Arrangement of Financing For Highway Infrastructure Projects Under The Conditions of Public-Private Partnership

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IATSS Research 39 (2016) 138–145

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IATSS Research

Research article

Arrangement of financing for highway infrastructure projects under the

conditions of Public–Private Partnership
Vialeta Khmel ⁎, Shengchuan Zhao
School of Transportation and Logistics, Dalian University of Technology, No. 2 Ling Gong Rd, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, 116024 China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study focused on the mechanism of attracting funds to finance projects in the field of highway infrastructure
Received 19 February 2015 construction through Public–Private Partnership (PPP). The basis and principles for development of the financial
Received in revised form 3 May 2015 strategy of a project company were defined in this paper. The proposed financial strategy was developed on the
Accepted 11 May 2015
basis of diversification of sources of funds and financing instruments with regard to the stages of the project life
Available online 22 May 2015
cycle. The parameters for development of the financial strategy were defined to improve the mechanisms of
attraction of the capital for the project and increase the capacity of the project company to pay debts. The
Public–Private Partnership proposed financial strategy can be taken as a basis for development of the financial strategy for any project
Highway infrastructure project implemented through PPP. The capital market is not stable; therefore, in addition, an algorithm was proposed
Project financing for more precise selection of sources of financial resources.
Financial strategy © 2015 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of International Association of Traffic and
Project life cycle Safety Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction [4]. The task of financing requires the sponsors to decide the capital
structure of the project: how much should be provided by the sponsors
Available funding for infrastructure from traditional sources falls far in the form of equity financing and how much should be borrowed from
short of the investment needs [1]. However, the state shall not be solely lenders in the form of debt financing, especially on a non- or limited
responsible for resolution of problems connected with the development recourse basis [5].
of highway infrastructure. Implementation of projects under the condi- The financial strategy for the project company to raise capital plays a
tions of Public–Private Partnership (PPP) is a promising mechanism for crucial role, as it directly affects the amount of capital expenditures that
attracting private funds. PPP is a legally executed mutually beneficial take the biggest part in the cost structure of the project. The process of
cooperation of public bodies and authorities with business entities in creating a financial strategy for the project company from design to
respect to projects that are in the field of direct state interest and control approval is time-consuming and costly. Therefore researchers offered
for a certain period of time. Around the world, PPPs have become an some suggestions on this problem. However, they did not suggest any
increasingly popular means for procuring public services and infrastruc- completed design or strategy for attracting funds for the project.
ture [2]. It is mainly due to the fact that PPPs allow governments to The accumulation of capital for a project requires a developed
secure a much-needed infrastructure without immediately raising funding approach. It includes the following components: the identi-
taxes or borrowing [3]. Under such conditions, the study of the structure fication of the capital sources, sources of repayment of capital costs,
and mechanisms of financing of PPP projects is particularly important. and the legal person responsible for project financing. Scientists
As the gap between the growing demands for public services and and researchers use other terms instead of the ‘funding approach’.
infrastructure, on the one hand, and financial and budgetary constraints, Yescombe [4] used the terms ‘PPP models’ and studied purely private
on the other hand, is constantly widening, the government is interested financing for the project (project or corporate financing) or alternative
in implementing PPP projects if a private partner is liable for financial PPP models with private and public funding. Delmon [6], Daderkina [7]
obligations. The Public Authority also needs to understand the implica- and some other scholars used the term ‘sources of financing’ and
tions of the financing structure for PPP contract as a whole, both as to highlighted three of the most common sources of financing for infra-
the payment structure and long-term flexibility and the cost of early ter- structure projects, such as Government financing, Corporate financing,
mination of the PPP contract, taking any financial hedging into account and Project financing . Researchers from Public–Private Infrastructure
Advisory Facility1 (PPIAF) analyzed methods to finance public service
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 15524585395.
E-mail addresses: (V. Khmel), (S. Zhao).
Peer review under responsibility of International Association of Traffic and PPIAF is a multi-donor trust fund that also supports governments to develop specific
Safety Sciences. infrastructure projects with private sector participation
0386-1112/© 2015 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (
V. Khmel, S. Zhao / IATSS Research 39 (2016) 138–145 139

infrastructure. These are public budget finance and investment The authors give some suggestions on how to attract capital for pro-
prefinancing by the project sponsors, and an alternative to these jects. Their opinions about the criteria for choice of source are different
methods, Project Finance [8]. Karpov [9] and Varnavsky [10] noted and do not contain any complete plan or general financial strategy for
that, at the present time in the world practice there are known the project company to attract funds for the project. The absence of de-
tools that allow companies created on the Public–Private Partnership veloped options for financial strategies for raising funds for PPP projects
basis, to raise funds from various financial institutions for implemen- in the scientific literature can be justified by the uniqueness of PPP pro-
tation of large investment programs by means of complex financing jects. Indeed, as a rule, PPP projects are unique but they have similar
schemes, insurance, cross-guarantees and redistribution of risks. industry-wide features. Moreover, their implementation takes place
Summarizing the research in the field of funding approach to raising according to the standard scenario. Therefore, the purpose of this
capital for PPP projects, we should point out the researchers' consensus paper is to develop and substantiate a typical financial strategy for rais-
and admit that we share their point of view as well: the Project Financ- ing capital for projects of highway infrastructure implemented through
ing takes the most significant position and is the most flexible, rational Public–Private Partnership. For this purpose, we must substantiate the
and promising long-term type of financing of large PPP projects. assumed capital structure of the project. Then we must determine the
There are three categories of funds used for financing a project: influence of typical projects, highway infrastructure characteristics
equity, subordinated debt and senior debt. Many authors define these and conditions of the PPP on the possibility of accumulation of capital
concepts as sources of funding or source of capital, and at the same in accordance with the target structure. The next step is the detection
time, they use the same term for legal entities, organizations, and insti- of the approach to funding the project, which, in such case, allows accu-
tutions, which contribute to project capital. We use the definition of Ye mulating funds following the target capital structure. Then we define
[5] and define, in this case, the capital categories. The analysis of such the basis and principles for determination of the sequence and scope
categories as equity and senior debt in the financing of PPP projects of funds to be raised from various sources, and the financial instruments
shows that the authors have the same opinion in understanding and to be applied. Based on the abovementioned, we propose a financial
characterizing these two categories. Describing them from the perspec- strategy for the project company for PPP projects in the sector of high-
tive of the risk degree and level of the expected income, we see that way infrastructure.
these are two diametrically opposite extreme categories of capital.
Financial instruments being under the notion of subordinated debt are 2. Capital structure and approach to the financing of the highway
debt fund obligations that are paid after the senior debt and before the infrastructure PPP project
payment of dividends on common shares of the company. Financial
instruments which are used for the accumulation of funds within the Conventionally, the finances of the PPP project in highway infra-
scope of each category are presented in Fig. 1. structure can be divided into two very interrelated aspects. The first is
Sponsors of the project, banks, pools of banks, international financial the capital for a project development. Capital structure and the mecha-
institutions, any counterparty of the project company, and the budgets nism of funds attraction are the main research problems of this aspect.
of different levels can be sources of funds. They can provide for the pro- The second is the income derived from the operation of the project,
ject capital from different categories and use one or several financial which is used to repay the capital and operating costs, and it is reve-
instruments. For example, sponsors provide capital and subordinated nue of the project. Sources of revenue, the mechanism and the condi-
loan for the project. A number of authors have noted this possibility, tions of revenue acquisition are the main research problems of this
describing the advantages and disadvantages of financial instruments. aspect.
However, they did not recommend any financial strategy for the project As a rule, the capital structure is presented by a combination of equi-
company to raise capital, only giving limited recommendations for the ty and debt. Debt capital has advantages (tax shield and fixed claim of
selection of a particular tool. debt holders) and disadvantages (financial distress caused by debt obli-
A PPP project differs from an investment project in the following gations). Due to the attractiveness of the borrowed funds, managers
way: governments carry out different functions under the partnership tend to include debt funds into the PPP projects in highway infrastruc-
that largely determines the success of the project. They partially fund ture as much as possible. According to the trade-off theory of leverage
infrastructure projects, provide the institutional environment for the “…firms trade off the benefits of debt financing against higher interest
project implementation and organizational structure, and reduce risks rate and bankruptcy costs” [13].
by guaranteeing repayment of the loan both directly and indirectly. Defining debt as the dominant type of capital in the PPP structure of
However, some authors have noted there is a danger that the state guar- the highway project, we will focus our attention on the process of rais-
antees conceal the financing costs [11]. In practice, the state depending ing capital for the project. The key factor of the project attractiveness for
on the socio-economic significance of the project uses financial instru- investors and lenders is specific risk return profiles that largely depend
ments in various combinations. As a result, it manages to soften and on economic and financial characteristics of the projects, which depend
neutralize many risks, including commercial risks [12]. on infrastructure sector and the physical infrastructure assets features.
Highway infrastructure projects have the following features, which
make investments in highway facilities less attractive:

• A high level of ecological and sometimes technical risks during the

building time. The environmental and technical review processes
can raise project costs and cause significant project delays;
• a high level of capital expenditure. Usually highway infrastructure
projects require a high initial investment. Full return of the invest-
ments is expected only after a long period of time;
• a long technical life time of the facility which needs major mainte-
nance. It needs great costs and these costs are difficult to estimate be-
cause they are expected far ahead;
• an optimal social rate rarely provides the maximum level of income
taking into account necessary costs [14];
• the difficulty of cost recovery from the number of users;
Fig. 1. Financial instruments for project financing. • the object cannot be passed on the security for crediting;
140 V. Khmel, S. Zhao / IATSS Research 39 (2016) 138–145

• the depreciation period is likely to be significantly longer than the permanent access to capital markets. Therefore, further we will consid-
loan maturity period which, for indirect reasons, sometimes prevents er the private funding of PPP projects.
cash flow after debt service being distributed in full to the share- The corporate-finance approach means that the funding for the pro-
holders; ject is provided from the investor's own balance-sheet resources. Pro-
• the project generates income after a period of time. The initial traffic vided it can be supported by the investor's balance sheet and earning
revenue is unlikely to match the financing requirements during the record, a corporate-finance loan to finance a project is normally fairly
first time of implementation of the project. simple, quick, and cheap to arrange [4].
The term “Project Finance” refers to the financing of projects depen-
dent on project cash flows for repayment, as defined by the contractual
The description of the project features indicates the existence of a relationships within each project. All project contracts must fit together
significant level of business risks and the likelihood of occurrence of seamlessly to allocate risks in a manner which ensures the financial
financial distress. Therefore, the projects of highway infrastructure are viability and success of the project [17]. Their major differences are
not sufficiently attractive to sponsors. In order to attract private capital summarized in Fig. 2.
for such projects the government should create the conditions that will The approach to financing is a crucial and determinative circum-
allow such projects to be financially viable. In this case, the sponsors will stance for raising financing. Having studied the essence of corporate
be willing to invest their own funds in the capital of these projects. The and project financing and taken into account highway infrastructure
initial investment is large, so these projects require borrowed funds in project features, which are developed under the PPP conditions, we
addition to sponsors' funds. Lenders and financial institutions, by exam- can make the following conclusion: it is reasonable to fund the project
ining the characteristics of a project and its risks, will require a consid- on the principles of corporate financing in case of PPPs with low level
erable investment from sponsors to the project prior to the issuance of of capital investment. The approach based on the principles of project fi-
the borrowed funds and all sorts of support for the project by the gov- nancing makes it possible to finance expensive projects with a limited
ernment throughout the period of project implementation. recourse of assets, to carry out effective monitoring and control of pro-
The government as a partner has the right and opportunity to create ject income and expenses, to transfer risks to the party which is able
the conditions in which the project will be financially viable, to partici- to manage them in the best way. Thus, the funding of the highway infra-
pate in the financing of the project in both aspects. It can guarantee a structure project implemented under the conditions of PPP can be car-
minimum income for the project and provide part of the funds as an ried out on the basis of the Project Finance approach.
advance for the assets that will be transferred to the government at The financial strategy of the company determines the optimum level
the expiration of the PPP agreement. This and other direct or/and indi- of debt and equity for a project, as well as the sources of funding, and
rect government assistance increase the creditworthiness of the project financial instruments. It depends on a number of factors including the
and guarantee the repayment of the loan. These conditions make it project, stage of development, and access to financial markets. In the
possible to attract sponsors' and borrowers' funds and to increase the le- following section, we will define the basis and the principles of the
verage in the financing structure of the project. Cuttareeand and financial strategy of the project company implementing the project in
Mandri-Perrott [15] noted in their research that most project financing the field of highway infrastructure construction under the PPP.
aimed to maximize gearing because debt is typically cheaper than equity.
Debt-to-equity ratios of 75:25 or 70:30 have been common.
The initiator of the project is the public partner. It is the Government's 3. The basis and principles of the financial strategy of the project
responsibility to set up an appropriate financial scheme. The initiator company
may use two available options: Government financing and Private
financing through either Corporate Finance or Project Finance [16]. The participants of the project create a special project company (Pro-
The involvement of private financing is an important element of the ject Company or “Special Purpose Vehicle” SPV). SPV is created only for
PPP project's life cycle approach. It enables optimization of a project's the project implementation. It has neither financial history nor property
total costs. The financing costs represent an essential part of the total for the pledge. It lies at the center of all the contractual and financial
cost. Arguments for private financing are following its more effective relationships in the PPP project and cannot carry out any other business
detection and management of project risks and the private sector's that is not part of the project. In the event that the project defaults or

Fig. 2. Main differences between corporate financing and project financing [18].
V. Khmel, S. Zhao / IATSS Research 39 (2016) 138–145 141

experiences other financial difficulties, the SPV alone is responsible; the infrastructure project life cycle, the direction of cash flows and the
parent organizations have no obligation to be accountable for the finan- cash flow balance with cumulative total of the project company
cial performance of the project [19]. throughout the life cycle of the project are shown in Fig. 3.
To fulfill the main goal and key functions, the most important of Most experts believe that the target capital structure of the company
which is fund raising, SPV should develop a financing strategy for the has changed over time. The debt capital is more attractive than equity
project. Financial strategy of a project company is a long-term financial because of its cheaper cost. However, getting the debt capital at the
plan for the organization of cash flow formation, distribution and opti- design stage is problematic due to the insecurity of the loan. The contri-
mization, which ensures the achievement of its main goal. The financial bution of sponsors and direct and indirect government supports allow
strategy should provide a sufficient amount of capital and determine its the project company to attract a significant amount of borrowed capital
optimal structure. The optimal capital structure, based on trade-off the- required at the implementation stage of the project. Under the condi-
ory of capital structure of Brennan, Schwartz [20] and Leland [21] and tions of instability of the income, the situation can be improved through
other researches, is a compromise when the capital structure balances short-term borrowings that have a lower cost than a long-term loan.
the risk of bankruptcy with the tax savings of debt. The optimal capital This will allow the company to stay afloat. In case of the successful
structure should be a target structure for the company. implementation of the project, the project company receives a steady
Any project regardless of its kind goes through certain development income and, for the expansion of the business, it can raise the capital
phases: design stage, implementation stage and operation stage. The by reissue of shares. Thus, the target capital structure of the project
schedule of the project life cycle where the listed stages are highlighted company will change over time.
is given in Fig. 3. Each stage has its purpose and objectives and requires The purpose of the financial strategy is to raise the necessary funds
funds for it implementation. The financial strategy based on the project for the project by minimizing the costs of capital. The financial strategy
life cycle should provide capital to accomplish these purposes and ob- is developed according to the following principles:
jectives. Sources of funds and financial instruments are selected individ-
ually for each of them under the most acceptable SPV conditions. • diversification of financial sources and instruments in order to choose
The life cycle analysis of the project shows the following. The project the most effective ones for each purpose/objective of the life-cycle
company must accumulate a certain amount of money at the design stage;
stage. Project development costs typically average about 5% of the • each phase of financial strategy accumulates the positive credit histo-
total project cost [1]. At the implementation phase of the project, the ry and attracts the required financial resources from the available
capacity of capital is raised rapidly and potently. The volume of attracted sources;
investments with a cumulative total reaches its maximum at the time of • the higher the development level of the project company is, the more
object commissioning. From an economic standpoint, the project does opportunities it has for attraction of funds for the project;
not yet generate revenue, costs are incurred and paid over several • the balance between the benefits and costs associated with debt
years and are capitalized in the cost of construction. From a financial financing.
viewpoint, during the construction phase the project cannot generate
revenue or cash inflows [18]. During the operation of the facility, the
cash flows generated by the project pay off debts and generate The following section detects a mechanism for raising funds, which
revenues. The fairly clear-cut separation between sustaining Capex is based on life cycle of the project and on the abovementioned princi-
and producing positive cash flows deriving from these capital expendi- ples, and proposes a financial strategy for raising capital, which may
tures is typical in Project Finance [2]. The main stages of the highway be typical for highway infrastructure PPP projects.

Fig. 3. Diagram of the life cycle of a PPP project.

142 V. Khmel, S. Zhao / IATSS Research 39 (2016) 138–145

4. Financial strategy for the PPP project It is possible to use the commercial lending at a certain stage of the
object readiness. Having set a stable relationship with the project com-
As it was mentioned above, the target capital structure of the project pany, suppliers and contractors can supply materials and raw materials
company is changed with the course of time. The equity prevails over to perform project works as well as to perform the work themselves
the debt at the design stage of the project. The debt dominates at the with a payment delay, thus providing commercial lending. Private sup-
implementation stage. At the operation stage, it is possible to raise plier companies that seek concessions to own or operate infrastructure
the equity portion. Now we will determine the acceptable sources of facilities are more likely to apply for commercial loans [23].
funds and financial instruments for raising capital at each stage of pro- The government can make an upfront payment in return of the first
ject development. payment on income from the operation of the project (under availabil-
Highway infrastructure projects have a complicated technical and ity payment or shadow toll remuneration model of the project). In case
environmental specification. Even typical or already implemented the income comes from the project users, the government can act as a
design of a facility requires modification due to soil-climatic and topo- potential buyer interested in acquiring the output (service), take place
graphic characteristics of the project location. Due to this fact, a project of the users, and make an upfront payment to the project company.
requires some expenditure at the design stage. Therefore, in this case, it This commercial credit will be paid off by collected users' charges in
is advisable to start the realization of the financial strategy with invest- the first operation period. It can serve as a relatively cheap option for
ments of sponsors' own funds into the project. It is the simplest mecha- commercial lending without having to provide a pledge.
nism for capital accumulation. The amount of sponsors' own funds Gradually, there is a need to diversify financing sources with the
invested during the initial stage of the project is sufficient for activities development of the SPV and the increased scale of activities of the pro-
during the design stage of the project. However, because of the limited ject. In such situation, the company, not having the possibility of enter-
amount of this type of financing it should be complemented by other ing the public capital market, may use debt securities programs.
sources over some period of time, especially at the implementation Discounts and medium term notes, bills, and letters of credit can be
stage, because the project needs a constant inflow of major financial used for payment during the operation stage expenditure of the high-
resources, as it is reflected in the chart of the life cycle of the project. way infrastructure project. It corresponds with the next level of the
As mentioned above, highway infrastructure projects require high company development in its financial strategy. This contributes to
level of investment. Thus, the average investment commitment of the expanding the number of creditors and the formation of a positive credit
road subsector of infrastructure projects is $US242.3 mln.2 Moreover, history.
it may be difficult to raise private capital for this investment without The expansion of the project, for example, an increase in the length
some public-sector support. Thus, the following probable source of pro- of the highway, and the increase of the number of lanes, at the stage
ject financing is budget financing, which can be a sufficient source. In a of operation may again require some capital investments. Consistently
PPP environment, the budget financing may take a considerable share in carrying out activities, in accordance with the financial strategy, allows
the capital structure. For example, in accordance with the regulations of the project company to become known and it has a possibility to enter
Investment Fund of Russia, public support can be about 75% of the pro- the public capital market to attract a greater amount of funds using
ject costs3 [22]. Average payment commitments to the Government mechanisms of stock market. The most common capital market instru-
connected with the road subsector infrastructure projects are about ments are the securities — shares and bonds.
11% of the total investment commitment2. Average payment commit- The issue of bonds is justified if it is necessary to attract significant
ments to the Government per project is $US26.5 mln2; though it should resources for a long-term period. As a rule, the bonds of PPP highway
be noted that the Government seeks to reduce the volume of public infrastructure projects are placed on investment institutions, for exam-
financing as much as possible. Moreover, the access to public financing ple pension funds. Placed on the operation stage, bonds have a lower
is very problematic, as it often requires significant time costs associated risk, thereby a lower interest rate. The purpose of the bond issue may
with numerous bureaucratic procedures. Funds from this source can be be the release of the initial investor's funds. The highest stage of the pro-
provided in the form of subsidies, grants, credit at preferential rate and ject company's financial strategy is initial public share offering at the
other budget appropriations. capital market. This financing source can be defined as the most costly
In its turn, bank lending may be the next potential source of financ- and time-consuming. It seems appropriate when the resources from
ing for the Project Company. Bank lending is the most common source, other sources are insufficient, since the sale of shares implies an increase
widely used for investment projects financing. Therefore, in practice, of the number of owners, which can influence the project management
the amount of funds attracted with the help of this source for different process. The scheme in Fig. 4 illustrates the approach described above.
projects can vary significantly. Often the highway infrastructure pro- The proposed financial strategy is applicable for PPP projects in high-
jects are built in phases. Attracting capital by lending funds is suitable way infrastructure being developed now, as well as in the future. How-
for such projects, because the funds can be disbursed in tranches for ever, the situation on the capital market has changed. New financial
each stage of construction. Thus, it reduces the costs associated with in- instruments have appeared. The environment of raising capital has
terest payments on the loan. changed. For example, the economic and financial crises of the year
The technology of highway construction requires different station- 2008 have left a deep mark on the supply of infrastructure finance.
ary and mobile equipments, which cost up to several hundred thousand Bond finance dried up in the wake of the breakdown of mono-line in-
dollars. Moreover, the unique technical specification of such projects surance, and the search for other forms of credit enhancement is still
may require special equipment. In this regard, the indispensable source on [24]. The current situation on the capital market may require the
implied by the project company financial strategy is financial leasing adjustment of the financial strategy. In this case, the project company
which allows attracting the necessary equipment at the expense of can use a special algorithm for the most rational selection of resources
the lessor. from the possible sources (Fig. 5).

5. Results and discussion

Calculations are made on the basis of Investment Commitments for projects of Trans- To structure the financing for a PPP project is a complex exercise
port Sector Road Subsector of Infrastructure 1993–2013. PPI Project Database. PPIAF. because of the multiplicity and increasing sophistication of the financial
World Bank ( Date: 04/10/2015.
The government is expected to finance business projects worth at least 5 billion RUB
instruments available on the market. Researchers suggested a number
over a five-year period. The private investor will be required to provide at least 25% of of conditions that should be used for choosing a source of funds.
the project cost. The project profitability should be at least 4% but no more than 11%. Public–Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility research workers in the
V. Khmel, S. Zhao / IATSS Research 39 (2016) 138–145 143

Fig. 4. The scheme of selection of the source funds according to finance strategy of the project company.

port reform toolkit [8] noted that the use of a source of finance depends project. Thus, capital costs, as a rule, contain sponsors' equity, which is
on many criteria such as its cost, the type of assets to be financed, the contributed at an early stage of project implementation. However,
guarantees required, flexibility of use, and conditions of acceptability there are cases where the debt represents the entire capital of the
by the financial market. Delmon [6] wrote “the proportion used of project, but borrowers require collateral. In the case of highway infra-
each source of financing and the decision as to which form of financing structure PPP projects, financing the collateral can be represented by
to adopt will depend on market availability of financing and the willing- different types of guarantee from the government or a financial institute
ness of lenders to bear certain project risks or credit risks according to (agency). The government can also be the borrower. For example, in the
their view of how the market is developing and changing, and of their case of Highway 407 Express Toll Route in Canada, the government
own internal risk management regime”. However, they do not put chose two consortia for implementation of the project [25]. Both con-
them into a single financial scheme or strategy. sortia requested government loan guarantees to finance the highway.
Case study of PPP projects in the highway infrastructure shows “Rather than giving guarantees, the government decided to finance
that the most significant sources of funds and applied financial in- the highway by borrowing itself, which it could do at the rates lower
struments are sponsors' equity, debt capital in the form of bonds than the private sector” [26]. The proposed financial strategy takes
or/and loan and the government assistance of the project. The spon- into account the component of private capital and public financial
sor is the residual claimant and is essential to the success of the support.

Fig. 5. The algorithm for selection of resources.

144 V. Khmel, S. Zhao / IATSS Research 39 (2016) 138–145

Engel, Fischer, and Galetovic [27] concluded in their study, that from passed the preliminary study and preparation allows taking into
a public finance perspective there is a strong presumption that PPPs are account the typical features of the highway infrastructure projects and
analogous to public provision — in essence, they remain public projects gives the opportunity to optimize the amount of capital expenditures
and should be treated as such in the government balance sheet. The of the project, and to substantiate the capital structure more thoroughly.
Highway 407 project is an example of such collaboration of partners It facilitates the process of its preparation and settlement of disputes be-
in financing, which has led this project to success. The proposed strategy tween the partners, thereby reducing costs and time of the conclusion of
offers the use of bank lending as the main source of capital for the con- the agreement.
struction of the project's assets for a number of reasons. Banks perform a The next step of this study will be the following: the analysis and
monitoring role that can mitigate moral hazard by exercising tight con- generalization of practical experience of project companies to attract
trol over changes to the projects contract and by scrutinizing the behav- capital and the comparison of the efficiency of the proposed strategy
ior of the SPV and its contractors. and the one applied by the project company in practice based on the
The capital from the bond is provided in a lump sum at a fixed point data of this project. Such study would help to fit the obtained results
in time even if the capital is required only successively depending on the with the actual conditions of the project implementation.
construction progress of the highway project. This means that the inter-
est burden for the borrower is higher, because interest must be paid on
the full amount of the bond from the start, whereas loan interest is only Acknowledgments
payable incrementally based on the amount drawn down [28]. Raising
capital through bonds is offered by the proposed strategy on the opera- This study is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of
tion stage of the project, in case it is necessary. China (NSFC) (50978046).
As a rule, rating agencies provide information to investors on posi-
tive and negative situations in finance. Bondholders care only about
events that significantly affect the security of the cash flows underpin- References
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management or control of the PPP; but, usually, the project in highway Realizing the Vision for Strategy 2020—The Transformational Role, Asian Develop-
infrastructure does not need total control during its operation stage. ment Bank, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, 2012.
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