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2 rounds
● 10 reps Overhead Shrugs with an empty barbell.
● 5 reps Overhead Squats
● 10 reps Overhead Shrugs from Bottom Position with an empty barbell

With 20-25% Max Snatch
● 2 sets of 3 reps Snatch Pull
● 2 sets of 3 reps Muscle Snatch
● 2 sets of 3 reps Power Snatch
● 2 sets of 1+2 reps Power Snatch + Balance

15-30 Power Snatch + Snatch Balance

● 0:00 - 1+1 reps 30% Max Snatch
● 1:30 - 1+1 reps 40% Max Snatch
● 3:00 - 1+1 reps 50% Max Snatch
● 5:00 - 2+2 reps - 60-70% Max Snatch
● 7:00 - 2+2 reps - 60-70% Max Snatch
● 9:00 - 2+2 reps - 60-70% Max Snatch
● 11:00 - 2+2 reps - 60-70% Max Snatch
● 13:00 - 2+2 reps - 60-70% Max Snatch

30-45 Snatch Pull

● 0:00 - 2 reps - 70% Max Snatch
● 2:00 - 2 reps - 80% Max Snatch
● 4:00 - 4 reps - 85-90% Max Snatch
● 6:00 - 4 reps - 85-90% Max Snatch
● 8:00 - 4 reps - 85-90% Max Snatch
● 10:00 - 4 reps - 85-90% Max Snatch

45-60 Back Squat

E3MOM, for 4 sets
● 4 reps - 60% Max Back Squat
● 6-8/leg Single Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

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