of labor
 Availability of utilities water, fuel, power
 Availability of suitable land
 Environmental impact and effluent disposal
 Local community considerations
 Climate condition
 Political strategic considerations
Marketing Area
The plant should be located close to the primary or the main market (near to capital city).
This consideration will be less important for low volume production, high-priced products. In
an international market, there may be an advantage to be gained by locating the plant with in
an area with preferential tariff.
Raw Materials
The availability and price of suitable raw materials will often determine the site location.
Plants producing pineapple wine are best located close to the source of the major raw
material; where this is also close to the plantation area.


The transport of materials and products to and from plant will be an overriding consideration
in site selection. Road transport is being increasingly used, and is suitable for local
distribution from a central warehouse.
Availability of utilities

Utilities (services) the word “utilities” is now generally used for the supplementary services
needed in the operation of any production process. These services will normally be supplied
from a central facility; and will include:
 Electricity: - power required for electrochemical processes, motors, lightings, and
general use.
 Steam for process heating: - the steams required for the process are generated in the
tube boilers using most economic fuel.
 Cooling water: - natural and forced draft cooling towers are generally used to provide
the cooling water required on site.
 Water for general use: - the water required for the general purpose will be taken from
local water supplies like rivers, lakes and seas. Because of the reason all the plants
located on the banks of river.
 Refrigeration: - refrigeration is needed for the processes, which require temperatures
below that are provided by the cooling water.
 Effluent disposal facilities: - facilities must be provided for the effective disposal of
the effluent.
Availability of labor
Labor will be needed for construction of the plant and its operation. Skilled construction
workers will usually be brought in from outside the site area, but there should be an adequate
pool of unskilled labor available locally; and labor suitable for training to operate the plant.
Adverse climatic conditions at site will increase costs. Abnormally low temperatures will
require the provision of additional insulation and special heating for equipment and piping.
Stronger locations will be needed at locations subject to high wind loads or earthquakes
political and strategic considerations capital grants, tax concessions, and other inducements
are often given by governments to direct new investment to preferred locations; such as areas
of high unemployment.

Environmental impact and effluent disposal

All industrial processes produce waste products, and full consideration must be given to the
difficulties and coat of their disposal. The disposal of toxic and harmful effluents will be
covered by local regulations, and the appropriate authorities must be consulted during the
initial site survey to determine the standards that must be met.
Local community considerations
The proposed plant must fit in with and be acceptable to the local community. Full
consideration must be given to the safe location of the plant so that it does not impose a
significant additional risk to the community and should be made to determine the need for
piling or other foundations. Land (site considerations) must be available for the proposed
plant and future expansion and should be ideally flat, well drained and have load-bearing
The cost of construction can be minimized by adopting a layout that gives the shortest run of
connecting pipe between equipment, and at least amount of structural steel work. However,
this will not necessarily be the best arrangement for operation.
Operations equipment that needs to have frequent attention should be located convenient to
the control room. Valves, sample points, and instruments should be located at convenient
positions and heights. Sufficient working space and headroom must be provided to allow easy
access to equipment.

Environmental impact analysis

Environmental protection is everyone’s responsibility. It is part of our value system and

displays commitment to our project. Waste minimization at source is of prime consideration
in research, process design and plant operations. Technologies and methods, which substitute
non-hazardous materials and utilize sources reduction approaches will be given top priority in
addressing all environmental issues. Soda ash has many benefits for all our activities. But
each stage in its life cycle carries hazards for humans, wildlife and the environmental systems
on which we and other species depend. Effluent treatments are for direct discharge to surface
water because the products do not have a negative impact on the environment.

7.2. Plant lay out

Figure 7.1.Over all plant layouts


In general, from this paper it can be concluded that wine can be produced from locally
available fruits like pineapple. It has much juice content which in turn results higher
fermentable sugar. The optimum values obtained from the experiment for total suspended
solids,1.39x104(ppm),total dissolved solids,5.26x104(ppm) titrable acidity; 0.81, pH; 3.41,
and alcohol content;14.2 amounts was taken on eight day fermentation time. It has a good
alcohol content, flavor and aroma. Therefore, we conclude that if anyone is able to invest on
this business would be more profitable by taking the same procedure and eight day
fermentation time.


This paper mainly focused on production and characterization of wine by varying only
retention time with constant temperature, raw material volume ratio and same procedure. But
for the future:

 It is better to further investigate by varying the volume ratio of ingredient,

 By changing the operating temperature and
 It is better to determine the volatile content based on the experiment.


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Formula and calculations
Total acidity (T.A.)
T.A (g/ml) = 0.075× 𝑀1× 100 × 𝑉 2
V1 (ml)
Where M1=Molarity of NaOH
V2= Titre value
V1= Volume of the sample (5ml)
The total acidity was expressed as tartaric acid and then converted to lactic acid by
multiplying with 0.833 as given in the table. See appendix C
Total dissolved solids (ppm)
TDS (ppm) = W2-W1 (g) × 106
V (ml)
Where W1= Weight of empty crucible
W2= Weight of crucible plus sample after drying in oven
V= Volume of sample evaporated
Total suspended solids
TSS (ppm) = W2-W1 (g) × 106
V (ml)
Where W1= Weight of filter paper
W2= Weight of filter paper plus residue
V= Volume of filtered sample
Alcohol content
%Alcohol by volume= 1.05 × 𝑂. 𝐺 − 𝑇. 𝐺 × 0.79

Where O.G= Refractometry value before fermentation

T.G= Refractometry value during and after fermentation.


Pictures during laboratory work

Figure 1.Peeling of pineapple.

Figure 2. The edible portion was sliced with a stainless steel knife.

Figure 3. Juicing of the pineapple

Figure 4. Wine production during fermentation


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