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1. Complete the table with the Spanish transla4on if the following words.


Surgeon Acute
Orthopaedist Topical
ENT specialist O7c
Oncologist Mild
Physiologist Seriousness
Gynaecologist Intravascular
Neurologist Intramuscular
Audiologist Cutaneous
Psychiatrist Life-threatening
An7bio7c Chronic
Diure7c Urethral
An7hemorrhagic Inhala7on
An7histamines Parenteral
Painkillers Hypno7c

2. Fill in the gaps with the professionals and medica4on table.

- If you have an infec7on, the doctor may prescribe an __________________ to fight

- In case of a serious injury, an ____________________ medica7on can help control
- AMer a dental surgery, the den7st prescribed __________________ to manage pain.
- If a woman has concerns about reproduc7ve health, it’s advisable to see a
- For serious hearing problems, you may want to consult with an __________________.
- Mental health issues are addressed by a _______________________.
- If you require a surgical procedure, a __________________ will perform the opera7on.
- A doctor specializing in cancer treatment is known as an ____________________.
- The study of how the body func7ons is the domain of a ___________________.
- Problems related to the ears, nose and throat are handled by an
3. Choose the correct op4on (health and applica4on table).
1. If a medica7on is applied to the skin surface, what administra7on route is being used?
a) Intramuscular
b) Topical
c) O7c
d) Intravascular
2. What term describes a condi7on that develops rapidly and requires immediate aXen7on?
a) Topical
b) Urethral
c) Intravascular
d) Acute
3. Which administra7on route involves injec7ng a drug directly into a muscle?
a) Acute
b) Mild
c) Intramuscular
d) Intravascular
4. A chronic condi7on persists over an extended period. What is the opposite of chronic?
a) Mild
b) Life-threatening
c) Seriousness
d) O7c
5. O7c medica7ons are designed for which part of the body?
a) Eyes
b) Ears
c) Skin
d) Throat
6. Which terms describes the severity or gravity of a medical condi7on?
a) Intramuscular
b) Mild
c) Seriousness
d) Topical
7. Which term refers to a route of drug or food administra7on directly into the bloodstream?
a) Cutaneous
b) Urethral
c) Parenteral
d) O7c
8. Inhala7on is a method commonly used for delivering drugs to which part of the body?
a) Nose
b) Skin
c) Eyes
d) Ears
4. Complete the sentences with the present simple affirma4ve, nega4ve or interroga4ve.

a) My mother normally _______________ (sleep) 8 hours a day.

b) What ______ you ___________ (do) in your free 7me?
c) My friends always __________________ (watch) this show together.
d) _______ Mark ________________ (like) horror movies?
e) My father ____________________ (not visit) hir parents once a week.
f) My grandparents ______________________ (not want) a present for Christmas this year.
g) She _________________ (study) for her exams every day.
h) My brother never _________________ (wear) a coat in winter.

5. Complete the sentences with the present con4nuous affirma4ve, nega4ve or


a) _______ she _________________ (read) a book right now?

b) ______ your parents _________________ (visit) you next week?
c) Carmen ________________ (play) the guitar at the moment.
d) Normally, they go to bed very early, but this week they _________________ (go) to bed late.
e) My friends _______________ (not meet) tonight. They have other plans.
f) My sister ____________________ (not eat) beans today.
g) I __________________ (dance) in class now.
h) Ana and Juan _______________________ (not come) tonight.
6. Choose the correct op4on (present simple or present con4nuous).

a) He appears / is appearing in two shows every month.

b) Shops don’t close / aren’t closing late on Mondays.
c) Don’t disturb the baby. He tries / is trying to sleep.
d) Are you free tonight? We go/are going to a party.
e) Vegetarians don’t eat / aren’t ea2ng meat.
f) Do you watch / Are you watching the film tonight?

7. Fill the gaps according to the tense: present simple or con4nuous.

a) They normally _____________ a coffee break at ten, but now there’s a lot of work to do so
they _________________ one. (HAVE, NOT HAVE)
b) Why ___________ you _____________ my coat? – I’m sorry. It _______________ just like
the one I always wear. (WEAR, LOOK)
c) _________ you _____________ the men in black suits over there! They _______________
dangerous. (SEE, LOOK)
d) The food usually _________________ chemicals that make it last longer. (CONTAIN)
e) It always _________________ the moon about 28 days to travel around the Earth. (TAKE)
f) Mary _________________ her homework at the moment. (DO)
g) Dad ________________ everything about airplanes. He always _______________ book
about avia7on. (KNOW, READ)
h) I used to play football at school but now I _________________ rugby. (PLAY)
i) Hi Dan. What ________ you ____________ this evening? – Well, I ________________ to a
concert with a few friends and aMer that we __________________ dinner at a restaurant. (DO,
j) ________ your sister ___________ shopping every Saturday? – Yes, she normally ________.
(GO, DO)
k) The two department managers ____________________ lunch at the moment. We shouldn’t
disturb them. (HAVE)
l) Teachers ________________ us homework every day, but this weekend they
____________________ us any because we are on holidays. (GIVE, NOT GIVE)

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