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NAME: ___________________________ DATE: ________________ MARK: ______/10

Paul: my job in a call centre

Cris2na bumps into Paul as she is going to the manager's office.

'Oops, sorry! I didn't see you coming' Cris2na apologizes.
'Don't worry, it's my fault. Are you all right?' asks Paul.
'Sure! By the way, you told me you're in the calling centre, didn't you?'
'Yes, I am. I'm going to the office now.'
'And what's it like, working there on the telephone? Isn't it boring?'
'Not at all!' says Paul. 'You get to know lots of users, their problems, and help them a
'But what's your job exactly?' inquires Cris2na, truly interested.
'Well, I work with a specific computer programme that helps me schedule my tasks and
manage the inbound calls, in order to stop them blocking the terminal.' answers Paul.
'Is it difficult? I mean, working with that programme?'
'Not really, you need a liRle training but at the end of it you can handle it quite well.'
'Sorry for interrup2ng you. What else do you do?' she wants to know.
'I also make outbound calls, to check if the customers of the service are all right, if they
need any support, if they need to talk or share any problems, or I remind them to take
their medica2on. And we also have the concierge service, to help them to solve different
maRers related to gas, telephone or electric companies. We call them to get the
informa2on the users need about these companies: bills, receipts and things like that.'
explains Paul.
'What are the most common problems they have?' Cris2na asks.
'Two main things: emergencies of varying magnitudes, and loneliness.' Paul replies. 'For
loneliness we have a special programme called "One call each day", where we spend
about ten or fiZeen minutes every day speaking with assigned users, to make them feel
in touch with someone.'
'What kind of emergencies do you deal with?'
'Health maRers, most of them, and falls. Elderly people fall quite frequently and this can
be very serious if they are alone.'

1. AJer reading the text, answer the following quesNons. _________/3 (5 x 0’6)

1. What’s Paul’s job?

2. What’s the difference between inbound and outbound calls?

3. Is his work boring, from his point of view? Why?

4. What do they do for lonely people?

5. What two main problems they can have?

2. MulNple Choice QuesNons: ______/3’4 (10 x 0’34)

1. Why did CrisNna apologize to Paul?

a) She spilled coffee on him

b) She was running late for a mee2ng
c) She accidentally bumped into him
d) She didn't recognize him

2. What is Paul's job at the calling centre?

a) Shopping manager
b) IT Specialist
c) Shop assistant
d) Recep2onist in a centre

3. How does Paul describe his work on the telephone?

a) Exci2ng
b) Sad
c) Boring
d) Frustra2ng

4. What computer program does Paul use for his job?

a) Social Media Placorm

b) Spreadsheet SoZware
c) Specific Task Scheduler
d) Word Processor

5. According to Paul, what is the main purpose of making outbound calls?

a) Selling products
b) Checking on customers
c) Conduc2ng surveys
d) Helping in technical issues

6. What is the purpose of the concierge service menNoned by Paul?

a) Selling services
b) Managing computer programs
c) Assis2ng with gas, telephone, and electric company maRers
d) Providing health advice

7. What special program does Paul menNon for dealing with loneliness?

a) Emergency Response
b) Health MaRers Program
c) Concierge Service
d) One Call Each Day

8. What is the focus of the "One Call Each Day” program?

a) Scheduling tasks
b) Resolving billing issues
c) Emergency response
d) Checking on users' well-being

9. Why is falling a significant concern, according to Paul?

a) It causes inconvenience if they are alone

b) It affects the scheduling of tasks
c) It helps the concierge service
d) It is not serious

10. What common emergencies they have to deal with?

a) Loneliness and anxiety

b) Health maRers and falls
c) Sadness and mental health problems
d) Angry people

3. Match each word with its synonym. ______/3’6 (18 x 0’2)

Help - Difficul2es - Usual - Arrange - Old - Hard - Dimensions - Says sorry –

Mistake - Asks - Manage - Clients - Tedious - Solitude - Collides with -
Talking - Workplace - Figure out

Bumps into Handle

Apologizes Customers
Fault Support
Office Solve
Boring Common
Problems Magnitudes
Inquires Loneliness
Schedule Speaking
Difficult Elderly

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