Jackson Pollock Lesson 3-5

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Lesson Plan Name: Juana Martinez Title: Jackson Pollock inspired abstract paintings part 1 of 2 Length: 45 mins

Enduring Understanding - Big Ideas

What are the big ideas you would like students to explore during this lesson? What are lasting values you would like students to learn beyond the classroom?

experimentation/ Expressionism

Art Concepts
Mediums, Forms, Art Genres/Styles/Movements/Disciplines, Techniques/Methods/Practices, Terms

Abstract art- What is abstract art?
artworks that do not attempt a recognizable reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms, and textures to achieve their effect.
Action Painting

Art Education Approach(es):

e.g. Choice Based (TAB), Arts Integration/STEAM, Media/Skill Based, Studio Habits of Mind, Visual Culture, Environmentalism, Social Justice, Community Based, Contemporary Art Practice, Socially Engaged Art,
Museum Education, Historical, Technology/Media Arts/Maker Space, Design, DBAE, Art History, Elements and Principles of Art, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Media/skill based- Students will learn a new art style (abstract art)

Elements and principles of art: Line, shape, form, movement

non- objective art

Objectives/Outcomes/Learning Targets: (TCQS 1a)
What do you hope the students will learn/What do you want the students to get out of this lesson?
(Use verbs from Blooms Taxonomy)

Students will identify, describe and analyze artwork by abstract artist Jakson Pollock

Students will create an abstract art work using action paintings techniques inspired by Jackson Pollock

Students will demonstrate a new art style,

Standards/Studio Habits of Mind

How do your objectives align with the Colorado (Visual Art) Academic Standards (use Grade Level Expectations) (TCQS 1a)
Which Studio Habits of Mind do your objectives connect with?
Objective Standard Studio Habits of Mind

Students will learn 1.Observe and learn to comprehend Observe- Learning to attend to visual contexts more closely
about abstract artist than ordinary “looking” requires, and thereby to see things that otherwise
4th grade- Demonstrate an understanding of how intent and might not be seen
Jakson Pollock and purpose are informed by research and experimentation.
create their own Express- Learning to create works that convey an idea, a feeling, or a personal
abstract action 3. Invent and discover meaning
paintings inspired by
the famous artist 3rd grade- Plan and create works of visual art and design Engage and Persist- Learning to embrace problems of relevance within the
recognizing various purposes and intentions. art world and/or of personal importance, to develop focus and other mental
states conducive to working and persevering at art tasksStretch and explore

Students can think

critically and analyze 1.Observe and learn to comprehend Understand Art Worlds- Learning about art history and current practice
Communities: Learning to interact as an artist with other artists (i.e., in

3rd grade- Investigate works of art and design to recognize how classrooms, in local arts organizations, and across the art field) and within the
to create meaning with purpose and intent. broader society

Students will learn a 1.Observe and learn to comprehend
new art style, and be 4th grade- Demonstrate an understanding of how intent and Observe- Learning to attend to visual contexts more closely
purpose are informed by research and experimentation. than ordinary “looking” requires, and thereby to see things that otherwise
able to identify, might not be seen
describe, and create
abstract art. Understand Art Worlds- Learning about art history and current practice
Communities: Learning to interact as an artist with other artists (i.e., in
classrooms, in local arts organizations, and across the art field) and within the
broader society

Develop Craft- Technique: Learning to use tools (e.g., viewfinders, brushes),

materials (e.g., charcoal, paint); learning artistic conventions (e.g., perspective,
color mixing) Studio Practice: Learning to care for tools, materials, and space

Interdisciplinarity (Arts Integration)
Connect to a variety of content areas/disciplines and emphasize literacy and mathematical practices. (TCQS 1b)

Literacies – Visual, Oral, Written

Please describe how students are being engaged in practices of literacy through art production, art criticism, visual culture, art history, visual culture.
Visual literacy: analyzing artwork
- describe what they see and discuss with a partner how they think the artwork was made
- ideation questions

What do my students already know/don’t know?

Encourages and provides opportunities for students to make connections to prior learning (TCQS 1c)
Anticipates student misconceptions related to learning and addresses those misconceptions during instruction (TCQS 1c)
Students will be familiar with traditional painting
Students will not know what abstract art is
Students will not know who jackson pollock is

Inquiry and Ideation (Connecting students to the big idea)
How will this lesson use questioning strategies to develop students’ critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills (TCQS 3d)
Inquiry – What essential questions will you ask to facilitate student’s critical thinking and problem solving about the Big Idea (be specific)?
Ideation – What strategies will you use to help students develop ideas for their work?

- view painting examples

● What do you notice about this artwork??
● What words would you use to describe the artwork?
● How do you think this painting was created?

Watch a video of jackson pollock and his artistic process

Assessment (General)
Use formal and informal methods to assess student learning, provide feedback and use results to inform planning and instruction. (TCQS 3b)
What strategies and methods will you use to determine what students have learned? How does your assessment connect to objectives and standards?
e.g.: pre/post assessment, rubrics, student reflections/journaling, documentation, quiz, portfolio review, art critique, etc.
In progress check ins
optional presentation/ students reflection

Student reflective/inquiry activity (This is a specific method of assessment that should generally be used)
Sample questions and activities (i.e. games, gallery walk, artist statement, interview) intended to promote deeper thinking, reflection and refined understandings precisely related to the grade level expectations. How
will students reflect on their learning? A participatory activity that includes students in finding meaning, inquiring about materials and techniques and reflecting about their experience as it relates to objectives,
standards and grade level expectations of the lesson.)

Students will have the option to share their artwork and present it on the projector
- describe their process and materials used
- why did they choose that color scheme
- explain what materials they liked best and what materials did not work for them

Student Abilities:
Engage students as individuals, including those with diverse needs and interests, across a range of ability levels by adapting teaching for the benefit of all students. (TCQS 2c)

Explain specifically how you attend to the range of student abilities. Describe the strategies you will use for students who are already proficient and need growth beyond what you have planned for the rest of the class,
as well as modifications for students with physical and/or cognitive challenges. Students must still meet the objectives.
Differentiation: Access (Process) Expression (Product)
(Multiple means for students to access content and
multiple modes for student to express understanding.) Chunked learning ● Allowing students to work smaller if necessary
● adjusting requirements, ex: instead of having to use
Choose at least one strategy from Chapter 6 of four different materials they can use two different
Differentiated Instruction
● due date extension

Extensions for depth and complexity: Access (Process) Expression (Product)

Tiering ● Allowing students to create more than one artwork
● adjusting requirements, ex: allow students to use a
greater variety of materials
● introduce student to other abstract artists

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion:
How does the lesson exhibit an awareness of, a commitment to, and a respect for multiple aspects of diversity (TCQS 2b)
Lesson/success criteria will be altered for students with different abilities

Lesson Pragmatics/Logistics:

Resources (These are the resources used by the teacher to support/develop the lesson.)
Artists/Artworks (include images!), Designers/Creators, Books, Videos,

Jackson pollock painting video

Jackson pollock children's book
Material Scavenger hunt checklist

Materials and Technologies
Integrates available technology to enhance creativity, use of information, and collaboration (TCQS 3c)
Must be grade level appropriate. List everything you will need for this lesson, including art supplies and tools. (These are the materials students will use.) List all materials in a bulleted format.

Day one:


mixed media paper


brown paper bags

found objects: sticks, pine cones, leaves


bubble wrap


What do you need to prepare for this experience? List steps of preparation in a bulleted format.
Checklist/To Do list
Teacher Example

Cut paper to desired size

Prepare material checklist

prepare/ collect materials for painting

- cut bubble wrap
- blow up balloons
- prepare supply trays for each table

Safety: (TCQS 2a)

Be specific about the safety procedures that need to be addressed with students. List all safety issue in a bulleted format.

Outdoor safety/ rules

Stay within instructed area

Instruction: DAY 1 OF 2
Give a detailed account (in bulleted form) of what you will teach. Be sure to include approximate time for each activity and instructional methodology: skills, lecture, inquiry, etc. Include motivation and
ideation/inquiry where appropriate; including what student will understand as a result of the art experience

Day Instruction - The teacher will... (Be specific about what concepts, Learning - Students will... i.e.: explore ideation by making connections, Time
1 information, understandings, etc. will be taught.) Identify comparing, contrasting; synthesize possibilities for each painting
instructional methodology. KNOW (Content) and DO (Skill) technique; etc. (Be specific about what will be the intended result of the
instruction as it relates to learning.) UNDERSTAND

● Arrival and Opening work (6min) ● Arrival and Opening work (6min)
● Lesson Introduction (4min) ○ Students will do a sketch warmup
○ Introduce Abstract art- definition ● Lesson Introduction (4min)
● Artwork analysis + partner discussion (6min) ○ students will write down abstract art definition
○ Have students look at a painting for 30 ● Artwork analysis + partner discussion (6min)
seconds ○ Students will look at a painting for 30 seconds
■ Answer these questions with a ■ Students will answer the following
partner: questions with a partner:
What can you see? What can you see?
What words would you use to What words would you use to describe the
describe the artwork? How artwork? How
do you think this painting was do you think this painting was created?
created? ○ Students will participate in a class discussion
● jackson pollock video (4 min)
○ Discuss with class ○ Students will watch a quick video of jackson
○ introduce jackson pollock and explain his pollock painting
significance ○ Students will make connections and begin
● jackson pollock video (4 min) thinking about how they can use his methods
○ Quick viewing of jackson pollock in their own work
painting ● Material scavenger hunt (15min)
● Material scavenger hunt (15min) ○ Students will write their names on their brown
○ pass out brown bags, explain checklist bags and read checklist
○ Discuss safety ○ students will complete material scavenger
○ take students outside hunt checklist
● clean up (5min) ● clean up (5min)

Appendix: Include all handouts, prompts, written materials, rubrics, etc. that will be given to students.


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